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Dolan T.J. — Fusion Research: Principles, Experiments and Technology |
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Catto, P.J. 440
Cavity modes 524
Cavity resonances 231
Cecchi, J.L. 808
Center-of-mass velocity 35
Central cell confinement 286
Centrifugal force 107 155
Centrifugal trap 303
Ceramics 714
Chan, A.I.Y. 547
Chan, C. 310
Chance, M.S. 389
Chang, C.T. 746
Chang, F.R. 480
Chao, J. 800
Chapman, A.J. 757 775
Characterization of ICF targets 472
Charge density 104
Charge exchange 49 54 56
Charge-exchange neutral atoms 242
Charge-separation electric field 156
Charil, P. 272
Charles 572
Chase, L.F. 481
Chemical erosion 704
Chen, F.F. 138 157 167 215 453 479 538 548 408 413 438
Chen, K.I. 720
Cherrington, B.E. 150 532 547
Cheung, P. 439
Child — Langmuir law 148
Choi, P. 312 442 479
Chong, Y.P. 332 333 349
Christian, R. 348
Christiansen, J.P. 338 348
Christofilos, N.C. 411
Chu, C. 349
Chu, M. 349
Chu, T.K. 437
Churchill, T.L. 348
Circular loops 600
Clamping 93
Clark, M., Jr. 48 72 100 167 215 253
Clarke, J.F. 374 391
Classical transport coefficient 117
Claude, G. 662
Clauser, J.H. 307 308
Clauser, M.J. 522
Cleaning vacuum chambers 592
Clemmer, R.G. 828
Clemmow, P.C. 138
Clinard, F.W. 715 720
Clinard, F.W., Jr. 718 720
Closed magnetic confinement systems 169
Cluster injection 740
Coatings 471
coaxial cables 630
Coaxial plasma gun 223 297
Cobble, J.A. 271 433 440
Cobine, J.D. 146 150
Cochrane, J.C. 327
COE 570 821
Coensgen, F.H. 307 308
Cohen, M.H. 659
Cohen, M.M. 720
Cohen, R.H. 286 308
Cohen, S.A. 245 271
Coherence length 638
Cohn, D.R. 235 236 390 392
Coil design 650
Coil forces 608
Coil protection 648
Cold plasma dispersion relation 125
Cold plasma model 121
Cold traps 582
Cole, R.K., Jr. 442 479
Coleman, L.W. 474 475 478 481
Collective Coulomb interactions 134
Collective interactions 103
Colleraine, A.P. 542 549
Colliding beams 26
Colliding-beam mirror 541
Collins system for helium liquefaction 669
Collins, S.C. 662
Collision frequency 26
Collision time 43
Collisional absorption 451
Collisionless regime 165
Colyer, D.B. 661
Combier, M. 272
Commisso, R.J. 348
Compact toroid 322
Compatibility 686 757
Compression 443 460
Compression of tokamak plasmas 376
Compression of toroidal plasma 221
Compression ratio 448
Conductance 574 576 578
Conduction 758
Conductivity 117
Conductivity tensor 123
Confinement parameter 283
Confinement terminology 172
Confinement time 11 210
Conies, J.L. 571
Conn, R.W. 95 100 234 719 800 829 847
Conservation equation 73
Consoli, T. 547
Constant dollar mode 821
Continuity equations 111
Convection heat transfer coefficient 757
Convective cells 409
Convective loss cone mode 280
Convergence ratio 464
Cook, D.L. 523
Cooke, F. 349
Coolant channel design 767
Coolant pressure drop 762
Coolant pumping power 762
Coolant tube stresses 761
Coolants 752 755
Cooling water requirements 613
Cooper pairs 636
Cooper, A.L. 540 548
Cooper, L.N. 636 659
Cooper, R. 392
Corbett, J.W. 718
Corelli, J. 720
Cornish, D.N. 652 660
Coronal equilibrium 60 65
Coronal equilibrium, approach to 63
Correlations 758
Correll, D.L 307 308
Corson, D.R. 139 619
Cost of electricity (COE) 564 821
Cost scaling 823
Coulomb barrier 11
Coulomb collisions 35
Coulomb force 101
Coulomb logarithm 39 40
Coulomb scattering cross section 37
Coultas, T.A. 100 661
Counter-injection 373
Coupling efficiency 449
Couture, P. 547
Craggs, J.D. 150
Cramer, B.A. 719 775
Critical current density 636
Critical elements for high energy gain 444
Cross section 19
Crowbar switch 622
| Cryogenic liquids 667
Cryogenic pumps 584
Cryogenic stabilization 646
Cryogenic subsystems of MFTF 675
Cryogenics 662
Cryopump 585
Cryosorption pumps 584
Cryostat 645
Cryostat design 672
Cullingford, H.S. 234
Culp, A.W. 15
Cummins, W.F. 307 308
Current density 20 104
Current dollar mode 821
Current drive 377 559
Cusp coils 273
Cusped geometries 276
Cusps 303
Cutler, T.A. 286 308
Cutoff Frequencies 127
Cyclotron radiation 63 68 252
Cyclotron radiation coefficient 69
Cyclotron radiation power spectrum 253
Cyclotron radius 152
D'Ippolito, D.A. 407 408 438
Dalder, E.N.C. 653 660 716 720
Dalton 572
Daly system 243
Damage analysis 678
Damage microstructure evolution 682
Damping 126
Damping rate 202
Dandl, R.A. 417 429 439
Daugherty, J.P. 138
Davidson, J.N. 139
Davis, J.C. 308
Davis, M.J. 720
Dawson, J.M. 139
DBTT shift 689
Dean, S.O. 208 216 359 850
Debye length 131
Debye number 131
Debye shielding 130
Debye temperature 664
Decay constant 802
Decker, G. 313
decommissioning 815
Decoste, R. 462 479 480
Dee, J.B. 847
Defect clusters 680
Deflection time 42
DeFreece, D.A. 236 440 571
Degree of ionization 62
Degrees of freedom 114
Degtyarev, L.M. 390
Deis, D.W. 644 660
DeKock, J.R. 310
Delucia, J. 389
Dennis, N.T.M. 595
Deslandres 596
Desorption 704
DeVan, J.H. 480 718 719 720 721
Devoto, R.S. 308
Dewar 645
Dewar, J. 662
Dexter, R.N. 392
Diagnostics for ICF 473
Diagnostics systems 238
Diagnostics techniques 268
Diamagnetism 154 155 638
Dielectric tensor 123
Dielectronic recombination 63
Diffusion coefficient 116 202
Diffusion coefficient in stellarators 402
Diffusion coefficients of hydrogen 808
Diffusion pumps 582
Dillon, J.A. 595
Dillow, C. 828
Dimarco, J.N. 348
Dimock, D. 264
Dimov, G.I. 308
Diocotron instability 534
Diodes 498
Direct conversion 82
Direct energy conversion 770
Direction cosines 787
Discrete ordinates method 781
dispersion relation 124
Displacement damage rate 681
Displacement vector 180
Disruption 357
Disruptive instability 355
Dissociation 49 50 54
Distribution functions 16
Distribution of and 624
Divergences 174
Divertor target 732
Divertors 727
Dolan, T.J. 96 100 533 534 535
Dolan, T.J., Sr. 692 693
Doming, J.J. 308 775 800
Doppler broadening 249
Dory, R.A. 406 438
Doublet III tokamak 362
Downing, J.N. 348
Drake, R.M., Jr. 820 829
Drake, R.P. 307 308
Draper, E.L., Jr. 635 775
Dreicer, H. 323 324 327 328
Driemeyer, D.E. 440
Drift cyclotron loss cone (DCLC) mode 278
Drift motion 170
Drift orbit area 417
Drift orbits 373
Drift parameter 404
Drift surfaces 416
Drift velocity 153
Drift waves 201
Driver efficiency 445
drivers 444
Dryden, I.G.C. 15
Dubois, M.A. 389
Ductility 688
Duderstadt, J.J. 829
Dudziak, D.J. 440 833 847
Duke, W.M. 664 671 677
Duodecapole SURMAC 407
DuoPIGatron 225
Durham, T.F. 677
Dynamic stabilization 647
EBT ring power balance 429
Ecker, G. 138
Economics 801
Ehlers, K.W. 310
Ehst, D.A. 392
Eigenfunctions 184
Eigenvalues 183
Ekdahl, C.A. 348
El-Wakil, M.M. 615 775 776
Electric field bumpy torus 437
Electric resistivity 69 666
Electrical probes 238
Electrodes 226
Electromagnetic fields 104
Electromagnetic waves 127
Electron avalanche 142
Electron beam accelerators 500
Electron beam propagation 499
Electron beams 223 496
Electron cyclotron frequency 122
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