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Vandevoorde D. — C++ Solutions: Companion to the C++ Programming Language |
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"Bus error" messages 150
#include directives 19
.h suffix for headers 20
<cstdarg> header 89—90
<limits> header 38
<stdarg.h> header 89—90
A1Jan1970_to_DMY() function 114
Absolute value function 108
Abstraction 125
Accessible destructors 156
Accessing containers 197—199
accumulate() function 257
Actuals 13
Addition of dates 92—95
Addition, overloading operator for 127—129
Address-of operator (&) for active functions 159—160
Aliases 8
aligner structure 151
Alignment for pointers 44—45
Alignment for unions 151
Alignment with memcpy() 51
allocators 227
Alternative representations 6 23
Ampersands (&) for references 11
Ampersands (&), alternative tokens for 23
Anagrams 222—223
and keyword, alternative tokens for 23
anonymous unions 151
apply() function 255—256
Arbitrary precision, class for 129
argument-dependent lookup 102
Arguments for templates 24—25 154—156 166 218 275—276
arguments vs. parameters 13 see
Arguments, binding 219—221
arguments, command-line 84—85
Arguments, ellipsis 15 207
Arguments, exceptions based on 106—107
Arguments, pointers as 83—84
Arguments, references as 84
Arguments, temporary variables for 47—48
Arguments, variable-length 89—90
Arguments, void type for 158
Arrays for calendar tables 48—49
Arrays for months 52—53
arrays of arrays 12
Arrays, bounds for 63
Arrays, counting pairs of letters in 55
Arrays, declarations of 12
Arrays, execution time of 207 211—212
Arrays, operator overloading for 258—265
Arrays, size of 47
Arrays, standard library algorithms for 198
Arrays, typedef for 45
assert() macro 69 180
Assignment operations vs. initialization 9
Assignment operations, computed 259
Associated containers 121
associativity of operators 16
Asterisks (*) for pointers 10—11
Asterisks (*), overloading for arrays 258—265
Asterisks (*), overloading for exponentiation function 133—134
atoi () function 74—77
auto_ptr template 163
Back() function 215
back_inserter() function for containers 199
back_inserter() function for strings 237—238
back_inserter_iterator iterator 237—238
bad_alloc exceptions 223
Balanced trees 121
Bars (|), alternative tokens for 23
base class, derived classes from 135—137
Base classes, construction of 173—174
base types 10
based structure 251—252
Bases, number, output manipulators for 251—252
basic_string class, append function for 239
basic_string class, back_inserter() for 237—238
benchmark() function 210—211
Best matches in overloading 15
Bidirectional iterators, reversing elements in 73 227—230
Bidirectional iterators, sorting 224—226
binder3() function 219—221
Binding arguments 219—221
Bitfields 57
Bitwise operators for encryption 89
Bitwise operators, alternative tokens for 23
Bitwise operators, table of 63
Board for Reversi/Othello game 176—183 195
Board games see "Reversi/Othello game"
Board structure 177
BoardTextViewer.H file 182
BoardViewer class 177—178
BoardViewer.H file 181—182
bool type 22
Boundary primitives 139
Bounds for arrays 63
Brackets ([]) for arrays 12
Brackets ([]), overloading 247—250
Branch-back code, unrolling loops for 73—74
Buffers, stacks for 214—216
Byte addresses 45
c prefix for headers 20
C-style arrays, execution time of 207 211—212
C-style strings for String class 131—132
C-style strings vs. C++ strings 235—237
C-style strings, counting pairs of letters in 55
Calculator, invoking 110—111
Calculator, line numbers for errors in 78—79
Calculator, module dependency diagrams for 111
Calendars, addition for 92—95
Calendars, leap years in 113—115
Calendars, tables for 48—49
calibrate() function 209—210
Callbacks, classes and templates for 165—168
call_from_C technique 164
Capitalization of identifiers 6
Casting, undefined behavior for 64
cat utility 85
cat() function 72—73
catching exceptions 102
Catching exceptions, based on arguments 106—107
Catching exceptions, level in 103—106
cat_stream() function 85
char type and characters for calendar tables 48—49
char type and characters in names 38—40
char type and characters, accessing and outputting 197—199
char type and characters, displaying 36—37
char type and characters, inputting from files 247—250
char type and characters, reversing in strings 73
char type and characters, typedef for 45
CharProxy structure 249—250
CHAR_MIN symbol 38
Char_queue class 117—120
Char_vec objects 137—138
Chrono namespace 115
cin operator 239—241
Circle class 138—141
Class keyword 14 24 271
Classes 113
Classes for arbitrary precision 129
Classes for callbacks 165—168
Classes for dates 113—115
Classes for histograms 116—117
Classes for queues 117—120
Classes for symbol tables 121
Classes, definitions for 14—15 31
classes, derived 135—141
Classes, frameworks for 273—275
Classes, hierarchies of 169—174
classes, interface 277
| classes, templates for 24—26 271—273
clock() function 51 104
Code contexts for comments 79—81
collect_data() function 61
Collisions, name 97
Colons (:) in scope-resolution operator 7
Combinations of words 222—223
command-line arguments 84—85
Comments in preprocessing 5
Comments, stripping from programs 79—81
Comments, styles for 82
comparing strings 68—69
Compilers 5
Compilers, diagnostics from 69—70
Compilers, operation of 29—30
Compilers, pointer and indexing iteration by 50—51
Compilers, template argument tests by 154—156
compl keyword, alternative tokens for 23
complex class, operator overloading for 128
complex class, template for 244
Complex numbers from floating-point numbers 243—244
Composing operations as function objects 276—277
compound types 8
Computed assignment operations 259
Computer player in Reversi/Othello game 188—194
concatenating strings 72—73 235—237
Concrete elements 125
const specifier 10
const specifier for arrays 12
const specifier for functions 13
const specifier for pointers 11
Constant-time operations in measurements 205—206
Constants 10—11
Constructors, sequence of 169—174
Constructors, side effects in 121—122
Containers for word lists 212—214
Containers, accessing 197—199
Containers, allocators for 227
Containers, associated 121
Containers, deleting items from 201—202
Containers, duplicate items in 202—204
Containers, inputting and sorting 199—200
Containers, operation measurements on 205—212
Containers, outputting 197—201
Containers, queues 214—216
Contexts for comments 79—81
Contexts, callbacks for 166
convenience functions 168
Conversions in overloading 15 125—127
Conversions, integers to strings 77—78
Conversions, strings to integers 74—77
copy() function 53
Copying containers 198
Copying Name_and_Address items 244—247
copying strings 68—69
copy_with_indices() function 50
copy_with_pointers() function 50
corner_value() function 192
Counting pairs of letters in strings 55
count_charpair() function 55
CTOR macro 170—171
Cursor type 98—99
cv-qualifiers 11
c_array_fill() function 207
c_array_lookup() function 207
c_array_traverse() function 207
Data members of class templates 26
Date class 93
Date class, completing and testing 114—115
Date class, leap year handling in 113—115
Date class, member access in 115
Dates, addition for 92—95
Dates, leap years 113—115
Dates, structures for 56—57
Days of week, calculating 94—95
Days, adding to dates 92—95
Days, tables for 48—49
Declarations 6—7 9 29
Declarations of arrays 12
Declarations of explicit specializations 24
Declarations of functions 13—14 83—84
Declarations of pointers 43—44
Declarations of variables and constants 10—11
Declarations vs. definitions 30—32
Declarations, using-declarations 21 115
Declarator operators 10
declarators 10
Decoupling 227
Decrement operations with pointers 161—162
Deduced template arguments 25 218 276—277
Default template arguments 24—25
Definitions vs. declarations 30—32
Definitions, class 14—15 31
Definitions, macro 90—91
Deleting container items 201—202
Dependencies in initialization 140—141
Deques vs. vectors and lists 212
Deques, execution measurements of 208 211
Deques, operations for 117—120
dequeue() function 118—120
deque_fill() function 208
deque_lookup() function 208
deque_traverse() function 208
derived classes 135
Derived classes from Shape 138—141
Derived classes, memory allocation for 137—138
Derived classes, virtual functions in 135—137
Desk calculator, invoking 110—111
Desk calculator, line numbers for errors in 78—79
Desk calculator, module dependency diagrams for 111
Destroyed objects, undefined behavior for 63
Destructors, accessible 156
Destructors, exceptions with 165
Destructors, side effects from 121—122
Diagnostics from compilers 69—70
digit() function 75
Digits in itoa() 74—77
Digits, displaying 36—37
directives 21—22
DispatchMap class 141
Distributed file systems 110
divide() function, overflow checking for 107—108
Division by zero 67
Division, overloading 128—129
dotconnect() functions 236
Double dispatch problem 138—139
Doubly-linked lists for names 97—101
Doubly-linked lists, reversing 99—100
Doubly-linked lists, sorting 100—101
draw() function for Board 177
draw() function for BoardTextViewer 182—183
DTOR macro 170—171
Duplicate items in containers 202—204
duplicate_items() function 202—203
Edit-compile-link-test cycle 109
Elaborated names 10
Ellipsis arguments in optimizations 207
Ellipsis arguments in overloading 15
Encryption 89
Enqueue operations 117—120
enqueue() function 118—120
enter_word() function 87—88
enum, definitions for 31
enum, size of 34
Equal signs (=) in assignment and initialization 9
Equal signs (=) in macro definitions 90—91
Error messages for main function 164—165
error() function in calculator 111
error() function, variable-length argument lists for 89—90
Errors, compiler diagnostics for 69—70
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