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Stanley R.P. — Enumerative Combinatorics: Volume 2
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Название: Enumerative Combinatorics: Volume 2
Автор: Stanley R.P.
Аннотация: This second volume of a two-volume basic introduction to enumerative combinatorics covers the composition of generating functions, trees, algebraic generating functions, D-finite generating functions, noncommutative generating functions, and symmetric functions. The chapter on symmetric functions provides the only available treatment of this subject suitable for an introductory graduate course on combinatorics, and includes the important Robinson-Schensted-Knuth algorithm. Also covered are connections between symmetric functions and representation theory. An appendix by Sergey Fomin covers some deeper aspects of symmetric function theory, including jeu de taquin and the Littlewood-Richardson rule. As in Volume 1, the exercises play a vital role in developing the material. There are over 250 exercises, all with solutions or references to solutions, many of which concern previously unpublished results. Graduate students and research mathematicians who wish to apply combinatorics to their work will find this an authoritative reference.
Рубрика: Математика /
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
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Год издания: 1999
Количество страниц: 584
Добавлена в каталог: 18.11.2009
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Conway, J. H 215 265
Core, p- (see p-core)
Cori, R 261 278
Correspondence, costripp 314
Correspondence, Hillman — Grassi 380 401
Correspondence, Robinson-Schensted (see RSK-algorithm)
Coxeter group (see Group Coxeter)
Coxeter relations 113
Coxeter, H. S. M 215 265
Crapo, H. 142
Curtis, C. W 406 536
Cusick, T. W 278
Cvetkovic, D. M. 69 157
Cycle index 19
Cycle index of symmetric semigroup 83
Cycle index polynomial (see Polynomial cycle
Cycle index, augmented 19
Cycle indicator (see Indicator cycle)
Cycle lemma (see lemma cycle)
Cycle monomial 19
Cycle type of a permutation (see Permutation cycle
Cycle, n- (see n-cycle)
Cyclic binomial sum 253
D-finite series (see series D-finite)
Davenport-Schinzel sequence (see Sequence Davenport-S
Davis, M. W 283
de Bruijn graph (see Graph de
De Bruijn sequence (see Sequence de
De Bruijn, N. G. 68 69 404 406
de la Harpe, P. 260 267
De Riviere, A. 69 71
De Segner, A. 212 217
Dean, R. A. 263
Decidability 214
Decomposition, block-tree 120
Decomposition, border strip 470
Decomposition, reduced 454
Decomposition, symmetric chain 456
Decoste, H. 531
Decreasing subsequence (see Permutation subsequence decreasing)
Degree of over K(x) 160
Degree of a vertex of a plane forest 30
Degree of a vertex of a planted forest 29
Degree of a vertex of a simple graph 77
Degree of an algebraic series 159
Degree sequence, ordered of a planted forest 29
Degree sequence, ordered of a simple graph 77
Degree, x- 164
Deift, P. 555
Delannoy number (see Number Delannoy)
Delest, M. — R 258
Deligne, P. 254
Delta operator (see Operator delta)
Denef, J 254
Denes, J. 138
Denominator sequence, of an exponential structure 45
Deodhar, V 276
Depth first order (see Order depth
Depth, of a square 515
Deque-sortable permutation (see Permutation deque-sortable)
Derangement 469 470 489
Derivation 460
Dershowitz, N. 70 130 262
Desarmenien, J. 521
Descent 236 351
Descent algebra (see Algebra descent)
Descent of an SYT 361 364 488
Descent set 351 382 404 454
Descent set of an SYT 361
Determinant, Jacobian 207
Determinant, Vandermonde 334 374 397
Determinant, Wronskian 281
Deutsch, E. 257 264
Dey, I. 111
Diaconis, P. 69 555
Diagonal in characteristic p 218
Diagonal of a noncommutative rational series 211
Diagonal of a rational function 179 213 247
Diagonal of a series 179 219
Diagonal, noncommutative 210 214
Diagram of a plane partition (see Plane partition diagram
Diagram, Ferrers, shifted 366
Diagram, growth 328 422 426 438 500 502
Diagram, Murasaki 226
Diagram, Puttenham 262
Diagram, Young 226 309
Diagram, Young paths inside 231
Dickins, A. 266
Dicks, W 250
Differentiably finite series (see series D-finite)
Differential poset (see Poset differential)
Digraph, balanced 54
Digraph, connected 54
Digraph, Eulerian 54
Dihedral group (see Group dihedral)
Dimer 240 244
Direct sum decomposition 45
Discriminant 161 165 211 218 219
Disease, Catalan 256
Dissection of a convex polygon 169 234 239 453
Dissection, enumeration of every 176
Dold, A. 105
Dollhopf, J. 513
Dominance order (see Order dominance)
Dominant permutation (see Permutation dominant)
Domino 240 244
Donaghey, R. 273
Donnelly, R. G. 263
Doob, M. 69 157
Doran, W. F. 511 515
Doty, S 406
Doubilet, P. 65 491
Double rooted tree (see Tree double
Doubly-stochastic matrix (see Matrix doubly-stochastic)
Dress, A. W. M 66 70 112
Dual bases (see Bases dual)
Dual Cauchy identity (see Identity Cauchy dual)
Dual Knuth-equivalent (see Equivalent dual
Dual RSK algorithm (see RSK algorithm dual)
Duchamp, G. 406
Dulucq, S. 138 258 275 278 500
Dumir, V. C. 68
Dumont, D. 106 109
Duncan, D. G. 519
Dvir, Y 538
Dvoretzky, A. 67 70
Dwork, B 105 282
Dyck language (see Language Dyck)
Dyck path (see Path Dyck)
Dyck word (see Word Dyck)
Dynkin, E. B. 534
Edelman, A. 277
Edelman, P. H 130 262 270 276 497 498
Edrei, A. 545
Eggleton, R. B 267
Ehrenborg, R. 514
Ehresmann, C. 399 407 552
Ehrhart polynomial (see Polynomial Ehrhart)
Ehrhart quasi-polynomial (see Quasi-polynomial Ehrhart)
Eichler, M. 215
Eidswick, J. A. 139
Eigenvalue of Laplacian matrix 59
Eigenvalue, real 244
Eisenstein, G. 213 215
Eisenstein’s theorem (see Theorem Eisenstein’s)
Elementary sequence of characters 470 495
Elementary symmetric function (see Symmetric function elementary)
Elkies, N. 277
Equation, algebraic differential 248
Equation, Korteweg-de Vries 506
Equation, Painleve II 556
Equivalence, Knuth (see Equivalent Knuth)
Equivalent, dual Knuth 415
Equivalent, jeu de taquin 420
Equivalent, Knuth 400 414 437
Erdelyi, A. 67 70 212
Erdos, P. 111 404 407
Erdos, Peter L. 70 137
Eriksson, H. 283
Eriksson, K. 517
Errera, A. 258
Etherington, I. M. H 67 70 212 278
Euler number (see Number Euler)
Euler, L 212 215 275 491
Eulerian 54 103
Eulerian polynomial (see Polynomial Eulerian)
Eulerian tour (see Tour Eulerian)
Evac 425
Evacuation tableau (see Tableau evacuation)
Excedance of a path (see Path excedance
Expansion, base b 248
Exponential formula 5
Exponential formula for 2-partitions 151
Exponential formula for exponential structures 48
Exponential formula, permutation version 7
Exponential formula, q-analogue 66
Exponential generating functions, product of 1
Exponential polynomial (see Polynomial exponential)
Exponential specialization (see Specialization exponential)
Exponential structure (see Structure exponential)
Extension, linear (see Linear extension)
Faa di Bruno, F 65 70
Fabel, K 275
Factorizations, equivalent 93
Farahat, H. K. 517
Favreau, L. 279
Feit, W 401 407
Feller, W 265
Ferrers diagram (see Diagram Ferrers)
Fibonacci number (see Number Fibonacci)
Fiedler, M 126
Field, generalized Puiseux 251
Filling, Littlewood — Richardson 432
Finite operator calculus 132
Fishburn, P. C. 263
fix 350 394
Flag f-vector 514
Flag h-vector 464
Flag Schur function (see Schur function flag)
Flag variety (see Variety flag)
Flag, 351
Flexagon 256
Fliess, M 213 215
Flye Sainte — Marie, C. 69 70
Foata, D 65 70 118 119 127 140
Fomin, S. V. 261 282 400 407 497—499 502 517 545
Ford, G. W 120
Forest of rooted trees 23
Forest, free 24
Forest, labeled 459
Forest, planted 23 24
Forest, recursively labeled 92
Forest, rooted 23
Forest, unlabeled plane 30
Forgotten symmetric function (see Symmetric)
Formal series (see Series formal)
Formanek, E. 250
Formula for 347
Formula, Binet — Cauchy 68 397
Formula, Faa di Bruno’s 65
Formula, hook-content 403
Formula, hook-length 279 376 382 400
Formula, hook-length q-analogue 376
Formula, Hopf trace 504
Formula, Lagrange inversion (see Lagrange inversion formula)
Formula, Mehler’s 119
Formula, Weyl character 403 444
Formula, Weyl denominator 444 503
Formula, Weyl dimension 444
Forsyth, A. R. 402
Fortet, R 152
Foster, R. M. 133
Foulkes, H. 404 407 520 541
Fourier transform (see Transform Fourier)
Fractional composition (see Composition fractional)
Fractional series (see Series fractional)
Frame, J. S. 105 400 407
Franel, J 278
Franfon, J 109 127 140
Franz, R 112
Franzblau, D. S. 401 407
Frederickson, H 158
Free group (see Group free)
Free monoid (see Monoid free)
Freund, J. E. 263
Frieze pattern (see Pattern frieze)
Frobenius characteristic map (see Map characteristic)
Frobenius image (see Image Frobenius)
Frobenius notation (see Notation Frobenius)
Frobenius reciprocity (see Reciprocity Frobenius)
Frobenius, F. G. 65 70 400 404 407 527 530
Frumkin, A. 531
Fuchs, A. 127
Fulman, J. 113
Fulton, W 399 407
Function on 7
Function on 85
Function, acyclic 126
Function, Airy 556
Function, Bessel 101
Function, Beta 523
Function, class 349
Function, Euler totient 479 489
Function, group reduction 404
Function, idempotent 84
Function, Moebius 268 289 463 480
Function, Moebius of 7
Function, Moebius of of 49
Function, multiplicative on NC 86
Function, P-recursive 188 213
Function, polynomially recursive (see Function P-recursive)
Function, quasisymmetric (see quasisymmetric function)
Function, Riemann zeta 113 485
Function, Schur (see Schur function)
Function, symmetric (see symmetric function)
Function, zeta, of an algebraic variety 105
Fundamental quasisymmetric function (see Quasisymmetric function fundamental)
Furlinger, J. 272
Furstenburg, H. 213 215 254
Gale, D. 496
Galois group (see Group Galois)
Gandhi, J. M 108
Gansner, E. R. 548 550
Gantmacher, F. R. 545
Gap, Hadamard 282
Gardner, M 215 262
Garsia, A. M 68 119 267 407 438 502 515 518 519 548
Garst, P. F. 504
Gasharov, V.N. 512 514
Gauss, C.F. 518
Gaussian elimination, noncommutative 199
Gelfand pattern (see Pattern Gelfand)
Gelfand, I. M 134 215 258 270 398 407
Gelfand-Tsetlin pattern (see Pattern Gelfand-Tsetlin)
General linear group (see Group general
Generalized permutation (see Permutation generalized)
Generating function (see Series)
Generating tree (see Tree generating)
Genji, The Tale of 262
Genocchi number (see Number Genocchi)