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Reist P.C. — Aerosol Science and Technology |
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Drag 49
Drag and Reynolds number 50—56
Drag coefficient 50—56
Drag, deformation 50—51
Drag, form and friction 71
Drag, surface 64
Drift 193 219—222
Drinker, P.D. 27
Droplet see also “Water and water droplets”
Droplet, disintegration of 198—200
Droplet, evaporation of 251 260—262
Droplet, growth of 251 260—262
Droplet, lifetime of 256—260
Droplet, moving 260—262
Dry air, composition of 348
Dry air, mean free path in 40
Dry air, viscosity in 41
Ducts and dust explosions 337
Ducts, air flow in 48
Dust explosions 179 184 327
Dust explosions and particle size 332—336
Dust explosions, control of 336—337
Dust explosions, ignition sources for 331—335
Dust explosions, severity of 328—329
Dust explosions, types of particles in 329—331
Dust particles and condensation nuclei 238
Dust particles in cyclones 117
Dust particles, autoignitable 332
Dust particles, definition of 2
Dust particles, explosions of see “Dust explosions”
Dust particles, flammability of 332—336
Dust particles, respirable 125—128
Dust-free space 163—165 175—177
Dynamic shape factor 68—71
Eddy diffusion coefficient 158
Effective migration velocity 222
Efficiency of boilers and heat exchangers 165
Efficiency of cyclones 119—120
Efficiency of electrostatic precipitators 221—222
Efficiency of impactors 94 96—100 111
Einbinder, H. 185
Einstein, Albert 133—136 167
Elastic collisions 32 49
Elder, M.E. 296
Electric charges see “Charging mechanisms”
Electric discharges, sparks from 331
Electric fields 179—180 190—191
Electric fields for geometries 213—218
Electric fields with particles present 216—218
Electric fields, drift in 219—221
Electric fields, gravity in 76—77
Electric fields, perturbations in 218—219
Electric fields, strength of 180—181 209—210 212—218
Electric flux 191 193 210
Electric forces 179 181 348—349
Electrical effects in coagulation 313—314
Electrical units 211—212 348—350
Electrolytes 182 243
Electronegative gases 198
Electrostatic controlled kinetics and Coulomb's law 211
Electrostatic controlled kinetics, charge saturation in 195
Electrostatic controlled kinetics, drift in 219—221
Electrostatic controlled kinetics, efficiency of 221—222
Electrostatic controlled kinetics, electric fields for 209—210 213—218
Electrostatic controlled kinetics, electrical units for 211—212
Electrostatic controlled kinetics, field perturbations in 218—219
Electrostatic controlled kinetics, field strength for 210 212 214—218
Electrostatic controlled kinetics, potential for 212—213
Electrostatic units (esu) 349—350
Embryos 226 228 232
Energy, transfer of 40
Epstein's equation 170—171
Epstein, P. 173
Equation of motion 76—78 220
Equilibrium charge distribution 201—207
Equilibrium diameters 234
Equilibrium times 82 207
Equilibrium vapor pressure 243
Error function 147 345—346
Errors with impactor data 107—108
Errors, from anisokinetic sampling 122
evaporation see “Condensation and evaporation”
Expansion ratios 228 351—352
Expansion, adiabatic 351—352
Explosions and explosive aerosols 179 184 327
Explosions and explosive aerosols and particle size 332—336
Explosions and explosive aerosols, control of 336—337
Explosions and explosive aerosols, ignition sources for 331—332
Explosions and explosive aerosols, severity of 328—329
Explosions and explosive aerosols, types of 329—331
Extinction 263
Extinction and Bouger's law 266—270
Extinction and contrast 276—279
Extinction paradox 271—272
Extinction, coefficient of 267 270—276
Extinction, efficiency factor for 268 273—275
Extinction, particle size in 294—295
Extinction, terms for 264—266
Factor of proportionality 210
Falling particles 81
Farrer, D. 329—331
Feret's diameter 4—6
Fibers 4
Fibers, aerodynamic diameter of 71—72
Fibers, persistence of 73
Fibers, settling velocity of 81
Fibers, Stokes' law with 68—71
Fick's laws of diffusion 132—133 135 137 145—147 151
Field charging 185 189—195
Field of force 180
Field strength 180—181 209—210 212—218
Filter fan model 153—155
Final velocity 53—55 66 75 81—82
Flachsbart, H. 69 117
Flame ionization 184—185
Flammability of dusts 332—336
Flanagan, V.P.V. 207
Fleagle, R.G. 201
Fletcher, F.W. 242
Flocculated particles 68
Flocs 8
Fluid dynamics 31
Fluid mechanics 45
Fluid properties 31
Fluid properties, drag 49—56
Fluid properties, gas behavior 33—40
Fluid properties, kinetic theory for 32—33
Fluid properties, macroscopic 45—56
Fluid properties, Reynolds number for 45—49
Fluid properties, viscosity, conductivity and diffusion 40—42
Flux 191 193 210
Fly ash 8
Fly ash and drift velocity 221
Fly ash and field strength 217—218
Fog 3
Foitzik, I. 289
force 75 179—180
Force balance equations 76
Force vector 180
Form drag 71
Forward scattering 281—282 291—293 296—297
Fox, D.L. 233
Fractal geometry 8—11
Fraunhofer diffraction 296
Free energy and ions 233—237
Free molecule region, thermophoresis in 166—169
Friction drag 71
Frictional electrification 183—184
Frictional resistance 50
Friedlander, S.K. 312 316
| Fuchs and Brownian rotation 138
Fuchs and coagulation 313—314
Fuchs and diffusion and collisions 304
Fuchs and diffusion charging 188
Fuchs and equilibrium charge distributions 204—205
Fuchs and free mean path 142
Fuchs and impaction 93
Fuchs and lifetime of drops 258—259 261
Fuchs and mean square displacement 141
Fuchs and thermophoresis 165 173
Fuchs, N.A. 61
Fumes 2 8
Fumes sampling 124
Fumes, removal of 217
Fungi 320
Gas-phase reactions 226
Gases 31
Gases in cyclones 117
Gases in pipes 47
Gases, adsorption of 241
Gases, behavior of 33—40
Gases, diameters of 39
Gases, diffusion in 40—42 132—133 253
Gases, electronegative 198
Gases, inertia of 60
Gases, molecules present in 32—33
Gases, transfer of momentum, energy and mass within 40
Gases, two-dimensional trajectories of 140—141
Gases, velocity of 35 37—38
Gases, viscosity and conductivity of 40—42
Gases, volume of 32
Geometric mean 26
Geometric mean diameter 23
Geometric median 24
Geometric standard deviation 23—24
Geometries, electric fields for 213—218
Geometry, fractal 8—11
Gfflespie, T. 306
Giant nuclei 238
Gibbs, W.E. 165
Giese, R. 287—288
Glycerol particles 171
Goetz, A. 240
Goren, S.L. 176
graph paper 24
Graphs, histograms 15—19
Gravity and particle motion 77—81
Gravity in coagulation 311—312
Gravity in electric fields 76—77
Gravity, deposition from 121
Green, H.L. 95 296
Grinding wheels, particles thrown from 86
Grounding of ductwork 337
Growth and evaporation 251—262
Gucker, F.T. 297
Happel, J. 65
Hatch — Choate equation 27—29
Hatch, T. 27
Haze, definition of 3
Heat see “Temperature”
Heat exchangers, deposition in 165
Heineman, H. 183
Helium gas, viscosity of 42
Herdan, G. 24
Hering design 97
Hering impactors 104
Hering, S.V. 97 103—104
Hertzberg, M. 330 332—333
Heterogeneous nucleation 226 238—248
Hidy, G.M. 310 312 314
Higher-order Tyndall spectra 295—296
Histograms 15—19
Hochrainer, D. 219
Hocking, L.M. 315—316
Hodkinson, J.R. 270 296
Homogeneous aerosols 3
Homogeneous nucleation 226 228—232
Hoppel, W.A. 188 204—205
Horizontal range of particles 83
Hot bodies 163—165
Hot spots 337
Humidity and condensation 246—248
Humidity and dust explosions 184 334—336
Humidity and extinction measurements 279
Hydrated protons, speed of 189
Hydrogen and corona 198
Hydrogen, speed of 35
Hyperbolic streams 108
Hysteresis 246—248
Ideal stirred settling 86—88
Ignition sources 331—332
Image effect 188
Image force 218—219
Impaction 92—96
Impaction and bounce 101—102
Impaction and pressure drop 104—105
Impaction and small size 102—104
Impaction parameter 95
Impaction, curvilinear motion 91—92
Impaction, data analysis with 106—113
Impaction, from inertia 121—122
Impaction, operation of 96—101
Impaction, phase trajectories with 108—113
Impactors for small particle sizes 102—104
Impactors, analysis of 105—107
Impactors, configuration of 95
Impactors, cut points for 91 96—97 100 103
Impactors, efficiency of 94 96—100 111
Impactors, errors with 107—108
Impactors, operation of 96—101
Impactors, particle bounce in 101—102
Impactors, phase trajectories for analyzing 108—113
Impactors, pressure drop in 104—105
Impingers 91
Induction 210 218
Inelastic impacts 49
Inertia 45 47 91
Inertia in diffusion 141
Inertia of gas molecules 60
Inertia, deposition by 121—122
Infinite medium 64—65
Inorganic composition of condensation, nuclei 241
Insoluble nuclei 242
Intensity of light 282—283 285 290—291
Intermediate flow 47—48
Internal circulation 66—67
Interval size 15
Ions and ionization 181—182
Ions and ionization and charge equilibrium 200—201
Ions and ionization in flames 184—185
Ions and ionization, as nuclei 233—238
Ions and ionization, collisions with 185
Ions and ionization, concentrations of 186 200—201 203
Ions and ionization, current density of 190 192—193
Ions and ionization, diffusion charging with 186—189
Ions and ionization, from corona discharge 195—198
Ions and ionization, mobility of 193 215
Ions and ionization, negative 183
Ions and ionization, space charges from 213—216
Isokinetic sampling 120—124
Isometric particles 3
Isometric particles, Brownian rotation of 139
Isometric particles, persistence of 73
Isometric particles, shape of 68
Ivchenko, I.N. 172
Jacobsen, S. 169
Jennings, S.G. 39—41 61
Jets 96 101 103
Johnson, I. 71—72 200 295
Joos, G. 343
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