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Probe particles 153 57
Probe particles and 153 54
Probing sensitivity of 154 55 158
Probing sensitivity of point particles 154 55 158
Probing sensitivity of strings 155 57 158 250 52
Probing sensitivity of strings approximated by 307 8
Probing sensitivity of superpartners of 173 74 elementary)
Problem-solving differences in mathematics vs 271 275
Problem-solving differences, theory construction in 380 81
Protons 7 11 13 14 54 124 150 153 224 322 347
Pythagoras 135
Pythagorasquanta 91 97 118
Quantum chromodynamics 122 137
Quantum electrodynamics, electrons in 121 22
Quantum electrodynamics, photons in 122
Quantum electroweak theory 122 23
Quantum field theory 120 23
Quantum field theory of gravitational force 124 30 138 158 320
Quantum field theory, special relativity and 120 22 226 Quantum Quantum
Quantum foam 127 29 128
Quantum geometry 231 62 298 99
Quantum geometry, duality and 312 14
Quantum geometry, Garden-hose universe analogy in 236—48
Quantum geometry, interchange of winding number and vibration number in 239 47
Quantum geometry, minimum size in 252 54
Quantum geometry, mirror symmetry and 255 62
Quantum geometry, stock market analogy of string energy in 241 42
quantum mechanics 15 86 116
Quantum mechanics, classical physics vs 107 112 114 115 340—342
Quantum mechanics, Feynman’s alternative formulation of 108—12 279—80
Quantum mechanics, general relativity vs 3 5 6 14 84 117—31 138 152 198 202 235 322
Quantum mechanics, Kaluza — Klein theory and 191 92
Quantum mechanics, mathematical framework of 103 8
Quantum mechanics, meaning of 108
Quantum mechanics, precision and inherent difficulty of 86—88
Quantum mechanics, probability in 105 8 112 16 201—2 341—42
Quantum mechanics, scale in 6 7—10 85—116 118 127—30 135 176 177—78 191—92 198
Quantum mechanics, string theory and reformulation of 380—82
Quantum mechanics, string theory vs. development of 226
Quantum mechanics, universe in 107 8 118 20 127—30 135
Quantum smearing 152 155 156 158 163—64
Quantum tunneling 115 16
Quantum wavelength, probing sensitivity of particles and 154 55
Quarks 3 5 14 124 150 223 224 384
Quarks, discovery of 7
Quarks, naming of 7 12
Quarks, superpartners of 174
Quarks, types of 7 8 9
Quasars 81 348
Quinn, Helen 176 78
Rabi, Isidor Isaac 8 9 174
Radioactive decay 11 124
Ramond, Pierre 181
Reductionism, string theory and 16 17
Reid, Miles 325
Reines, Frederick 8
Relativistic quantum field theory (see Quantum field theory)
Resonance patterns in soundwaves 143 144 145 145
Resonance patterns of strings 143 52 144 145 155 160 172 180—82 202-3 205—6 216—18 220—21 222 223 225 239—47 244 245 291—92 331 377—78
Resonance patterns, dark matter and 225 235
Riemann, Georg Bernhard 81 231—34
Riemannian geometry 231 34
Riemannian geometry and cosmological studies 234
Riemannian geometry and general theory of relativity 81 231—33 263
Riemannian geometry, distortions in distance relations analyzed in 232 34 263
Riemannian geometry, string theory and 231 32 234 249—54
Roan, Shi — Shyr 271
Robertson, Howard 346
Robinson, David 320
Ross, Graham 258 269
Rotational symmetry 125 26 170 173
Rutherford, Ernest 7 203
Salam, Abdus 122 175 352
Scale in 14 14 136 137 141 146 148 149 151 155—57 164 205—6 208 212 215 217 225 232 235—36 248—49 252—54 291 306 358—59 379—80 387
Scale in general theory of relativity 127—30
Scale in quantum mechanics 6 7 10 85—116 118 127—30 135 176 177—78 191—92 198
Scale in string theory 14 14 136 137 141 146 148 149 151 155—57 164 205—6 208 212 215 217 225 232 235—36 248—49 252—54 291 306 358—59 379—80 387
Scherk, Joel 138 148 150 172 181 307
Schimmrigk, Rolf 259
Schrodinger equation 105 7 109 120—21 341
Schrodinger, Erwin 105
Schwarz, John 136 137 39 148 150 172 181 222 298
Schwarzschild, Karl 78 81 343
Schwinger, Julian 120
Second law of thermodynamics 334—35 336 337
Second superstring revolution 140 165 285 286—88 298
Seiberg, Nathan 301 2 324
Selectrons 174
Sen, Ashok 298 338
Shenker, Stephen 312 379
Singularities 343 44
size of 14 14 136 137 141 146 148 149 155—57 206 212 215 224 379 398
Smolin, Lee 369 70
Smoothness of substrate of 263
Sneutrinos 174
Solar eclipses 76 77
Sommerfeld, Arnold 62
Sommerfield, Charles 303
Sound waves 90 90 93 143 145
Sound, speed of 55 56
Space, fabric of (see Spacetime)
Space, flat 67—68 68 73 127
Spacetime 66
Spacetime in 5 6 24 25 27 33—51 66 376 377
Spacetime in extended dimension 281 323 324 325 327
Spacetime in general theory of relativity 6 53 62 75 233 376
Spacetime in nature of 376 80
Spacetime in point particle theory vs. string theory 278 79
Spacetime in special theory of relativity 5 6 24 25—27 33—51 66 376 377
Spacetime in the present 281 82
Spacetime world-sheet of string as protective barrier in 279 80 323
Spacetime, big bang as eruption of 83 346
Spacetime, black holes and 75 78 81
Spacetime, branes as protective barrier in 324 325 329—30
Spacetime, conifold transitions and 281 325—33 360—61
Spacetime, flop transitions and 266 82 267 273 329
Spacetime, mass and 68 74 69 75
Spacetime, neutron stars and 75
Spacetime, Riemannian geometry and analysis of 231—34 233
Spacetime, rubber membrane-bowling ball analogy of 67—73 69 70 72 73
Spacetime, tearing of 263 82
Spacetime, warping of big bang and 81 83 234 35
Spacetime, wormholes and 264 65 264
Special theory of relativity 23 52 78 87
Special theory of relativity in quantum field theory 120 22 226
Special theory of relativity, apparent counterintuitiveness of 25—26 27 36 50 53
Special theory of relativity, dimensions in 49 51 185
Special theory of relativity, light speed and 5 24 27 31 33 34—37 41 42 44—45 47 50—51 53 55—56 74
Special theory of relativity, Newton’s universal theory of gravity vs. 5—6 24 33 53 55—56 73—74 84
Special theory of relativity, observers in constant-velocity motion and 24—25 26—27 34—37 40 41 43—46 47 58 75
Speed 33
Speed and effects of special relativity 25—26 27 36—37 41 42-43 50—51 53
speed of light (see Light speed
Spheres 326 327
Spheres, extradimensionality and 199 199
Spheres, one-dimensional (see Circles)
Spheres, three-dimensional 323 26 326 327 331
Spheres, two-dimensional 266 68 322 325 326 326 327 331
Spheres, zero-dimensional 326 326
Spin 173
Spin in 172 173 175 180 182 222
Spin of black holes 321
Spin of bosons 175 180 182
Spin of elementary particles 170 72 173 175 180 182 222
Spin of force particles 172 173 222
Squarks 174
Standard model and 174 75 181 222
Standard model of cosmology 345 56
Standard model of cosmology vs. 357
Standard model of cosmology, cosmic background radiation and 348—49
| Standard model of cosmology, horizon problem and 353 56 362
Standard model of cosmology, primordial nucleosynthesis in 346 349
Standard Model of particle physics 123 198 381
Standard model of particle physics, shortcomings of 135 142 43
Standard model vs. 135 36 139 143 147 152—65 224—25
Starlight paths as proof of 77
Stars 3 4 5 32—33 54 290
Stars, apparent vs. actual position of 77
Stars, collapse of 13 339
Stars, formation of 13 347 365 367 369
Steinhardt, Paul 355
Strange quarks 8
String cosmology 357 70
String cosmology, cosmological initial conditions and 365—66
String cosmology, dimension in 357 358 61 365
String cosmology, pre-big bang scenario in 362
String cosmology, T.O.E.and 364—70 385—86
String coupling constant 294 97 300—6
String coupling constant, BPS states and 303 304 316
String coupling constant, size of 294 95
String coupling constant, values of 295—97 303—6 308-12 309 315 317 318
String theory and 344
String theory and nature of 377 80
String theory and nature of spacetime 377 80
String theory and reformulation of quantum mechanics 380 82
String theory and singularities 343 44
String theory as merger of general relativity and quantum mechanics 4 5 6 14 18 136 138 152—65 181—82 201 218 221 226 227 266 333 344 357 379 383 387
String theory vs. 357
String theory, big crunch and 235 36 239 252—54
String theory, black holes and 19 320 44
String theory, cosmology and (see String cosmology)
String theory, criticism of 21 1 13
String theory, current state 18 21
String theory, development of quantum mechanics vs 226
String theory, dimensions in 6 18 184 210 216—21 236 248—49 254-62 263—82 307 308—12 323-33 378—79
String theory, distance measured in 249 54
String theory, duality in 297—306 312—16 313 315 318 332—33 381—82
String theory, elementary particles in 14 14 15—16 18 135 136 137 138 139 141 142 145 146 147 151—52 175 180 182 216—21 220—22 223 255-56 257—58 280
String theory, equations of 285 295 97 318 319
String theory, experimental signatures in 210 27 383—84
String theory, experimentalists vs. theorists and 213—15
String theory, force particles and 16 142 150 218
String theory, future of 373 87
String theory, gravitational force and 158 163—64 165 210—11 218 307—12 314 320
String theory, history of 136 40
String theory, loops of string in (see Strings)
String theory, mathematics of 19 140 202 203 4 218
String theory, musical metaphors for 15 16 135 146
String theory, notions of distance in 249 52
String theory, perturbation theory and 288 89 291—97 357
String theory, probability values in 202
String theory, warping of (see Spacetime warping
String theory, x 14
strings 1995
Strings approximated by point particles in 307 8
Strings, antistrings vs 359 360
Strings, approximated by point particles 307—8
Strings, brane mass vs. mass of 317
Strings, coherent state of 377 78
Strings, composition of 141 42
Strings, conference 140
Strings, dimensionality of 165 310 11 309 311 324
Strings, interaction of 160 65 160 162 163 164 291—97 291 292 293
Strings, loops of 292—94 293 381
Strings, probing sensitivity of 155 57 158 250—52
Strings, resonance patterns of 143 52 144 145 155 160 172 180—82 202—3 205-6 216—18 220—21 222 223 225 239—47 244 245 291—92 331 377—78
Strominger, Andrew 207 215 17 316 324—25 327 328 329—30 331 332 338—40 343
Strong force 10 11 12 13 15 122 123 136—37 199 350 351
Strong force symmetry 126
Strong force, electromagnetic force and 175 76 198
Strong force, quarks and 10 13 125 26
Strong-weak duality in 299 300 304—5 318
Sun 56 67
Sun, eclipses of (see Solar eclipses)
Sun, gravitational influence of 68 70 70 71 72 72 73 75 289—90
Superconducting supercollider 215
Supergravity 307 12 314
Supergravity, dimensions in 307 12
Superpartners and 173 74 175 178 181 221—22 384
Superpartners and tension of 148 52
Superpartners and unwrapped 238 39 238 249 50 359
Superpartners and vibrational motion of 240 46 244 245
Superpartners and world-sheet of 160 161 63 162 279—80 323
Superpartners and wrapped (see Wrapped strings)
Superpartners of 174
Superpartners, mass of 179 222
Superstring theory 167 181 83
Superstring theory, inception of 181
Superstring theory, versions of 182—83 284 286—87 286 287 String
Supersymmetric quantum field theories 174—75 181 307
Supersymmetric string theory (see Superstring theory)
Supersymmetry 173 83 375
Supersymmetry and 174 75 181 222
Supersymmetry and higher-dimensional supergravity 200 201
Supersymmetry and intrinsic force strengths 178 1 79
Supersymmetry as T.O.E. 15—17 142 146 147 183 363—64
Supersymmetry in (see Superstring theory Supersymmetry)
Supersymmetry, arguments for 174 80
Supersymmetry, desired confirmation of 384
Supersymmetry, duality and 301—3 306 382
Supersymmetry, experimental signals of 221 22
Supersymmetry, resonance patterns and 180 81 182
Supersymmetry, topology-changing transitions and 266—82 322—33 360-61 String Superstring
Susskind, Leonard 137 312 338 379 411
Symmetry 168 70 173 301
Symmetry and equivalence principle 169 70 374—75
Symmetry breaking in 350 52
Symmetry, gauge 124—26 170 374 375
Symmetry, mirror 255—62 267 268—78 273 299
Symmetry, multiverse and 367
Symmetry, rotational 125—26 170 173
Syrrjmetry breaking 122 23
Syrrjmetry breaking, early universe and 350 52 358 60
T.O.E. (see Theory of everything)
Tachyons 180 81 182
Tau-neutrinos 8
Taus 8 9
Temperature of black holes 336 337—38
Temperature of cosmic background radiation 353—56
Theories, scientific, aesthetics of 166 67
Theory of everything (T.O.E.) and deviations from inevitability 283—85
Theory of everything (T.O.E.), cosmological speculation and 364—70 385—86
Theory of everything (T.O.E.), string theory as 15 17 142 146 147 183 363—64
Thome, Kip 343
Thomson, J. J. 7
Three-branes 324
Three-branes in wrapped configuration 329 31 330
Tian, Gang 262 266 69
Time as dimension 49 50 185 204 5
Time dilation 27
Time, black holes and 80
Time, effect of motion on as measured by light clocks 37—41
Time, effect of motion on human life expectancy and 41 43
Time, effect of motion on muon life expectancy and 42
Time, effect of motion on observers’ differing perspectives and 24—25 26—27 34—37 40 41 43—46 47 50 58 60—61 63—64 65 66—67 74-75 125
Tomonaga, Sin — Itiro 120
Top quarks 8 10 150
Topology changing transitions (see Conifold transitions Flop
Torus 199—200 200
Torus and conifold transition 326 27 327
Torus as Calabi-Yau space (shape) 216—18 216 255
Townsend, Paul 203 298 305 317
Trinary star systems 290
Two-branes 324 324 330
Type I string theory 182 284 286 287 304 305 306 313 314 405—6
Type IIA string theory 182 284 286 287 308 310—11 313 313 315—16 405-6
Type IIB string theory 182 284 286 287 305—6 308 313—3
Typical construction of 380 81
Uhlenbeck, George 171
Ultimate theory (see Theory of everything)
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