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Farges J. (ed.) — Organic conductors: fundamentals and applications
Farges J. (ed.) — Organic conductors: fundamentals and applications

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Название: Organic conductors: fundamentals and applications

Автор: Farges J. (ed.)


Discussing the key issues that distinguish organic conductors from more conventional conductive compounds, this comprehensive and up-to-date reference examines all aspects of organic conductors;detailing the most recent theoretical concepts and current laboratory methods of synthesis, measurement, control, and analysis. Describes the latest advances in molecular-scale engineering, including switching and memory systems, Schottky and electroluminescent diodes, field-effect transistors, and photovoltaic devices and solar cells! Focusing on basic chemical and physical properties, Organic Conductors covers the theory of low-dimensional conductors delineates how organic conductors fit in with the rest of condensed-matter physics investigates the molecular design and synthesis of organic conductors analyzes techniques to characterize organic conductors such as crystallographic measurements and electronic and molecular spectroscopies reviews the magnetic electron spin resonance and nuclear magnetic resonance properties or organic conductors explores the physical properties of organic conductors such as electronic instabilities and phase transitions considers the potential application of organic materials and polymers in electronics provides a summary of organic superconductors, including fullerenes and more!

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/Физика твёрдого тела/Приложения/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1994

Количество страниц: 854

Добавлена в каталог: 21.08.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
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Chemical synthesis, polymers, processibility      503—505 559 563 568 570 602 631—634 648—651
Chemical synthesis, polymers, reactivity      504
Chemical synthesis, polymers, redox reactions      552 650—657
Chemical synthesis, polymers, ring-opening metathesis      547
Chemical synthesis, polymers, Shirakawa synthesis      566 598 647 665 667
Chemical synthesis, polymers, solubility      503—506 558
Chemical synthesis, polymers, spin-casting      505 564
Chemical synthesis, polymers, substitution      504 539 557
Chemical synthesis, polymers, use of large counterions      505 568
Chemical synthesis, polymers, Ziegler — Natta catalyst      501 547 564
Chemical synthesis, precursor, acceptors      132—135
Chemical synthesis, precursor, donors      118—132
Chemical synthesis, precursor, synthesis      118—135
Chemical synthesis, precursor, yield and cost      118
Chemical synthesis, S-alkylation      125
Chemical synthesis, selenone precursor      129
Chemical synthesis, solubility problem      100
Chemical synthesis, solution reaction procedures      135
Chemical synthesis, solvation, energy      82 97
Chemical synthesis, substituent groups      116 133
Chemical synthesis, supramolecular chemistry      19 108—109
Chemical synthesis, transition metal-promoted coupling      122
Chemical synthesis, trivalent phosphorus route      119
Chemical synthesis, vapor phase diffusion      136
Chemical synthesis, voltammetry, cyclic      80—84 90 91 138
Chloranil      93
Chlorodiane blue      801
Chlorophyll      708 717 721—724 815
Chloroplasts      723 724
Chlorpromazine      705 707 718 721
Cholesterol      711
cis-(2,3-Dimercapto-2-butene-dinitrile) (or mnt) ligand      291
Coherence      17 26 27 36—39 48 53—65 149 204 205 208 286
Color changes      103 341 692 693 701 769
Commensurability effects      44—49 62—65 149 193 202 257 see
Commensurability effects, commensurability condition      481—482
Commensurability effects, discommensurations      49 55
Commensurability effects, incommensurate systems      44—46
Commensurability effects, under pressure      380—383
Commensurability effects, weakly commensurate systems      47—49
Compressibility      148 149 176—177 180 198 395
Conjugated polymers      see "Polymers"
Cooling effects      442 484
Correlations      26—68 413—463
Coulomb interactions      see "Interactions electron-electron"
Critical exponents      417 422 431
Crossover      472 647 657 667 697
Crossover, adiabatic-nonadiabatic      46 52
Crossover, classical      57—58
Crossover, dimensionality      27 55—64 283 288 366 416 417 429 434
Crossover, localization      54
Crossover, quantum-classical      46 57 59
Crossover, undoped-doped polymer      655
Crystal growth      20 115 116 135—140
Crystal growth, chemical redox methods      135—138
Crystal growth, electrochemical synthesis      212
Crystal growth, electrocrystallization      18 135 138—140
Crystal growth, growth from viscous medium      137
Crystal growth, recrystallization      135—138 212
Crystal imperfections      see also "Disorder"
Crystal imperfections, crystal order      3 505 506 519 520 542 588 597
Crystal imperfections, dislocations      15 214 541
Crystal imperfections, grain boundaries      15
Crystal imperfections, imperfect order      553 554 597 613
Crystal imperfections, microchannels/microcracks      214 370 385 396
Crystal imperfections, mosaic      213—214
Crystal imperfections, reconstructed surfaces      217
Crystal imperfections, solvent inclusions      214
Crystal imperfections, structural control      614
Crystal imperfections, topography      213—214
Crystal imperfections, twinning      152 158 199—201 207 208
Crystal packing      20 149 155 180 406 548 551 553 557 563 761
Crystal size      212—213 497 505 506 519 570 572
Crystal structures      147—228 316—327 333—335 447 482 735—757 765 772 773 801—803
Crystal structures at high pressure      147—154 164—176
Crystal structures at low temperature      147—154 164—176
Crystal structures at room-temperature      147 149 160—164
Crystal structures, control      19
Crystal structures, polymers      519 540—570
Crystal structures, polymers, amorphous phase      520 542—610 648—650
Crystal structures, polymers, and physical properties      540
Crystal structures, polymers, crystalline phase      496 520 542—610 648 650
Crystal structures, polymers, crystallinity      519 540—570 648 649 659 662 665 681
Crystal structures, polymers, crystallization, disorder impeded      560
Crystal structures, polymers, effect of doping      553—557
Crystal structures, polymers, entanglement      560
Crystal structures, polymers, fringed micelle model      561 568
Crystal structures, polymers, geometry calculations      544
Crystal structures, polymers, glide plane      519
Crystal structures, polymers, granularity concept      664
Crystal structures, polymers, incommensurability with intercalants      553
Crystal structures, polymers, lamellar structures      553 561 568
Crystal structures, polymers, lattice parameters      290 506 541 545 552 660
Crystal structures, polymers, local organization      544—564
Crystal structures, polymers, mesoscopic structures      505 544 649
Crystal structures, polymers, molecular structures      539
Crystal structures, polymers, morphologies      540 542 547 564 569 570 602 649 650 665
Crystal structures, polymers, morphologies, fibers      544 547 566 570
Crystal structures, polymers, morphologies, fibrillar, nonfibrillar      539—542 547 564 565 570 597 659
Crystal structures, polymers, oriented samples      539
Crystal structures, polymers, sample history dependence      557
Crystal structures, polymers, screw axis      519
Crystal structures, polymers, setting angle      519 546 548 556
Crystal structures, polymers, space group      519 545
Crystal structures, polymers, surface regions      544
Crystal structures, polymers, symmetry group      548
Crystal structures, polymers, thermal degradation      504
Crystal structures, polymers, thermal factors      545 548
Crystal structures, polymers, three dimensional      553 563
Crystal structures, polymers, unit cells      519 545 551 556 659
Crystal structures, structure-conductivity correlations      100
Crystallographic techniques      147—228 542—544
Crystallographic techniques at high pressure      168—176 218
Crystallographic techniques at high pressure, clamp-pressure cells      171
Crystallographic techniques at high pressure, clamps      175
Crystallographic techniques at high pressure, diamond anvil cells      175
Crystallographic techniques at high pressure, gas-pressurized cells      171
Crystallographic techniques at high pressure, gasketed anvil cells      172
Crystallographic techniques at high pressure, helium-pressurized cells      175
Crystallographic techniques at low temperature      164—176 183 218
Crystallographic techniques at low temperature, cryocoolers      166—186
Crystallographic techniques at low temperature, gas-flow cryostats      166 175
Crystallographic techniques at low temperature, gas-stream cryostats      165
Crystallographic techniques on powders      149—152 168 176
Crystallographic techniques on single crystals      149—153 165 168 176
Crystallographic techniques, $2k_{F}$, $4k_{F}$ scattering      149 182—192
Crystallographic techniques, angle-dispersive method      153 155 165
Crystallographic techniques, automated diffractometers      153
Crystallographic techniques, Bragg reflection      150—155 171—188 214 215 423 542 545 546
Crystallographic techniques, diffraction pattern      152 165 542—565
Crystallographic techniques, diffuse scattering      149 150 157 179—218 284—296 372 373 380 386 416 423
Crystallographic techniques, electron density maps      193 209—212 763
Crystallographic techniques, electron microdiffraction      181 193 205—209
Crystallographic techniques, electrons, technique      148 216 542 547
Crystallographic techniques, Guinier — Lenne camera      176
Crystallographic techniques, Hamilton criterion      545
Crystallographic techniques, instrument geometries      154—155
Crystallographic techniques, instrument geometries, four-circle with $\kappa$-geometry      154—174
Crystallographic techniques, instrument geometries, four-circle with Euler geometry      154—174
Crystallographic techniques, instrument geometries, three-circle with normal-beam geometry      154—183
Crystallographic techniques, Laue technique      153 201
Crystallographic techniques, Laue technique, fixed-crystal-fixed film technique      181 186 193
Crystallographic techniques, microdensitometer      188
Crystallographic techniques, neutrons, technique      18 147—219 380 542 555
Crystallographic techniques, neutrons, technique, inelastic scattering      212 213
Crystallographic techniques, neutrons, technique, polarized neutron diffraction      212—216
Crystallographic techniques, neutrons, technique, pulsed sources      153
Crystallographic techniques, oriented (polymer) samples      562
Crystallographic techniques, quantum detectors      153
Crystallographic techniques, real space methods      544
Crystallographic techniques, structure factors      151 193 214
Crystallographic techniques, structure factors, atomic scattering factor      151 155 188 210
Crystallographic techniques, structure factors, Debye — Waller factor      151 155 181 203 210
Crystallographic techniques, structure factors, elastic scattering length      151
Crystallographic techniques, structure factors, magnetic structure factor      214
Crystallographic techniques, superspace      181 183
Crystallographic techniques, superstructure reflections      161 183 204 205
Crystallographic techniques, synchrotron radiation      153 168 173 183 188 208 212
Crystallographic techniques, techniques requiring large samples      212—213
Crystallographic techniques, Weissenberg cameras      188
Crystallographic techniques, white beams      153 201
Crystallographic techniques, x-rays, technique      18 147—219 422 477 542—547 555 763
Crystallographic techniques, x-rays, technique, topography, x-ray transmission      213—214
Cu(TCNQ)      257 344
Cycloalkanes      558
Cyclophanes      695
Cytochrome      8 695
DCNQI      93 94 133
Dddt ligand      96 134
Dddt ligand, $M(dddt)_{2}$      134 408
Dddt ligand, $[M(dddt)_{2}]_{m}X_{n}$      96
Dddt ligand, metal derivatives      96
Debye length      605
Decamethylferrocenium (TCNQ)      248
defects      see "Disorder"
Deformation tensor      177
Deuterated molecules      see "Isotopically substituted molecules"
Di(tetrathiafulvalenyl) ditelluride      108
Diacetylene      628
Diaminodiacetylenes      19
Dibenzotetrathiafulvalene (DBTTF)      117 123
Dichlorodicyano-p-benzoquinone (DDQ)      93
Dielectric properties      6 14 230—236 244 303 453 454 460—461 465 590 619 626 696 707 793
Dilantin      708
Dimensionality effects      7—10 15 25—73 229 312 362—370 376 396 406 408 416 417 446 452 458 474 484 495 513 519 528 624 659—668 736 764
Dimensionality effects on magnetic systems      279 288 290 304
Dimers      805 see
Dimers, biradical dimers      239 240 254 258
Dimethyl(ethylenedithio)diselenadithiafulvane (DMET)      125 131
Dimethyl(ethylenedithio)tetraselenafulvane (DMEDT-TSF)      125
Dimethylalloxazine      694
Dimethyldibenzophosphonium $(TCNQ)_{2}$      249
Dimethylimide      819
Dimethyltetracyanoquinodimethane      see "DMTCNQ"
Dimethyltetrathiafulvalene      126
Diphenylpicrylhydrazil (DPPH), ESR standard      304
Diquinone derivatives      103
Disorder/defects/impurities      8 15—16 53—55 66 149 153—162 177 193—209 261—262 288 327 334—336 370 387—398 442 446 449 465 469 496—523 540—633 648—685 766 772 774 783 794 797
Disorder/defects/impurities and conductivity      53—55 662—667
Disorder/defects/impurities and optical properties      261—262
Disorder/defects/impurities, chemical substitution (solid solutions, alloys)      370 389 393 396 471
Disorder/defects/impurities, conformational      648
Disorder/defects/impurities, controlled      199 393
Disorder/defects/impurities, dynamic      149 179 203
Disorder/defects/impurities, dynamic, irradiation induced defects      149 199 204 205 261 288 381—396 471
Disorder/defects/impurities, isotopic defects      392
Disorder/defects/impurities, magnetic impurities      55 341 503
Disorder/defects/impurities, positional disorder      202—204
Disorder/defects/impurities, static      149 203 396 546 548
Dispersion theory, classical      232
Disproportionation      77
Dithiolate salt      119 120 123
Divergencies      366 414—417 427 431 475
Dmit ligand      95 99 121 134 769
Dmit ligand, $M(dmit)_{2}$      134 408 769
Dmit ligand, metal (superconductor) derivatives      95 96 406 448
DMTCNQ      352
DNA (desoxyribonucleic acid)      7 20 713—719
Donor molecules      6 15 18 19 75—108 116 131 692—708 769 819
Donor molecules, ionization potential      2 80—82 102 341 405 500 592 593 604 650 694—707
Doping      15 258 312 495—528 546—633 647—689
Doping, chemical or protonic      525 528 647 651 665 674 680
Doping, clusters      650
Doping, compensating counterions      495 521—529 553—556 601 647—669
Doping, controlled      601
Doping, donor-acceptor compensation      601
Doping, doping-undoping cycles      496 526—532 560 684
Doping, effect on structures      553—557
Doping, electrochemical      522 526 529 531 554 601 604 647—657 674—684
Doping, electrochemical, cyclic voltammetry      653 658
Doping, electrochemical, electroactive films      651
Doping, electrochemical, electrochemical cell (three electrodes)      651—658
Doping, electrochemical, ellipsometry      658
Doping, electrochemical, hysteresis effect      657 683 684
Doping, electrochemical, in situ experiments      657—658
Doping, electrochemical, kinetic effects      656 658
Doping, electrochemical, memory effect      657
Doping, electrochemical, mirage effect      658
Doping, electrochemical, Nernst law      653—656
Doping, electrochemical, quartz balance      658
Doping, electrochemical, reference electrode      652
Doping, electrochemical, reversible doping      496 502 651
Doping, electrochemical, undoped-doped switching time      657
Doping, electrochemical, working electrode      652
Doping, extrinsic      598 627
Doping, extrinsic, due to catalyst residues      598 600
Doping, extrinsic, due to oxygen      598 600 621
Doping, extrinsic, surface contamination      603 621
Doping, from metal vapor phase      554
Doping, heavy doping      500 526 601 606 661 666—668 675 677 680 681 806
Doping, inhomogeneous      650 665 666 680
Doping, injection      495 513—516 553 580 602—609 617—625 647 650 661 674 676 684
Doping, intercalation, stages of      553—557
Doping, ion diffusion      657
Doping, ion diffusion, insertion      656—657
Doping, ion solvation in solution      650
Doping, kinetics      554—560 601 650
Doping, LB films      762—765 769 775
Doping, LB films, electrochemical oxidation      762
Doping, LB films, gas doping      762
Doping, LB films, homodoping method      765
Doping, LB films, iodine doping      762—764 768
Doping, lifetime of carriers      521 580
Doping, magnetic monitoring      580
Doping, n-type      502 523 554 594 620 621 650 652 674 683 706 806—820
Doping, p-type      502 523 529 549 554—556 598—602 609 621 651 652 666 674 706 806—820
Doping, permanent      650
Doping, photoexcitation      258 514 521 526 627 647
Doping, self-doping      505
Doping, stability      523
Doping, swelling phenomena in solution      651
Drude model      230 244 245 454 459
drugs      217 721
Dyes      496 697 716 720 776 800—803 815—819
Effective medium approximation (EMA)      664
Electrical properties, conductivity      1—16 30 53 54 156 158 159 177 193 196 197 235 244 245 270 289 302 303 313—351 359—396 408—474 495—531 541—623 647—685 693 694 701 706 761—776 see "Magnetoresistance" "Thermopower"
Electrical properties, conductivity, after exposure to electron acceptor/donor      501 502
Electrical properties, conductivity, anomalies      380
Electrical properties, conductivity, charge density wave      383
Electrical properties, conductivity, collective, nonlinear      46 339—340 381 463—474
Electrical properties, conductivity, extrinsic      495 496
Electrical properties, conductivity, granularity concept      664
Electrical properties, conductivity, maximum      63 64 198 391 422 427 429 436 772 774
Electrical properties, conductivity, metal-like behavior, in polymers      649 660 662 666 667
Electrical properties, conductivity, tensor      361 367 368
Electrical properties, frequency dependence      665 763
Electrical properties, measurements, alternating-current      706—707
Electrical properties, measurements, contacting technique      383 385 436
Electrical properties, measurements, equivalent isotropic sample      361
Electrical properties, measurements, Montgomery method      361
Electrical properties, measurements, van der Pauw method      361
Electrical properties, measurements, voltage jumps      436
Electrical properties, recombination, radiative, nonradiative      521 580 582 598 602 617—633
Electrical properties, resistivity, $T^{2}$ power law      361 363 369 370 375
Electrical properties, space-charge injection      599—604 613 622 625
Electrochemical redox reactions      77—98 135 138 595 604 819 see
Electrochemical redox reactions, oxidation      76 82—92 116 405 763—765 769 771 805
Electrochemical redox reactions, reduction      76 93—96 116 405 768 805
Electrochemistry      312 540 604 621 651 652 684 692 698
Electron gas, system      62 197 409—422 442 454 457 486 506 586
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