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Pope S.B. — Turbulent Flows |
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Reynolds number of round jet 97
Reynolds number, friction 270
Reynolds number, relation between flow and Taylor-scale 245
Reynolds number, relation between turbulence and Taylor-scale 244 245
Reynolds number, Taylor-scale 200
Reynolds number, turbulence 200 244
Reynolds number, turbulent 119 137 149 365 366
Reynolds stress 75 84 86-91
Reynolds stress in axisymmetric contraction 361
Reynolds stress in axisymmetric flow 104
Reynolds stress in axisymmetric wake 152
Reynolds stress in boundary layer 313
Reynolds stress in channel flow 282 284 281-284 540
Reynolds stress in grid turbulence 159
Reynolds stress in homogeneous turbulent shear flow 156 157
Reynolds stress in mixing layer 144
Reynolds stress in plane jet 136
Reynolds stress in round jet 106 105-107
Reynolds stress in terms of LES stresses 604
Reynolds stress on axis of symmetry 105
Reynolds stress, anistropy see Reynolds-stress anisotropy tensor
Reynolds stress, balance equation 315 319-320
Reynolds stress, balance equation for rapid distortion of homogeneous turbulence 413
Reynolds stress, bound on shear stress 122
Reynolds stress, budget in boundary layer 316 317 315-318
Reynolds stress, convective transport 319
Reynolds stress, dissipation see Dissipation tensor
Reynolds stress, flux 319
Reynolds stress, near-wall expansion 284
Reynolds stress, normal 87
Reynolds stress, pressure transport 317 319
Reynolds stress, production 315 315 320
Reynolds stress, production, in isotropic turbulence 414
Reynolds stress, redistribution 316
Reynolds stress, resolved 602
Reynolds stress, shear 87
Reynolds stress, viscous transport 319 429
Reynolds, O. 5 83
Reynolds, W. C. 222 324 346 348 354 360 361 383 415 422 437 540 541 560 602 628 629
Reynolds-number similarity 27
Reynolds-stress anisotropy tensor 88 392
Reynolds-stress anisotropy tensor as ellipsoid 394
Reynolds-stress anisotropy tensor in homogeneous turbulent shear flow 424 544
Reynolds-stress anisotropy tensor in shear rapid distortion 420
Reynolds-stress anisotropy tensor, eigenvalues 394
Reynolds-stress anisotropy tensor, evolution equation 392
Reynolds-stress anisotropy tensor, invariants 393 394 395
Reynolds-stress anisotropy tensor, principal invariants 404
Reynolds-stress model 387-448
Reynolds-stress model, dissipation see Dissipation tensor
Reynolds-stress model, gradient-diffusion transport models 431-432 446
Reynolds-stress model, pressure transport 429-430
Reynolds-stress model, Reynolds-number effects 388
Reynolds-stress model, transport equation 429 445
Reynolds-stress model, transport equation from PDF equation 466
Reynolds-stress model, turbulent convection 429
Reynolds-stress tensor as ellipsoid 397
Reynolds-stress tensor, anisotropy 88
Reynolds-stress tensor, determinant see Determinant of normalized Reynolds stress tensor
Reynolds-stress tensor, eigenvalues 88
Reynolds-stress tensor, principal axes 88 90 109
Reynolds-stress tensor, symmetries 89
Reynolds-stress tensor, tensor properties 87
Reynolds-stress tensor, two-dimensional flow 89
Richardson 183
Richardson, L. F. 182 183
Right hand see Handedness
Riley, J. J. 638
Ristorcelli, J. R. 427
RNG model 383
Robertson, H. P. 400
Robinson, S. K. 323 324 328
Rodi, W. xxxiii 423 425 427 434 436 445 449 638 639
Roekaerts, D. 547
Rogallo, R. S. 155 255 344-346
Rogers, M. M. 142-144 155-157 176 177 346 354 372 424 430 431 544 625
Rollers 178 175 180
Rolls 325 326 330 331
Roshko, A. 178
Rotation see also Rate of rotation
Rotation of coordinate axes 27 645
Rotation of frame 30
Rotta coefficient 425 427
Rotta coefficient implied LIPM 478
Rotta constant 393 423
Rotta constant implied by SLM 476
Rotta, J. C. 383 392 437
Rotta’s dissipation-tensor model 437 438 445
Rotta’s return-to-isotropy model 392-393 396 423 476
Roughness 294
Round jet 3 4 5 97 96-134
Round jet, correlation coefficient 105 107
Round jet, centerline velocity 97 99 100 101 116
Round jet, energy-flow rate 116
Round jet, half-width 97
Round jet, laminar 120
Round jet, lengthscales 108 109 109 130 131
Round jet, mass-flow rate 116
Round jet, mean velocity 98 102 97-104
Round jet, momentum conservation 115-116
Round jet, momentum-flow rate 115
Round jet, r.m.s. Velocity 105 106
Round jet, Reynolds number 97 100
Round jet, Reynolds number, dependence on 101 105
Round jet, Reynolds number, turbulent 119
Round jet, Reynolds stress 105 106
Round jet, scalar variance 163 165
Round jet, scalar variance, budget 164
Round jet, self-similarity 98 102 101-105
Round jet, skewness of velocity 177 177
Round jet, spreading rate 100 101 117 382
Round jet, spreading rate, dependence on turbulent viscosity 119
Round jet, timescales 130 131
Round jet, turbulent kinetic energy budget 129 130
Round jet, turbulent viscosity 105-107 108
Round jet, turbulent viscosity, scaling 118
Round jet, turbulent viscosity, uniform 119 118-122
Round jet, virtual origin 100
Round wake see Axisymmetric wake
Rubinstein, R. 454 456
Runstadler, P. W. 324
Sabel’nikov, V. A. 545
Saddoughi, S. G. 193 194 233 235 236 239 247 318
Saffman, P. G. 205 222 383 498
Sample path 65
Sample space 38
Sarkar, S. xxxiv 398 399 402 425 427
Sato, Y. 487
Savill, A. M. 421
Sawford, B. L. 503
Saxena, V. 553
Scalar dissipation 164
Scalar dissipation, conditional 546 549
Scalar dissipation, conditional, for Gaussian field 550 551
Scalar flux 91 163
Scalar flux, model transport equation 554
Scalar flux, symmetries 92
Scalar gradient 647
Scalar variance in plane wake 170
Scalar variance in round jet 163 163 165
Scalar variance in round jet, budget 164
Scalar variance, balance equation 163
Scalar variance, dissipation see Scalar dissipation
Scalar variance, influence of molecular diffusivity 165-166
Scalar variance, model transport equation 548
Scalar variance, production 163
Scalar variance, timescale ratio see Mechanical-to-scalar timescale ratio
Scale invariance 27
Scale similarity 27
Scale-similarity model 627-628
| Scatter plot 54 55 58
Scheuerer, G. 436 445
Schiestel, R. 458
Schlichting, H. 8 119 290 293-295 297 298 300 301 306 367
Schmidt number 21
Schmidt, H. 631
Schmitt, F. 355
Schneider, W. 97
Schoppa, W. 328 332
Schraub, F. A. 324
Schultz — Grunow friction law 307
Schumann, U. 402 560 599 631
Schwarz, W. R. 432
Scotti, A. 577
Second-moment closures 460
Self-similarity 99
Self-similarity, asymptotic 147 151
Sensitivity to initial conditions 35 36 37
Separation 321
Separation of scales 7 243 242-244
SGS dissipation 586
SGS Reynolds stress 583 584 609
SGS stress see Residual stress tensor
Shape factor 303 313 321
Sharma, B. I. 373 375
Shavit, A. 423
She, Z.-S. 352
Shear flow see Homogeneous turbulent shear flow
Shear layer see Mixing layer
Shear rapid distortion 420
Shear stress 87 94 106 269
Shear stress at wall 267 269
Shear stress in channel flow see Channel flow etc.
Shear stress, spectrum see Spectrum
Shear-thinning 450
Shih — Lumley model see SL model
Shih, T.-H. 399 425 427
Shir, C. C. 431
Shukla, V. 633
Simplified Langevin model 471 472 476 489
Simplified Langevin model for decaying homogeneous turbulence 471-472 474
Simpson, R. L. 321
Simulation 336
Sirovich, L. 330
skewness 43
Skewness, conserved scalar 175 176
Skewness, structure-function 204
Skewness, velocity 111 177
Skewness, velocity-derivative 202 204 256 261 262
Skin-friction coefficient 301 306 321
Skin-friction coefficient in channel flow 267 279 533
Skin-friction coefficient, relation to friction velocity 268
SL model 427 425-427
Smagorinsky coefficient 587 619
Smagorinsky coefficient for laminar flow 597
Smagorinsky coefficient for large filter width 597
Smagorinsky coefficient for small filter width 595
Smagorinsky coefficient from dynamic model 622-623
Smagorinsky coefficient from Lilly analysis 588
Smagorinsky coefficient, dependence on filter width 593
Smagorinsky coefficient, internal intermittency 589
Smagorinsky coefficient, near-wall damping 599
Smagorinsky filter 593 590-594
Smagorinsky filter, transfer function 592
Smagorinsky lengthscale 587 588
Smagorinsky lengthscale, near-wall variation 601
Smagorinsky model 587-604
Smagorinsky model based on fluctuating filtered rate of strain 598
Smagorinsky model for laminar flow 597-598
Smagorinsky model, a posteriori testing 602-603
Smagorinsky model, a priori testing 601-602
Smagorinsky model, inertial subrange 588 589 587-590
Smagorinsky model, large-filter-width limit 596-597
Smagorinsky model, small-filter-width limit 594-596
Smagorinsky, J. 367 560 562 588
Smith, A. M. O. 308 367
Smith, C. R. 324
Smith, L. M. 383
Smits, A. J. 291 292 309 310
Smoothed particle hydrodynamics 525
So, R. M. C. 437
Solenoidal 15
Sotiropoulos, F. 365
Spalart — Allmaras model 385-386 459-460
Spalart, P. R. 303 307 313 314 318 321 357 379 384 385 437 438
Spalding, D. B. 373 442
Sparse-mode methods 352
Spatial average 80 208
Spatial mixing layer see Mixing layer
Specific volume 15
Spectral eddy viscosity 611 610-611
Spectral energy-transfer rate see Energy-transfer rate
Spectral method 345
Spectrum see also Energy-spectrum function velocity-spectrum
Spectrum in grid turbulence 241
Spectrum of derivatives of a random process 691
Spectrum of finite-difference derivative 574 574 575
Spectrum of Ornstein — Uhlenbeck process 71 721
Spectrum, behavior at small wavenumber 222 223 229 229 232
Spectrum, coherency 247 248
Spectrum, compensated 230 236 239
Spectrum, dissipation 236 237 243 251 251
Spectrum, dissipation range 233 236 238 234-238
Spectrum, effect of Reynolds number 242 243 242-245
Spectrum, energy-containing range 240 241
Spectrum, exponential 236 236
Spectrum, filtered 570 568-571
Spectrum, frequency 71 69-71 689 687-691
Spectrum, inertial subrange 239 238-239
Spectrum, Kolmogorov 189 229-232
Spectrum, Kolmogorov, departures from 254 255
Spectrum, model 233 232-234 236 237
Spectrum, one-dimensional 229 224-229 231 235
Spectrum, one-dimensional, in isotropic turbulence 226
Spectrum, overlap 242 243 244
Spectrum, Pao 236 236 253-254
Spectrum, power-law 189 254 255 698 696-701
Spectrum, production 250 251
Spectrum, refined Kolmogorov hypotheses 261
Spectrum, relation to autocovariance 688
Spectrum, shear stress 248 246-249
Spectrum, von K rm n 232
Spectrum, wavenumber 77
Spencer, A. J. M. 400
Speziale, C. G. xxxiv 32 383 398 399 402 425-427 442 453 454 469 490 492 584
Speziale, Sarkar, and Gatski model see SSG model
Spreading rate see Round jet etc.
Sreenivasan, K. R. 166 171 231 259 260 262 321 324
SSG model 427 425-428 442
Standard deviation 41
Stapountzis, H. 503
Staroselsky, I. 383
Statistical correspondence between the LES and DNS 614
Statistical correspondence in Lagrangian particle method 517-523
Statistical error 525
Statistically axisymmetric 76 104
Statistically homogeneous 75
Statistically isotropic 77
Statistically one-dimensional 76
Statistically stationary 75
Statistically two-dimensional 76
Stern, F. 343
Stochastic differential equation 484 718-719
Stochastic Lagrangian model 491 492 etc.)
Stochastic model for molecular motion 534
Stochastic model for turbulence frequency see Turbulence frequency
Stochastic model for velocity see Langevin equation
Stochastic process 67 713
Stochastic process, increment 714
Stochastic process, infinitesimal parameters 715
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