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Reist P.C. — Aerosol Science and Technology
Reist P.C. — Aerosol Science and Technology

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Íàçâàíèå: Aerosol Science and Technology

Àâòîð: Reist P.C.


Featuring the latest research findings and applications, this expert guide covers the fundamentals and advanced principles of aerosol technology, and provides useful problem-solving techniques in air pollution, public health, and industrial hygiene. This second edition is completely revised and expanded and features new chapters on: explosive dusts; biological aerosols; fibers as aerosols; the design and operation of aerosol clean rooms; pharmaceutical aerosols; and atmospheric aerosols. New figures, tables, and illustrations, plus numerous case studies from industry and manufacturing environments are included.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Òåõíîëîãèÿ/

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Èçäàíèå: 2nd edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1993

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 380

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 16.11.2009

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
50 percent Stokes number      103
Abrahamson, J.      120
Absorbance      265
Absorption      263 266—267
Acceleration      75—76 82—84
Acceleration, forces for      91
Acceleration, radial      91—92 115
Acceleration, time-dependent cases of      82
Acoustic agglomeration      316
Adiabatic expansion      351—352
Adsorption      241 247
Aerodynamic boundary layers      155—159
Aerodynamic diameters      6 71—72 106—107
Aerodynamics      31
Aerosol owl      295
Aerosol spectrometers      117
Agglomerates      8 10—11;
Air and thermophoretic velocity      175
Air in ducts      48
Air pressure and dust-free spaces      165
Air, coagulation constant for      305
Air, composition of      348
Air, currents in      91
Air, density of      47
Air, diffusion in      150—152
Air, ion concentrations in      200—201
Air, mean free path in      39—40
Air, mobility of ions in      193
Air, pollution of      225
Air, resisting force of      59—60 66—67 75
Air, scattering efficiency factor for      271
Air, spinning of      91
Air, temperatures of      225
Air, terminal velocities in      66
Air, viscosity of      41 46—47
Airstreams      109 150—152 314—315
Aitken nuclei      238
Aitken, J.      165 225 293
Albedo      265
Alberty, R.      32 41 351
Algae      320
Allen, M.D.      61
Alveolar region      7 125
Amelin, A.G.      226—227 233
American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH)      126—128
Angstrom units      1
Angular intensity functions      283—285
Angular scattering      281—282
Angular scattering of polydisperse particles      289—294
Angular scattering, applications of      294—299
Angular scattering, Mie theory      283—288
Anisokinetic sampling      121—124
Anterior unciliated nares      125
Apparent mean free path      142
Arithmetic mean      26
Asbestos fibers      4
Asbestos fibers, aerodynamic diameter of      71—72
Asbestos fibers, settling velocity of      81
Atkinson, W.R.      199
Atomic Energy Commission (AEC)      126—127
Attenuation coefficient      267—368
Attrition      4 13
Autoignitable dust      332
Automatic vents      337
Average charges per particle      206
Average diameters      13 25
Average displacement      136 140—141
Average kinetic energy      38
Average surface      26
Average velocity      38 116 139
Average volume      26
Avogadro's number      32 134 229
Backscatter      291—292
bacteria      319—320
Bakanov, S.P.      168
Bar charts      15—16
Barometric distribution      139—140
Barrer, R.M.      146
Bartknecht, W.      328—329
Baseballs      31
Berry, J.      264
Blue sky      290
Centrifugation in moving atmospheres      314—315
Centrifugation, nonlinear integrodifferential equations for      310—311
Centrifugation, nonspherical      312—313 105
Chains, Stokes' law with      68—70
Chan, T.      120
Chapman, S.J.      168—169
Characteristic charge      187
Characteristic length and diffusion      155
Charging mechanisms      179
Charging mechanisms and force      179—180
Charging mechanisms and mobility      180—181
Charging mechanisms collisions with ions      185
Charging mechanisms contact electrification      182—183
Charging mechanisms diffusion      185—189 195
Charging mechanisms field charging      185 189—195
Charging mechanisms flame ionization      184—185
Charging mechanisms spray electrification      183
Charging mechanisms static electrification      182
Charging mechanisms, corona discharge      195—198
Charging mechanisms, electric      179—183
Charging mechanisms, equilibrium with      200—201
Charging mechanisms, equilibrium with, steady-state theory of      201—207
Charging mechanisms, equilibrium with, transient approach to      207—208
Charging mechanisms, frictional      184
Charging mechanisms, ionization      181—182 184—189 195—198 213—214
Charging mechanisms, maximum charge with      198—200
Charging mechanisms, speed of      187 194
Charlson, R.J.      278
Charts, histograms      15—19
Chatigny, M.A.      320—321 323
Chemical groups, explosions with      330
Cheng, Y.-S.      81 153
Chilton, C.H.      41 176
Cigarette smoke particles      136 150
Ciliated nasal passages      125
Circular jet impactors      96
Circular paths      91—92 115
Circulation of particles      66—67 86
Clark, W.E.      165 312
Clausius — Clapeyron equation      227
Cloud chambers      226 236
Cloud condensation nuclei (CCN)      239
Clouds and cloud droplets      225
Clouds and cloud droplets, formation of      236
Clouds and cloud droplets, turbidity coefficient for      269
CN (condensation nuclei)      226 238—241
Coagulation      301
Coagulation and particle size      306—309 315—316
Coagulation constant      304—307
Coagulation with ordered motion      315
Coagulation, differential equation form for      309—310
Coagulation, electrical effects in      313—314
Coagulation, external factors in      313—316
Coagulation, monodisperse spherical      301—306
Coagulation, rate of      308
Coagulation, sonic      316
Coagulation, turbulent      316
Coastlines, length of      9—10
Collection efficiency      94 96—100 221—222
Collisions      32 38
Collisions and thermal diffusion      302
Collisions with ions      185
Collisions, elastic      32 49
Colloidal solutions      301
Colony-forming units (CFUs)      320
Color of sky      290 293—295
Combustion sources      337; see also “Explosions and explosive aerosols”
Concentration boundary layers      157—159
Concentration change      149
Concentration gradient      145
Condensation and evaporation      3 13 225
Condensation and evaporation and isokinetic sampling      124
Condensation and evaporation and nucleation      226
Condensation and evaporation and nucleation, formation rate of      232—233
Condensation and evaporation and nucleation, heterogeneous      238—248
Condensation and evaporation and nucleation, homogeneous      228—232
Condensation and evaporation and nucleation, ions for      233—238
Condensation and evaporation and saturation ratios      227—231
Condensation and evaporation in Langmuir's equation      257—259
Condensation and evaporation of liquid drops      225
Condensation and evaporation of moving droplets      260—262
Condensation and evaporation, concentrations of      64
Condensation and evaporation, hysteresis in      246—248
Condensation and evaporation, Maxwell's equation for      251—256
Condensation and evaporation, observations of      225—226
Condensation and evaporation, surface for      226
Condensation and evaporation, time of, in saturated media      259—260
Condensation nuclei (CN)      226 238—241
Conductivity, thermal      40—42 168 171
Confined sedimentation      65
Constant field strength      213
Constant velocity      75 81 92
Contact electrification      182—183
Continuous curves      17
Continuous medium      31 60—63
Continuum      45
contrast      264 276—279
Convection currents      165 171
Convective diffusion      150—152
Conversion factors      348 350
Cooper, D.G.      185 208
Coordinate systems for motion      76 79—80
Corona discharge      195—198 214—217
Cosmic radiation      201
Coulier, M.      225
Coulomb effect      188
Coulomb's law      211
Counting rate in particle counters      298
Crawford, M.      52
Creep flow      170
Critical drop size      230
Critical nuclei      232—233
Critical Stokes number      113
Critical temperature      331
Cross, J.      329—331
Cross-sectional diameter of fibers      71
Crystallization      248
Cumulative distribution percentages      106
Cumulative lognormal distributions      24
Cunningham correction factor      60—64 69
Cunningham correction factor and coagulation      307
Cunningham correction factor and thermophoretic velocity      169
Cunningham correction factor for settling velocity      81—82
Cunningham, E.      60
Currents, air      91
Currents, convection      165 171
Currents, corona      215
Currents, density of      193
Currents, diffusion      135 145 303
Currents, ion      190 192—193
CURVES      17 19
Curvilinear motion      75 91—92
Cyclone particle collectors      117—120
Cylinders, diffusion in      133—136
Cylinders, settling in      86—87
Cylinders, thermophoresis in      167
Daniels, F.      32 41 351
Davies, C.N.      61 122 155 158 255 257
Debye — Huckel model      314
Deceleration of particles      75 83—84
definitions      2—3 347—350
Definitions of average diameters      26
Definitions of force      179—180
Definitions of means      25—29
Deflagration      328—329
Deformation drag      50—51
Deirmendjian, D.      266 272
Denman, H.H.      283 288
Dennis, R.      296
Density and toxicity      125
Density of air      47
Density of currents      190 192—193
Deposition      121
Deposition by diffusion      149 152—160
Deposition by inertia      121—122
Deposition in boilers      165
Deposition in coagulation      311—312
Deposition in respiratory system      125
Deposition on walls      102 146—148
Deposition, velocity of      160
Derjaguin, B.V.      168 172—175
Detonation      328—329
Deutsch, W.      222
Diameters      4—7
Diameters and saturation ratios      230
Diameters for air      175
Diameters for settling particles      55
Diameters of average mass      25
Diameters of cyclones      119
Diameters of gases      39
Diameters of respirable dust      126
Diameters of small particles      103
Diameters, aerodynamic      6 71—72 106—107
Diameters, equilibrium      234
Diameters, geometric      23
Diameters, mean and median      13—15 23—29 106—107
Dielectric constants of liquids      182
Diffraction      294—296
Diffusion      131
Diffusion and Brownian displacement      136—138
Diffusion and collisions      302
Diffusion and tube deposition      152—160
Diffusion coefficients      132 155 304
Diffusion coefficients for water vapor      252—253
Diffusion coefficients, effects of mass on      140—141
Diffusion coefficients, gas      40—41
Diffusion constants      136
Diffusion in cylinders      133—136
Diffusion of gases      40—42 132—133 253
Diffusion, charging by      185—189 195
Diffusion, convective      150—152
Diffusion, current in      135 145 303
Diffusion, deposition by      149
Diffusion, Fick's laws of      132—133 135 137 145—147 151
Diffusion, force of      134 159
Diffusion, non-steady-state      146—150
Diffusion, steady-state      145—146
Diffusion, velocity of      158—160
Dimensional analysis      46
Direction of motion      75
Disintegration of droplets      198—200
Dissipation by wind      68
Distance between molecules      33
Distance in cyclones      118
Distance, stop      83 95 142
Distributions in respirable sampling      125
Distributions of charges      201—207
Distributions of mean and median diameters      13—15 25—29
Distributions with coagulation      312
Distributions, barometric      139—140
Distributions, cumulative      24 106
Distributions, histograms for      15—19
Distributions, log probability paper for      24—25
Distributions, lognormal      20 22—24 27 106—107
Distributions, mathematical representation of      19—24
Distributions, Maxwell — Boltzmann      35—37 139
Distributions, Normal      20—22
Doherty, D.J.      207
1 2 3 4 5
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