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Likharev K.K. — Dynamics of Josephson junctions and circuits
Likharev K.K. — Dynamics of Josephson junctions and circuits

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Название: Dynamics of Josephson junctions and circuits

Автор: Likharev K.K.


Written by one of the world's leading theorists working on the Josephson effect, this extensive monograph offers a detailed description of the statics, dynamics and statistics of Josephson junctions. Particular emphasis is placed on the dynamics of new circuits and analog and digital devices using single quanta of magnetic flux. Professor Likharev also describes for the first time in the monograph literature new phenomena of correlated tunneling of single electrons and Cooper pairs in ultrasmall tunnel junctions.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/Физика твёрдого тела/Приложения/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1986

Количество страниц: 614

Добавлена в каталог: 18.09.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Shnyrkov, V.I.      3 24 13 112 14 32 14 34 14 40 14 63
Shoaf, J.H.      11 100
Shoemaker, S.      13 58
Shoji, A.      2 46 2 49 2 169 2 171 2 172 2 177 7 109
Short — Circuit principle      274 277 278 285 292
Shot noise sources      16
Shot noise sources, in RSJN model      49
Shot noise sources, in tunnel junctions (TJM model)      35—36
Shot noise sources, photon      391
Shot noise sources, Schottky formula for      16
Shtykov, V.D.      10 15
Shul’man, A.Ya      10 58
Shurminova, T.M.      11 92 12 73
Sibillot, P.      11 36
Siegwarth, J.D.      6 62
Sievers, A.J.      12 63
Silver, A.H.      1 18 2 107 6 3 6 4 6 6 6 31 6 39 6 40 6 45 6 60 6 73 6 81 7 1 7 2 7 3 7 24 10 59 11 135 11 190 12 55 13 43
Simanek, E.      13 155 13 157
Simmonds, M.B.      4 34 14 9 14 47 14 58 C.8
Simonov, N.A.      11 191 14 66
Simons, R.      8 10
Sine — Gordon equation, nonstationary      506
Sine — Gordon equation, stationary      237 273
Single electron (quasiparticle), energy relaxation time of      45—46
Single electron (quasiparticle), in superconductor      12
Single electron (quasiparticle), quantized tunneling      549
Single electron (quasiparticle), tunneling      12 28
Single-electronics      563
Single-flux-quantum (SFQ), logic circuits      171—72 535
Single-flux-quantum (SFQ), memory cells      170—71 218
Single-flux-quantum (SFQ), shift registers      266
Single-flux-quantum (SFQ), voltage pulses      147—48 171 220
Sinitsyn, Yu.A.      15 137
Siri, A.      14 39
Sirkeinen, Y.      9 28 9 31
SIS (quasiparticle) mixers      337 369
SIS (quasiparticle) videodetectors      420—21
Skeleton curve      492
Skocpol, W.J.      2 87 2 130 11 5
Skovgaard, O.      12 111 15 134
Skyrme, T.H.R.      15 10
Slusky, S.E.G.      4 6 8 72 12 88 12 93
Slyusarev, V.A.      8 22 13 94
Smith, A.D.      11 19 11 190 12 78 12 94
Smith, H.J.T.      4 17 6 16 6 24 7 33 8 33 12 16 12 23 13 130
Smith, L.N.      2 39 2 40 2 41 2 47 2 50 2 165 11 141
Smith, T.I.      6 1 12 27
Smoluchowski equation      115
Smoluchowski equation, and Fourier series      117 308
Smoluchowski equation, and microwave response      308—310 323
Smoluchowski equation, and voltage fluctuations      123
Smoluchowski equation, vs. master equation      549
Snigirev, O.V.      2 73 3 26 7 12 7 58 7 105 7 107 8 44 13 74 13 91 14 19 14 44 14 52 14 55 14 57
Snigireva, L.K.      11 34
So, C.K.      2 117
Sobolewski, R.      11 147
Soerensen, M.P.      12 111 14 64 15 134
Soerensen, O.H.      2 15 4 14 4 24 9 37 10 26 11 57 11 61 11 65 11 67 11 68 11 70 13 21 14 36 15 44 15 48 15 50 15 52 15 53
Soldatov, E.S.      2 113 7 58 13 74 13 91 14 52 13 134
Soliton      507
Soliton, single-electron      564
Sollner, T.C.L.G.      11 17 12 97
Solov’ev, A.L.      12 9 13 111
Solov’ev, V.S.      11 82 12 57
Solov’ev, V.V.      15 25 15 35 15 37 15 121
Solymar, L., P.      30
Soma      5 40
Somekh, R.E.      2 170
Somervuo, P.      9 28 9 31
Song, Y.      12 31
Sorace, E.      15 147
Soulen, R.J., Jr      4 10 6 63 6 64 6 65 6 66 6 67 6 68 6 70 C.11
Spargo, J.W.      7 86 7 111
Spatschek, K.H.      15 16
Springer, K.T.      2 175 2 176
Spytsyn, A.M.      10 22 11 86 11 102
Squids      207
SQUIDs, (output) energy sensitivity ($\epsilon_{V}$)      208 215 489
SQUIDs, ac      173 208 471—502
SQUIDs, basic circuits of      207 472 496
SQUIDs, bias flux modulation in      213 471
SQUIDs, biological and medical applications of      566—67
SQUIDs, Bloch/SET junction analogs of      561
SQUIDs, commercial      483 567
SQUIDs, coupling with signal source      274
SQUIDs, dc      202—17 445 471 472 489 502
SQUIDs, degenerate      497 502
SQUIDs, history of      208
SQUIDs, hysteretic      475—490 494 501
SQUIDs, in fundamental physics      567
SQUIDs, in geophysics      567
SQUIDs, input admittance of      215—16 483 493—94
SQUIDs, intrinsic noise of      207—17 488—90 495-501
SQUIDs, microwave      497—501
SQUIDs, noise parameter ($E_{N}$) of      211—15 496
SQUIDs, nonhysteretic      490—98
SQUIDs, practical circuits of      212—14
SQUIDs, R      500—1
SQUIDs, signal bandwidth of      494—97 500
SQUIDs, signal curve of      482
SQUIDs, transfer coefficient ($H$) of      207—8 482 483 485 493 494
SQUIDs, ultimate sensitivity of      208—12 490 496
Stancampiano, C.V.      10 44 11 147 12 53
Standards of dc current      558—59
Standards of dc voltage/e.m.f      365—66 463 559
Standards, unified, of time, frequency and length      367
Stauffer, D.      13 89
Stegun, I.A.      1 41
Stein, K.      13 157
Steingrimson, B.S.      11 116
Stelmakh, V.G.      8 41
Step function      478
Stepanov, V.A.      11 105
Stepanova, M.G.      14 69
Stephen, M.J.      1 34 10 36 12 25 15 8
Sterling, S.A.      10 52
Stern      13 40
Stewart, G.R.      13 118
Stewart, W.C.      1 25 2 136
Stolfa, D.L.      14 1
Stoll, E.P.      15 87 15 88 15 89 15 90
Stowell, W.R.      13 65
Strait, S.F.      2 111
Strange Attractor      178
Stratonovich, R.L.      1 26 4 27
Streingrimson, B.S.      11 116
Strenski, P.N.      13 140
Strizhko, L.P.      6 59
Stroink, G.W.R., P.      47
Strongin      13 92
Stroud, D.      13 144 13 146
Structure of this book      xv-xvi
Stuehm, D.L.      8 2 8 43 9 8
Stumper, V.      10 70
Subharmonic oscillations/generation      201 348—50 395 402—4 405 408— 9 526 529 569
Sueoka, K.      7 114 8 96 8 97
Sugahara      16 6
Sugano      2 178 6 32
Sugar, R.L.      1 12
Sugiyama, Y.      2 105
Sullivan, D.B.      1 30 6 46 11 84 14 59 A.1 C.11 C.25
Super — Schottky-diode      425
Superconducting condensate      4—7 39 555
Superconducting electrodes      5
Superconducting granular films      457—60
Superconducting quantum interferometers, basic parameter ($\lambda$) of      155
Superconducting quantum interferometers, Bloch/SET junction analogs of      560—62
Superconducting quantum interferometers, electronic analogs of      573—75
Superconducting quantum interferometers, mechanical analogs of      161 569
Superconducting quantum interferometers, multijunction      225—31 259 262 264 267 454
Superconducting quantum interferometers, resistive      174—84 204—5 441 500-1
Superconducting quantum interferometers, single-junction      153—74 348—50 367 471-501
Superconducting quantum interferometers, symmetrical      191
Superconducting quantum interferometers, three-junction      217 230 265 293
Superconducting quantum interferometers, two-junction      188—220 265 293 384—85 398—99 407 440—41 447
Superconducting quantum interferometers, uniform      226 227 229 267
Superconducting quantum interferometers, with distributed junctions      247—48
Superconducting thin films      266 456—57
Superconductivity      3
Supercurrent      xiii 6
Supercurrent, admittance/impedance of      380 382
Supercurrent, basic properties of      7—11
Supercurrent, complex amplitude ($I_{p}$) of      8
Supercurrent, dependence of Josephson phase      6—7
Supercurrent, energy of      8
Supercurrent, frequency dependence (dispersion) of      32 49 314 347
Supercurrent, inductance of      9
Supercurrent, periodicity of      7
Supercurrent, suppression parameter ($\alpha$)      49 94
Superlattices, semiconductor      84
Superlattices, superconductor      461 544—45
Superposition principles, linear      301 351 360
Superposition principles, quadratic      324
Suris, R.A.      3 41
Sutherland, B.      15 85
Sutton, E.C.      12 119
Suzuki      13 79 13 80 13 81 13 150 13 151
Suzuki, C.      13 63
Suzuki, H.      2 154 7 108
SVA method      312
Svidzinsky, A.V.      8 22
Svistunov, V.M.      4 2 8 63 8 69
SVP method      312 326 329 341
Sweet, J.N.      2 132
Swihart velocity      261
Swilhart, J.C.      8 12
Switching (transition), R $\rightarrow$ S      132 137—38 144—48 169 218 219
Switching (transition), R $\rightarrow$ —R (punchthrough)      137—43 144
Switching (transition), S $\rightarrow$ R      129—37 144—48 169 205 214 218 219 385
Switching (transition), S $\rightarrow$ S (phase jump)      160—61 166—70 205 220 476 480 481 485
Swithenby, S.J., C.      2
Syromyatnikov, I.Yu      12 107
Tahara, S.      2 172
Takada, S.      2 45 2 46 2 172
Takagi, S., A.      19
Takahasi, H.      11 136
Takai, S.      2 122 11 4
Takanaka, H.      2 158
Takanaka, K.      12 38 12 110 13 136 13 162
Takano      2 131
Takara, S.      7 109
Takatsu      2 178
Takayama, H.      15 99
Takayanagi, H.      2 76 2 163 11 181
Takei, K.      2 168
Takeuti, Y.      2 122 11 4 11 29 11 144
Takhtajan, L.A.      15 95
Takonis, K.W.      7 4
Tamura, H.      2 178 6 32
Tanabe, K.      2 158 2 159 2 164
Tanaka      5 34 8 100
Tank circuit      382 471—97
Tank circuit, balanced      496
Tannton, J.C., A.      13
Tarasov, M.A.      11 89 11 111 12 83
Tarutani, Y.      2 53 5 35 5 37
Tateno, H.      15 41
Taur, Y.      2 119 4 22 6 58 11 80 11 110 12 84
Taylor, B.N., P.      10 P.11 P.15 4 3 8 62 11 6 11 117 11 120 12 48
Tedrow, P.W.      8 38
Teitel, S.      13 143
Tennant, D.M.      2 57 3 15
Tesche, C.D.      7 25 7 27 7 35 7 56 7 61 7 101
Thaxter, J.B.      2 40 2 41
Thermal activation      73
Thermal activation, effect of microwaves on      82
Thermal activation, in ac SQUIDs      485—88
Thermal activation, in distributed junctions      533
Thermal activation, in single junction      73—76
Thermal activation, in single-junction interferometer      164—66
Thermal activation, in two-junction interferometer      199
Thermal fluctuation/noise parameter ($\gamma$)      16
Thermal fluctuation/noise parameter ($\gamma$), effective, at mutual phase locking      436 438
Thermal fluctuation/noise parameter ($\gamma$), effective, near Josephson steps      314 342
Thermal fluctuation/noise sources      15—16
Thermal fluctuation/noise sources, in distributed junctions      259 517
Thermal fluctuation/noise sources, in tunnel junctions (TJM model)      35
Thermal fluctuation/noise sources, Johnson — Nyquist formula for      15 22
Thermal/thermodynamic equilibrium, condition of      21
Thermal/thermodynamic equilibrium, in amplifiers      368
Thermal/thermodynamic equilibrium, in interferometers      163 182
Thermal/thermodynamic equilibrium, in single junctions      73
Thiene, P.      2 110
Thin-film bridge(s)      41
Thin-film bridge(s), and resonance current peaks      383
Thin-film bridge(s), and thermal fluctuation effects      120
Thin-film bridge(s), banks of      42
Thin-film bridge(s), edge-type      39 42
Thin-film bridge(s), frequency mixing in      364
Thin-film bridge(s), in ac SQUIDs      475 483
Thin-film bridge(s), in dc SQUIDs      206
Thin-film bridge(s), Josephson oscillations in      87
Thin-film bridge(s), parametric interactions in      328 360
Thin-film bridge(s), phase locking of      432 440—43 453 461
Thin-film bridge(s), planar-type      39 42
Thin-film bridge(s), span of      42
Thin-film bridge(s), uniform-thickness (Dayem)      483
Thin-film bridge(s), variable-thickness      39 41—42
Thin-film transformers      274
Thomas, G.      7 29
Thompson, E.D.      1 22 10 38 12 54
Thompson, R.S.      13 92
Thorne, K.S.      11 137 11 138
Thorne, R.E.      11 185
Thouless, D.J.      1 43
Three-terminal devices      454—55
Threshold model      162 475
Threshold rate of current      140—43
Threshold value(s) of amplitude      476—79
Threshold value(s) of current      544 551
Threshold value(s) of flux/phase      171 483 485
Tiberio, R.      2 62
Tichy, R.      14 37
Tien, P.K.      11 9
Tilley, D.R., P.      39 4 39 8 46 13 64
Tilley, J., P.      39
Timble, P.      12 120
Tinchev, S.S.      13 74 14 15 14 19 14 44 14 65
Tinkham, M., P.      40 2 29 2 87 2 123 2 130 3 40 11 3 11 5 11 22 11 141 11 176 13 60 13 101 13 142
TJM model      49—51
TJM model, adiabatic approximation of      53
TJM model, analog modelling of      573
TJM model, fluctuation sources in      35—36
TJM model, frequency-domain formulation of      28—30
TJM model, time-domain formulation of      50—51 95
TJM model, vs. Kramers — Kronig relations      52—53
Todd, R.J.      11 7
Todorov, B.N.      8 44 9 4 11 153
Tognetti, V.      15 147
Tokatly, V.I.      14 70
Tolner, H.      10 32 10 55 10 56 10 57 12 68
Toots, J.      9 30 11 121 11 125 12 62
Trambarulo, R.      12 88 12 93
Transients in single junction      129—49
Transients in single-junction interferometer      166—70
Transients in two-junction interferometer      204—5
Trullinger, S.E.      4 29 4 30 15 5 15 14 15 73 15 91 15 100 15 105
Tsai, J. — S.      1 45
Tsang, W. — T.      7 15
Tsar’gorodtsev, Yu.P.      13 134
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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