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Reist P.C. — Aerosol Science and Technology |
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Jost, W. 132 146
Joules 349
Junge, C. 241
Kasahara, A. 311
Keefe, D. 201 205
Kelvin's equation 228—232
Keng, E.Y.H. 172
Kenoyer, J.L. 101
Kerker, M. 263 283 288 290 294
Kinematic viscosity 45—47 169
Kinetic energy, average value of 38
Kinetics 75
Kinetics of centrifugation 115—117
Kinetics of cyclones 117—120
Kinetics, acceleration and deceleration 83—84 372
Kinetics, equation of motion 76—77
Kinetics, ideal stirred settling 86—88
Kinetics, impaction see “Impaction”
Kinetics, isokinetic sampling 120—124
Kinetics, limitations on 84
Kinetics, one-dimensional motion 84—86
Kinetics, respirable sampling 124—128
Kinetics, stop distance 83
Kinetics, terminal settling velocities 81—82
Kinetics, theory of 31—33 42
Kinetics, without external forces 77—80
Kirsch, A. 153
Kitani, S. 296
Klett, J.D. 213 232 253 261
Knudsen number 61
Knudsen number and evaporation 254
Knudsen number and thermophoresis 166 168 170 175
Koehler curves 244
Koschmieder, H. 277
Krakatoa, eruption of 240
LaMer, V.K. 171—172 295
Laminar boundary layers 155—157
Laminar flow 47—48 119
Landau, L.D. 155 343
Lane, W.R. 95 296
Langevin ions 201
Langmuir's equation 256—259
Laplace's equation 212—214
Laplacian operator 133
Large ions 201
Large nuclei 238
Larynx 125
Lawton, J. 184—185
Leith, D. 71—72 120
Lenard, P. 183
Length ratio 72
Levich, V.G. 151—152 157 316
Licht, W. 120
Lifetime of droplets 256—260
Lifshitz, E.M. 155 343
Light see “Angular scattering” “Extinction”
Line charts 15
Lines of force 209
Lippman, M. 120 125 127
Liquid aerosols, charge limitations on 198
Liquid aerosols, condensation of 225
Liquid aerosols, dielectric constants of 182
Liquid aerosols, shape of 68
Liquid aerosols, supercooling of 226
Liu, B.H.Y. 188—189 192 199 298
Living biological material 319—325
Lodge, O.J. 165
Loeb, L. B. 195
Log probability paper 24—25 106—107
Logarithms 17 22
Lognormal distributions 20 22—24 27 106—107
Los Angeles smog 241
Low-pressure impactors 103
Lowan, A.N. 283
Lower explosive limit (LEL) 336
Ludlum, F.H. 255
Lumergs 265
Lumination 264
Luminators 264
Lungs, removal of particles by 93
Lungs, toxic doses to 125
Macroscopic fluid properties, drag 49—56
Macroscopic fluid properties, Reynolds number for 45—49
Mandelbrot, Benoit 8—11
Maron, S.H. 296
Marple, V.A. 96—100 103—104
Martin's diameter 4—6
Mason, B.J. 168—169 213 232
Mass see also “Volume”
Mass of large particles 19
Mass respirable sampling 125
Mass, average, diameter of 25
Mass, concentrations of and toxic doses 125
Mass, effect of on diffusion coefficients 140—141
Mass, median diameters of 25 106—107
Mass, transfer of 40
Mathematical representation of distributions 19—24
Maximum explosive concentrations 328
Maxwell — Boltzmann distributions 35—37 139
Maxwell's equation 251—256
Maxwell, James 170 251
McDaniel, E.W. 193
Mean diameter 13—15 23
Mean free path 7 38—40
Mean free path in Stokes equation 61
Mean free path, apparent 142
Mean square displacement and Brownian motion 137
Mean square displacement and diffusion 141
Mean values 20—21 25—29
Median diameters 13—15 24 26 28 106—107
Medians 21 24—25
Metal fumes 2 8
Metal powders 331
Meteorological range 278
Meters 1
Micrometers 1
Microorganism growth as ignition source 331
Midpoints 14—15 21
Mie region 293
Mie theory 263 283—293 295
Mie, G. 263
Miller, F.C. 183 195
Millikan oil drop experiment 59
Millikan resistance factor 60—64
Millikan, R.A. 60
Minimum explosive concentrations 328
Mists, coagulation of 314
Mists, definition of 3
Mixed nuclei 241
Mixing and settling 86—88
Mixing in boundary layers 157
Miyake, S. 165
Mks system of units 349
MMAD (mass median aerodynamic, diameter) 106—107
Mobility 135
Mobility and charging mechanisms 180—181
Mobility of ions 193 215
Moist air see also “Humidity”
Moist air and dust explosions 334
Moist air, mean free path in 40
Moist air, viscosity in 41
Molds 320
Molecules 32
Molecules in small volumes of gas 32
Molecules, average distance between 33
Molecules, average energy of 38
Molecules, behavior of 32
Molecules, collision of 38
Molecules, diameters of 39
| Molecules, velocities of 33—38
Momentum 34 40 49 76 166 168 341
Momentum accommodation coefficient 172
Monodisperse particles 3 13
Monodisperse particles and charging 185
Monodisperse particles, barometric distribution of 139
Monodisperse particles, coagulation of 301—306
Monodisperse particles, size of 4 296
Moon 293—294
Moreau-Hanot, M. 190
Morphological properties 3—11
Moss, O. 101
Most probable velocity of gases 37
Motion 135; see also “Brownian motion” “Thermophoresis”
Motion and coagulation 313
Motion in electric fields 180—181
Motion, curvilinear 91—92
Motion, equation of 76—77 220
Motion, one-dimensional 84—86
Motion, rectilinear 75
Motion, without external forces 77—80
Motor oil, viscosity of 42
Mount St. Helens, eruption of 240
Moving atmospheres, coagulation in 314—315
Moving droplets, growth and evaporation, of 260—262
Muller, H. 312—313
Napper, D.H. 264
Natanson, G.L. 189
Navier — Stokes equation 46 63 342
Negative corona 197
Negative ions, mobility of 193
Negative ions, saturation ratios with 237
Net displacement in Brownian motion 136
Nevalainen, A. 319
Newton's Second Law of Motion 34
Newton, I. 49
Newtons 349
Nitrogen, ions with 197—198
Niven, W.D. 170
Nolan, P.J. 207
Non-steady-state diffusion 146—150
Nonrigid particles and Stokes' equation 65—68
Nonsparking equipment 337
Nonspherical particles, coagulation of 312—313
Normal curve 20
Normal distributions 20—22
nozzles 96
Nucleation 226
Nucleation, heterogeneous 238—248
Nucleation, homogeneous 228—232
Nuclei, insoluble 242
Nuclei, ions as 233—238
Nuclei, rate of formation of 232—233
Nuclei, soluble 242—246
Nuclei, utilization of 241—242
Number of living particles per unit volume 320
O'Connor, T.C. 207
O'Konski, C.T. 297
Oceans and ion concentrations 201
Oil, viscosity of 42
Optical properties see “Angular scattering” “Extinction”
Oral cavity 125
Ordinate scale 17
Ordinate value 17
Organic composition of condensation, nuclei 240—241
Orr, C. 52 172 247
Osmotic coefficients 243
Osmotic pressure 134
Ottewill, R.H. 264
Oxidation process 2 331
Oxygen and explosions 327 336
Oxygen, ions with 197—198
Ozone 197—198
Parabolic flow profile 156—157
Particles displaced per unit area 137
Particles in Stokes' law 68—73
Particles, acceleration and deceleration of 83—84
Particles, centrifugation of 115—117
Particles, charge on 180—181 198
Particles, coagulation of see “Coagulation”
Particles, diameters of see “Diameters”
Particles, diffusion of see “Diffusion”
Particles, distribution of “see Distributions”
Particles, fractal dimensions of 9
Particles, inertia of 91 122
Particles, interactions induced by 64—65
Particles, kinetics of see “Electrostatic controlled kinetics” “Impaction” “Kinetics”
Particles, mass of see “Mass” “Volume”
Particles, motion of see “Brownian motion” “Motion” “Thermophoresis”
Particles, refractive indices of 266
Particles, shape of 3—4 6
Particles, size of see “Size of particles”
Particles, velocity of 83
Paths 7 38—40 61 111 142
Patterson, H.S. 302
Pauthenier, M.M. 190
Peclet numbers 151—152 155
Penndorf, R. 284
Perfect gases, velocity of 35
Perry, R.H. 41 176
Perturbations in electric fields 218—219
Peterson, C.M. 172 208
Pharynx 125
Phase diagrams 111—112
Phase trajectory analysis 108—113
Photochemical production 240
Photometric units 265
Photooxidation 240
Physical units 349
Pipes, turbulence in 47
Planar streams 108
Plane polarized light 282
Plane vertical wall, diffusion on 146—148
Plaque-forming units (PFUs) 321
Platelets 3
Point charge, field strength of 210
Poiseuille flow 156—157
Poisson's equation 212 215—216
Polarization force 218
Polarization of light 290
Polarization of light, incident 282
Polarization of light, scattered 284
Pollen spores 319—320
Pollution, air 225
Polonium-210 particles 140
Polydisperse aerosols 3 13
Polydisperse aerosols and coagulation 308
Polydisperse aerosols and scattering 289—294
Polydisperse aerosols, concentration of 88
Polydisperse aerosols, size of 4
Polyethylene dust 328—329
Position, equation for 79—80
Positive corona 197—198
Positive ions, mobility of 193
Positive ions, saturation ratios with 237
Powder, explosions of 329
Prandtl number 176
Prandtl, L. 45
Pressure 33
Pressure and corona currents 215
Pressure and diffusion 41
Pressure and dust-free spaces 165
Pressure and mean free path 40
Pressure and temperature 351
Pressure and thermophoretic velocity 175
Pressure drop in impactors 104—105
Pressure on droplets 229
Pressure on sphere surfaces 71
Pressure on vapors 243 252—253 351
Pressure, drag from 50—51
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