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McComb W. D. — The Physics of Fluid Turbulence |
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Velocity field in wavenumber space 54
Velocity fluctuations, experimental values for the r.m.s.distributions in a free jet 32
Velocity fluctuations, experimental values for the r.m.s.distributions in duct flows 27—28
Virk, P.S. 138 139 507 511 514 518
Viscosity, anomalous extensional viscosity in polymer solutions 135—136 497
Viscosity, dynamic viscosity 3
Viscosity, extensional viscosity 497
Viscosity, kinematic viscosity 3
Viscosity, molecular viscosity as a ' bare quantity' 143 148
Viscous dissipation of energy see “Dissipation rate”
Vleggaar, J. 511
Vogel, A. 98
Voke, P.R. 124
von Karman constant 21
von Karman constant, experimental value 26
von Karman, Th. 17 19
Vortex pairing see “Coherent structures”
Vortex simulation of turbulence 402
Vortex stretching as an interpretation of turbulence 73—75
Vortex stretching as an interpretation of turbulence relevance of numerical simulation 426
Vortex tearing see “Coherent structures”
Vorticity 73 407
Vorticity, equation for mean-square vorticity 74
Vorticity, equation of motion 73
Walker, J.D.A. 427
Walker, R.L. 190 249
Wall functions 130
Wall shear stress 15
Wall shear stress, Blasius empirical formula for boundary layers 18
Wall shear stress, Blasius empirical formula for flow through ducts 118
Wall shear stress, Prandtl-Karman empirical formula for flow through ducts 19
Wallace, J.M. 419
Walsh, T.J. 458 470
Walters, R.R. 519
Wandel, C.F. 445 447
Watmuff, J.H. 410
Watrasiewicz, B.M. 98
Wave packets see “Turbulent spots”
Wavenumber cut-off, arbitrary, in response integrals 276—277
Wavenumber cut-off, in large-eddy simulations 119
| Weak dependence (in DIA) 338
Weaver, W. 291
Wei, T. 506
Weinberg, F.J. 490
Weinstock, J. 447
Weir, A.D. 409
Wells, C.S. 510 519
Weston, W. 490
Whiffen, M.C. 95
White, A. 521
Whitelaw, J.H. 98 491
Whitsitt, N.F. 136
Widnall, S.E. 414
Wiegard, M. 501
Wilcox, D.C. 127
Williams, F.A. 491
Williams, G.C. 490
Willmarth, W.W. 419 420 421 431 506 508
Wilson, K.G. 148 346 351
Winant, C.D. 110 408 428
Wolfram, S. 403
Woods, L.C. 156 161 165 182
Work done on a fluid, by external forces 526
Work done on a fluid, by random stirring forces 181 218 234 555
Wu, J. 519
Wygnanski, I. 24 414 415 416
Wyld, H.W. 144 147 184 206 217 220 221 222 223 300 302
Wyngaard, J.C. 103 106 107 330
Yaglom, A.M. 55 106 107 176 178 182 368 436 441 452
Yakhot, V. 351 379 403
Yamamoto, K. 337 401
Yanovskii, V.V. 142
Yeh, T.T. 78 92 107
Young, W.H. 185
Yule, A.J. 410
Zakin, J.L. 140 501
Zaman, K.B.Q. 62
Zanarini, G. 429
Zang, T.A. 427
Zilberman, M. 416
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