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Vandevoorde D. — C++ Solutions: Companion to the C++ Programming Language |
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Stepanov, Alexander 86
strcmp() function 68—69
strcpy() function 68—69
Streams for floating-point numbers 243—244
Streams, exception handling in 252—253
Streams, inputting characters from files 247—250
Streams, manipulators for bases 251—252
Streams, Name_and_Address class for 244—247
Streams, removing repeated words from 273—275
String class and strings 235
String class and strings for months 52—53
String class and strings, back_inserter() for 237—238
String class and strings, C-style 55 131—132 235—237
String class and strings, comparing 68—69
String class and strings, concatenating 72—73 235—237
String class and strings, converting integers to 77—78 242
String class and strings, converting to integers 74—77
String class and strings, copying 68—69
String class and strings, counting pairs of letters in 55
String class and strings, doubly-linked lists for 97—101
String class and strings, external iterators for 130
String class and strings, inputting 239—241
String class and strings, length of 68
String class and strings, lifetimes of 132
String class and strings, maps and vectors for 122—124
String class and strings, reversing characters in 73
String class and strings, size of 47
String class and strings, StringLists for 101—102
String class and strings, substring operator for 131
Stringize operator 171
StringLists 101—102
string_appender class 238—239
Stripping comments from programs 79—81
strlen() function 68
struct keyword 14 31 271
struct keyword for calendar tables 48—49
struct keyword for dates 56—57
Styles 82
Subscript idiom for iterators 148
SUBSTRING operator 131
Subtraction operator, overloading 128—129
sums, computing 61—62
Swap() function 46 228
Swapping in reversing elements 228
Swapping integers 46
swap_ranges algorithm 228
swap_values() function 46
Symbol tables 121
system calls 85
Systems programming languages 109—110
tagged_reverse() function 230
Tail nodes for doubly-linked lists 98—99
tail() function 99
Target platforms 5
Template specializations 24 158 272—273
template-ids 273
Templates 23—25 143
Templates for callbacks 165—168
Templates for classes 24—26 271—273
Templates for complex numbers 244
Templates for functions 25—26 153—154 218 276—277
Templates for operator overloading 260—265
Templates for Ptr_to_T class 160—163
Templates for reversing bidirectional iterator elements 230-234
Templates for singly linked lists 146—153
Templates for STC class 157—158
Templates, arguments for 24—25 154—156 166 218 275—276
Templates, convenience functions for 168
Templates, definitions for 31
Templates, exception handling in 153 157—160
Templates, instantiation of 26—28 143—146 153
Templates, member 199
Temporary variables for arguments 47—48
Tests for template arguments 154—156
throwing exceptions 102
Throwing exceptions for overflow and underflow 107—108
Throwing exceptions, based on arguments 106—107
Throwing exceptions, level in 103—106
tie() function in HumanTextPlayer 185
tie() function in Player 183
tie() function in VirtualTextPlayer 194
time_in_seconds() function 210
TLink structure 149—152
TLinkList structure 149—153
tm structure 114—115
Tokens and tokenizing 5—6
Tokens and tokenizing, alternative 23
Tokens and tokenizing, whitespace in 61
tolower() function 200
transfer() function 216
transform algorithm 200 218
Translation units 5
Traversal tests in execution measurements 206 211
Triangle class 138—141
true literal 22
try-blocks in main() 164—165
TwoTypesOrder class 140
Type parameters in templates 24—25
Type specifiers for functions 14
| Type specifiers in declarations 10
Type-independent algorithms 139
typedef declarations 13
typedef declarations for explicit instantiation 27
typedef declarations, using 45
typeid operator 135—137
typeid operator for fundamental types 35—36
typeid operator for multiple dispatch problems 140
typeid operator in class construction 170—171
Typename keyword 24 158—160
Types 29
Types for objects 7—8 29
Types for symbols 121
Types in overloading 15
Types with functions 13
Types, ranges of 37—38
Types, relationships between 40—41
types, size of 32—36
type_info structure 136—137
Unary operators, associativity of 16
unary operators, overloading 128—129
undefined behavior 63—65
Undefined evaluation order 65—66
Underflow, checking for 107—108
Underflow, default actions for 67
Underscores (_) in reserved names 6
Unions, anonymous 151
Unions, definitions for 31
unique algorithm 222—223
UniqueWords structure 274—275
unique_copy() function 221—222
UNIT.MAX symbol 38
Universal character names 39
Unnamed namespaces 100
Unrolling loops 73—74
untransfer() function 216
Uppercase, converting from 200
user-defined conversions 15
User-defined types for throwing exceptions 102
User-defined types, names for 82
Using-declarations 21 115
Using-directives 21—22
Vadd structure 260—261 263
valarray argument 256
valid_move() function 180
Values for printable characters, displaying 36—37
Values, inputting 61—62
Values, smallest and largest 37—38
value_of() function 193 195
variable-length argument lists 89—90
Variables for arguments 47—48
Variables, declarations of 10—11
Variables, reinterpreting 64
va_arg macro 90
va_end macro 90
va_list type 90
va_start macro 90
Vector structure 262
Vectors 118
Vectors for strings 122—124
Vectors vs. deques 212
Vectors, accessing 197—199
Vectors, deleting items from 201—202
Vectors, duplicate items in 202—204
Vectors, execution measurements of 207—208 211—212
Vectors, inputting and sorting 199—200
Vectors, outputting 197—201
vector_fill() function 207
vector_lookup() function 208
vector_traverse() function 208
Vertical bars (|), alternative tokens for 23
Virtual base classes, construction of 173—174
Virtual functions in derived classes 135—137
Virtual functions, callbacks with 166
Virtual player in Reversi/Othello game 188—194
virtual specifier 10
VirtualPlayer structure 189
VirtualTextPlayer class 193
VirtualTextPlayer type 176
VirtualTextPlayer.C file 193—194
void type for template arguments 158
volatile qualifier 11 13
Vop structure 260 263
VScalar structure 264
while statements 59—60
Whitespace in removing repeated words from files 222
Whitespace with tokens 6 61
Whitespace, styles for 82
win() function in HumanTextPlayer 185
win() function in Player 183
win() function in VirtualTextPlayer 194
Words, anagrams of 222—223
Words, containers for 212—214
Words, inputting 53—54 87—89
Words, repeated, removing 221—222 273—275
Words, sorting 53—54
write() function 88
xor keyword, alternative tokens for 23
Years, adding to dates 92—95
Zero, division by 67
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