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Reist P.C. — Aerosol Science and Technology
Reist P.C. — Aerosol Science and Technology

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Íàçâàíèå: Aerosol Science and Technology

Àâòîð: Reist P.C.


Featuring the latest research findings and applications, this expert guide covers the fundamentals and advanced principles of aerosol technology, and provides useful problem-solving techniques in air pollution, public health, and industrial hygiene. This second edition is completely revised and expanded and features new chapters on: explosive dusts; biological aerosols; fibers as aerosols; the design and operation of aerosol clean rooms; pharmaceutical aerosols; and atmospheric aerosols. New figures, tables, and illustrations, plus numerous case studies from industry and manufacturing environments are included.

ßçûê: en

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Èçäàíèå: 2nd edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1993

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 380

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 16.11.2009

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Pressure, osmotic      134
Probability function      147
Problem of radiative transfer      293—294
Problems, visualization of      31
Projected area diameters      5—6
Protozoans      320
Pruppacher, H.R.      213 232 253 261
Psychometric chart      353
Pueschel, R.      240
Pui, D.Y.H.      188—189
Quartz particles      183—184
Raabe, O.      26 61 97 99
Radial acceleration      91—92 115
Radial velocity      92—93 116 118
Radiation scattering      283—293
Radiative transfer      293—294
Radioactive sources      208
Radioactivity and ion production      201
raindrops      3 13 225
Raindrops, ion concentrations in      201
Raindrops, terminal velocities of      66
Ranz, W.E.      95 120
Rao, A.K.      96
Rationalized electrical units      349
Rayleigh limit      198—199
Rayleigh region      290
Rayleigh scattering      271 282—283 289—291
Rayleigh, Lord      163 290
Rebound      102 170
Receptors      264 276
Rectangular jets      96 101
Rectangular slot impactors      95
Rectilinear motion      75
Red light      293 295
Reflectance      265
Reflection coefficient      172
Refractive indices      266—267 296
Regional deposition      125
Reist, P.C.      8 185 208 323
Relative humidity      see “Humidity”
Relaxation times for spheres      82
Resistance      49—51 59—64 66—67 75—76
Respirable dust      125—128
Respirable fraction      127—128
Respirable sampling      124—128
Respiratory system, deposition in      125
Respiratory system, toxic doses to      124—125
Respiratory system, upper      7
Retention time for gases within cyclones      117—118
Reynolds number      45—49 135
Reynolds number and drag      50—56
Reynolds number and impactor efficiency      97—99
Reynolds number and Peclet number      152
Reynolds number and Stokes' equation      63
Reynolds number for jets and nozzles      96
Reynolds number for viscous flow      341—342
Reynolds number, one-dimensional motion in      84—86
Rigid particles and Stokes' equation      65—68
Robinson, R.A.      243
Rods, aerodynamic diameter of      71
Rohmann, H.      190
Root-mean-square displacement      136—137 141
Root-mean-square velocity      37—38
Rose, H.E.      222
Rosenblatt, P.      171—172
Rotation of coordinate systems      79
Rotation, Brownian      138
Round jet impactors      96 99
Rubow, K.L.      97
S/W ratios for impactors      97 100
Sampling, devices for      91
Sampling, isokinetic      120—124
Sampling, respirable      124—128
Sampling, thermophoresis for      166
Sartor, J.D.      199
Saturation charges      190—192 194—195
Saturation ratios      227—238 352
Sauter diameter      26 275
Sawdust      13
Scattering      7 263
Scattering for particle sizing      297
Scattering of polydisperse particles      289—294
Scattering, applications of      294—299
Scattering, coefficient of      267
Scattering, diagrams of      293
Scattering, efficiency factor for      268
Scattering, forward angle of      281—282 291—293 296—297
Scattering, intensity coefficient of      282
Scattering, Mie      283—293
Scattering, patterns in      291—293
Schadt, C.F.      171
Schlicting, H.      157
Schmitt number      261
Schmitt, K.H.      168—169 172
Seddig, R.      133
Sedimentation      65
Sedimentation velocities      7 339
Sehmel, G.A.      158
Selective collection      121
Self-preserving size distribution      312
Settling      75
Settling, stirred      86—88
Settling, velocities in      53—55 64 66 81—82
Sewage      319—320
Shapes of particles      3—4 6 68
Sharkey, W.P.      207
Silica, Cunningham correction factor for      63
Silica, settling velocity of      81—82
Simple coagulation theory      308
Simple diffusion      131—143
Single scattering in Bouger's law      270
Single-particle scattering measurements      297—299
Singular-node phase diagram type      112
Size of particles      1 4—7 11 297
Size of particles and acceleration      82
Size of particles and centrifuges      115
Size of particles and coagulation      306—309 315—316
Size of particles and Cunningham correction factor      62
Size of particles and eddy diffusion coefficient      158
Size of particles and extinction efficiency factors      271
Size of particles and flammability of dusts      332—336
Size of particles and toxic doses      125
Size of particles and turbidity coefficients      275
Size of particles and viscosity      60
Size of particles in cyclones      119
Size of particles in extinction and scattering of light      294—295
Size of particles with impactors      96—97
Size of particles, distributions of      see “Distributions”
Size of particles, intervals for      19
Size of particles, monodisperse      4 296
Size of particles, scattering technique for      297
Skewed curves      22
Skim milk      330
Skin friction      50
Sky, color of      290 293—295
Slime molds      320
SLIP      60—64 169—170 172
Small ions      201
Small particles in cyclones      119
Small particles, anisokinetic sampling with      123—124
Small particles, diffusion for      131
Small particles, impactors for      102—104
Small particles, measuring      103
Small particles, number of      19
Small volumes      33
Smog      3 241
Smoke particles      3
Smoke particles and diffusion      136 150
Smoke particles, Brownian motion of      131
Smoke particles, concentration of      87
Smoke particles, definition of      2
Smoking and dust explosions      337
Smoluchowski, M.      302
Smooth curves      19
Sneezes      319 323—324
Snow      225
Sodium chloride, condensation on      242—248
Sodium chloride, diameter of      7
Sodium chloride, solutions of      248
Soluble nuclei      242—246
Sonic agglomeration      316
Source of radiant energy      264
Space charge effects      217
Sparks from electric discharges      331
Spherical particles      3 139
Spherical particles in Stokes' law      68—73
Spherical particles, Brownian rotation of      138
Spherical particles, charging      185
Spherical particles, deposition velocity of      160
Spherical particles, diffusion coefficients for      136
Spherical particles, electric charge on      192
Spherical particles, electric force on      180
Spherical particles, extinction efficiency factor for      272
Spherical particles, flux through      210
Spherical particles, ions striking      186 188
Spherical particles, maximum charge on      198
Spherical particles, mobility of      181
Spherical particles, one-dimensional motion of      85
Spherical particles, Peclet number for      152
Spherical particles, pressure on      71
Spherical particles, relaxation times for      82
Spherical particles, repelling forces between      211
Spherical particles, resisting force on      60
Spherical particles, sedimentation velocities of      339
Spherical particles, stop distance of      83
Spherical particles, turbidity coefficient for      268—269
Spinning air      91
Spontaneous combustion      331
Spontaneous condensation      232
Spontaneous nucleation      226
Spray electrification      183
Spumy, K.R.      72
Standard deviation      20—21 23—24
Static electricity      182 337
Statistical assumptions      33
Statistical mechanics      31
steady-state conditions      83
Steady-state diffusion      145—146
Steady-state size distribution      312
Steady-state theory of charge equilibrium      201—207
Stechkina, I.      153
Stirred settling, ideal      86—88
Stoeber spectrometer design      117
Stoeber, W.      69—70 117
Stokes number      95
Stokes region, evaporation in      261
Stokes resistance      76
Stokes resistance and thermal force      173
Stokes resistance for tangential velocities      92
Stokes' diameter      6
Stokes' flow      47
Stokes' Law      59 135 341—343
Stokes' law and thermophoretic velocity      169
Stokes' law, continuous medium assumption in      60—63
Stokes' law, incompressible medium assumption in      63
Stokes' law, rigid particle assumption in      65—68
Stokes' law, spherical particle assumption in      68—73
Stokes, G.G.      59
Stop distance      83 95 142
Stratmann, F.      166 176
Stream velocity      83
Streamline flow      47
Stress tensor      341—342
Structures, aerosol      8
Sun, color of      293
Supercooling of liquids      226
Supersaturations      228 232—233
Surface area      11—12 18—19
Surface-area fractal dimension      10
Surface-area median diameter      26 28
Surfaces for condensation      226
Surfaces, mean diameter of      26 275
Surfaces, properties of      11—12
Sutton, O.G.      50
Sutugin, A.G.      232
Svedberg, Z.      133
Takahashi, K.      311
Talbot, L.      168—169 175
Tangential velocity      91 93 116
Temperature      see also “Thermophoresis”
Temperature and conductivity      40—42 168 171
Temperature and corona currents      215
Temperature and diffusion      41 253
Temperature and dust-free spaces      165 175—177
Temperature and lifetime of droplets      258
Temperature and mean free path      40
Temperature and pressure      351
Temperature and viscosity      42
Temperature in Maxwell's equation      254—256
Temperature, critical      331
Temperature, jump in      173
Terminal velocities      53—55 66 75 81—82
Thermal coagulation      301
thermal conductivity      40—42 168 171
Thermal creep      170
Thermal deposition      165
Thermal diffusion and collisions      302
Thermal forces      163 168—173
Thermal gradients      163
Thermal slip flow      169—170 172
Thermophoresis      163—164
Thermophoresis in free molecule regions      166—169
Thermophoresis in slip-flow regions      169—170
Thermophoresis, Brock's equation for      171—172
Thermophoresis, Derjaguin and Talamov's equation for      172—173
Thermophoresis, dust free space from      175—177
Thermophoresis, Epstein's equation for      170—171
Thermophoresis, observations of      165—166
Thermophoresis, theory of      166
Thermophoresis, velocity in      173—176
Threshold of brightness contrast      278
Thunderstorms      201
Tietjens, O.G.      45
Tikhomirov, M.      306
Time factors in acceleration      82
Time factors in charging      194
Time factors in coagulation      305
Total mass      25
Total scattering efficiency      282
Toxic doses, estimation of      124—125
Tracheobronchial tree      125
Trajectories, equation for      80
Trajectories, phase      108—113
Trajectories, two-dimensional      140—141
Transfer of energy      40
Transfer of mass      40
Transfer of momentum      34 40 49 166 168 341
Transient approach to charge equilibrium      207—208
Transmittance      265
Tribo electrification      183—184
Tube deposition      152—160
Turbidity coefficient      267—269 275
Turbulence in impactors      104
Turbulence, eddy diffusion coefficients for      158
Turbulent agglomeration      316
Turbulent boundary layer      155 157
Turbulent flow      47—49 119
Twinkling effect      139
Two-dimensional trajectories      140—141
Tyndall spectra, higher-order      295—296
1 2 3 4 5
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