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Stanley R.P. — Enumerative Combinatorics: Volume 2
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Название: Enumerative Combinatorics: Volume 2
Автор: Stanley R.P.
Аннотация: This second volume of a two-volume basic introduction to enumerative combinatorics covers the composition of generating functions, trees, algebraic generating functions, D-finite generating functions, noncommutative generating functions, and symmetric functions. The chapter on symmetric functions provides the only available treatment of this subject suitable for an introductory graduate course on combinatorics, and includes the important Robinson-Schensted-Knuth algorithm. Also covered are connections between symmetric functions and representation theory. An appendix by Sergey Fomin covers some deeper aspects of symmetric function theory, including jeu de taquin and the Littlewood-Richardson rule. As in Volume 1, the exercises play a vital role in developing the material. There are over 250 exercises, all with solutions or references to solutions, many of which concern previously unpublished results. Graduate students and research mathematicians who wish to apply combinatorics to their work will find this an authoritative reference.
Рубрика: Математика /
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
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Год издания: 1999
Количество страниц: 584
Добавлена в каталог: 18.11.2009
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Pergola, E 274
Perlstadt, M. A. 278
Permanent 100
Permutation representation (see Representation permutation)
Permutation, 132-avoiding 261
Permutation, 1342-avoiding 243
Permutation, 2-stack sortable 241
Permutation, 213-avoiding 259
Permutation, 2143-avoiding 455
Permutation, 231-avoiding 261
Permutation, 312-avoiding 224 259 261
Permutation, 321-avoiding 224 259 263 267
Permutation, 4231-and 3412-avoiding 243
Permutation, alternating 73 75 520
Permutation, Baxter 225 246
Permutation, Baxter reduced 246
Permutation, code of 259
Permutation, cycle type of 298
Permutation, deque-sortable 274
Permutation, dominant 261
Permutation, generalized 318
Permutation, graphical representation 27
Permutation, lattice 313 400 432
Permutation, shape of 387
Permutation, smooth 243
Permutation, sortable on two parallel queues 225
Permutation, square root of 76
Permutation, stack-sortable 224
Permutation, subsequence of 386
Permutation, subsequence of decreasing 386
Permutation, subsequence of expected length of longest increasing 488
Permutation, subsequence of increasing 246 386
Permutation, subsequence of increasing and decreasing 404 488
Permutation, typical shape of 555
Permutation, u-avoiding 239 247
Permutation, vexillary 455
Permutations, equivalent 79
Petkovsek, M. 216
Pfaff, J. F. 212
Pfaffian 493
Pieri, M. 398 410
Pieri’s rule (see Rule Pieri’s)
Pitman, J. 124
Plactic monoid (see Monoid plactic)
Planar rhyme scheme 262
Plane (see Plane partition)
Plane binary tree (see Tree binary plane)
Plane partition 365
Plane partition, aspect of 372 401
Plane partition, asymptotic enumeration 485
Plane partition, column-strict 227 314
Plane partition, diagram of 371
Plane partition, history of 401
Plane partition, number of columns 365
Plane partition, number of rows 365
Plane partition, part of 365
Plane partition, q-enumeration 551
Plane partition, reverse 403 483
Plane partition, reverse symmetric 483
Plane partition, reverse weak 379
Plane partition, self-complementary 486
Plane partition, shape of 365
Plane partition, skew 487
Plane partition, symmetric 369 403 483
Plane partition, symmetry class of 403 551
Plane partition, totally symmetric 485
Plane partition, totally symmetric and self-complementary 485
Plane partition, trace of 365 403 484
Plane partition, with at most r rows 369
Plane partition, with at most r rows and c columns 365 483
Plane S-tree (see Tree plane
Plane, r-dimensional 365 402
Plane, rank of 289
Plane, self-conjugate 458
Plane, stable 462
Plane, total 13 66 87
Plane, total binary 14 66
Plethysm 404 447 475 479 480 543
Plethysm, etymology of 404
Plethysm, inner 533
Plethystic inverse (see Inverse plethystic)
Plouffe, S. 279
Pole, telephone 72
Poliak, H. 140
Polya theory (see Theory Polya)
Polynomial, Abel 87
Polynomial, characteristic of 49
Polynomial, characteristic of 301
Polynomial, characteristic of 86
Polynomial, characteristic of a hyperplane arrangement 96
Polynomial, characteristic of Linial arrangement 91
Polynomial, characteristic of Shi arrangement 96
Polynomial, characteristic of threshold arrangement 73
Polynomial, chromatic, of 73
Polynomial, cycle index 391
Polynomial, Ehrhart 234
Polynomial, Eulerian 77 489
Polynomial, exponential 87
Polynomial, Hermite 119
Polynomial, irreducible 160 219
Polynomial, Kostka 515
Polynomial, Kostka — Foulkes 515
Polynomial, Laguerre 88 118
Polynomial, noncommutative 196
Polynomial, order 378
Polynomial, q-Catalan 237
Polynomial, unimodal 475
Polynomial, with real zeros 463 481 514 545
Polynomial, zeta of 49
Polynomial, zeta of a binomial poset 88
Polynomially recursive function (see Function P-recursive)
Polyomino, enumeration 258
Polyomino, parallelogram 239 257
Polytope of degree sequences 107
Poset of direct sum decompositions 237
Poset of intervals of a chain 227
Poset, (3+1)-free 463
Poset, binomial 88
Poset, differential 499
Poset, intersection of a hyperplane arrangement 96
Poset, intersection of the Linial arrangement 91
Poset, intersection of the Shi arrangement 96
Poset, intersection of the threshold arrangement 73
Poset, inversion 325
Poset, locally rank-symmetric 464
Poset, locally self-dual 464
Poset, series-parallel 88
Poset, shuffle 465
Poset, simplicial 124
Poset, triangular 124
Poset, with no 3-element antichain 242
Position, reachable 244
Position, unavoidable 244
Postnikov, A. 134—136 138 139 143 258 259 262 265 268—270 273
Pouget, J. 269
Poupard, Y. 273
Power series (see Series)
Power sum symmetric function (see Symmetric function power
Power tree (see Tree power)
Pragacz, P. 498 504 508
Preorder 33
Priifer code (see Code Priifer)
Priifer sequence (see Sequence Priifer)
Priifer, H. 66 71
Prime 95
Principal specialization (see Specialization principal)
Principle, of inclusion-exclusion 543
Problem, Schroeder’s first 177 213
Problem, Schroeder’s fourth 66 133 178 213
Problem, Schroeder’s second 177 178 213 273
Problem, Schroeder’s third 66 178 213
Problem, Wedderbum-Etherington commutative bracketing 278
Procesi, C. 514 515 538
Proctor, R. A. 403 411 534 550 551
Prodinger, H. 262
Product, Cauchy 382
Product, Hadamard 166 233
Product, Hadamard in characteristic p 218
Product, Hadamard of D-finite series 193
Product, Hadamard of noncommutative series 207 214 248
Product, Hadamard, multivariate 218
Product, heartamard 219
Product, induction 352
Product, internal 476 478
Product, internal basis-free definition of 477
Product, Kronecker 476
Product, tensor 476
Product, wreath 405 449
Proper algebraic system (see System proper
Proper coloring (see Coloring proper)
Propp, J. G 264 277 403 406
Prouhet, E. 272
Puiseux series (see Series Puiseux)
Puiseux, V. 211 216
Puiseux’s theorem (see Theorem Puiseux’s)
Pumping lemma (see Lemma pumping)
Putnam Competition 278
Puttenham diagram (see Diagram Puttenham)
Puttenham, G. 262
Puusa, A. 266
q-binomial coefficient (see Coefficient q-binomial)
Quasi-polynomial, Ehrhart 233
Quasisymmetric function 356 382 455 464 482 483
Quasisymmetric function, fundamental 357 384 431 463
Quasisymmetric function, history of 401
Quasisymmetric function, monomial 357
Quasisymmetric functions, algebra of 357
Quotient field of K[x] 160
Quotient field of K[[x]] 160
R-dimensional partition (see Partition r-dimensional)
R-partition 46
R. M 404 408
Rabinowitz, S. 404 411
Radoux, C. 267
Rains, E. 133 148
Ramanujan, S. 272
Randall, D 277
random matrix (see Matrix random)
Random walk (see Walk random)
Randrianarivony, A. 109
Raney, G.N. 67 71
Rank of a group (see Group rank
Rank of a partition (see Partition rank
Rational language (see language rational)
Reachable position (see Position reachable)
Read, R, C. 404 411
Reading word (see Word reading)
Reciprocity theorem (see Theorem reciprocity)
Reciprocity, between sets and multisets 297
Reciprocity, Frobenius 353
Reciprocity, Stirling number 149
Recognizable series (see Series recognizable)
Recording tableau (see Tableau recording)
Recursively labeled tree (see Tree recursively
Redfield, J. H 404 411 537
Reduced decomposition (see Decomposition reduced)
Reduced word (see Word reduced)
Reducing the number of variables 302
Reflection principle 212 265
Regev, A. 493 538
Regular language (see Language regular)
Regular representation (see Representation regular)
Reiner, I. 536
Reiner, V. 270 276 411 497 498 504
Relation, nilCoxeter 497
Relation, similarity 264
Remmel, J. B 68 401 403 404 406 411 438 504 519 539
Representation of , adjoint 443
Representation of , character of 442
Representation of , defining 441 443
Representation of , degree of 440
Representation of , dimension of 440
Representation of , homogeneous 440
Representation of , linear 440
Representation of , polynomial 440
Representation of , rational 404 440
Representation of , tensor product 446
Representation of , trivial 441 443
Representation of , adjoint 445
Representation of , polynomial 445
Representation, induced 396
Representation, linear 395
Representation, permutation 395
Representation, regular 478
Representation, regular of 356
Representation, tensor product 352 476
Reshetikhin, N. Yu. 515
Residue calculus 182
Retakh, V. S. 407
Reutenauer, C. 214 216 261 283 284 410 411 511 521 543 548
Reverse -compatible (see Compatible reverse
Reverse lexicographic order (see Order reverse
Reverse reading work (see Word reverse
Reverse semistandard tableau (see Tableau semistandard reverse)
ribbon 345
Rice, J. M 266
Rice, S. 0 152 153
Richards, D. 260
Richardson, A. R. 401 403 409 438 544
Richman, D. 285
Rickard, J. 250
Riddell, R. J. 65 71
Riemann zeta function (see Function Riemann
Rim hook 345
Rim hook tableau (see Tableau rim
Ring, 533 540
Riordan, J. 67 71 108 133 140 152 153 258
Robbins, D. P. 551 552
Roberts, J. 504
Robinson, C. A. 542
Robinson, G. de B 399 400 407 411 438 517
Robinson, R. W. 130 408 543
Robinson, Robin 122
Robinson-Schensted correspondence (see RSK-algorithm)
Roby, T. W 400 411 499 500
Rodrigues, O. 212 216 217
Rogers, D. G 213 217 258 260 264 274 275
Roichman, Y. 531
Roman, S. 132
Root, of a structure 10
Roselle, D. P. 262 267
Rosen, J. 68 71
Rosen, M. 105
Rota, G. — G 65 66 71 132 133 142
Routh, E. J. 545
Row insertion (see Insertion row)
Row-sum vector (see Vector row-sum)
RSK algorithm 260 316 318 382 458 488 503 504
RSK algorithm for (3+1)-free posets 512
RSK algorithm geometric description 327 400
RSK algorithm history of 399
RSK algorithm, dual 331 400
RSK algorithm, reverse 549
Rubel, L. A. 217 282
Rule, jeu de taquin version 429
Rule, Littlewood — Richardson 339 399 506 552
Rule, Littlewood — Richardson history of 438
Rule, local 328 424
Rule, Mumaghan — Nakayama 347 354 515 516 519 520 522
Rule, Mumaghan — Nakayama history of 401