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Pope S.B. — Turbulent Flows |
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Particle pressure 521-522
Particle reflection 530 530 539 539
Particle system 516 518
Particle-interaction models 555
Particle-mesh method 525 (see also Lagrangian particle method)
Passive scalar 21 (see also Conserved scalar)
Patel, V. C. 266 279 280 365 436
Patterson, G. S. 344
PDF 37 39-54
PDF methods 463-557
PDF methods, advantages 556
PDF methods, computational cost 556
PDF methods, Eulerian approach 479 479
PDF methods, Lagrangian approach 479-480 481
PDF methods, levels of closure 555
PDF methods, near-wall 540 534-540
PDF of composition 173-176 545-552
PDF of composition in homogeneous turbulent shear flow 173 174
PDF of composition in isotropic turbulence 550 552
PDF of composition in mixing layer 174 176
PDF of composition, fine-grained 547
PDF of composition, particle method, distributed-particle 547 548
PDF of composition, particle method, node-based 547
PDF of composition, transport equation 546 549 550
PDF of composition, transport equation, model 547
PDF of composition, transport equation, moments 548
PDF of fluctuating velocity 467-468
PDF of fluctuating velocity, transport equation 467 468
PDF of fluctuating velocity, transport equation, derivation 705-706
PDF of fluctuating velocity, transport equation, model 469 476 493
PDF of Fourier coefficients 614 615
PDF of particle position 495 517
PDF of particle position, equality of backward and forward 497
PDF of particle position, relation to mean of conserved scalar 497
PDF of turbulence frequency 506 507 512 511-514
PDF of velocity 464
PDF of velocity in homogeneous turbulent shear flow 174 174 175
PDF of velocity in mixing layer 176 177
PDF of velocity, transport equation 465 534
PDF of velocity, transport equation, derivation 702-706
PDF of velocity, transport equation, model 469 491
PDF of velocity, transport equation, viscous transport 534-537
PDF of velocity-derivative 257 258
PDF, conditional 58-59
PDF, exponential tails 257
PDF, fine-grained 702-704
Pdf, joint 56
PDF, Lagrangian 481
PDF, Lagrangian, fine-grained 481
PDF, Lagrangian, model evolution equation 485 491
PDF, Lagrangian, of fluctuating velocity 482
PDF, marginal 56
PDF, N-point, N-time 75
PDF, N-time 66
PDF, normalization condition 39 464
PDF, one-point 74
PDF, one-time 66
PDF, realizability 550
PDF, relation to characteristic function 707 710
PDF, relationship between Lagrangian and Eulerian 480-483
PDF, relationship between Lagrangian and Eulerian, in homogeneous turbulence 483
PDF, standardized 42
PDF, transformation rule 49
PDF, velocity-composition joint 552-554
PDF, velocity-composition joint, in homogeneous turbulent shear flow 173 175
PDF, velocity-composition joint, transport equation 552
PDF, velocity-composition joint, transport equation, model 553
PDF, velocity-frequency joint 506-507 509 514
PDF, velocity-frequency joint, application to channel flow 532 532 533 540
PDF, velocity-frequency joint, application to mixing layer 509 510
PDF, velocity-frequency joint, boundary conditions 539
PDF, velocity-frequency joint, model transport equation 514
PDF, velocity-frequency joint, wall functions 529-534
PDF, velocity-frequency-composition joint 553
Pennisi, S. 400
Perot, B. 357 433
Perry, A. E. 310 314 326
Peterson, V. L. 339
Phillips, O. M. 173
Physical space 643
Piomelli, U. 560 578 603 614 615 620 625 626 635 636 639
Pipe flow 6 265 290-298
Pipe flow, defect law 294
Pipe flow, effect of roughness 295 294-298
Pipe flow, friction law 292 293 294 295 298
Pipe flow, laminar 293-294
Pipe flow, mean velocity 291 291 292
Pipe flow, mean-momentum equation 292
Pipe flow, overlap region 309 308-313
Plane jet 134-139
Plane jet, centerline velocity 135 137
Plane jet, conserved scalar 161-162
Plane jet, mean velocity 135 135
Plane jet, momentum-flow rate 136
Plane jet, Reynolds number 137
Plane jet, Reynolds stress 135 136
Plane jet, spreading rate 135 137 386
Plane jet, uniform turbulent viscosity 135 137-139
Plane mixing layer see Mixing layer
Plane strain 415
Plane strain, rapid distortion 418 419
Plane wake 147-151
Plane wake, boundary-layer equation 148
Plane wake, conditional statistics 170 176
Plane wake, conserved scalar 162 162-163 166
Plane wake, intermittency factor 168 169
Plane wake, mean velocity 149
Plane wake, spreading parameter 148 149
Plane wake, uniform turbulent viscosity 149 149 150
Pocket 323
POD 328-331
POD, eigenfunctions 330
Poisson equation for fluctuating pressure 390
Poisson equation for fluctuating pressure, boundary conditions 439
Poisson equation for mean pressure 85
Poisson equation for modified pressure 582
Poisson equation for particle pressure 522
Poisson equation for pressure 18 391
Poisson equation for pressure in wavenumber space 213
Poisson equation for rapid pressure 405
Poisson equation for rapid pressure in wavenumber space 410
Poisson equation, Green’s function solution 19-20
Poisson equation, Green’s function solution, with wall reflection 441
Politano, H. 352
Pope, S. B. 347 352 357 382 402 422 427 445 447 453 456 468 469 477 478 486 487 489 492 498 504 507-511 513 514 525 530-534 537 538 540-545 547 549-555 585 591 630 632 638
Port -Agel, F. 628
Positive definite 668
Positive semi-definite 668
Pouquet, A. 352
Pourqui , M. 638 639
Power law compared with log law 309 310
Power law for mean velocity in pipe flow 310 309-313
Power-law spectra 228 696-701
Pozorski, J. 509 510
Prandtl number 21
Prandtl number, turbulent see Turbulent Prandtl number
Prandtl, L. 272 289 369 406
Pressure 17-20
Pressure gradient 267 299 320
Pressure in wavenumber space 213
Pressure transport see Reynolds stress; turbulent kinetic energy
Pressure, fluctuating 126 439-441
Pressure, free-stream 299 320
Pressure, harmonic 20 390 439-440
Pressure, inertial 440
Pressure, mean 85 113 114 266 300
Pressure, modified 17
Pressure, modified filtered 581
Pressure, rapid 390 405 408
Pressure, slow 390
| Pressure-rate-of-strain model 392-393 398-404 427 422-428
Pressure-rate-of-strain model from GLM 475-479
Pressure-rate-of-strain model, elliptic relaxation 446
Pressure-rate-of-strain model, localness 429 445
Pressure-rate-of-strain model, near-wall modifications 441
Pressure-rate-of-strain tensor 317 319 388-392
Pressure-rate-of-strain tensor, conditional 467 706
Pressure-rate-of-strain tensor, harmonic 390
Pressure-rate-of-strain tensor, rapid 390
Pressure-rate-of-strain tensor, rapid, fourth-order tensor 391 413-415 426 427
Pressure-rate-of-strain tensor, rapid, in isotropic turbulence 415
Pressure-rate-of-strain tensor, rapid, relation to two-point correlation 391 392
Pressure-rate-of-strain tensor, slow 390
Pressure-rate-of-strain tensor, summary of properties 426
Priestley, M. B. 680 692
probability 38 79
Probability density function see PDF
Production 125-127 (see also Reynolds stress production)
Production in viscous wall region 285 285
Production spectrum see Spectrum production
Production, near-wall peak 285 287
Production, negative 180
Production-to-dissipation ratio 362 373 374 450 451
Production-to-dissipation ratio for mean residual kinetic energy 586
Production-to-dissipation ratio in axisymmetric wake 151
Production-to-dissipation ratio in channel flow 281 282 283
Production-to-dissipation ratio in homogeneous turbulent shear flow 156 157 377
Production-to-dissipation ratio in log-law region 288
Production-to-dissipation ratio in mixing layer 143
Production-to-dissipation ratio in round jet 130 131
Production-to-dissipation ratio in viscous wall region 285
Projection tensor 212 605
Proper orthogonal decomposition see POD
Proudman, I. 406
Pseudo-dissipation 132-133 285
Pseudo-spectral method 344-346 354
Pseudovector 28 655 656 658
Quadrant analysis 325 325 327 328
Quarini, G. L. 612
Ramshankar, R. 171
Random field 74-79
Random field, statistically homogeneous 75
Random field, statistically stationary 75
Random process 65-74 686-691
Random process, derivatives of 690
Random process, differentiable 73
Random process, Fourier coefficients 686
Random process, spectral properties 689
Random process, statistically stationary 66
Random variable 34 37-43 51 707
Random vector 62 711
Randomness of turbulence 34-37
Range of applicability of models 340 341
Rank deficiency 668
RANS models 336 358-462
RANS models, summary of attributes 457
Rapid-distortion theory 404-422
Rapid-distortion theory, axisymmetric contraction 360 409 415 416
Rapid-distortion theory, axisymmetric expansion 409 417 418
Rapid-distortion theory, conditions for applicability 404 421
Rapid-distortion theory, equations 405
Rapid-distortion theory, equations, in wavenumber space 408
Rapid-distortion theory, evolution of spectrum 411-413
Rapid-distortion theory, initially isotropic turbulence 414-420
Rapid-distortion theory, plane strain 409 418 419
Rapid-distortion theory, shear 409 419 420 421
Rate of rotation 23
Rate of rotation, mean 86
Rate of rotation, mean, normalized 425
Rate of rotation, mean, of frame 30
Rate of strain 23
Rate of strain, extra 322
Rate of strain, filtered 578-580
Rate of strain, filtered, mean-square from spectrum 579
Rate of strain, fluctuating 125
Rate of strain, fluctuating, at wall 287
Rate of strain, mean 86 125
Rate of strain, mean, normalized 425
Rayleigh, Lord. 321
Rayleigh’s criterion 321
Razdan, M. K. 547 556
RDT see Rapid-distortion theory
Reactive flows 545-546 553 637
Reactive scalar, conservation equation 546 552
Realizability 401 400-402 426
Realizability for PDF 464
Redistribution 316 445
Reece, G. J. xxxiii 423 425 427
Refined langevin model 509 510
Reflected brownian motion 539 539
Reflected properties 530 530 532-534 539
Regions of wall flows 275 276
Regions of wall flows, dependence on Reynolds number 281
Residual eddy viscosity 587
Residual eddy viscosity in far dissipation range 595
Residual eddy viscosity in inertial subrange 588 588 589
Residual eddy viscosity, Smagorinsky model 587
Residual eddy viscosity, velocity scale 628 630 631
Residual kinetic energy 581 585
Residual kinetic energy, dissipation 630 631
Residual kinetic energy, mean 582
Residual kinetic energy, model transport equation 630 631
Residual kinetic energy, production 585 586 587 610
Residual kinetic energy, production, in far dissipation range 596
Residual stress tensor 559 581
Residual stress tensor for laminar flow 597
Residual stress tensor from double filtering 621
Residual stress tensor from triad interactions 608
Residual stress tensor, anisotropic 581
Residual stress tensor, correlation with filtered rate of strain 604
Residual stress tensor, decomposition 582-584 608
Residual stress tensor, decomposition for projective filter 583 584
Residual stress tensor, expression for invertible filter 618
Residual stress tensor, Galilean invariance 584
Residual stress tensor, Germano decomposition 583
Residual stress tensor, Leonard decomposition 583
Residual stress tensor, model transport equation 630
Residual stress tensor, near-wall variation 598 600
Residual stress tensor, near-wall variation for dynamic model 624
Residual stress tensor, positive definiteness 585
Residual stress tensor, Taylor-series approximation 594 596
Residual velocity 558 562
Residual velocity, scales 628
Residual-stress model 587-590 619-631
Residual-stress model, algebraic stress model 630
Residual-stress model, Bardina 627
Residual-stress model, based on transport equations 629-631
Residual-stress model, Clark 628
Residual-stress model, dynamic 619-627
Residual-stress model, ideal 612
Residual-stress model, Smagorinsky 587-590
Residual-stress model, structure-function 629
Resolution in DNS see DNS
Resolution in kernel estimation 525
Resolution in LES 598-600
Resolution in RANS 444-445
Resolution of filtered fields 574 571-575 615-618
Resolved stress 622
Return-to-isotropy model 392-404
Return-to-isotropy model, nonlinear 398 397-404 425
Return-to-isotropy model, Reynolds decomposition 83
Return-to-isotropy model, Reynolds equations 83-87
Return-to-isotropy model, Reynolds equations, from PDF equation 466
Return-to-isotropy model, Reynolds equations, in statistically axisymmetric flows 111
Reynolds number 5 26
Reynolds number based on Kolmogorov scales 129
Reynolds number of boundary layer 300
Reynolds number of channel flow 265
Reynolds number of grid turbulence 161
Reynolds number of pipe flow 291
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