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Farges J. (ed.) — Organic conductors: fundamentals and applications
Farges J. (ed.) — Organic conductors: fundamentals and applications

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Íàçâàíèå: Organic conductors: fundamentals and applications

Àâòîð: Farges J. (ed.)


Discussing the key issues that distinguish organic conductors from more conventional conductive compounds, this comprehensive and up-to-date reference examines all aspects of organic conductors;detailing the most recent theoretical concepts and current laboratory methods of synthesis, measurement, control, and analysis. Describes the latest advances in molecular-scale engineering, including switching and memory systems, Schottky and electroluminescent diodes, field-effect transistors, and photovoltaic devices and solar cells! Focusing on basic chemical and physical properties, Organic Conductors covers the theory of low-dimensional conductors delineates how organic conductors fit in with the rest of condensed-matter physics investigates the molecular design and synthesis of organic conductors analyzes techniques to characterize organic conductors such as crystallographic measurements and electronic and molecular spectroscopies reviews the magnetic electron spin resonance and nuclear magnetic resonance properties or organic conductors explores the physical properties of organic conductors such as electronic instabilities and phase transitions considers the potential application of organic materials and polymers in electronics provides a summary of organic superconductors, including fullerenes and more!

ßçûê: en

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1994

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 854

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 21.08.2005

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NMR      see "Nuclear magnetic resonance"
Noise generation, narrowband      463 469—472
Noradrenaline      719 721
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)      63 66 68 177 279—297 420—434 447—474 544 548 705—706 see
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) in SDW state      468—469
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), $^{13}C$      336 423 427 452
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), $^{1}H$      279 336 551 671 672 705
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), chemical shift      280 404 705
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), crossover from one to three dimensional regime      283 288
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), divergency      427
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), dynamic nuclear polarization experiments      671
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), high-resolution NMR techniques      280 705
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), hyperfine interaction      280—283 293 420 421
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), Knight shift      280 281 286 452
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), Korringa relaxation      66 281 282 289 293 297
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), Korringa relaxation, enhanced      429 430
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), Larmor frequency      280 282 421 671
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), motional narrowing      468—469
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), Overhauser effect      672
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), relaxation rate      280—282 335 420 423 427 429 447
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), second moment      334 551
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), solid-state effect      672
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), strong/weak coupling      423 429 433
nucleotides      696
Octadecane      769
Octadecyldimethylsulfonium      764
Octadecylmethylethylsulfonium      764
Octadecylpyrimidium      764
Octadecyltrimethylphosphonium      764
Olefins      20
Oligomers      497 500 513 541—632
Optical properties, spectroscopy      229—267 452—463 539—544 555 559 570—597 658 763 768
Optical properties, spectroscopy and phase transitions      258—261
Optical properties, spectroscopy, absorption      231—258 496—530 559—563 576 577 589 631 692 702—704 708 764 778—781 792—817
Optical properties, spectroscopy, absorption, Benesi — Hildebrand equation      703—705
Optical properties, spectroscopy, absorption, edge      585 590 627 792
Optical properties, spectroscopy, absorption, Stokes shift      575 581
Optical properties, spectroscopy, absorption, tail      576 577 590 598
Optical properties, spectroscopy, absorption, threshold      571 574 586 600 621
Optical properties, spectroscopy, anisotropy      229—245
Optical properties, spectroscopy, basics      230—235
Optical properties, spectroscopy, birefringence      236—238
Optical properties, spectroscopy, conductivity      232 233 244 249 255 454 459—463
Optical properties, spectroscopy, conductivity, collective mode      460—463
Optical properties, spectroscopy, conductivity, optical gap      244—258 571—575 588—598
Optical properties, spectroscopy, damping rate      453
Optical properties, spectroscopy, dichroism      564 569 572 574 627
Optical properties, spectroscopy, electroluminescence (EL)      502—505 517 533 591 606 614—635
Optical properties, spectroscopy, emission      570—634 692 702—704
Optical properties, spectroscopy, fluorescence      572 574 589 628 632 633 701—704 792 817
Optical properties, spectroscopy, fluorescence, quenching      703 714 717
Optical properties, spectroscopy, index of refraction      231 452
Optical properties, spectroscopy, infrared      229 230 232 243 258 405 575 581 666 703
Optical properties, spectroscopy, infrared, activation of infrared nonactive modes      232—235 252 259—262 391
Optical properties, spectroscopy, infrared, far-infrared (FIR)      459—463
Optical properties, spectroscopy, infrared, indentations      258
Optical properties, spectroscopy, intramolecular or vibrational      229—242 255 261 575 587
Optical properties, spectroscopy, irradiated samples      261—262
Optical properties, spectroscopy, luminescence      569 571—575 587
Optical properties, spectroscopy, non-linear susceptibility      497 506 533 570 592 601 628
Optical properties, spectroscopy, phosphorescence      792
Optical properties, spectroscopy, photoluminescence      518 571 581 615 627
Optical properties, spectroscopy, polarizability tensor      229 235 236—239
Optical properties, spectroscopy, Raman light scattering      229 236 242 256—258 323 405 544 552 582—590
Optical properties, spectroscopy, Raman light scattering, resonant Raman      236 257 500 550 570 582—585 588 591
Optical properties, spectroscopy, reflectivity      47 229—236 244 245 249 252 255 259 323 333 453 459 571
Optical properties, spectroscopy, reflectivity, electroreflectance      587 589
Optical properties, spectroscopy, reflectivity, metallic      240 243
Optical properties, spectroscopy, reflectivity, plasma reflectance      243—245
Optical properties, spectroscopy, signatures of solitons, polarons, bipolarons      514—516
Optical properties, spectroscopy, solid-state spectra      571—573
Optical properties, spectroscopy, solution spectra      571 574
Optical properties, spectroscopy, solvatochromism      702
Optical properties, spectroscopy, spectral shift      702 703
Optical properties, spectroscopy, spectral shift, blue-shift      631 632 764
Optical properties, spectroscopy, spectral shift, red-shift      571 574 575 581 587 589 621 631 781
Optical properties, spectroscopy, thermochromism      559 560 563 702
Optical properties, spectroscopy, transitions, electronic      229 238 239 243 339 453 454 460 497 517 518 539 570—597 615
Optical properties, spectroscopy, transitions, electronic, oscillator strength      239 256 457—460
Optical properties, spectroscopy, UV-visible      236—243 702—703
Optical properties, spectroscopy, UV-visible-IR      764—766 769
Optical properties, spectroscopy, visible      570—575 585—591
Optical properties, spectroscopy, visible-near infrared      452—459
Optical techniques      235—236 238
Optical techniques, bolometric technique      255
Optical techniques, electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS)      590
Optical techniques, indicatrix      229—239
Optical techniques, infrared absorption spectra      242 326
Optical techniques, light scattering      257
Optical techniques, microspectroscopy      238
Optical techniques, non linear optical methods      577
Optical techniques, optical detection of magnetic resonance (ODMR)      518 580 581
Optical techniques, photobleaching      579
Optical techniques, photoemission      593 604 620 621
Optical techniques, photoinduced absorption (PIA) spectroscopy      577—581 589—591
Optical techniques, photothermal deflection spectroscopy (PDS)      576 577
Optical techniques, spectrophotometers, double beam      702
Order      48 64 365 415 518 544 545 550 551 557—564
Order, long range      8 12 26 27 45 60—65 244 278 406 413 414 419 423 442 446 463
Order, parameter      6 26 27 45 46 49 55 61 62 411 413
Ordinary metals      1—17 230 244 271 277 281 286 365 371 396 405 447 660 776
Ordinary semiconductors (insulators)      8 233 586—626 660
Organic alloys      393 467 see
Organic conductors      1—823
Organic conductors, biosynthesis      20
Organic conductors, classification      311—313
Organic conductors, early history      3
Organic conductors, more-than-one-dimensional      772
Organic conductors, overview      1—24
Organic conductors, overview, future prospects      18—20
Organic conductors, overview, key issues      9—11
Organic conductors, physical concepts      25—73
Organic conductors, ternary      157 244
Organic conductors, three dimensional      363 396 409
Organic conductors, two dimensional      184 186 242 245 359 361 396 406 481
Organic metal components      76
Organic metals      5—6 155 197 278 311 338 359—494 767
Organic molecules, closed/open shell      116 135 291 292 405
Organic molecules, planarity/symmetry      75 76 102 105 133 134
Organic photoconductors/photovoltaics      587 588 599 708 722 723 776 791—823
Organic photoconductors/photovoltaics, action spectrum      794
Organic photoconductors/photovoltaics, carrier generation      708 792—795 800 806—817
Organic photoconductors/photovoltaics, carrier generation, quantum yield      792—795 803
Organic photoconductors/photovoltaics, carrier transport mechanisms      797—798
Organic photoconductors/photovoltaics, deactivation processes      792 793 801
Organic photoconductors/photovoltaics, experimental methods      795—797
Organic photoconductors/photovoltaics, experimental methods, time-of-flight (TOF) techniques      795 798
Organic photoconductors/photovoltaics, experimental methods, transient techniques      795
Organic photoconductors/photovoltaics, gain      794 795
Organic photoconductors/photovoltaics, photocurrent      792—795
Organic photoconductors/photovoltaics, photovoltaic effect      806—820
Organic photoconductors/photovoltaics, sensitivity      794 795 801
Organic photoconductors/photovoltaics, threshold      588 795
Organic photoconductors/photovoltaics, transit time      794—799
Organic semiconductors/insulators      3—5 8 155 197 198 311—360 383 390 409 458 495—516 706 776
Organic semiconductors/insulators, metal-like behavior      315 336—337
Organic semiconductors/insulators, mixed chains materials      341—343
Organic semiconductors/insulators, non-metallic state      313
Organic semiconductors/insulators, segregated chains materials      315—341
Organic superconductors      2 6—9 63—68 76 96 99 100 108 109 115—138 155—161 179 183 204 245 255 257 263 270 289 298 312 359 392 396 405—494 684—685 762 772—776
Organic superconductors, BCS theory      6—7 44 451
Organic superconductors, BCS theory, BCS gap      60 66—67 257 263 333 446—447
Organic superconductors, BCS theory, pairing mechanism      6 41 53 60 66—68 446 451 486
Organic superconductors, comparison with high $T_{c}$ superconducting oxides      17—18 67 68 736—737
Organic superconductors, isotope effect      448—451
Organic superconductors, Kosterlitz — Thouless transition      27 60 62
Organic superconductors, low magnetic field detection method      775
Organic superconductors, Meissner flux expulsion      446
Organic superconductors, penetration depth      67
Organic superconductors, precursor effect      446
Organic superconductors, s-, p-, d-waves      60 61 66—68
Organic superconductors, sensitivity to impurities      446 487
Organic superconductors, singlet (SS), triplet (TS)      33—68 283 411—414
Organic superconductors, specific heat anomaly      446
Organic superconductors, stabilization by repulsive interactions      412
Organic superconductors, superconducting gap, BCS gap equation      66 67
Organic superconductors, two-dimensional      156 161 179 203 359 361 369 446 484 487 488
Organic superconductors, unconventional superconductivity      67 396 487
Organic superconductors, vortices      62 488
Oxadiazoles      805
Oxalic acid      696
Oxazoles      805
p-Chloranil/p-phenylenediamine complex      693
Pariser — Parr — Pople Hamiltonian      29
Pentachloride, antimony      705
Pentamethylcyclopentadienil (or $Me_{5}Cp$)      298
Percolation mechanism      351 528 554 568 569 660 680
Periodic lattice distortions (PLD)      11 44—58 148 150 177—190 203 208 218 283 284 406 413 414 418 427 428 465 see "Phase
Periodic lattice distortions (PLD), displacive modulations      181 218
Periodic lattice distortions (PLD), incommensurate      44—46 162 177—190 218 256 373 380 413 427 465
Periodic lattice distortions (PLD), intramolecular      183 247
Periodic lattice distortions (PLD), magnetic modulation      427 463 476 481
Periodic lattice distortions (PLD), quenched      46
Periodic lattice distortions (PLD), superstructures      63 161 181—191 203 205 256 257 291 335
Pernigraniline      503 509
Perylene      801 818 819
Perylene salts      304 408 488
Perylene-bromide complex      4
Pharmacologically active agents      707
Phase transitions      7 71 179—191 208 259 283—285 311 315 320—324 330—331 335 363—365 373 380 392 417 423 see
Phase transitions, and broken symmetry      25—27 319
Phase transitions, anion (or counterion) ordering      63 179—203 389 442—444 477—481
Phase transitions, commensurate-incommensurate      62 149 158
Phase transitions, competition between superconducting and magnetic (dielectric) phase      362 387 409 429 446 486
Phase transitions, crystallographic study      147—164 177—190
Phase transitions, first-order      205 259 476 675
Phase transitions, generic phase diagram      417—420
Phase transitions, hysteresis      380 476
Phase transitions, metal-to-semiconductor/insulator      13—15 63 98 99 208 260 269—297 313 336 337 387 418—476 657 680 772
Phase transitions, metal-to-semiconductor/insulator, Anderson localization      378 658 661 662
Phase transitions, metal-to-semiconductor/insulator, localization under very high magnetic field      487
Phase transitions, metal-to-semiconductor/insulator, Mott — Hubbard localization      15 284 291 313 328 336 339 416 422 431 454 458 765
Phase transitions, metal-to-semiconductor/insulator, Wigner crystal      487
Phase transitions, metal-to-superconductor      61—67 235 269 274 313 387 408—463
Phase transitions, neutral-to-ionic transition      341—343
Phase transitions, neutral-to-ionic transition, color change      341
Phase transitions, order-disorder      149 161 179 180 204 261 335
Phase transitions, Peierls ($2k_{F}$, $4k_{F}$)      11—13 16 44 61—66 98 148 158 180—208 233—260 283—296 313—333 339 363—392 413—418 495 503—510 583 585 660 671 683 767 772
Phase transitions, Peierls ($2k_{F}$, $4k_{F}$), inverted Peierls transition      260 336
Phase transitions, Peierls ($2k_{F}$, $4k_{F}$), sensitivity to defects      204
Phase transitions, reentrance      477 481 487
Phase transitions, semiconductor-to-semiconductor      313 314 333
Phase transitions, spin-Peierls $(2k_{F})$      63—64 148 180 188 204 205 216 259 283—296 327—342 418—427
Phasons      47—49 427 465 473
Phenothiazines      695 705
Phenyl ring      631
Phonon, anomalies      258 260 325
Phonon, softening      see "Interactions"
Photosynthesis      723 724
Phtalocyanine dyes      803 815—819
Phtalocyanines (PHTH)s      304 695 717 718 723
Physical concepts of organic conductors      25—73
Physical concepts of organic conductors, low-dimensional physics      26—55
Physical concepts of organic conductors, physics in one dimension      33—55 270 366 488 503 658 660
Physical concepts of organic conductors, physics in three dimensions      62—68
Physical concepts of organic conductors, physics in two dimensions      55—62
Physical concepts of organic conductors, quasi one-dimensional conductors      29—32 55—59 66
Physical concepts of organic conductors, quasi one-dimensional conductors, classical crossover      57—58
Physical concepts of organic conductors, quasi one-dimensional conductors, dimensionality crossover      55—58
Physical concepts of organic conductors, quasi one-dimensional conductors, single particle crossover      55—56
Physical concepts of organic conductors, quasi one-dimensional conductors, two particle crossover      56—57
Physical concepts of organic conductors, quasi one-dimensional conductors, two-dimensional regime      58—59
pinning      47 55 65 461 465—473
Plasma edge/frequency      230 235 244 245 368 374 453 454 457 458 461
Plasmon      244 454
Plastics, conducting      501 504
Polarizable molecules      7 15 405 715
Polarization energy      6 369 593
Polaron      51 65 254 503—523 544 577—627 656—684
Polaron, binding energy      513 516 519 589 623 624
Polaron, bipolaron      51 52 65 503—521 579—628 656—684
Poly(3-hexylthiophene)/isocaicacid LB films      776
Polyacetylene (prototype polymer)      2 10 26 258 500—526 529—628 648—685
Polyacetylene (prototype polymer), cis-PA      502—520 547 672
Polyacetylene (prototype polymer), iodine-doped      8 258 496 554 666 667
Polyacetylene (prototype polymer), isomerization cis-trans      670
Polyacetylene (prototype polymer), n-doped by alkali ions      554 666
Polyacetylene (prototype polymer), new synthesis      649 662
Polyacetylene (prototype polymer), p-doped trans PA      554—556
Polyacetylene (prototype polymer), stretching of      564—565
Polyacetylene (prototype polymer), trans-PA      508—520 544—615 658—684
Polyalkylthiophene      541 609 613 774
Polyaniline (PAni)      501—504 522 526—532 540—621 651—680 769
Polyaromatics      801
Polycarbenes      300
Polycarbonates      805
Polycyano compounds      95
Polydiacetylenes (PDA)s      500—521 546 572—628
Polyenes      7 497—521 583—628 670
Polyesters      805
Polyethylene (PE)      500 527 569 581 593
Polyheptadiyne      503 509
Polymeric films      502—504 528—532 539—613 651 652 658 676 681
Polymeric films in situ studies      651
Polymeric films, electropolymerization      769
Polymeric films, extrusion molded      570
Polymeric films, fibrillar      501 502 576 602
Polymeric films, heterogeneous      576 608
Polymeric films, homogeneous      506 570 608 622
Polymeric films, LB films      769
Polymeric films, melt processed      504
Polymeric films, membranes      529
Polymeric films, self-standing      539
Polymeric films, stretched      544 564—566 649 667
Polymeric films, thickness      609 610 622
Polymeric films, transparent      528
Polymers      7 8 13—19 26 31 32 42 49 61 65 236 256—263 339 344 352 405 495—689
Polymers in solution      521 540 541 558 569—572 597 615 650 651 803
Polymers in the melt      540 559 563—568
Polymers, blends      505 564 568—570 581 774 797 805 816
Polymers, catalytic properties      505
Polymers, chirality      501 505
Polymers, coherence lengths      551—565
Polymers, conjugated, doped (conducting)      647—689
Polymers, conjugated, undoped (semiconducting)      539—646
Polymers, conjugation      496—501 520 524 540—631 662 669 670
Polymers, conjugation, box model      499 500
Polymers, conjugation, breaking      499 521
Polymers, conjugation, lengths      497—500 517 520 521 540—631 667
Polymers, copolymers      505 540 568—570 632 633
Polymers, copolymers, block, diblock      505 568
Polymers, copolymers, CP-non-CP      505 569
Polymers, copolymers, donor-acceptor      719
Polymers, electropolymerization      769
Polymers, ferromagnetic polymers      298 300 306
Polymers, gel formation      569 572
Polymers, glass transition temperature      559 565 566
Polymers, homopolymers      540
Polymers, isomers      497
Polymers, liquid crystallinity      505
Polymers, macromolecules      545 658 669
Polymers, macrosalt      648
Polymers, molecular weights      540 558 560 569
Polymers, molecular wire      658 660—661
Polymers, new materials      501—503
Polymers, nonconjugated      497 500 528
Polymers, perfect      497 499 541 545 668
Polymers, persistence length      521
Polymers, piezoelectric      532
Polymers, repeat unit      496—521 540—613
1 2 3 4 5 6
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