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Pope S.B. — Turbulent Flows
Pope S.B. — Turbulent Flows

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Название: Turbulent Flows

Автор: Pope S.B.


Turbulent Flows is an up-to-date and comprehensive graduate text on this important topic in fluid dynamics. The book consists of two parts: Part I provides a general introduction to turbulent flows, how they behave, how they can be described quantitatively, and their fundamental physical processes. Part II is concerned with different approaches for modeling, or simulating, turbulent flows. Key appendices present the necessary mathematical techniques. While primarily intended for engineering graduate students, this book will also be valuable to students in applied mathematics, physics, oceanography and atmospheric sciences, as well as to researchers and practicing engineers.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2000

Количество страниц: 771

Добавлена в каталог: 04.06.2010

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Предметный указатель
Stokes pressure      see Pressure harmonic
Stokes stream function      120
Stolovitzky, G.      262
Stone, E.      331
Strain rate      see Rate of strain
Streak      323 324 331
Streak, spacing      324
Streamfunction      32
Streamline curvature      365 461
Streamlines      23
Street, R. L.      625 629
Stress tensor      16 (see also Reynolds-stress tensor)
Strong realizability      401 402 426
Structure function, Lagrangian      486-487 490
Structure function, power-law      257 261 700 696-701
Structure function, relation to autocovariance      696
Structure function, relation to spectrum      226 696 700
Structure function, velocity, higher-order      256 257 260-261
Structure function, velocity, Kolmogorov hypotheses      192-195 232 260-261 487 490
Structure function, velocity, second-order      192 194 191-195 261
Structure function, velocity, third-order      203 204
Structure-function model      629
Subgrid scale stress      see Residual stress tensor
Sublayer      see Viscous sublayer
Subramaniam, S.      555
Substantial derivative      13
Substantial derivative, mean      84
Substitution rule      645 660
Suffix, dummy      645 660
Suffix, free      645 659
Suga, K.      454 456
Sullivan, R P.      631
Summation convention      644 660
Superlayer      see Viscous superlayer
Sure event      34
Surface forces      16
Surrogate field      551
Sweep      323 324 325
Swirling flows      364 461 544
System coordinate-system invariance      27-28 399
Tabeling, P.      258
Tabor, G.      639
Tamura, T.      633
Taulbee, D. B.      454
Tavoularis, S.      94 155-157 163 174 175 281 362
Taylor microscale      199 198-201
Taylor microscale, longitudinal      198
Taylor microscale, relation to dissipation      199
Taylor microscale, relation to other lengthscales      200
Taylor microscale, transverse      199
Taylor series for a delta function      675
Taylor series for a tensor      652
Taylor series for filtered velocity      596
Taylor — G$\ddot{o}$rtler vortices      322
Taylor, G. I.      196 199 224 406 503
Taylor, H. M.      715
Taylor-scale Reynolds number      200
Taylor’s hypothesis      223-224
Teitel, M.      285
Temporal mixing layer      see Mixing layer
Tennekes, H.      680
Tensor addition      649 660
Tensor, Cartesian      643-660
Tensor, contraction      650 660
Tensor, direct notation      653
Tensor, divergence      652 660
Tensor, division      651 660
Tensor, first-order      647
Tensor, gradient      651 660
Tensor, inner product      651 660
Tensor, isotropic      662
Tensor, Nth-order      649
Tensor, product      649 660
Tensor, second-order      648 662 661-669
Tensor, second-order, antisymmetric      663
Tensor, second-order, as a matrix      661
Tensor, second-order, as an ellipsoid      668
Tensor, second-order, characteristic equation      667
Tensor, second-order, decomposition      662-663
Tensor, second-order, determinant      666
Tensor, second-order, deviatoric      662
Tensor, second-order, eigenvalues      664-665
Tensor, second-order, eigenvectors      664-665
Tensor, second-order, invariants      666
Tensor, second-order, inverse      667
Tensor, second-order, isotropic      662
Tensor, second-order, principal axes      664-665
Tensor, second-order, principal invariants      666
Tensor, second-order, square root      668
Tensor, second-order, symmetric      663
Tensor, second-order, trace      662
Tensor, suffix notation      653
Tensor, summary of rules      659-660
Tensor, transformation rule      649
Tensor, zeroth-order      647
Tensor-representation theorems      400
Test filter      619
Theodorsen, T.      326
Thermal wake      503 505 503-505
Thomas, N. H.      433
Thomson, D. J.      604
Time average      79 80 81 683
Timescale in round jet      131
Timescale, cascade      252
Timescale, eddy      183
Timescale, integral      69
Timescale, Kolmogorov      128
Timescale, Lagrangian integral      485
Timescale, turbulence      130
Tong      5 224
Townsend, A. A.      8 205 259 415
Transfer function      see Filter
Transition      6 266 300
Transitional flow      602 624
Transverse      196
Triad interactions      214-215 255 345 607 608 605-609
Tricomi, F. G.      680
Tritton, D. J.      10
Trovato, M.      400
Tsai, H. M.      327
Tsai, K      547
Tselepidakis, D. P.      425
Tucker, H. J.      360 361
Turbulence frequency, at wall      538
Turbulence frequency, conditional mean      513 512-514
Turbulence frequency, definition      506 514
Turbulence frequency, evolution of mean      385 509
Turbulence frequency, gamma distribution      511 512
Turbulence frequency, Jayesh — Pope model      512 511-515
Turbulence frequency, Jayesh — Pope model, sample paths      512
Turbulence frequency, log-normal model      510 507-511 512
Turbulence frequency, log-normal model, sample paths      508
Turbulence frequency, mean      506
Turbulence frequency, mean, $k-\omega$ model      383-385
Turbulence frequency, mean, $k-\varepsilon$ model      377-378
Turbulence frequency, mean, in round jet      131
Turbulence frequency, PDF      see PDF of turbulence frequency
Turbulence model      336
Turbulent diffusivity      93 162 363
Turbulent diffusivity from dispersion      500
Turbulent dispersion      see Dispersion
Turbulent kinetic energy      88 122 125-127
Turbulent kinetic energy and POD eigenfunctions      330
Turbulent kinetic energy budget in axisymmetric wake      151 153
Turbulent kinetic energy budget in boundary layer      314 314
Turbulent kinetic energy budget in channel flow      285 284-285
Turbulent kinetic energy budget in round jet      129 130
Turbulent kinetic energy budget in temporal mixing layer      431
Turbulent kinetic energy in boundary layer      313
Turbulent kinetic energy in channel flow      282 284 532 540
Turbulent kinetic energy in grid turbulence      159 160
Turbulent kinetic energy in homogeneous turbulent shear flow      156
Turbulent kinetic energy model      369-373
Turbulent kinetic energy, conservation equation      125 133
Turbulent kinetic energy, conservation equation, near-wall expansion      286
Turbulent kinetic energy, cumulative      240 241 241 245
Turbulent kinetic energy, model transport equation      372
Turbulent kinetic energy, model transport equation, near-wall      435
Turbulent kinetic energy, pressure transport      126 314 314 430 431
Turbulent kinetic energy, relation to energy-spectrum function      222
Turbulent mean and statistics      see Intermittency conditional
Turbulent Prandtl number      95 162
Turbulent Prandtl number for dissipation      375
Turbulent Prandtl number for kinetic energy      371
Turbulent Reynolds number      see Reynolds number
Turbulent structures      178-181 322-332
Turbulent structures, axisymmetric wake      179 181
Turbulent structures, boundary layer      327
Turbulent structures, categorization      323
Turbulent structures, dynamical models      331
Turbulent structures, eduction      328
Turbulent structures, free shear flows      178-181
Turbulent structures, mixing layer      178 178
Turbulent structures, wall flows      323-332
Turbulent viscosity      93 358
Turbulent viscosity in $k-\varepsilon$ model      374
Turbulent viscosity in boundary layer      307
Turbulent viscosity in mixing-length model      289 367 367
Turbulent viscosity in round jet      105-107 108 118
Turbulent viscosity in turbulent kinetic energy model      369 770
Turbulent viscosity model, transport equation      386
Turbulent viscosity, near-wall damping      434
Turbulent viscosity, related to wall-normal velocity variance      435 435 448
Turbulent viscosity, relation to $k$ and $\varepsilon$      370 371 372
Turbulent viscosity, uniform      366 365-366
Turbulent-viscosity hypothesis      92-95 358-365
Turbulent-viscosity hypothesis for axisymmetric contraction      359-360
Turbulent-viscosity hypothesis in rapid distortion      360
Turbulent-viscosity hypothesis in shear flows      94 362
Turbulent-viscosity hypothesis, alignment of principal axes      94 364 365
Turbulent-viscosity hypothesis, assumed linear relation      358 364
Turbulent-viscosity hypothesis, comparison with kinetic theory      361
Turbulent-viscosity hypothesis, nonlinear model      365 450-456
Turbulent-viscosity hypothesis, nonlinear model, for two-dimensional flows      454
Turbulent-viscosity hypothesis, nonlinear model, from LRR-IP      454 455 456
Two-component flow      284
Two-component turbulence      394 395 395 396 401 402 433
Two-dimensional turbulence      426
Two-equation models      384 384
Two-point correlation      77 195-205
Two-point correlation in isotropic turbulence      196
Two-point correlation, divergence      78
Two-point correlation, relation to pressure-rate-of-strain tensor      391
Two-point correlation, relation to velocity-spectrum tensor      220
Two-point correlation, symmetries      78
Two-point correlation, triple velocity      201
Typical eddies      327
Uberoi, M. S.      151-153 359 360
Uddin, A. K. M.      314
Unclosed      87
Uncorrelated random variables      57 59
Uncorrelated random variables, joint-normal      63
Uniform distribution      43 44
Unit wavevector      408 409 410 541 542
Unit wavevector, evolution equation      408 542
Unit wavevector, stochastic model      543-545
Unitary matrix      63 90 663
Unitary transformation      63 664
Universal equilibrium range      185 187 231
Universality of small scales      184 185
Unknowns      370
Unpredictability      37
Valino, L.      555
Valley      327 327
Van Atta, C. W.      256 258 262
van Driest damping function      303 304
van Driest damping function for Smagorinsky lengthscale      599 634
van Driest, E. R.      304
Van Dyke, M.      6
Van Slooten, P R.      422 513 514 541-544
Variance      41
Variance of sums      60
Variance, relation to spectrum      71
Vasilyev, O. V.      578
Vector potential      211
Veeravalli, S. V.      193 194 233 235 236 239 247 248 318
Velocity field, Eulerian      12
Velocity field, fluctuating      75
Velocity field, Fourier series      207
Velocity field, Lagrangian      13
Velocity field, mean      83—86
Velocity field, near-wall expansion      283
Velocity potential      211
Velocity scale in turbulent-viscosity model      369
Velocity scale of eddy      183
Velocity scale of residual velocity      628
Velocity scale, convective      139
Velocity scale, difference      139
Velocity scale, Kolmogorov      128
Velocity scale, r.m.s.      105
Velocity scale, viscous      269
Velocity, fluid particle      14 481
Velocity, following molecule      535
Velocity, PDF      see PDF of velocity
Velocity-defect law      275-278 305 305-308
Velocity-defect law in boundary layer      305 307
Velocity-defect law in channel flow      277
Velocity-pressure-gradient tensor      315 316
Velocity-pressure-gradient tensor, alternative decompositions      389 428
Velocity-spectrum tensor      77 216 218 220-221 411
Velocity-spectrum tensor for rapid distortion of homogeneous turbulence      412
Velocity-spectrum tensor in isotropic turbulence      222
Velocity-spectrum tensor, positive-definiteness      218 220
Velocity-spectrum tensor, relation to Reynolds stress      220
Velocity-spectrum tensor, relation to two-point correlation      220
Velocity-spectrum tensor, symmetries      220
Villermaux, J.      547
Vincenti, W. G.      361 363
viscosity      17
Viscosity from kinetic theory      361
Viscosity, kinematic      17
Viscosity, turbulent      see Turbulent viscosity
Viscous dissipation      123 see
Viscous lengthscale      270
Viscous scales      269
Viscous sublayer      271 275 276
Viscous superlayer      167 171 171-172 323 326 327
Viscous transport in $k-\varepsilon$ model      435
Viscous transport in PDF methods      534-537
Viscous wall region      270 275 276
Visser, B. M.      364
VITA      328
VLES      560 560
Voke, P R.      596
Volume average      208
von K$\acute{a}$rm$\acute{a}$n constant      274 291 379
von Karman, T.      196 201 232 274 276
Vortex lines      23
Vortex stretching      22 204
Vortical structure      323 325
Vorticity      22-24 32
Vorticity in wavenumber space      211
Vorticity, conservation equation      22
Vorticity, conservation equation, for irrotational rapid distortions      406
Vreman, B.      603 625 629 639
Wake      see Axisymmetric wake plane
Wake-strength parameter      306
Waleffe, F.      331
Wall blocking      433 435
Wall echo      see Wall reflection
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