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Pope S.B. — Turbulent Flows |
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Предметный указатель |
model 383-385
model 373-383
model, behavior at free-stream edge 379-382
model, damping function 434 436
model, entrainment velocity 381
model, implied model for 385
model, in log-law region 378-379
model, model constants 375 382
model, model constants, in final period of decay 376
model, model constants, relation to decay exponent 376
model, model constants, relation to von K rm n constant 379
model, realizability 397
model, RNG 383
model, vear-wall modifications 433-436
A posteriori testing 601 602-603 626
A priori testing 601-602 614 627 633
Abid, R. 383 427
Acceleration, conditional 465 465 704
Acceleration, fluid particle 14 16 29
Acceleration, of frame 30
Acceleration, stochastic model 493
Accuracy of models 341 (see also appraisal of models)
Admissible roughness 298
Adrian, R. J. 615
Akselvoll, K. 560 625 626 631
Algebraic models 365-369
Algebraic Stress Model 448-452
Algebraic stress model, from LRR-IP 450 451 452
Algebraic stress model, implied variation of cm 450 451 452
Algebraic stress model, in LES 630
Algebraic stress model, of Reynolds stress 88 (see also Reynolds-stress anisotropy tensor)
Aliasing 226 345 573 574 694
Allmaras, S. R. 385
Alternating symbol 654 658-660
Anand, M. S. 504 509 514 547 556
Anderson, E. C. 383
Anisotropy of dissipation 318 318
Anselmet, F. 257
Antonia, R. A. 256 257 262 285
Appraisal of models 336-343
Appraisal of models, DNS 356-357
Appraisal of models, k- model 382
Appraisal of models, LES 635-638
Appraisal of models, PDF methods 555-557
Appraisal of models, pressure-rate-of-strain tensor 426
Appraisal of models, RANS models 457-462
Appraisal of models, Spalart — Allmaras model 386
Arnal, D. 300
Arnold, L. 715
Aronson, D. 433
ASM see algebraic stress model
Atmospheric boundary layer 258 559
Attenuation factor 569 569
Aubry, N. 331
Autocorrelation function 68 70 109 110 485 721
Autocovariance 68 77 686 687 689
Autocovariance, corresponding to power-law spectrum 699
Autocovariance, of derivatives of a random process 691
Autocovariance, relation to spectrum 69 687
Autocovariance, relation to structure function 696
Axisymmetric contraction 360 359-360 406 415
Axisymmetric contraction, rapid distortion 415 416
Axisymmetric expansion 415
Axisymmetric expansion, rapid distortion 411 418
Axisymmetric jet see round jet
Axisymmetric wake 151-154
Axisymmetric wake, mean velocity 152
Axisymmetric wake, production-to-dissipation ratio 151
Axisymmetric wake, Reynolds stress 152 153
Axisymmetric wake, spreading parameter 151 153
Axisymmetric wake, turbulent kinetic energy budget 151 153
Axisymmetric wake, turbulent structures 179 181
Axisymmetric wake, uniform turbulent viscosity 152 154
B guier, C. 165
Backs 323 327
Backscatter 586 587 610-612
Bailey, F. R. 339
Bakewell, H. P. 325 330
Balaras, E. 636
Baldwin — Lomax model 367
Baldwin, B. S. 308 367 385
Ball, K. S. 330
Bandyopadhyay, P. R. 308 324-327
Bardina model 627-628
Bardina, J. 346 382 628 629
Barenblatt, G. I. 308-310
Barth, T. J. 385
Barton, J. M. 454 456
Batchelor, G. K. 7 10 11 110 148 203 205 259 406 680
Behnia, M. 448 461
Belin, F. 258
Bell, J. H. 143 144 395
Benocci, C. 636
Berkooz, G. xviii 325 326 328 330 331
Bernoulli trials 79
Bernoulli’s theorem 23 113 299
Bias 524 527-529
Bilger, R. W. 547
Birdsall, C. K. 525
Blackburn, H. M. 328
Blackwelder, R. F. 325 327 328
Blasius boundary layer 301 301
Blasius resistance formula 312
Blasius, H. 301
Blending function 384 437
Body force 16 17
Boris, J. P. 633 638
Borue, V. 352
boundary conditions see impermeability no-slip wall
Boundary conditions , reflection of particles 530
Boundary conditions as source of error 341
Boundary conditions for elliptic relaxation equation 537
Boundary conditions for Euler equations 18
Boundary conditions for LES-NWM 634-635
Boundary conditions for LES-NWR 634
Boundary conditions for Navier — Stokes equations 17
Boundary conditions on dissipation 436 437
Boundary conditions on mean turbulence frequency 384 538
Boundary conditions on pressure 19 439
Boundary conditions on velocity-frequency joint PDF 538 539
Boundary conditions, periodic 346
Boundary layer 265 298-322
Boundary layer, effect of mean pressure gradient 320
Boundary layer, effect of surface curvature 321
Boundary layer, friction law 306 312
Boundary layer, integral momentum equation 301 302
Boundary layer, intermittency factor 302 302 321
Boundary layer, laminar 301 301
Boundary layer, mean momentum equation 300
Boundary layer, mean velocity 302 303 305 307 302-313
Boundary layer, overlap region 308-313
Boundary layer, relaminarization 321
Boundary layer, Reynolds stress 313 313
Boundary layer, Reynolds stress, budget 316 317 315-318
Boundary layer, separation 321
Boundary layer, shear stress 300 302 303 304 305 323 317 318
Boundary layer, thickness 299 301 302
Boundary layer, transition 300
Boundary layer, turbulent kinetic energy, balance equation 314
Boundary layer, turbulent kinetic energy, budget 314 314
Boundary-layer equations 111-115 300 339
Boundary-layer equations, statistically axisymmetric flows 114
Boysan, F. 364
Bracewell, R. N. 680
Bradbury, L. J. S. 135
Bradshaw, P. 305 321 322 327 365 379 384 432 461 462
Breuer, M. 638 639
Brigham, E. O. 697
Britter, R. E. 503
| Brodkey, R. S. 324 325
Brooks, N. H. 494
Brown, G. L. 178
Browne, L. W. B. 285
Brownian motion 483 539
Brumley, B. 433
Buell, J. C. 355
Buffer layer 274 275 276 303
Bulges 323 327 327
Burgers equation 633
Burgers, J. M. 634
Bursting 324 331
Bushnell, D. M. 332
Butkov, E. 682
Cabot, W. H. 593 620 625 626
Callen, N. S. 635
Cannon, S. 153 179 181
Cantwell, B. J. 324 328 461
Capp, S. 6 97 98 100 102 105-108 119 12?
Carmody, T. 153
Carruthers, D. J. 415 421 422
Cartesian coordinate system 643 644
Cartesian coordinate system, change of axes 646
Cartesian coordinate system, handedness 645 656
Cartesian tensor see tensor
Cascade see energy cascade
Castillo, L. 308 310
Cauchy distribution 53 54
Cauchy — Schwartz inequality 57 59 122 374
Cayley — Hamilton theorem 400 404 453 667
Cazalbou, J. B. 379 384
CDF 38-39 40
CDF, marginal 56
CDF, N-time 66
CDF, one-point 74
CDF, one-time 66
cebeci — Smith model 367
Cebeci, T. 308 367
Central-limit theorem 61 65 710
Certain event 34
Champagne, F. H. 140-142 149 153 179 181 510
Channel flow 76 265 264-290
Channel flow, DNS 353-354
Channel flow, friction law 278-279
Channel flow, friction Reynolds number 280
Channel flow, friction velocity 280
Channel flow, laminar 267
Channel flow, mean pressure gradient 267
Channel flow, mean velocity 268 273 274 275 277 271-278
Channel flow, mean-momentum equation 266
Channel flow, PDF methods 532 540
Channel flow, Reynolds stress 282 284 281-288
Channel flow, Reynolds stress, effect of Reynolds number 285 286
Channel flow, shear stress 266-267 269 270
Channel flow, skin-friction coefficient 267-268 279 279 533
Channel flow, transition 266
Channel flow, turbulent kinetic energy 284 532
Channel flow, turbulent kinetic energy, balance equation 284 286
Channel flow, turbulent kinetic energy, budget 285
Channel flow, viscous lengthscale 280
Chapman — Kolmogorov equation 714
Chapman, D. R. 599 600 637
Chapman, S. 361
Characteristic function 43 707-712
Characteristic function of joint normal random variabLES 712
Characteristic function of normal random variabLES 708
Characteristic function of ornstein-uhlenbeck process 725
Characteristic function, GLM solutions 473-475
Characteristic function, relation to PDF 707 710
Characteristic velocity, convective 111 112 139 147
Characteristic velocity, difference 111 112 139 147
Chasnov, J. R. 205 222 560 612 614
Chebyshev polynomials 353
Chemical reactions 545
Chemical source term 546
Chen, H. 551
Chen, J.-Y. 547
Chen, S. 352 551
Chen, T.-C. 308
Chen, W. Y. 258
Chen, Y. L. 507 509
Chevray, R. 153
Choi, K.-S. 332
Cholesky decomposition 65 723
Chollet, J.-P. 611
Chong, M. S. 326
Chorin, A. J. 310
Chou, P. Y. 390
Chung, M. K. 398 399 402 403
Clark model 628
Clark, R. A. 602 629
Closed form 370
Closure problem 87 92 94 118 202 370 387 468 582 606 616
Cloud-in-cell 525
coin tossing 79
Coleman, H. W. 343
Coles, D. 305 306
Colucci, P. J. 547 630 638
Comparison between model and experiment 342 341-343
Completeness of models 338 (see also Appraisal of models)
Computational cost of DNS 346-351 355 356
Computational cost of LES 599-600 636-637
Computational cost of PDF methods 556
Computational cost of RANS 444-445 459-460
Computational difficulty of flows 338
Computer speed 340 340
Comte-Bellot, G. 158 159 196 197 236 241
Conditional dissipation see dissipation conditional etc.
Conditional mean 59 60 464
Conditional mean, in terms of fine-grained PDF 702
Conditional statistics see intermittency
Confidence interval 80
Conjugate symmetry 209 679 684 694
Conserved scalar 21-22 161-167 173-176 494-505 550 545-555
Conserved scalar variance see Scalar variance
Conserved scalar, boundedness 21 174 554 555
Conserved scalar, conservation equation 21
Conserved scalar, conservation equation, from molecular motion 536
Conserved scalar, dispersion 494-505
Conserved scalar, fluctuation 91
Conserved scalar, fluctuation, conservation equation 167
Conserved scalar, kurtosis 175 176
Conserved scalar, linearity and independence 554
Conserved scalar, mean, conservation equation 91-92
Conserved scalar, mean, in plane wake 162
Conserved scalar, mean, relation to PDF of particle position 497
Conserved scalar, PDF 174-176 (see also PDF of composition)
Conserved scalar, skewness 175 176
Conserved scalar, uniform turbulent diffusivity 162 162
Continuity equation 14
Continuity equation in polar-cylindrical coordinates 110
Continuity equation in wavenumber space 211
Continuity equation, filtered 581
Continuity equation, fluctuating 83
Continuity equation, mean 83
Continuity equation, mean, in statistically axisymmetric flows 103
Continuity equation, residual 581
Continuum Hypothesis 10-12
Control of turbulence 8 323
Control surface 85
Control volume 85
Cook, A. W. 638
Cooper, D. M. 339
Coordinate system see Cartesian coordinate
Core 281
Corino, E. R. 324
Coriolis forces 31
Correlated random variables 57 63
Correlation coefficient 57
Correlation coefficient of And 105 107 157 282 283 327
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