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Likharev K.K. — Dynamics of Josephson junctions and circuits |
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Hilbert’s transform 324
Hinken, J.H. 10 70 11 187 11 188 11 189
Hirano, H. 5 31
Hirota, R. 15 71
Hirvonen, J.K. 14 49
Ho, C.H. 8 88 8 92
Hoer, C.A. 14 58
Hoffman, A. 6 85 A.4
Hohenwarter, G.K. 9 36
Holdeman, L.B. 9 33 11 125 C.11
Hollenhorst, J.N. 14 16 14 30 14 51
Holly, S. 11 1
Holm, R.N. 2 106
Hooge, F.N. 1 29
Horii, S. 2 122
Horn, P.M. 1 28 13 141
Hosogi, S. 13 139
Houck, L.L. 2 160
Hough, J. 14 29
Howard, R.E. 2 51 2 52 2 57 2 58 2 90 3 15 8 71 8 73
Howard, W.E. 3 42 13 40
Howe, R.M., A. 10
Hu, E.L. 2 57 2 58 3 15 8 73
Hu, Q. 11 176
Huang, C.L. 2 77
Huang, H. — C. 2 31 2 33
Huberman, B.A. 11 42 11 47
Hudson, R.P. 6 70
Huebener, R.P. 8 48 8 90
Huggins, H.A. 2 43
Hunt, B.D. 2 62
Hurrell, J.P. 6 31 7 24 11 135 12 31
Hysteretic loops 475—78 480
Iansiti 11 176
Ibruegger, J. 12 118 12 121
Ibuka 2 179
Ichimiya, Y. 5 34
Ichimura, H. 15 61
Idle frequency 327
Idle part of junction 534
Idle region of thin-film structure 271—73 275 285 289
Igarashi 2 168
Iguchi, I. 5 29
Ihara, H. 2 54
Il’in, V.A. 11 92 12 71 12 73 12 75
Imai, S. 2 122 11 4 11 29 11 142 11 144
Imamura 2 154 2 156 8 8
Impedance see Admittance
Imry, Y. 6 18 6 49 7 31 7 32 7 34 7 92 8 68 11 33 11 149 11 156 13 96
Inamura 13 79 13 80 13 81
Inductance ( ), fluctuation-threshold ( ) 163—64
Inductance ( ), input, of SQUIDs 215—17 483—84
Inductance ( ), kinetic 236—37 483
Inductance ( ), mutual ( ) 207—471
Inductance ( ), normalized ( ) 155
Inductance ( ), of electrodes 18—19
Inductance ( ), of external shunt ( ) 46
Inductance ( ), of idle region 289
Inductance ( ), of supercurrent ( ) 9
Inductance ( ), of thin-film structure 285
Inductance ( ), sheet ( ) 272
Inductance ( ), specific ( ) 233
Inoue 15 75 15 128
Interaction, between junctions 430—63
Interaction, close-range 452—53
Interaction, long-range 452—53
Interaction, low-frequency 445—47
Interaction, microwave 432
Interaction, radius 452
Interaction, via Cooper pairs 431
Interaction, via quasiparticles 432
Interaction, with external system 376—425
Inukai 13 79
Ioffe, L.B. 13 88
Iordatii, V.L. 3 20
Irie, F. 5 12 7 114 8 95 8 96 8 97 8 100 9 45 12 46 12 47 12 103 12 104 15 58 15 60 15 70 15 75 15 76 15 77 15 102
Irwin, K.E. 12 115
Ishibashi, Y. 5 40
Ishida, A. 8 77
Ishida, H. 5 40
Ishii, C. 15 55
Ishikawa, M., A. 16
Ishiuchi, H. 15 93
Islander, S.T. 14 17 14 22
Ito 13 149
Ivanchenko, Yu 3 5 8 22 8 60 8 69
Ivanov, N.I. 13 4
Ivanov, Z.G. 2 73 11 153
Ivlev, B.I. 3 39
Iwanyshyn, O. 4 17
Iwata 2 168
Jablonski, D.G. 10 66 A.14
Jackel, H. 8 6
Jackel, L.D. 2 30 2 57 2 58 3 11 3 15 4 6 8 36 8 71 8 72 8 73 14 27 14 56
Jacobs, L. 13 156
Jaggi, R. 2 32
Jahn, M.T. 13 106 13 113
Jain, A.K. 1 45 2 175 2 176 4 12 13 1 13 26 13 27 13 29 13 39 13 45 13 50 13 52
Jaklevic, R.C. 1 18 7 1 7 2 16 20
Jalochowski 13 166
James, J.H. 2 170
Janus, A.R. 11 1
Jarvis, S. 11 98
Jayaprakash, C. 13 143
Jaycox, J.M. 7 69
Jenkins, V. 10 13
Jensen, M.H. 11 155 11 161 11 163 11 171
Jespersen, P. 13 49
Jewett, R.E. 5 10 7 86 7 111
Jha, S.S. 4 28
Jillie, D.W. 2 39 240 241 2 47 2 50 2 80 2 165 13 6 13 10 13 11 13 15 13 20 13 23 13 34
Joergensen, E. 12 111 15 31 15 49 15 134
Johnson, E.G., Jr 4 7 11 32 11 79 11 115
Johnson, R.W. 2 37
Johnson, W.J. 7 70 8 42 9 9 9 41 9 42 15 26
Joly, R. 11 126
Jones, H.C. 7 101 8 99 11 143
Jones, R.G. 11 93 11 133
Jose, J.V. 13 156
Josephson current step(s), amplitude of 311—15 332—43 363
Josephson current step(s), and phase locking 310 332 342
Josephson current step(s), basic 363
Josephson current step(s), Bessel law for 333 335 338—39 342 343 348 359 364
Josephson current step(s), effects of external circuits on 415—16
Josephson current step(s), effects of noise on 316—19 342 343
Josephson current step(s), embryo 316 343 418
Josephson current step(s), in distributed junctions 532 535
Josephson current step(s), risers between 338 339 343 345 355 357
Josephson current step(s), satellite 362—64
Josephson current step(s), subharmonic 342 532
Josephson current step(s), zeros of 339
Josephson current step(s), zeroth 335 344 359
Josephson effect xii 4—7
Josephson effect, AC 87
Josephson effect, bibliography xv xix
Josephson effect, DC 65
Josephson effect, early reviews xvii
Josephson effect, history of discovery of xvii
Josephson effect, lecture demonstrations xx
Josephson effect, monographs xiii-xiv xix
Josephson effect, more recent reviews xviii-xix
Josephson effect, reviews of applications 566—68
Josephson gates 146
Josephson gates, with in-line junctions 264—66
Josephson gates, with interferometers 217 385
Josephson gates, with shaped junctions 258 266
Josephson junction(s) xiii 6
Josephson junction(s), displacement current in 13—14
Josephson junction(s), dynamics of xiv 567
Josephson junction(s), effective 410—11
| Josephson junction(s), fabrication technology 36 535
Josephson junction(s), fluctuation/noise sources in 15—17
Josephson junction(s), models of xvi 44—53
Josephson junction(s), normal (quasiparticle) current in 12—13
Josephson junction(s), notation 18
Josephson junction(s), self-heating of 42 99 104 181
Josephson junction(s), solid-state physics of xiv
Josephson junction(s), symmetrical 30
Josephson oscillation(s) 9—10
Josephson oscillation(s), and R state 87
Josephson oscillation(s), as nonequilibrium process 125
Josephson oscillation(s), forced, in external system 201 376—404 410—16
Josephson oscillation(s), frequencies 9—10 430
Josephson oscillation(s), harmonics of 91 176 342 440
Josephson oscillation(s), in resistive interferometer 175—81 182—83
Josephson oscillation(s), in two-junction interferometer 200—5
Josephson oscillation(s), linewidth of 105—13 307 320 359— 61 389—92 406 413 416 430 436—39 450 529
Josephson oscillation(s), of voltage 91
Josephson oscillation(s), phase locking of 310—20 332—42 431—63 532 533 558
Josephson oscillation(s), power of 377—80 393—98 413 417 425 443 445 450 455 534
Josephson oscillation(s), subharmonics of 176 395 402—4 405—9 526 529
Josephson oscillation(s), vs. Bloch oscillations 546—47 564
Josephson phase ( ) 6
Josephson phase ( ), at constant voltage 9
Josephson phase ( ), combinations 574—75
Josephson phase ( ), drop 155 172
Josephson phase ( ), generator 155
Josephson phase ( ), mobility 548
Josephson phase ( ), translations 23 542
Josephson phase ( )-voltage relation 6 547
Josephson vortex 240—41
Josephson vortex, annihilation 511 517 527 534 535
Josephson vortex, as soliton 506
Josephson vortex, bunching 518
Josephson vortex, collisions 506—7
Josephson vortex, density 244
Josephson vortex, edge pinning of 244—46 252
Josephson vortex, edge reflection of 510
Josephson vortex, energy 240 288 507 510
Josephson vortex, equation of motion 509
Josephson vortex, fluctuations 528—29 533
Josephson vortex, formation/generation of 241 510 522 535
Josephson vortex, interaction 515—16
Josephson vortex, internal pinning of 254 282 512
Josephson vortex, Lorentz contraction of 507
Josephson vortex, momentum 508
Josephson vortex, motion 242—45 251 263—64 291 505-35
Josephson vortex, oscillations 530
Josephson vortex, polarity 240
Josephson vortex, transistor 251—52
Josephson vortex, viscous flow 291 519
Josephson vortex, viscous friction 514—18 527 529
Josephson vortex-antivortex pair 250 459—60 515 517 522 533 534
Josephson, B.D. P.1 P.4 P.7 P.9 P.18
Jung, G. 9 24
Jutzi, W.W. 6 25 6 82 7 19 7 82 7 104 7 110 8 9 8 10 8 70 8 78 9 11
Juvonen, P. 14 22
Kadanoff, L.P. 11 168
Kadin, A.M. 13 52
Kadlec, J. 12 77
Kalashnik, L.I. 4 31
Kamenetskaya, M.S. 11 92
Kamerlingh Onnes, H. 1 1
Kammerer, O.F. 13 92
Kamper, R.A., P. 19 P.21 6 60 6 61 6 62 11 119 14 47 14 58
Kandyba, P.E. 2 104
Kaneda, H. 16 6
Kanter — Vernon formula 322 323
Kanter, H. 1 31 4 20 10 19 10 23 10 48 10 59 10 60 10 62 11 74 12 101 14 53
Kao, Y. — H. 11 49 11 165 13 2 13 6 13 10 13 11 13 20 13 31 13 38 13 40 13 44 13 106 13 138
Karamushko, V.I. 11 34
Karatavtsev, V.S. 13 108
Karecki, D.R. 13 153
Karpman, V.I. 15 15 15 25 15 35 15 37 15 131
Kartsovnik, V.V. 14 34 14 40
Kato 2 131
Kato, Y. 2 157 2 158
Katoh, V. 2 159
Katz, R.M. 13 69
Kaufman, L., C. 15 D.J.15 146
Kautz, R.L. 5 19 5 20 5 41 9 39 11 43 11 52 11 127 11 128 11 148 11 187 11 188
Kawabe, U. 2 53 5 35
Kawakami 2 163 15 138 15 140
Kawamoto, H. 15 101
Kazarinov, R.F. 3 41
Keener, J.P. 15 12
Kemper, H. 11 19
Kendall, J.P. 6 43
Kennedy, J. 14 49
Kerr, A.R. 2 119 12 89 12 120 15 84
Kerr, D., P. 46
Kerr, W.C. 15 84
Ketchen, M.B. 5 13 5 33 7 27 7 39 7 41 7 42 7 43 7 69 7 101
Ketoja, J.A. 7 94 11 162
Keyes, R.W. 6 37
Khalili, F.Ya 7 67 14 68
Khanin, V.V 13 74 14 52
Khare, A.V. 1 37
Khlus, V.A. 6 12 6 80 10 6 13 126 14 32
Khristenko, E.V. 12 9 13 111
Kim, K.K. 7 101 8 99 11 143
Kim, Y.W. 11 7
Kimhi, D. 13 145
Kimura, Y. 2 54
Kircher, C.J. 2 31 2 33
Kirchhoff rule, generalized 155—56
Kirschman, R.K., C. 6
Kirtley, J.R. 13 70
Kishida, K. 14 46
Kislov, A.M. 4 31
Kislyakov, A.G. 12 74 12 83
Kistenev, V.Yu 12 107
Kita, S. 11 76 11 91 12 116
Kitagawa 13 63
Kivelson, S. 7 93
Kivshar’, Yu.S. 15 129
Klapwijk, T.M. 2 84 2 85 7 46 7 97 13 19 13 60
Klein 7 26 8 17
Kleinpenning, T.G.M. 1 29
Kleinsasser, A.W. 2 62 7 101 8 99 11 143
Klemm, R.A. 13 117 13 164
Klepner, S.P. 2 31 2 33 8 4
Klose, W. 13 119
Klushin, A.M. 13 30
Kluth, E.O. 12 37
Knight, D.J.E. 11 95 11 97 11 99 11 101 11 104
Knobloch, E. 11 158
Knoedler, C.M. 7 45 13 75 13 83 H.7 111
Kobayashi 13 136
Kobayashi, H., A. 19
Koch, R.H. 4 19 4 42 6 50 7 48 7 63 7 68
Kochendorfer, A. 15 9
Kodaka, I. 5 36
Kofoed, B. 11 64
Kohler, H.J. 8 54
Kojima, K. 7 91
Kolesnikov, D.P. 2 92 2 104
Kolia, E.V. 13 84
Kolin’ko, L.E. 2 124
Kollberg, E. 11 15 12 122
Kolyasnikov, V.A. 2 104
Komarovskikh, N.I. 2 88
Konishi, H. 2 166
Konotop, D.A. 14 63
Konotop, V.V. 15 137
Konstantinyan, K.I. 11 21 11 56 11 174
Kontorova 15 7
Kopec 13 159
Kopnin, N.B. 15 63
Korepin, V.E. 15 97
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