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Likharev K.K. — Dynamics of Josephson junctions and circuits
Likharev K.K. — Dynamics of Josephson junctions and circuits

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Название: Dynamics of Josephson junctions and circuits

Автор: Likharev K.K.


Written by one of the world's leading theorists working on the Josephson effect, this extensive monograph offers a detailed description of the statics, dynamics and statistics of Josephson junctions. Particular emphasis is placed on the dynamics of new circuits and analog and digital devices using single quanta of magnetic flux. Professor Likharev also describes for the first time in the monograph literature new phenomena of correlated tunneling of single electrons and Cooper pairs in ultrasmall tunnel junctions.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/Физика твёрдого тела/Приложения/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1986

Количество страниц: 614

Добавлена в каталог: 18.09.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
External circuit (system)-junction coupling parameter ($z$)      382 383 393 399 407 409
External current ($I_{e}$)      156
External current density ($J_{e}$)      232
External magnetic field ($H$)      154
External magnetic flux ($\Phi_{e}$)      154
External microwave signals      299—369 414—46
External noise (interferences)      17
External noise (interferences), effect on $I-V$ curve      119 121
External noise (interferences), effective amplitude      17
External noise (interferences), linewidth due to      113
External phase ($\phi_{e}$)      155
External pumping      327 366—69 423—25
External shunting of inductance      220 384 399 447
External shunting of junction      46—47
Externally shunted junction      46—47
Externally shunted junction, Bloch oscillations in      541—48 558
Externally shunted junction, coherent arrays of      461
Externally shunted junction, in dc SQUID      206
Externally shunted junction, in parametric amplifiers      327—28
Externally shunted junction, in videodetectors      420
Externally shunted junction, macroscopic quantum tunneling in      82
Externally shunted junction, quantum fluctuations in      110
Externally shunted junction, return current of      98
Externally shunted junction, videoresponse of      325
Externally shunted junction, vs. resistive interferometers      174—179
F-band      361
Face, D.W.      12 129
Fack, H.      11 23 12 51
Faddeev, L.D.      15 96 15 97
Fairbank, W.H.      1 9 10 27
Falco, C.M.      4 13 4 29 14 23 C.1
Falikov, L.N.      2 2
Faris, S.      3 35 5 21 5 27 5 28 6 29 24
Farrel, D.E.      6 43 17
Fatykhov, K.Z.      12 71 12 75
Fazakas, P.      13 158
Feigelman, M.B.      8 56
Feigenbaum, M.J.      6 53
Feldman, M.J.      11 8 11 15 11 106 11 108 11 131 11 133 11 134 12 66 12 89 12 91 12 120 12 112
Fenichel, H.      13 68
Fernandez, P.      14 39
Ferrell, R.A.      1 42 8 11 8 14
Ferringno, A.      15 38
Fesser, K.      11 51 15 84
FET transistor vs. SET transistor      562
Fetter, A.L.      1 34
Fetter, L.A.      2 57 8 73 12 88 3 15
Feuer, M.D.      2 99
Feynman, R.P., P.      33
Feyral, P.      13 114
Field, B.F.      11 121 11 125
Fife, A.A.      12 64
Figures-of-merit (FOMs) of microwave amplifier      368
Figures-of-merit (FOMs) of mixer      422—25
Figures-of-merit (FOMs) of SQUID (low-frequency amplifier)      207 211 217
Figures-of-merit (FOMs) of videodetector      418 419 425
Fillippov, A.      15 122
Finley, J.J., C.      14
Finnegan, T.F.      1 17 2 12 2 14 3 2 6 64 9 30 9 33 9 35 9 37 9 38 11 69 11 121 11 123 12 62 13 37 13 51 15 43
Finnemore, D.K.      9 56
Fiory, A.      1 44 8 80
Fishman, S.      13 87
Fiske modes/steps/peaks      260—61 386—89 399 400 507—9 454 521—27 532
Fiske, M.D., P.      8 8 61 8 65
Fleming, R.M.      13 121
Flip-flop (circuit)      569
Fluctuation-dissipation theorem      21—22 390 391
Fluctuation/noise sources      15—17
Fluctuation/noise sources, in external circuits      182 390 437—38
Fluctuation/noise sources, in low-frequency amplifiers      473
Fluctuation/noise sources, in RSJ model      49
Fluctuation/noise sources, in RSJN model      49
Fluctuation/noise sources, in tunnel junctions (TSM model)      35—36
Fluctuations      xiv 111
Fluctuations, at mutual phase locking      436—37 446—47
Fluctuations, at vortex motion      515—16 528—29
Fluctuations, correlation of      15 211 489 517
Fluctuations, effect of, on microwave properties      307 310 314
Fluctuations, effect of, on transients      143—44
Fluctuations, in ac SQUIDs      485—90 495—96
Fluctuations, in dc SQUIDs      206—17
Fluctuations, in distributed junctions      259
Fluctuations, in resistive interferometers      182—83
Fluctuations, in single-junction interferometers      164—65 485—90
Fluctuations, large      113—22 533—34
Fluctuations, low-frequency      17 113 119 121—22
Fluctuations, mean square of      72
Fluctuations, small, in R state      105—13
Fluctuations, small, in S state      71—73
Fluctuations, spectral density of      15
Fogel, M.B.      15 14 15 86
Foglietti, V.      14 67
Fokker — Planck equation      74
Forder, P.W.      10 29 10 45
Forgacs, R.L.      7 57
Forsyth, P.A., Jr      9 23
Fourier components (images)      15
Fourier transform      15
Franson, J.D.      10 24
Frederick, N.V.      14 59
Free, J.U.      11 141 11 176
Frenkel, J.      15 7
Frequency, attempt ($\omega_{A}$)      75—76 541
Frequency, average      430 453
Frequency, beating      312 314 320 345 442 502
Frequency, characteristic ($\omega_{c}$)      13
Frequency, cut-off      572
Frequency, instantaneous ($\phi$)      430
Frequency, intermediate (IF)      422
Frequency, mixing (down-conversion)      354—62 390
Frequency, multiplication      417
Frequency, plasma ($\omega_{p}$)      14
Frequency, roll-off ($\omega_{r}$)      410—16
Frequency, slow ($\dot{\Theta}$)      430
Frequency, spectra      123—25 320 346—50 440 555-56
Froome, P.K.D.      11 85
Fryberger, D., C.      13
Fujimaki, N.      13 78
Fujisawa, K.      11 76 11 91 12 116
Fukuda, F.      7 113
Fuligni, F.      14 67
Fulton, T.A., P.      27 1 13 3 10 5 8 5 9 5 24 7 9 7 14 8 50 8 74 8 75 9 16 15 21 15 22
Fundamental constants in SI units, $e$      5
Fundamental constants in SI units, $k_{B}$      12
Fundamental constants in SI units, $\epsilon_{0}$      34
Fundamental constants in SI units, $\hbar$ and $h$      3
Fundamental constants in SI units, $\mu_{0}$      54
Fundamental constants in SI units, $\rho_{0}$      54
Fundamental constants in SI units, two$e/h$      365
Furakawa, H.      14 46
Galkin, A.A.      8 69
Gallen, H.B.      1 38
Gallop, J.C.      16 24
Galpern, Yu.S.      15 122
Gambardella, U.      15 135
Gamo, K.      2 95 2 96 2 101
Ganz      9 32
Gap frequency ($\omega_{g}$)      96
Gap subharmonics      96
Gap voltage ($V_{g}$)      96
Garg, A.      6 77
Garland, J.C.      13 58
Gates, J.V.      2 167
Gaussian (normal) distribution      17 50
Gaussian line (shape)      160 113
Gaussian rule      49—50
Gayley, R.I.      2 141 6 17 6 19 7 21 12 19 12 43
Geballe      2 161 13 118
Gefen, Y.      16 15
Geike, J.      15 69
Geisel      11 164 11 169
Genchev, Z.D.      11 153
Geppert, L.M.      8 4 15 57
Gerhard, L.      11 17
Gershenson      7 73 13 68
Geselowitz, D.B., C.      16
Gheewala, T.R.      5 18 7 77
Giachetti, R.      15 147
Giaever, I., R      8 2 1 4 1 16 18 16 19
Gibbs distribution      550
Gibbs energy      65—66
Gibbs energy, of distributed junction      235—36 275
Gibbs energy, of single junction      66
Gibbs energy, of single-junction interferometer      158—59
Gibbs energy, of two-junction interferometer      197 199
Gibbs energy, of vortex array      244 254
Giffard, R.P.      4 10 6 65 6 69 7 53 7 56 7 65 7 71 10 7 10 27 14 5 14 16 14 30 14 51
Gilabert, A.      11 36
Gilbert, E.G., A.      10
Ginzburg, V.L.      1 5
Giovannini, B.      13 33
Glazachev, K.N.      11 105
Godone, A.      11 37
Goiche      2 173
Goldhirsch, I.      11 156
Goldman, A.M.      3 7 4 33 6 2 8 30 9 1
Goldsmith, P.F.      12 98
Golovashkin, A.I., P.      42
Golub, A.A.      3 20
Golubov, A.A.      2 17
Gonda, S.      2 54
Goodall, F.      11 69 14 24
Goodkind, J.M.      14 1
Goodman, W.L.      7 54 9 27
Gorbonosov, A.F.      8 27
Gordon, J.E., P.      44
Gordon, J.P.      3 15 11 9
Goree, W.S.      7 54 9 6 C.9
Gorin, Yu.N.      14 69
Gorshkov, K.A.      15 11
Gorter, C.A.      13 55
Gor’kov, L.P      1 7 15 63
Goto pair      148—49
Goto, E.      5 40 6 83
Gou, Y.S.      12 39 12 41 12 43
Goubau, W.M.      7 39 7 42 7 68 C.19
Gr$\ddot{u}$ner, G.      11 183 11 184 11 186
Grabert, H.      3 34 16 12
Granular structures      457—61 551 560—62
Granular thin films      457—60 551
Grebe, K.R.      5 1
Grebogi, C.      11 177
Green’s functions, BCS approximation for      30
Green’s functions, Ground plane      277—84 292
Green’s functions, of Laplace equation      279 280—81
Green’s functions, of superconductor      29—30
Greiner, J.H.      2 31 2 33 7 101 8 4 8 99 11 143
Grete, D.      12 123
Grimes, C.C., P.      43 4 4 10 51 11 28
Grimm, L.      10 70
Grinberg, Ya.S      6 9
Grinstein, G.      13 141
Gross, F.      14 42 14 45
Gross, R.      8 90
Grozat, P., C.      7
Grunbaum, E.      13 68
Gu, J.      2 96
Gubankov, V.N., P.      25 2 83 2 121 2 129 4 5 4 24 10 15 10 17 10 18 10 22 10 25 10 28 10 30 10 42 10 64 11 21 11 56 11 75 11 86 11 89 11 102 11 112 11 174 12 35 12 83 13 16 13 24
Gubin, M.A.      11 105
Gudkov, A.L.      2 79 2 181 13 74
Gueret, P.      7 79 12 32
Guinan      7 4
Guinea, F.      16 13
Gundlach, K.H.      2 94 11 18 11 58 12 76 12 77 12 79 12 118 12 121
Gunther, L.      13 96
Gupta, N.      15 85 15 109
Gurovits, E.V.      15 124
Gurvitch      2 43 2 44 2 167
Guseinov, A.A.      13 124
Gusev, A.V.      14 28
Gushchin, V.P.      10 63
Gustavson, F.G.      9 27
Gutmann, P.      7 75 7 76 14 65
Guyer, R.A.      15 105 15 106 15 107 15 108
Gvozdikov, V.M.      13 163
Gwinn, E.G.      11 172
Gygax, S.      12 64
Habbal, F.      3 40 11 3 11 22 11 141
Habib, S.E. — D.E.-S.      12 81
Hadrich      8 93
Hahlbohm, H. — D.      6 8 A.4
Hakim, V.      16 13
Halperin, B.I.      3 6 13 104
Halse, M.R.      7 20 A.13
Hamanaka, K.      7 91
Hamasaki, K.      12 103 12 104 15 58 15 60 15 75 15 76 15 77
Hamilton, C.A.      2 10 2 11 5 19 5 20 5 25 5 41 7 18 7 83 7 84 7 85 7 87 11 12 11 32 11 73 11 115 12 60 A.8
Hamilton, W.O.      1 15 11 12 11 73
Hamiltonian of single particle      3—4
Hamiltonian of unbiased junction      20 22
Hamiltonian tunnel      27 550
Hammond, R.H.      2 174
Hanak, J.J.      13 66
Hannah, E.C., P.      45 11 126
Hansma, P.K.      2 132 2 133 10 5 13 70 14 6 14 35 A.2 6 34 9 3 13 135 A.16 A.19 A.16
Harada      2 95 2 101
Harada, N.      7 108
Harada, Y.      5 31
Harding, J.T.      2 110 6 41
Harmonic — Balance equations      345 393 402 473 480 484 491
Harmonic — Balance method      345 473
Harmonics of Bloch oscillations      556
Harmonics of external microwave signal      346—48 417 418 442 491—92
Harmonics of Josephson oscillations      91 176—77 342 440
Harris, E.P      233 3 28 5 3 5 11
Harris, R.E.      2 7 2 8 2 139 2 140 4 7 5 16 5 19 7 83 7 84 11 13 12 78 12 87 A.9
Hartfuss, H.J.      11 18 11 58 12 76 12 77 12 79 12 127
Hartle, J.B.      1 12
Haruo, Y.      9 40
Harway, I.K.      6 7
Hasler      11 55
Hasley, T.C.      13 147
Hasslasher, B.      15 96
Hasumi, Y.      2 155
Hasuo, S.      2 154 2 156 7 108 8 8
Hatano, Y.      5 31 5 35 5 37
Haus, H.A.      7 64
Hawkins, G.      2 26
Hayakawa, H.      2 45 2 46 2 49 2 149 2 151 2 169 2 171 2 172 2 177 5 30 7 109 15 139 15 141
Hayashi      12 34
Hayashi, Y.      2 131 11 178
He, D. — R.      11 165
Hebard, A.F.      1 44 8 80 9 16 13 5 13 76
Heiden, C.      7 100 14 50
Heilman, F.      2 174
Heinemann, S.      7 90
Henaux, J.C.      10 47 10 67 10 69 11 103 12 117
Hendricks, E.      10 46
Henkels, W.H.      6 15 6 28 6 29 11 35
Henningsen, J.O.      11 1
Henry, R.W.      4 6 A.15 A.17
Herrell, D.J.      5 33 8 4 9 7
Herwig, R.      7 82 8 78
Hesterman, V.H.      7 54 9 6
Hida, K.      15 148
Hidaka      13 63
Higashino, Y.      2 179 2 180
High-damping limit      55—56
High-frequency limit      55
Hilbert, C.      7 98 7 106
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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