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Dolan T.J. — Fusion Research: Principles, Experiments and Technology |
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Hanley, G.M. 15
Hansborough, L.D. 515 523
Hansen, G.E. 796 799
Hansen, K.F. 799
Harbour, P.J. 745
Hard x-ray measurements 252
Hard-core pinch 316
Harkness, S.D. 719
Harmonics 68
Harms, A.A. 847
Harnett, D.L. 800
Harris, D.B. 480
Harris, E.G. 440
Harrison, M.F.A. 745
Harrison, W.C. 542 549
Hart's method 602
Hart, C.A. 346 347 349
Hart, G.W. 332 333 349
Hart, P.J.602 603 604 605 606 607 619
Hartmann number 763
Hartmann, C.W. 335
Hartwig, K.T. 661
Harvey, R.W. 392
Harvill, L.R. 800
Harwood, V.J. 595
Hasan, M. 546
Haskell, R.E. 138
Hassenzahl, W.F. 661
Haste, G.R. 429
Hatch, A.J. 100 525 526 546 547
Hatori, T. 546
Hawke, R.S. 544 545 549
Hawryluk, R.J. 368 390 745
hazards 818
Hazeltine, R.D. 204 206 216 440
Heald, M.A. 257 272
Heat flow 370
Heat removal from superconducting magnets 651
Heat transfer processes 755
Heat-sink materials 712
Heating 10
Heating of EBT 422
Heavy ion beam fusion reactor 509
Heavy ion beams 506
Heck, F.M. 390
Hedrick, C.L., Jr. 416 418 427 435 439 440
Helava, H. 720
Heliotron E 404
Helium 820
Helium accumulation 725
Helium embrittlement 691
Hempstead, C.F. 660
Hendrick, P.L. 696
Hendricks, C.D. 466 470 480
Hendrix, C. 523
Henins, I. 314 315 348 349 548
Henning, C.D. 612 619 653 654 655 660
Heppell, T.A. 595
Hershkowitz, N. 310
Hewett, D.W. 348
HF lasers 493
Hickok, R.L. 271
Hicks, H.R. 196 389
Hidekuma, S. 546
High-pressure rf discharges 527
High-temperature electrolysis 773
Hill spherical vortex 296
Hinkle, R.E. 660
Hinnov, E. 249 271
Hinton, F.L. 164 204 206 216
Hintz, R.E. 660
Hirano, H. 398 437
Hiroe, S. 429 546
Hirose, A. 392
Hirsch, R.L. 532 547 828
Hirschberg, J. 349
Hirsh, M.N. 150
Hirshman, S.P. 390 745
Hirzel, D.G. 660
History of plasma physics 103
Hively, L.M. 30
Hobson, J.P. 595
Hockney, G. 439
Hockney, R.W. 547
Hodges, A.J. 660
Hoffman, A.L. 259 272 348
Hoffman, M.A. 595
Hoffman, N. 571
Hogan, J.T. 207 216 366 389 390
Hoida, H.W. 315 348 349
Holdren, J.P. 89 100 812 828
Holkeboer, D.H. 595
Hollow-conductor coils 615
Holly, D.J. 392
Holmes, A.D. 677
Holmes, A.R. 660
Holmes, J.A. 235 375 391
Holmes, J.J. 719
Holographic interferometer 260
Holomak 335
Holt, E.W. 138
Holtzmark profiles 250
Holzrichter, J.F. 483
Homeyer, W.G. 595
Homopolar generator 628
Hong, J.Y. 440
Honig, R.E. 705
Hopkins, G. 720
Hopkins, G.R. 65 66 67 72
Hora, H. 479
Horger, O.J. 692 693
Hornady, R.S. 308
Horton, R. 392
Horton, W. 365 381 390
Horvath, J.A. 660
Hosea, J. 236 376 391
Hot-ion mode 33 374
Hotston, E.S. 699 720
Houlberg, W.A. 225 235 391 746
Hovey, J. 375 391
Hovingh, J. 523
Howatson, A.M. 150
Howe, H.C. 746
Howell, R.B. 348
Hsieh, S.Y. 648 650 660
Hsu, F.S.L. 659
Hsu, T.S. 745
Hsu, W. 333 349
Hubbert, M.K. 5 7 15
Huddleston, P.L. 426 427
Huddlestone, R.H. 241 270
Hudson, J.A. 696
Hughes, M.H. 390
Hughes, T.P. 479
Hugrass, W.H. 349
Hui, B. 548
Humphries, S., Jr. 439 523
Hutchinson, D.P. 272
Hutchinson, I.H. 391
Hybrid blanket design 832
Hybrid Lamor radius 305
Hydrodynamic efficiency 461
Hydrogen density 248
Hydrogen molecule, potential energy of 53
Hydrogen recycling 696
Hypervelocity impact 543
Iannello, L.C. 718
ICF chambers 515
ICF drivers and chambers 482
| ICF reactor 441
Ichimaru, S. 42 48 138 216
Ichimura, M. 546
Ignition condition 75 76
Ignition of tokamaks 388
Ignition, maximum impurity concentrations for 79
Ikuta, K. 398 437 439
Image convertor tube 247
Impink, A.J. 390
Imploding liner 315 539
Importance functions 790
Impurity concentrations 723
Impurity control 728
Impurity effects 78 722
Impurity flow reversal 736
Impurity fraction 77
Impurity introduction 700
In-reactor deformation 694
Indistinguishable particles 25
Inductance 622
Induction linacs 511
Inductive energy storage system 628
Inelastic scattering 785
Inertia 168
Inertia terms 113
Inertial confinement fusion (ICF) 441
Ingraham, J.C. 348
Inoenue, E. 799
Instrumental broadening 249
Insulation 496 670
Interchange instability 188
Internal disruptions 360
Internal modes 353
Internal rings 406
Intor Group 392
Inutake, M. 546
Inverse aspect ratio 172
Inverse Bremsstrahlung 452
Inverse pinch 315
Inversion temperature 668
Inward ion transport 437
Iodine lasers 494
Ioffe bars 189
Ion acoustic instability 200
Ion acoustic waves 129
Ion beam focusing 503
Ion beam probes 245
Ion beam target 468
Ion cyclotron frequency 122 151
Ion cyclotron resonance heating (ICRH) 425
Ion range 506
Ion rings 412
Ion saturation current 239
Ion sound speed 129
Ion sources 225
Ion thermal conductivity in a torsatron 403
Ionization 54 56
Ionization pumps 582
Irby, J.H. 332 333 349
Irradiation creep 695
Isentrope 447
Isolators 485
Iteration 782
Ivich, N. 27 28 29 48
Izawa, Y. 471
Jackson, J.D. 139
Jacobson, A.R. 272 348
Jaeger, E.F. 427 428 440
Jahoda, F.C. 272
James, G.B. 660
Janos, A. 333 349
Jarboe, T.R. 315 348 349 543 548
Jardin, S.C. 333 349
Jassby, D.L. 79 92 93 100 156 235 364 375 390 391 597 619 723 724 745
Jeffrey, A. 188 215
Jenkins, D.J. 548
Jennings, W.C. 271
Jensen, R.V. 79 100 723 724 745
Jensen, T.H. 396 438
Jet pumps 581
Jindra, P. 349
Jitter 630
John, P.K. 150
Johnson, A.B., Jr. 719
Johnson, A.W. 829
Johnson, D. 264
Johnson, E.F. 847
Johnson, G.B. 523
Johnson, J.L. 389
Johnson, M.L. 523
Johnson, V.J. 670
Johnston, J.E. 660
Johnston, T.W. 48 138
Jones, D.W. 595
Jones, E.M. 53 54 56 58 72
Jones, I.R. 349
Jones, R.H. 719
Jorgensen, L.W. 746
Jorna, S. 523
Joule — Thomson effect 668
Juhala, R.E. 440
Jung, J.-C. 794 799 800
Juttner, B. 720
Kabele, T.J. 12
Kadomtsev, B.B. 215
Kadota, K. 271 272
Kaletta, G.R. 571
Kalnavarns, J. 597 619
Kamimura, T. 546
Kaminskij, A.O. 745
Kammash, T. 48 100 234 391 439 440
Kantrowitz, F. 847
Kapitza, P.L. 527 546 620 662
Kaplan, D. 392
Kappler, F.W. 800
Karney, C.F.F. 392
Karpukhin, V.I. 547
Kartsev, V.P. 619 635
Kashuba, R.J. 440
Kastenberg, W.E. 828 829 847
Kaufman, W. 572
Kawabe, T. 269 270
Kawamoto, T. 546
Kawasaki, S. 546
Kawasumi, Y. 271 272
Kays, W.M. 758 775
Kazimi, M.S. 829
Keller, K.F. 96 100
Keller, T.A. 660 677
Kellman, A.G. 438
Kemp, E.L. 627 630 631
Kerst, D.W. 406 438
Kesner, J. 95 100 308 571
Keys, R.J. 272
Kidder, R.E. 479 480 523
Killeen, J. 89 100 139 348
Kim, Y.B. 642 660
Kim, Y.C. 440
Kindel, J.M. 467 480
Kinetic theory 109
Kink instability 190
Kink modes 350
Kintner, E.E. 678 849
Kirkpatrick, R.C. 480
Kishinevsky, M.E. 308
Kitsunezaki, A. 310
Kittel, C. 659
Klare, K.A. 348
Klevans, E.H. 348 547
Kline, R.L. 15
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