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Likharev K.K. — Dynamics of Josephson junctions and circuits |
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Tsernyshev, V.I. 12 74
Tsherygin, V.M. 12 75
Tsoi, G.M. 3 24 6 79 6 80 10 6 14 32 14 34 14 40 14 63
Tsuei, C.C. 2 42 8 99 13 41 13 85
Tsuge, H. 2 160
Tucker, B.A. 11 8
Tucker, J.R. 2 25 11 185 12 99 12 112
Tuckerman, D.B. 5 26 12 28 A.6
Tunnel junction(s) xiv 7 27
Tunnel junction(s), and Josephson steps 335—36 341
Tunnel junction(s), and quasiparticle steps 337
Tunnel junction(s), and resonance steps 383 388
Tunnel junction(s), and thermal fluctuation effects 120
Tunnel junction(s), capacitance of 34
Tunnel junction(s), edge-type 38 294 366
Tunnel junction(s), fluctuations in 35—36
Tunnel junction(s), in ac SQUIDs 185 495
Tunnel junction(s), in dc SQUIDs 206 208 214
Tunnel junction(s), in microwave generators 461
Tunnel junction(s), in multijunction arrays 456 460
Tunnel junction(s), in parametric amplifiers 328 368
Tunnel junction(s), in SIS mixers 424
Tunnel junction(s), in SIS videodetectors 420
Tunnel junction(s), Josephson oscillation linewidth in 108 529
Tunnel junction(s), Josephson oscillations in 87
Tunnel junction(s), mutual phase locking of 440
Tunnel junction(s), normal (NIN) 555—60
Tunnel junction(s), parametric interactions in 564
Tunnel junction(s), planar-type (SIS sandwich) 352 402
Tunnel junction(s), technology of fabrication of 38
Tunnel junction(s), theory of 36—38
Tunnel junction(s), thermal activation in 27—35
Tunnel junction(s), with grains inside barrier 75
Turn-on delay 551
Turn-on delay, fluctuations of 133 166 168 184
Turn-on delay, time () 143—44
Turner, C.W., P. 41
Turovets, S.I. 2 138
Turygin, S.Yu 12 83
Tutter 12 127
Tyablikov, A.V. 2 79 2 181 9 46
Type II superconductors 243 291 528
Uchida, N. 8 100
Ueda, Y. 11 54
Uehara, S. 2 76 8 81 9 48
Uiterwaal, A.A. 7 37
Ulrich, B.T., P. 31 2 78 6 14 10 31 11 77 12 5 12 37 12 67 13 33
Umarov, B.A. 15 142
UNITS xvi-xvii
Utton, D.B. 6 70
Vabishchevich, P.N. 9 57
Vabre 2 173
Vaccarone, R. 14 39
Vaglio, R. 2 162 8 52 9 4 9 9 9 10 9 38 9 44 9 58 12 11 12 13 12 21 12 22
Valsamakis, E.A. 6 29
Van Beelen, H. 7 22
Van der Hamer, P. 7 46 7 97
Van der Heijden, R.W. 7 37
Van der Pol method 312
Van Dover, R.B. 2 48 2 90 2 91
Van Duzer, T., P. 41 2 28 2 75 2 77 2 78 2 93 2 105 5 7 5 10 5 17 6 26 6 27 7 15 7 86 7 111 10 21 11 72 12 20 12 115
Van Harlingen, D.J. 4 19 4 42 7 48 7 63 7 68
Van Kemper, H. 11 19
Van Vechten, D. 6 66 6 68 14 61
Van Weelderen, R. 3 23
Van Zeghbroeck, B.J. 5 32 9 49
Vandamme, L.K.J. 1 29
Vandenberg, J.M. 13 76
Vanneste, C. 11 36 11 143
Vant — Hull, L.L. 7 5
Varmazis, C. 2 98 13 26 13 27 13 29 13 45
Vasenko, S.A. 8 29 8 58 9 19 9 57 10 40
Vasiliev, B.V. 14 7 14 20
Vazquez, L. 15 145
Vecht, A. 16 8
Vedeneev, S.I. 11 105
Veenstra, T.B. 2 84
Vehara, S. 11 181
Vendik, O.G. 14 69
Verbilo, A.V. 2 92
Verburgh, Ph 11 55
Vernet, G. 4 11 4 21 10 14 10 16 10 47 10 67 10 69 11 103 12 117
Vernon, F.L., Jr 1 31 4 20 6 54 10 19 10 48 14 53
Verschueren, J.M.V. 7 37
Vettiger, F. 2 63
Vicent, J.L. 13 165
Videodetectors 324 326 418
Videodetectors, figures-of-merit of 418—19 425
Videodetectors, Josephson-junction self-selective 418 414—15 462
Videodetectors, Josephson-junction wideband 419—20 425 462
Videodetectors, SIS (quasiparticle) 420—21 425
Videodetectors, using Bloch/SET junctions 562
Vieux — Rochaz, L. 2 173
Viggiano, J.M. 7 45
Villegier, J.C. 2 173 13 148
Vincent, D.A., P. 24 10 1 10 5 14 35
Volkov, A.F. 2 69 10 35 11 10 12 1 13 13 13 14
Vollmer, E. 11 189
Vollmer, H.D. 4 35 4 38 10 33
Voltage () xiii 6
Voltage (),-controlled oscillator 572—73
Voltage (),-controlled time delay 573—74
Voltage (),gain 562
Voltage (),gap () 12
Voltage (),plasma () 97—98
Voltage (),relation to Josephson phase 6
Voltage (),steps at Bloch/SET oscillations 558
Volynes, P.G. 3 27
Vorontsov, Yu.I. 7 67 11 137
Vorreiter, J.W., C. 25 C.28
Voss, R.F. 3 14 3 35 4 37 7 43 7 44 7 45 7 49 13 59 13 83 13 141
Vystavkin, A.N., P. 25 10 15 10 17 10 18 10 22 10 28 10 30 10 64 11 21 11 86 11 89 11 102 12 35 12 83
Wada, E. 5 40
Wada, K. 15 101
Wada, Y. 15 93 15 101
Wahlsten, S. 9 33 9 35 11 66 13 37
Waho 2 155
Waldram, J.R., P. 26 8 37 8 66 8 67 10 29 11 31
Walker, I.R., P. 49
Wallis, R.F. 15 73
Walter, W. 2 34 2 61
Wang, L.K. 11 87
Wang, R.H. 7 101 8 99 11 143
Wang, T.C. 6 17 12 12 12 19
| Warlaumont, J.M. 2 89
Warman, J. 6 57 12 50 13 106
Warnecke, A.J. 2 31
Warnick, A. 7 57
Washboard potential 66 87 133 139
Washburn, S. 3 35
Washington, M.A. 2 43 2 167
Watanabe, K. 15 55 15 132
Wavefunction of current-biased junction 77—78
Wavefunction of superconducting condensate 3—4 456
Wavefunction of unbiased junction 23 545—46
Weak links 38
Weak links, dependence in 102
Weak links, 1/ noise in 44
Weak links, and Josephson steps 340
Weak links, capacitance of 39
Weak links, dc curves of 100—1 315
Weak links, interaction via Cooper pairs 431
Weak links, interaction via quasiparticles 432
Weak links, microwave impedance of 300
Weak links, nonstationary properties of 40—41
Weak links, SFNPR effect in 304
Weak links, stationary properties of 39—40
Weak links, types of 41—44
Weak links, vortex crossover in 243
Webb, D.J. 2 56
Webb, M.B. 16 16
Webb, R.A. 3 14 3 35 6 69 7 53 13 59 13 141
Webb, W.W. 2 111 3 11 8 36 11 35 14 2 14 25
Weber, P. 2 35 8 54
Weihnacht 8 15
Weiner, D. 15 45 15 126 15 127
Weiss — Parmeggiani, L. 13 33
Weiss, U. 16 12
Weitz, D.A. 2 130 11 5
Wells, J.S. 11 98 11 113
Wellstood, F. 7 100
Welton, T.E. 1 38
Wengler, M.J. 12 125
Wermund, H.J. 7 82
Werthamer, N.R. 1 19 2 4
Wertheim, G.K. 2 44
Wesserman, G. 11 156
Westervelt, R.M. 11 172
Whalen, A.D. 1 27
Wheatley, J.C. 6 69 7 53
Whitehouse, J.E., P. 48
Whitley, S.R. 12 95
Whitney, D.A. 13 121
Widom, A. 16 4 16 26
Wiesenfeld, K. 11 158
Wiik 9 28
Wikswo, J.P. 6 47
Wilkins, J.W. 2 146 12 96
Williams 15 84
Williamson, S.J., C. 15
Wilmsen, C.W. 8 2 8 43 9 8
Wilson, J. 7 21 9 30 12 62
Winkler, D. 11 179 11 180
Witt, T.J. 11 124
Wolf, P. 5 32 7 17 7 79 12 17 C.22
Wolf, S.A. 10 2 13 79 14 49
Wonneberger, W. 15 92 11 182
Woody, D.P. 11 14 11 16 11 17 12 125
Wu, P.H. 11 31
Wunsch, J. 7 19 7 82 8 78 8 85
Wyder, P. 7 37
X-band 328 368
Yagi, A. 5 30 15 141 A.7
Yakobson, L.A. 2 67
Yamada, H. 5 34 8 77
Yamada, K. 2 53
Yamaguchi, A. 12 116
Yamaguchi, Y. 11 160
Yamaoka 2 156 7 108 8 8
Yamashita 7 112
Yamashita, K. 5 31
Yanagawa, F. 5 36
Yanson, I.K., P. 29 2 125 4 2 6 55 8 55 8 63 11 40 11 82 12 57
Yeh, J.T.C. 2 42 4 16 6 56
Yeh, W.J. 11 49 11 165 13 138
Yell, R.W. 14 48
Yen, E.T. 2 31
Yogi 7 101 8 99 11 143
Yorke, J.A. 11 177
Yoshida, K. 5 12 7 114 8 95 8 96 8 97 8 100 9 45 12 46 12 47 12 103 12 104 15 58 15 60 15 70 15 75 15 76 15 77 15 94
Yoshii, S. 2 157
Yoshikawa, N. 16 6
Yu, M.L. 13 109
Yudin, B.F. 12 70
Yurchenko 1 1 13 4 13 108
Zabolotnyi, V.F. 12 70
Zabusky, N.R. 15 68
Zacherl, A. 11 169
Zadorozhnyi, A.I. 13 84
Zafra, R.L. 12 100
Zahn, W. 9 21
Zaikin, A.D. 7 23 8 35
Zaitsev, A.V. 2 69 2 70 11 10 13 14 13 16
Zakharov, V.E. 15 118
Zanzucchi, P., C. 17
Zappe, H.H. 4 9 5 1 5 23 6 22 6 23 6 29 6 30 7 30 7 78 8 51
Zavaleev, V.P. 10 50 11 71 12 49 12 85
Zawadowski, A. 11 183
Zeller, H.R. 16 18 16 19
Zero-field steps 408—9 520—29 532
Zettl, A. 11 184
Zhang, L. 13 38
Zharkov, G.F., P. 12 7 23 8 25 8 28 8 29 8 35
Zheng, G. — G. 13 165
Zhukov, A.P. 12 83
Zhuravlev, V.V. 13 84
Zhuravlev, Yu.E. 2 181
Ziglin, S.L. 11 174
Zilberman, L.A. 3 5 8 60 8 69
Ziman, J. 16 2
Zimmer, H. 11 62
Zimmerman 11 138
Zimmerman, J.E. 2 107 2 108 2 110 6 3 6 4 6 6 6 39 6 40 6 41 6 45 6 46 6 60 6 61 6 62 6 73 7 3 10 11 12 3 12 55 13 43 A.1 C.26
Zorin, A.B. 1 46 1 47 1 48 2 18 2 24 2 138 2 183 4 8 4 26 7 59 7 74 11 30 11 140 11 192 12 82 12 114 12 128 16 5 16 25
Zubeck, R.B. 2 52
Zubkov, A.A. 8 82
Zurbrogg, Ch 3 32
Zych, D.A., P. 46
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