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Bashe C.J., Johnson L.R., Pugh E.W. — IBM's Early Computers
Bashe C.J., Johnson L.R., Pugh E.W. — IBM's Early Computers

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Íàçâàíèå: IBM's Early Computers

Àâòîðû: Bashe C.J., Johnson L.R., Pugh E.W.


In describing the technical experiences of one company from the beginning of the computer era, this book unfolds the challenges that IBM's research and development laboratories faced, the technological paths they chose, and how these choices affected the company and the computer industry. It chronicles the transformation of IBM into a computer company in a remarkably few years, discussing projects that ended in frustration as well as the more successful ones, and providing a sense of the atmosphere, the people, and the decision-making processes involved during the company's rapid technological transformation. IBM's Early Computers is a unique contribution to the modern history of computers. It focuses on engineering alternatives rather than business and general management considerations and reveals the significance of imaginative solutions to problems in design and technology, from initial experiments with electronics in digital machines to the threshold of the System 360 era. This fair and balanced account of IBM's role in shaping today's electronic revolution identifies the individuals (both inside and outside the company) whose pioneering work influenced developments at IBM. The book's fourteen chapters briefly survey the card machine era and then cover electronic calculation, the magnetic drum calculator, the Defense Calculator and other first-generation products, ferrite core memories, magnetic tape, and disk storage development, programming, transistors, "Project Stretch" (which involved disappointments but led to one of IBM's greatest successes) high-speed printers, research, and new-product-line considerations. Charles J. Bashe, Lyle R. Johnson, John H. Palmer, and Emerson W Pugh are senior members of the staff at IBM's Thomas J. Watson Research Center, each with many years of technical and managerial experience in the developments they describe. IBM's Early Computers is included in the History of Computing Series, edited by I. Bernard Cohen and William Aspray.

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Magnetic-tape storage on Defense Calculator      134 141
Magnetic-tape storage on NORC      182 212
Magnetic-tape storage vs. punched cards      80 109—110 190—194
Magnetic-tape storage, in Poughkeepsie IBM laboratory      109 194 195—230
Magnetic-tape storage, label records      362 363
Magnetic-tape storage, NRZI (non-retum-to-zero-IBM) recording      200—202
Magnetic-tape storage, on Test Assembly and TPM      111 113—114 121—122 124
Magnetic-tape storage, phase encoding      228
Magnetic-tape storage, plastic vs. metal      188 195—196
Magnetic-tape storage, recording methods      121 196—202 228
Magnetic-tape storage, skew effects      121—122 212 227
Magnetic-tape storage, Society of Actuaries study      176—177 632n123
Magnetic-tape storage, starting and stopping      202—210
Magnetic-tape storage, vacuum column      124 206—210
Maiman, T.H.      564
Manufacturing, CRT for Williams-tube memory      126—127
Manufacturing, Defense Calculator      145—146 151 159—161 162—163
Manufacturing, electromechanical skills applied      573
Manufacturing, ferrite cores      262—265 270
Manufacturing, ferrite-core arrays      265—267 268 270
Manufacturing, project transfer into      546—547
Manufacturing, transistor circuit packaging      406—411
Manufacturing, transistors      387 399—406
Marchant Research Corporation      632n113
Marcy, H. Tyler      680n115
Mark I.      see "Harvard University Mark
Mark-sensing reproducer      275
Maron, Melvin E.      646n25
MARS (Modular Access Random Storage)      311
Martin, Harold F.      645n10
Mason, Daniel R.      338 339 340 347 350
Masterson, J.L.      678n100
Mauchly, John W., at Harvard 1947 symposium      77—78 652n20
Mauchly, John W., BINAC      59 627n27
Mauchly, John W., EDVAC      110
Mauchly, John W., EDVAC subroutines      318
Mauchly, John W., ENIAC      57 58
Mauchly, John W., magnetic tape for EDVAC      189
Mauchly, John W., patent on revolver      166—167 621n79
Mauchly, John W., UNIVAC      59 627n27
McClelland, William F.      323 325—327 328 332 614n54
McDowell, W. Wallace, corporate staff function head      184
McDowell, W. Wallace, Defense Calculator planning      131 135 143 146—147
McDowell, W. Wallace, director of engineering      88—89 274 377 526
McDowell, W. Wallace, electronic multiplier suggestion      44
McDowell, W. Wallace, ferrite-core memories      252 255
McDowell, W. Wallace, Fox Hill study on research      544—545
McDowell, W. Wallace, joins IBM      16
McDowell, W. Wallace, laboratory manager      17 273
McDowell, W. Wallace, large-computer plans      423—430 454
McDowell, W. Wallace, Magnetic Drum Calculator      78 86 88—89 96 101
McDowell, W. Wallace, NORC recommendation      133
McDowell, W. Wallace, on airline reservation systems      517
McDowell, W. Wallace, on post-World War II hiring      103
McDowell, W. Wallace, on WWAM program      468
McDowell, W. Wallace, pure research management committee      531—533
McDowell, W. Wallace, San Jose laboratory inception      273—276
McDowell, W. Wallace, tape handling study      202
McDowell, W. Wallace, transistors      387 402
McDowell, W. Wallace, vice-president for research and engineering      422 543
McDowell, W. Wallace, Zuerich laboratory      550—552
McPherson, John C., business programming language      363—364
McPherson, John C., director of engineering      33
McPherson, John C., EDPM planning      423 424 435
McPherson, John C., engineering expansion      273—274
McPherson, John C., Future Demands department      17
McPherson, John C., joins IBM      17
McPherson, John C., Magnetic Drum Calculator      73—74 79—80 81—82 86 88 89 99
McPherson, John C., magnetic-tape project      102
McPherson, John C., magnetic-tape studies      190—194
McPherson, John C., memory requirements      231
McPherson, John C., NORC contract      133
McPherson, John C., on computer compatibility      579
McPherson, John C., on government support in electronics      525—526
McPherson, John C., on long-range research      377
McPherson, John C., on transistor use      380—381
McPherson, John C., programming research      355 357
McPherson, John C., pure research management committee      531—533
McPherson, John C., relay calculator and electronic multiplier      46
McPherson, John C., SSEC planning      47—50
MDC      see "Magnetic Drum Calculator"
Meagher, Ralph E.      454
Memory      see also "CRT memories" "Ferrite-core "Magnetic-core "Magnetic-drum "Selectron "Williams-tube
Memory protection in Stretch      453
Memory, early proposals      231—233 271—272
Memory, mercury-delay-line      58 92 110—111
Memory, Selectron      113 622n31
Memory, spin-echo      533 534
Mercury-delay-line memories      58 92 110—111
Merwin, Richard E.      633n127 671n64
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company      364
Michelson —Morley experiment      536
MICR (magnetic-ink character recognition)      494 498—502
Microwave logic      567—568
MIFD (Materiel Information Flow Device)      279 281 283
Military Products Division      441 569
Milliard Company      259
Minneapolis-Honey well Regulator Company      219 490 583
Minority charge carriers      374
Missile program      130 134
MIT and Lincoln Laboratory, differential analyzer      24
MIT and Lincoln Laboratory, ferrite-core memory      241—248 262—263 380
MIT and Lincoln Laboratory, Hollerith      2
MIT and Lincoln Laboratory, MIT Radiation Laboratory      108
MIT and Lincoln Laboratory, SAGE project      243—248
MIT and Lincoln Laboratory, transistors      380—381 391
MIT and Lincoln Laboratory, Whirlwind project      108 111 240—241 243 245 335 341 656n79
Mitchell, George E.      613n38
Mitchell, Grace E.      351
Mohansic IBM laboratory      555—556
Monroe Calculating Machine Company      25 632n113 645n16
Monsanto Chemical Company      633n128
Monte Carlo analysis      398—399 422
Moore School of Electrical Engineering      see "University of Pennsylvania"
Mork, Ralph G.      468—469
Multiprogramming      181 370—371 453
Mussell, Howard A.      112 147 174 671n64
Mutter, Walter E.      126 404 537 558 678n96
N-type semiconductors      373
NAND circuit      41
National Bureau of Standards      103 168 280 525
National Cash Register Corporation (NCR)      1 172 499 583
National Physical Laboratory (U.K.)      92 318 652n20
National Security Agency      see "NSA"
Naval Ordnance Laboratory      132—133 181
NCR 304 computer      475
Noell, Newton G.      667n100
Nolan, John J.      647n48
Noll, A.R.      682n22
NOR circuit      41 42
NORC (IBM Naval Ordnancc Research Calculator)      132—133 137 181—183 212 419 421 422 423—424 633n133
Nordyke, H. William, Jr.      635n39 678n99
North American Aviation, Inc.      349 356—357 359 361
Northrop Aircraft, Inc.      69—71 74 615n61
Norton, J.M.      650n88
NRZI (non-retum-to-zero-IBM) recording      200—202 287
NSA (National Security Agency), ferrite-core memory from ERA      246—248
NSA (National Security Agency), Harvest system      225 227 260 437—439 443 456
NSA (National Security Agency), Lightning project      569
NSA (National Security Agency), magnetic logic      540—541
NSA (National Security Agency), Plantation task      428—429 437
Nutt, Roy      342 354
OCR (Optical Character Recognition)      495—497 502—505
Office of Naval Research (ONR)      137 614n57
Olsen, Kenneth H.      249 255
Open method of search      351—352 648n61 see
Operating systems      358—361 367 581 583
operation code      78 324 325 328 331 353 592 594 655n63
Oppenheimer, J. Robert      162
Optimum programming      91—92 165—166
Organizational changes in IBM, EDPM director      179—180 251 416—417
Organizational changes in IBM, product divisions      306 449 475 512 576—577
Organizational changes in IBM, research as separate function      301 431 544—550
Organizational changes in IBM, Williamsburg conference      183—184 435 510 548 576
p-type semiconductors      373
PACT (Project for the Advancement of Coding Techniques)      348—349 359
Page, Ralph E.      9 20 59 615n66
Paley, Maxwell O.      462—463
Palmer, Ralph L., 604 calculator      59—63 66—67
Palmer, Ralph L., 608 calculator and MAC program      462—463
Palmer, Ralph L., 7090 computer      446—447
Palmer, Ralph L., advanced development      454 572
Palmer, Ralph L., area manager system      472
Palmer, Ralph L., Defense Calculator project      130—136 161 626n17
Palmer, Ralph L., early magnetic recording investigations      189
Palmer, Ralph L., early transistor use      385—387
Palmer, Ralph L., EDPM role      417—418 422
Palmer, Ralph L., electronic multiplier and cross-footing keypunch      44
Palmer, Ralph L., electronics experiments      34—35 37
Palmer, Ralph L., ferrite core fabrication      261
Palmer, Ralph L., Harvard 1949 symposium      234
Palmer, Ralph L., IBM Fellow appointment      456
Palmer, Ralph L., influence on IBM engineering and technology      212 414 476
Palmer, Ralph L., intermediate-speed printer study      489
Palmer, Ralph L., joins IBM      34
Palmer, Ralph L., Magnetic Drum Calculator evaluations      86 94
Palmer, Ralph L., management roles      34 122 133 184 301 377 462—463 526 543 548
Palmer, Ralph L., management style      117—118 541—542
Palmer, Ralph L., NORC recommendation      133
Palmer, Ralph L., on 1410-1401 compatibility      474—476
Palmer, Ralph L., on WWAM program      468 470
Palmer, Ralph L., pure research management committee      532
Palmer, Ralph L., research in Poughkeepsie      536—544 544—550
Palmer, Ralph L., SMS development      406—414
Palmer, Ralph L., storage requirements task force      304
Palmer, Ralph L., Stretch project role      392—395 426—430 454
Palmer, Ralph L., TPM role      117—118 126 130—131
Palmer, Ralph L., transistor application      223 255 256 384
Palmer, Ralph L., transistor production automation      399
Palmer, Ralph L., Williams-tube memory      104 111
Palmer, Ralph L., World War II service      59 61
Paper-tape storage      49—53 506—507 510
Papian, William N.      242
Papo, Maurice      675n24
Paris, Robert E.      678n88
Partridge, Ralph S.      642n77 643n95
Patent Development department      35 36 373—378
Patents, awards program      271
Patents, consent decree      271
Patents, ferrite-core memories      267—272
Patents, Forrester patent litigation      269—271
Patents, IBM policy      271 526 573
Patents, in Poughkeepsie laboratory      118
Patents, Peirce, J. Royden      9—10 14
Patents, Pendery, Donald W.      618n36
Patents, Perkins, Glen E. (Ed)      645n12
Patents, TDB (Technical Disclosure Bulletin)      271
PERM (Parallel Elektronische Rechen Machine)      551
Personal automatic calculator      185 505—507 530
Phelps, Byron E., electronic cross-footing punch      44—45
Phelps, Byron E., electronic multipliers      44—46
Phelps, Byron E., flip-flops and counters      37—44
Phelps, Byron E., joins the Poughkeepsie laboratory      60—61
Phelps, Byron E., magnetic-tape project      110—114 194—200 206
Phelps, Byron E., magnetic-tape sorter      126
Phelps, Byron E., NORC assessment      419
Phelps, Byron E., NRZI recording invention      200
Phelps, Byron E., SSEC project      51
Phelps, Byron E., TPM project      118 121—123 126
Phelps, Byron E., transistor development      541
Philco Corporation      391 392 417 428 490 583
Philips Corporation (N.V. Philips’ Gloeilampenfabrieken)      259 263—264
Phosphor research      540
Photocopier technology      554
Phototransistors      376
Piore, Emanuel Ruben, basic research thrust      549—550 553—556
Piore, Emanuel Ruben, joins IBM      435 548—549
Piore, Emanuel Ruben, on project selection      567
Piore, Emanuel Ruben, on Social Security page reader      503
Piore, Emanuel Ruben, Research mission defined      566
Piore, Emanuel Ruben, vice-president for research and engineering      565 570
Plantation project      428 437
Plugboard      6 8 13 17 62 71 296 462 468 469 see
Pluggable unit      see "Vacuum tube circuits pluggable
Plugged program      58 62 71 169 316—317 333—334 462 464 467—469 507
Plugwire      13 17
Point-contact transistors      see also "Transistors"
Point-contact transistors, bistability of      379
Point-contact transistors, current gain in      378—379
Point-contact transistors, early circuits      373—374 376 378—379 381
Point-contact transistors, fabrication      374—376 379—380
Point-contact transistors, forming      375—376
Point-contact transistors, invention      372 373
Point-contact transistors, multifunction devices      388—390
Pointers (IBM publication)      618n41
Poley, Stanley      351
Pomerene, James H.      443 688n122
Potter Instrument Company      490
Poughkeepsie IBM laboratory, atmosphere and growth      59—61 118 194 275 541—542
Poughkeepsie IBM laboratory, bank check mechanization      498 499—500
Poughkeepsie IBM laboratory, Defense Calculator project initiation      95 131—136
Poughkeepsie IBM laboratory, Magnetic Drum Calculator evaluations      86 93—94
Poughkeepsie IBM laboratory, magnetic-tape projects      194—230
Poughkeepsie IBM laboratory, NORC project      182
Poughkeepsie IBM laboratory, research in      536—544 545—548
Poughkeepsie IBM laboratory, rivalry with Endicott laboratory      93 100 464—465 470
Poughkeepsie IBM plant      96 98 145—146 151 159—161 162—163 346
Poulsen, Valdemar      187—188
Powers Accounting Machine Company      6 12
Powers, James      6 7 10 14
Printing and printers      480—495
Printing and printers, bar      478 489 493—494
Printing and printers, chain      452 472 473 480 489—495
Printing and printers, CRT-micro film      488—489
Printing and printers, ferromagnetographic      487
Printing and printers, IBM Selectric typewriter      482 521
Printing and printers, MICR      494 498 500
Printing and printers, stick      296 467 482 483
Printing and printers, train      480 491 494—495
Printing and printers, wheel and drum      481—482 490—491
Printing and printers, wire matrix      482—487
Process control      510—513
Product announcement practice      163—164
Proebster, Walter E.      551—552 687n96
Program step      316 317 327—328
Programmed Component Inserter (PROSERT)      407—408
Programming languages      see "COBOL language" "Commercial "COMTRAN "FLOW-MATIC "FORTRAN "Interpretive
Programming Research department      344 345 346 354—355 357 363 417
Programs      315—371 see "Compilers" "Control "Demonstration "Diagnostic "Input-output "Interpretive "Operating "RPG" "Simulator "Sort "Subroutines" "Utility
Programs, complexity      316—317
Programs, development organization and procedures      354—355 357—358 371
Programs, estimating and scheduling      350 360—361
Programs, evolution      316—317
Programs, for evaluation of computers      89 142—143 143—144 162—163 165 169—170 442
Programs, shared use and development      317—318 347—349
Programs, technology development      355 369 371
Progressive digiting      22 608n32
Project High      see "SAGE"
Prudential Insurance Company      80 190 194
Punched card      2 3 5—6 11—12 192—193
Quade, Edward      646n25
Quarles, Donald A., Jr.      614n54
Rabenda, Edward J.      14 59 236—238
Rabi, I.I.      528 533
Rabinow, Jacob      279—280
Radio Receptor Corporation      400
Radio tubes      see "Vacuum tubes" "Thyratrons"
Rajchman, Jan A.      249 269—270 623n31
RAMAC      see IBM 305 RAMAC
Ramo — Wooldridge Company      490
1 2 3 4 5 6
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