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Bashe C.J., Johnson L.R., Pugh E.W. — IBM's Early Computers
Bashe C.J., Johnson L.R., Pugh E.W. — IBM's Early Computers

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Название: IBM's Early Computers

Авторы: Bashe C.J., Johnson L.R., Pugh E.W.


In describing the technical experiences of one company from the beginning of the computer era, this book unfolds the challenges that IBM's research and development laboratories faced, the technological paths they chose, and how these choices affected the company and the computer industry. It chronicles the transformation of IBM into a computer company in a remarkably few years, discussing projects that ended in frustration as well as the more successful ones, and providing a sense of the atmosphere, the people, and the decision-making processes involved during the company's rapid technological transformation. IBM's Early Computers is a unique contribution to the modern history of computers. It focuses on engineering alternatives rather than business and general management considerations and reveals the significance of imaginative solutions to problems in design and technology, from initial experiments with electronics in digital machines to the threshold of the System 360 era. This fair and balanced account of IBM's role in shaping today's electronic revolution identifies the individuals (both inside and outside the company) whose pioneering work influenced developments at IBM. The book's fourteen chapters briefly survey the card machine era and then cover electronic calculation, the magnetic drum calculator, the Defense Calculator and other first-generation products, ferrite core memories, magnetic tape, and disk storage development, programming, transistors, "Project Stretch" (which involved disappointments but led to one of IBM's greatest successes) high-speed printers, research, and new-product-line considerations. Charles J. Bashe, Lyle R. Johnson, John H. Palmer, and Emerson W Pugh are senior members of the staff at IBM's Thomas J. Watson Research Center, each with many years of technical and managerial experience in the developments they describe. IBM's Early Computers is included in the History of Computing Series, edited by I. Bernard Cohen and William Aspray.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1986

Количество страниц: 716

Добавлена в каталог: 11.04.2010

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Variable field and record length in 702 computer      675n37
Variable field and record length in Stretch      453
Variable field and record length in TPM      116—117 589 595 675n37
Variable field and record length in WWAM      466
Verifier      7
Very Large Capacity Memory      305 311
VIDOR program      497
Viehe, Frederick W.      267 269 271
Vinson, Thomas L.      636n72 636n73
von Neumann, John, consultant to IBM      100 421 422
von Neumann, John, EDVAC      58 137 319 323 626n19
von Neumann, John, explanatory column in coding      653n27
von Neumann, John, flowchart      327—328
von Neumann, John, IAS computer      59 103 111 137 626n20 627n26
von Neumann, John, microwave logic      567—568
von Neumann, John, NORC dedication      421—422
von Neumann, John, on binary representation      137
von Neumann, John, SSEC use      57
von Neumann, John, subroutine loader      319—320
von Neumann, John, Wheeler calling sequence      323
Walker, Robert M.      679n110 682n11 683n30
Walker, William J.      643n111
Walnut      310—311
Walsh, James L.      668n110
Wang, An      232—233 267 269 271
Watson Laboratory      69 132 181 300 505 524 526 527—536 see Thomas
Watson, Arthur K.      461
Watson, Thomas J., Jr., 603 electronic multiplier      46
Watson, Thomas J., Jr., 650 computer announcement      170
Watson, Thomas J., Jr., 702 computer announcement      176
Watson, Thomas J., Jr., 702 computer at Monsanto Chemical Company      633n128
Watson, Thomas J., Jr., appoints EDPM director      179 416
Watson, Thomas J., Jr., at programming conference      369
Watson, Thomas J., Jr., at Williamsburg conference      183—184
Watson, Thomas J., Jr., Defense Calculator      130—131 134—136 143 145
Watson, Thomas J., Jr., electronics emphasis      526
Watson, Thomas J., Jr., ferrite-core decisions      251 254—255
Watson, Thomas J., Jr., joins IBM      46
Watson, Thomas J., Jr., Magnetic Drum Calculator      79—80 88—89 101
Watson, Thomas J., Jr., management roles      79 101 130 183 369 416 584
Watson, Thomas J., Jr., on complacency in business      584
Watson, Thomas J., Jr., on customer dissatisfaction      254—255
Watson, Thomas J., Jr., on magnetic-tape program      193—194
Watson, Thomas J., Jr., on management committees      531
Watson, Thomas J., Jr., on patent negotiations      267
Watson, Thomas J., Jr., on post-World War II hiring      103
Watson, Thomas J., Jr., on WWAM program      470
Watson, Thomas J., Jr., policy on using transistors      387
Watson, Thomas J., Jr., Research Center dedication      563
Watson, Thomas J., Jr., research policy      531—532
Watson, Thomas J., Jr., Stretch involvement      451—452 455 457—458
Watson, Thomas J., Sr., 701 computer announcement      158—159
Watson, Thomas J., Sr., Astronomical Computing Bureau      24
Watson, Thomas J., Sr., at 701 computer unveiling      162
Watson, Thomas J., Sr., at magnetic drum demonstration      83
Watson, Thomas J., Sr., CEO post relinquished      183
Watson, Thomas J., Sr., Government project priorities in wartime      45 130
Watson, Thomas J., Sr., interest in electronics      45—46
Watson, Thomas J., Sr., joins CTR      1
Watson, Thomas J., Sr., management philosophy      7 16 34 571 573
Watson, Thomas J., Sr., NORC dedication      421—422
Watson, Thomas J., Sr., on increased-capacity card      193
Watson, Thomas J., Sr., patent negotiations      267
Watson, Thomas J., Sr., post-SSEC directive      73
Watson, Thomas J., Sr., priority given Government projects      45
Watson, Thomas J., Sr., product development      8 10 16
Watson, Thomas J., Sr., relations with laboratories      34
Watson, Thomas J., Sr., science support      523—524 527 571
Watson, Thomas J., Sr., scientific computation support      22—23 24 27 30—31 55 57
Watson, Thomas J., Sr., SSEC      47 54 55—57
Watson, Thomas J., Sr., Watson Laboratory established      524 527—528
Weather Bureau      162—163
Weaver, Warren      690n153
Weidenhammer, James A.      202—206 227—228 498 646n17
Wellbum, J. Henry      677n80 678n87
Wesley, F.J.      173—174 176 296 681n136
Westinghouse Corporation      544
Whalen, Richard J.      159
Whalen, Robert M.      642n90
Wheeler, David J.      321—322 323
Wheelock, L. Truman      169
Whirlwind computer      108 111 240—241 243 245 335 341 656n79 see
Whitney, Gordon E.      638n13 639n40
Wilkes, Maurice V.      59 92 321—322 323 331 334 627n27
Williams, Albert L.      422—423 429 432
Williams, Frederic C.      104—105 132 337—338
Williams-tube memories      see also "CRT memories"
Williams-tube memories in NORC      127 132—133 181 182
Williams-tube memories in Test Assembly      111—113 231
Williams-tube memories in TPM      117 122 124 126—127
Williams-tube memories vs. ferrite-core memories      250—251 253
Williams-tube memories, early work in IBM      107—108 231—232
Williams-tube memories, IBM design and manufacture      126—127
Williams-tube memories, in 704 computer plans      180
Williams-tube memories, in Defense Calculator      132 134 157 161—162 603—604
Williams-tube memories, read-around ratio      107 383 604
Williams-tube memories, special tube requirements      108 113 126—127
Williamsburg conference      183—184 302 510 548 576
Wilson, Lawrence A.      478 493
Winger, Wayne D.      174—175 199 248 508—509
Wire wrap      408—411 passim
Witt, Victor R.      210—211 306 307 547 642n90
Wittenberg, W. M.      669n36
Wolensky, W.      671n63
Wood, Barbara L.      677n70
Wood, Benjamin D.      22 275
Wood, M. Loren      373—378 531
Woodbury, William W.      169 647n48
Wooden Wheel      169—170
Word (unit of data), defined      78
Wu, Chien-Shiung      535
WWAM (Worldwide Accounting Machine)      466—470
Wyina, Edward      667n100
X-punch control      13
Yang, C.N.      535
Yorktown Heights IBM laboratory      see "Research Center Thomas
Young, Donald R.      537—540 547 569
Yourke, Hannon S.      395—398
Zierler, Neal      656n79
Ziller, Irving      340 342 350 369
Zurich IBM laboratory      550—552
Zuse, Konrad      551 626n8 687n94
“Betsy” calculator of Northrop Aircraft, Inc.      70 84
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