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Greene B. — The elegant univerce |
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General theory of relativity, identification of agent of gravity in 67 71
General theory of relativity, mathematics of 81 231 33 263
General theory of relativity, Newton’s theory of gravity and 57—58 67 71 73—74 76 231
General theory of relativity, quantum mechanics vs 3 5 6 14 84 117—31 138 152 198 202 235 322
General theory of relativity, scale in 127 30
General theory of relativity, warping of spacetime in 6 53 62—75 233 376
Georgi, Howard 175 78 213 214 402
Gepner, Doron 257
Germer, Lester 104 105
Ginsparg, Paul 212
Givental, Alexander 262
Glashow, Sheldon 122 175 76 212 213—14 340 352
Gliozzi, Ferdinando 181
Gluinos 174
Gluons 11
Gluons as strong force messenger particle 123—24 138
Gluons, spin of 172
Goudsmit, Samuel 171
Grand unification 175 78 180
Grand unification, distance and intrinsic strength of forces in 176—78 178
Gravitational field 377
Gravitational force 15 54 67 122 135
Gravitational force and resonance patterns of strings 145 148 158 165 210
Gravitational force and stellar formation and collapse 13 339
Gravitational force as messenger particles of gravitational force 138 150 163 172 218
Gravitational force in equivalence principle 58 62 68 75 125 374 375 382
Gravitational force in general theory of relativity 6 53 62—75 126 233 376
Gravitational force in Kaluza — Klein theory 187 197
Gravitational force in Newton’s universal theory of gravity (see Newton’s universal theory of gravity)
Gravitational force mass and 10 11 54 55 68 69 71 78—81
Gravitational force of black holes 75 79 80 265 336 337 343
Gravitational force of moon and sun 68 70 70 71 72 72 73 75 289—90
Gravitational force on space stations 3
Gravitational force, Calabi — Yau spaces and 218 363—64
Gravitational force, critical density and 234 35
Gravitational force, electromagnetic force vs. 12
Gravitational force, event horizon and 79 80 265 336 337
Gravitational force, gravitons 11 12 125 377
Gravitational force, intrinsic strength of 175
Gravitational force, quantum field theory of 124 30 138 158 320
Gravitational force, spin of 172
Gravitational force, string theory and 158 163 64 165 210—11 218 307—12 314 320
Green, Michael 135—36 138—39 325
Green, Paul 261
Greene, Brian 256 59 261 269 81 325—29 331 332
Greenwich observatory 77
Gross, David 155 177 214
Guth, Alan 354 56
Hartle, James 366
Harvey, Jeffrey 256 406
Hawking, Stephen 108 117 320 335—38 241—42 366
Heavy string modes 251 54
Heisenberg, Werner, x 112 16 118—20 157 165
Hermann, Robert 348
Hertz, Heinrich 94
Heterotic-E string theory (Heterotic string theory) 183 284 286 287 306 308 309—11 309 313 313 315 316 405—6
Heterotic-O string theory (Heterotic O(32) string theory) 182 284 286 287 303—4 305 306 308 313
High entropy, low entropy vs. 333—34
Higher-dimensional supergravity 199—201 199 200
Holographic principle 401
Hooft, Gerard’t 411
Horava, Petr 309
Horizon problem 353 56 362
Horizon problem, inflation and 355 56
Horowitz, Gary 207 215 17 316 330
Hubble, Edwin 82 234 346 368
Huebsch, Tristan 325
Hull, Chris 203 298 305
Human life expectancy, and effect of motion on time 41 43
Huygens, Christian 97
Inflationary cosmology 355 56 362
Infrared radiation 94
Institute for Advanced Study 270 271—72 274 277
Interference patterns 100 102 101 104 105 109 111 112 118
Israel, Werner 320
Julia, Bernard 307
Kaluza — Klein theory 186 203
Kaluza — Klein theory, Garden-hose universe analogy and 186—96 186 188 194 195 236
Kaluza — Klein theory, general relativity and electromagnetic theory unified by 187 196—97 199 287
Kaluza — Klein theory, quantum mechanics and 191—92
Kaluza, Theodor 185 187 197
Katz, Sheldon 270
Kepler, Johannes 54
Kerr, Roy 320
Kikkawa, Keiji 239
Kinoshita, Toichiro 121 22
Klebanov, Igor 411
Klein — Gordon equation 341
Klein, Oskar 188
Kontsevich, Maxim 262
Laplace, Pierre — Simon de 340 42
Large Hadron Collider 222 384
Leibniz, Gottfried 377
Lerche, Wolfgang 255 58
Lewis, Gilbert 96
Li, Jun 262
Lian, Bong 262
Light and Maxwell’s electromagnetic theory 5 24 27 32
Light and Newton’s laws of motion 5 24 32 33
Light and special theory of relativity 5 24 27 31—33 34—37 41 42 44—45 47 50—51 53 55-56 74
Light clocks 38—41 38 39
Light clocks, time differences between moving and stationary 39 41
Light clocks, “ticks” of 38
Light in 51—52 105
Light paths, solar eclipses and bending of 77
Light string modes 251 54
Light waves (see Electromagnetic waves)
Light, black holes and 79 81
Light, color of 26 94 95 96
Light, composition of 96 97 103
Light, constancy of 32 33 34 35 36 40 41 47 52 56
Light, gravitational disturbances and 56 74
Light, speed of 354
Light-years 248
Liitken, Andy 269
Linde, Andrei 355 366 69
Lineland 192—96 194 195 236 359
Liu, Kefeng 262
Lobachevsky, Nikolai 232
Loops of strings 14 14 292 94 293 381
Lorentz contraction 26 27 63
Lorentz, Hendrik 166
Low entropy, high entropy vs. 333 34
Lumps of energy, electromagnetic wave energy as (see Quanta)
Lykken, Joseph 398 400
Lynker, Monika 259
M-theory 20 283—319 373—87
M-theory and anthropic principle 368
M-theory and merging of fundamental forces 363—64 363
M-theory, duality in 312—16 313 315 318 332—33 381—82
M-theory, extended objects in 165 309 12 309 311 315—17 324 325 379
M-theory, formation of 366 67 369 70
M-theory, future challenges for 318 19
M-theory, interconnections in 312 15
Mach, Ernst 377
Magnetism 171
Maldacena, Juan 411
Mandula, Jeffrey 170
Manin, Yuri 262
Mass 51
Mass and gravitational force 10 11 54—55 68—69 71 78-81
Mass and resonance patterns of strings 143—45 151 205—6 220
Mass and string tension 149 52
Mass and warping of spacetime and time 68—74 69 75
Mass and wave-particle duality 103—4
Mass of black holes 79 80 81 321 330—31 337 338
Mass of branes 317 330—31
Mass of elementary particles 9 10 11 12 15 205—6 217—18 224
Mass of particles in Calabi-Yau spaces 217—18 259 281
Mass of stars 339
| Mass of superpartners 179 222
Mass of wrapped strings 238—39
Mass, energy and 52 81 120 144 45 149 238
Matter 14 14 54
Matter, antimatter vs 8 9 120 159 176 223 292
Matter, composition of 7 10 226
Matter, waves of 103 5 106
Maxwell, James Clerk 5 101 380
Maxwell’s electromagnetic theory 5 23—24 27 32 89 103 121
Maxwell’s electromagnetic theoryand Kaluza — Klein theory 187 196—97 199 287
Mende, Paul 155
Messenger particles 123 24 125 138 150 167 218 Specific
Microwaves 348 19
Milky Way galaxy 81 235 368
Mills, Robert 126
Minkowski, Hermann 49 66
Mirror manifolds 256 58 259 61 269 273—78 273
Mirror manifolds in (see Mirror manifolds)
Mirror manifolds in mathematics vs. physics construction 270 71
Mirror manifolds in physics and mathematics of 259 62
Mirror Symmetry 255 62
Mirror symmetry, duality and 299
Mirror symmetry, flop-transitions and 267 268 78 273
Momentum 119 120 155
Moon 169
Moon in solar eclipse 77
Moon, gravitational influence of earth and sun on 70 289—90
Morrison, David 270 271 81 325—29 331 332
Motion and effect on time (see Time)
Motion and life expectancy of 42
Multiverse 366 70 385 387
Multiverse and anthropic principle 368
Multiverse and T.O.E. 368—70
Multiverse, formation of 366 67 369 70
Multiverse, name of 312
Multiverse, supergravity and 307 12 314
Multiverse, symmetry and 367
Muon-neutrino 8
Muons 8 9 52 174
Nambu, Yoichiro 137
Nappi, Chiara 274
Nature of gravity and 56 57
Nature of gravity and predictions of bodily motion in 55 56 76
Nature of gravity and special relativity vs 5 6 24 33 53 55—56 73—74 84
Neutrinos 8 9 42 146 224 226
Neutrinos, superpartners of 174
Neutron stars 75 226
Neutrons 7 11 13 14 54 124 347
Neveu, Andre 181
Newton, Isaac 5 6 53 57 377 380—81
Newton, Isaac, on light as particles 97 98 99 101 102
Newton’s laws of motion 5 24 32 33 103 340—41 377
Newton’s universal theory of gravity 5—6 53—57 101 169 210 289—90
Newton’s universal theory of gravity, attraction in 54 55 56 58 59 70
Newton’s universal theory of gravity, general theory of relativity and 57—58 67 71 73—74 76 231
Nielsen, Holger 137
Non-constant-velocity motion (see Accelerated motion)
Noncommutative geometry 379 80
Nuclear forces (see Strong force Weak
Nuclei, of atoms 7 11 13 141 170
Nussinov, Shmuel 215
Olive, David 181
One-branes (see Strings)
Orbifolding 256 58 257 269
Ordinary vibrations of strings 240 246—47
Ossa, Xenia de la 261
P-branes 316 17
Parkes, Linda 261
Particle accelerators 42 52 136 137 141 143 151 179 215 222 370 384
Particle interaction in 158 61 159 162—63 164
Particles and string theory 14 14 15 16 18 135 136 137 138 139 141 142 145 146 147 151—52 175 180 182 216—21 220—22 223 255—56 257—58 280
Particles in standard model (see Point particles)
Particles in strong force 10 13 125 26 136—37
Particles in uncertainty principle 113 14 115—16 118 154—55
Particles of forces (see Force particles)
Particles, antiparticles and 8 9 120 159 176 223 292
Particles, black holes and 320 22 329 33
Particles, elementary 7 10 143 147 167
Particles, families of 9 9 123 216—17 219 255—56 257—58 280
Particles, force charges of (see Force charges)
Particles, light as 96 97—103
Particles, mass of 9—10 11 12 15 205-6 217—18 224
Particles, messenger 123 24
Particles, quantum electrodynamics and 121—22
Particles, spin of 170—72 173 175 180 182 222
Particles, superpartners of (see Superpartners)
Particles, “fabric” of 146
Pauli, Wolfgang 8 120 157 226
Peebles, Jim 348
Penrose, Roger 265 320 397
Penzias, Amo 348 49
Perturbation theory 218 288 97
Perturbation theory and classical physics 289 90
Perturbation theory, cosmology and 357
Perturbation theory, failure of 290
Perturbation theory, string theory and 288 89 291 97 357
Phase transitions in early universe 350 52
Phase transitions of black holes 331 332
Photinos 174
photoelectric effect 94 97
Photoelectric effect and particle properties of light 95—96 97 103
Photon energy in 96 97
Photon energy in speed of ejected electrons in 94—95 96—97
photons 11 32 51 56 74 77 123 150 153 159 161 251 377
Photons and quanturp electrodynamics 122
Photons as bundles of quanta 97
Photons as electromagnetic messenger particles 123 24
Photons as quanta of light 96 97 103
Photons in early universe 347 348
Photons in light clocks 38 41 96
Photons in photoelectric effect 96 97
Photons in uncertainty principle 113 118 119
Photons, spin of 172
Photons, superpartners of 174
Physical laws, symmetries of nature and 124—26 168—70 173
Physics, classical perturbation theory and 289 90
Physics, classical quantum mechanics vs 107 112 114 115 340—42 Newton’s Newton’s
Physics, field of accomplishments of 117
Physics, field of determinism in 340 42
Pivotal conflicts in 5 6
Planck energy 149 150 151 220 350
Planck length 130 135 136 141 142 148 155 177 192 215 224 232 234 235 239 242 243 248 252 253—54 358 380 387 396
Planck mass 149 151 176 224 317 321—22
Planck tension 148
Planck time 346 350 Standard String
Planck, Max 23 86 104 114
Planck, Max and resolution of infinite-energy paradox 88 93
Planck’s constant (h) 93 105 113 114 116 130
Plesser, Ronen 256 59 261 269 71 329
Point particles 135 136 137 141 142—43 157—58 170-72
Point particles, dimensionality of 165 237 240
Point particles, electric charge of 223
Point-particle quantum field theory 224—25 350
Points in Riemannian geometry 232 34
Points, universe originating as 83 (see also Point particles)
Polchinski, Joe 304 316
Politzer, David 177
Polyakov, Alexander 399 411
Positrons 8 120
Positrons, interaction of electrons and 159—60 159
Prasad, Manoj 303
Preskill, John 343
Price, Richard 320
Primordial nucleosynthesis 346 349
Principle of relativity 28 30 40 61
probability 118
Probability and wave nature of matter (see Probability waves)
Probability in quantum mechanics 105 8 112—16 201—2 341-42
Probability waves 105 8 106 109 115 118 342
Probability, testing of 107
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