Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Girard J.-Y., Taylor P., Lafont Y. — Proofs and Types |
Предметный указатель |
Reflexive symmetric relation 57
Representable functions 52 120
Resolution method 112
Rewrite rules see “Conversion”
Reynolds 82
Right logical rules see “Sequent calculus”
Rigid embeddings 134
Ring theory 66
Robinson 112
rosser see “Church — Rosser property”
S, S (successor) see “Integers”
Saturated domains 133
Scott 54 55 64 66 133
Second incompleteness theorem 42
Second order logic 94 114 123
Secondary equations 16 69 81 85 97 132
Semantic definability 140
Sense 1
Separability 134
Sequent calculus 28
Sequent calculus, Cut rule 30
Sequent calculus, linear logic 150
Sequent calculus, logical rules 31
Sequent calculus, natural deduction 35
Sequent calculus, PROLOG 112
Sequent calculus, structural rules 29
Sequential algorithm 54
Side effects 150
Signature 34 87 139
Simple types 84 139 145
Singleton type (Sgl) 104 139
Size problem 83 112 132
Smyth 55
SN (strongly normalisable terms) 119
Specification 17
Spectral space 56
Stability 54 134 137
Stability, definition (St) 58 100
static 2 14 54
Strict (preserve ) 97
Strong finiteness 59 66
Strong normalisation 26 42 114
Structural rules, cut elimination 106 112
Structural rules, linear logic 152 153
Structural rules, natural deduction 36
Structural rules, sequent calculus 29
Subdomain 134
Subformula property, -calculus 19
Subformula property, natural deduction 76
Subformula property, sequent calculus 33
Substantifique moelle 155
Substitution 5 25 69 112 118
Subuniformity 134
Successor (S and S) see “Integers”
Sum type 95
Sum type and disjunction 81
Sum type, +, , and 81
Sum type, coherence space 103 146
Sum type, linear decomposition 96 103
Sum type, linear logic ( and ) 152
Symmetry 10 18 28 30 31 97 105 134
T (Godel’s system) 47 67 70 123
T, t, see “True”
Tableaux 28
| Tait 42 49 114
Takeuti 125
Tarski 4
Tautology, linear logic (1 and ) 154
Taylor 133
Tensor product , coherence space 104 138 146
Tensor product , linear logic 152
Tensor sum or par , coherence space 104
Tensor sum or par , linear logic 152
Terminal object 104
Terminating relation see “Normalisation”
Terms in 125
Terms in F 82
Terms in T 68
Terms, -calculus 15
Terms, object language 5
Theory of constructions 116 133
Token 56 64 137
Topological space 55
Total category 135 137 141 146
Total objects 57 149
Total recursive function 53 122
Trace (Tr) 62 67 144
Trace, linear (Trlin) 100
Transposition in linear algebra 101
Trees 8 47 93
True, denotation (t, , T) see “Booleans”
True, proposition see “Tautology”
Turbo cut elimination 160
Turing 122
Type variables 82
Types 15 54 67
Undefined object 56 96 129 139 146 149
Unification 113
Uniform continuity 55
Uniformity of types 83 132 134 143
Units (0, , 1 and ) 104
Universal algebra 66
Universal domain 133
Universal program (Turing) 122
Universal quantifier 5 6
Universal quantifier (second order) 82 126
Universal quantifier (second order), and 94 125
Universal quantifier (second order), reducibility 118
Universal quantifier (second order), semantics 132 143 149
Universal quantifier, cut elimination 108
Universal quantifier, natural deduction, and 10
Universal quantifier, sequent calculus, and 32
Variable coherence spaces 141
Variables, hypotheses 11 15 19
Variables, object language 10 125
Variables, type 82 125
Very finite 59 66
Vickers 55
Weak normalisation 24
Weakening, and 29
Weakening, linear logic (W?) 154
Web 56 135
Why not (?) 102 154
Winskel 98 133
X, , (exchange) 29 153
Y (fixed point) 72
Zero, 0, unit of 154
Zero, O and see “Integers”
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