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Stanley R.P. — Enumerative Combinatorics: Volume 2
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Название: Enumerative Combinatorics: Volume 2
Автор: Stanley R.P.
Аннотация: This second volume of a two-volume basic introduction to enumerative combinatorics covers the composition of generating functions, trees, algebraic generating functions, D-finite generating functions, noncommutative generating functions, and symmetric functions. The chapter on symmetric functions provides the only available treatment of this subject suitable for an introductory graduate course on combinatorics, and includes the important Robinson-Schensted-Knuth algorithm. Also covered are connections between symmetric functions and representation theory. An appendix by Sergey Fomin covers some deeper aspects of symmetric function theory, including jeu de taquin and the Littlewood-Richardson rule. As in Volume 1, the exercises play a vital role in developing the material. There are over 250 exercises, all with solutions or references to solutions, many of which concern previously unpublished results. Graduate students and research mathematicians who wish to apply combinatorics to their work will find this an authoritative reference.
Рубрика: Математика /
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Год издания: 1999
Количество страниц: 584
Добавлена в каталог: 18.11.2009
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Germ at 194
Germ, P-recursive 194
Gessel, I. M 66—68 70 105 106 121 123 124 140 141 148 149 213 215 256 261 264 265 279 281 397 401 404 407 490 493 499 520 521 543 548 551 557
Getu, S. 274
Getzler, E. 541
Gfun 279
Giacometti, A. 285
Giambelli, G. Z 399 407 508
Gili, J. 266
Girard, A. 396 407
Gire, S. 274 275
Gleason, A. M. 110
Goldberg, L. R. 267
Goldman, J. 65 68
Golomb, S. W 70
Good, I. J. 68 70
Goodall, S. 276
Goodman, F. M. 260 267
Gordon, B 110 403 407 493
Gould, H. W 127 215 262
Goulden, I. P. 138 139 275 494 506 513 523
Goupil, A. 522
Gouyou — Beauchamps, D. 274 276 493
Grabiner, D. 285
Graev, M. I. 134 258 270
Graham, R. L. 69 274 277 278
Graph, alternating 91
Graph, bipartite 73
Graph, Cayley 68
Graph, clawfree 464
Graph, complete 73 101
Graph, connected 10 94
Graph, de Bruijn 63 103
Graph, incomparabiiity 463
Graph, intersection 138
Graph, noncrossing 240
Graph, regular 102
Graph, threshold 72
Graph, triangle-free 464
Graphs, nonisomorphic. 393 489
Grass 1
Greene, C 401 404 407 437 490 497 498 513 515
Greene’s theorem (see Theorem Greene’s)
Grensing, D 277
Grie.ser, D 150
Grimson. R. C. 66 70
Group reduction function (see Function group
Group, Coxeter 248 265
Group, dihedral 389 391
Group, finite abelian. 101
Group, free 76 206 473
Group, free automorphism of 529
Group, Galois. 281
Group, general linear 440
Group, IC 473
Group, irreducible characters of 354
Group, Kranz 405
Group, quaternion 528
Group, rank of 476
Group, special linear 445
Group, symmetric inlinite 545
Group, symplectic 231 259 550
Group, Weyl 541
Growth diagram (see Diagram growth)
Guibert 0 261 278
Gupta, H. 66 68 70
Gustafson, R. A. 490
Gutman, I. 157
Guy, R. K. 264 267
h-vector 235
Habsieger, L 213 215
Hadamard matrix (see Matrix Hadamard)
Hadamard product (see Product Hadamard)
Haible,B 215 216
Haiman, M 137 140 214 216 267 271 276 285 407 408 502 545
Half edge 238
Hall, J. I. 408
Hall, Jr., M. 112 529
Hall, P. 399 408
Hamidoune, Y. 0 514
Hammersley, J. M. 260 554 555
Hammersley, J. M. 260 554 555
Han, G. — N. 515
Hanlon, P. J. 130 507 530 539 542 543
Harary, F. 408
Hardy, G. H 491
Harmonic series (see Series harmonic)
Harris, B 129
Harris, J. 407
Harris, Jr., W. A. 281
Hartshome, R. 105
Hautus, M. L. J. 216
Hawkins, T. 408
Headley, P. 142 143 283
Heartamard product (see Product heartamard)
Height of a border strip (see Strip border height
Height of a border strip tableau (see Tableau border height
Henrici, P. 67 70
Hermite polynomial (see Polynomial Hermite)
Hersh, P. 283
Herstein, I. N. 66 69
Hilbert, D 252
Hilliker, D. L 216
Hillman — Grassi correspondence (see Correspondence Hillman
Hillman, A. P. 403 408
Hilton, P. J. 216
Hipparchus 213
Hirzebruch, F 146
Hodge, W. V. D 399 408
Hofbauer, J. 68 272
Hoggatt, Jr., V. E. 274 278
Holonomic series (see Series holonomic)
Hook length 373 467 469 486 487
Hook length, divisible by p 467
Hook lengths, product of 472 474
Hook-length formula (see Formula hook-length)
Hopf algebra (see Algebra Hopf)
Hopf trace formula (see Formula Hopf
Horizontal strip (see Strip horizontal)
Horrocks, G. 399 408
Hough, D 213
Houten, L. 493
Howlett, R. B 283
Huang, M. — F. 251
Huang, S. 270
Humphreys, J. E. 113
Hurwitz, A. 65 70 127 138 139 213 545
Hypergeo metric system 134
Hypergeometric functions on the group of unipotent matrices 134
Hyperplane arrangement 96
Hyperplane arrangement, Catalan 229
Hyperplane arrangement, Linial 91 135
Hyperplane arrangement, reduced modulo p 96
Hyperplane arrangement, Shi 142
Hyperplane arrangement, threshold 73
IC-group (see Group IC-)
Ideal, of algebra of upper triangular matrices 231
Idempotent function (see Function idempotent)
Idempotent, orthogonal 473 522
Identity for flag Schur functions 551
Identity, Abel’s 127
Identity, Cauchy 322 397 474 533 537 543 556
Identity, dual 344 397 544
Identity, Jacobi — Trudi 342 354 397 399 401 510 520 551
Identity, truncation of 460
Image, Frobenius 352
Immanant of a Jacobi-Trudi matrix (see Matrix Jacobi-Trudi immanant
Incidence algebra (see Algebra incidence)
Inclusion-Exclusion Principle (see Principle inclusion-exclusion)
Incomparability graph (see Graph incomparability)
Increasing subsequence (see Permutation subsequence increasing)
Indegree 54
Independent set of vertices 462
Index, comajor, of an SYT 364
Index, major 236
Index, major, of an SYT 363 364 479 480
Indicator of symmetric semigroup 83
Indicator, augmented 390 489
Indicator, cycle 19 390 404
Induction product (see Product induction)
Induction, from H to G 350
Inequality, Cauchy — Schwarz 538
Inner plethysm (see Plethysm inner
Inner plethysm, column 388
Inner plethysm, row 316
Insertion path (see Path insertion)
Insertion tableau (see Tableau insertion)
Integral, abelian 211
Integrally equivalent to the identity 323
Internal product (see Product internal)
Intersection graph (see Graph intersection)
Intersection poset (see Poset intersection)
Intertwining number (see Number intertwining)
Intransitive tree (see Tree intransitive)
Invariant of 231
Invariant, rank-selected Mobius 464
Inverse, compositional 36 218
Inverse, plethystic 479
Inversion poset (see Poset inversion)
Inversion table (see Table inversion)
Inversion, Moebius 268 511
Inversionof a tree (see Tree inversion
Involution on the ring 296
Involution on the ring 482
Involution, avoiding 241
Involution, fixed-point-free 225
Involution, in 305 330 502
Involution, Schuetzenberger 389 426 438
Ireland, K 105
Irreducible polynomial (see Polynomial irreducible)
Isaacs, I. M. 522 524 527 529 530 538 541
Isometry 308 352
Iteration lemma (see Lemma iteration)
Jablonski, M. E. 558
Jackson, D. M 139 261 523
Jackson, F. 68
Jacob, G. 214 215 283
Jacobi, K. G. J. 65 70 282 397 408 490 506
Jacobi-Trudi identity (see Identity Jacobi-Trudi)
Jacobian determinant (see Determinant Jacobian)
Jacobstahl, E. 66 70
Jaffe, J. 283
Jagers, A. A. 105
James, G. D 408 438 517
Janischen, W. 105
Janson, S. 555
Jdt 420 421
Jeu de taquin 419 438 552
Jia, R. Q 493
Jiang, M. S. 273
Jockusch, W 259 260 263 267 551
Johansson, K 555
Johnson, C. R. 152
Johnson, W. W. 398 408
Jones, V. F. R 260 267
Jordan-Holder set (see Set Jordan-Holder)
Joyal, A. 66 67
Jozefiak, T 504
Jucis, A. — A. A. 505
Jungen, R 211 216 250
K-component, of 51
Kac, M 152
Kadell, K 554
Kahaner, D 132 133
Kalikow, L 142
Kapranov, M. M 215 541
Karagueuzian, D. B. 504
Karlin, S. 545
Karp, R. M. 496
Katz, M. 122 123
Kazarian, M. 213 215
Kazhdan-Lusztig theory (see theory Kazhdan-Lusztig)
Keller, G 263
Kellogg, A. 267
Kemp, R. 499
Kerber, A. 408 517 528 535
Kerov, S. V. 438 515 523 545 555
Kim, J. H. 555
King, on a chessboard 241
King, R 258
Kirchhoff, G. 66
Kirillov, A. N 498 507 515 518 540
Kirkman, T. P. 272
Klamer, D. A. 216 256
Klazar, M 262 273 274 276
Kleiman, M. 274 278
Kleiman, S. L 408
Kleitman, D. J. 437 490
Kleshchev, A. S. 538
Klyachko, A. 406
Knodel, W 133
Knuth equivalence (see Equivalent Knuth)
Knuth transformation (see Transformation Knuth)
Knuth, D. E 67 70 149 157 259—261 263 274 399 400 402 403 406 408 437 493
Knuth-equivalent (see Equivalent Knuth)
Knutson, D. 540
Koblitz, N 105
Koker, J. 216
Konheim, A. G. 140 141
Kontsevich, M. 156 541
Kostant, B. 545
Kostka number (see Number Kostka)
Kostka polynomial (see Polynomial Kostka)
Kostka, C 397 398 408 409
Kostka-Foulkes polynomial (see Polynomial Kostka-Foulkes)
Kostlan, E. 277
Kranz group (see Group Kranz)
Kranzgruppe 405
Kraskiewicz, W. 498 541
Krattenthaler, C 68 258 401 403 409 550
Kremer, D. 274 499
Kreweras, G. 130 140 141 273 401
Krob, D 279 282 406 407 409
Kronecker product (see Product Kronecker)
Kuchinski, M. 216
Kuenzi, N. J. 216
Kuich, W 216
Kuperberg, G. 277 551 552
Kuznetsov, A. 273
Kwak, J. H 112
Labeling of a poset 359
Labeling, Schur 360
Labelle, G 67 69 70
Labelle, J. 118
Lacunary, quadratically 248
Lagrange inversion formula 38 67
Lagrange inversion formula, multivariate 67
Lagrange inversion formula, noncommutative 68
Lagrange inversion formula, q-analogue 68 502
Lagrange, J. L. 67 71 147
Laguerre polynomial (see Polynomial Laguerre)
Lakshmibai, V. 276
Laksov, D. 408
Lam, T. Y 493
Lame, G. 212 216
Lando, S. 213 215
Lang, S. 216
Language 204
Language, algebraic 204 249
Language, context-free 204