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Vandevoorde D. — C++ Solutions: Companion to the C++ Programming Language |
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Errors, line numbers for 78—79
Evaluation order in expressions 60—61 65—68
eval_end_of_game() function 192
eval_opponent() function 190—191
eval_self() function 190—191
Exact matches in overloading 15
Exceptions 97
Exceptions in main() 164—165
Exceptions in Ptr_to_T class 160—163
Exceptions in streams 252—253
Exceptions in templates 153 157—160
Exceptions smart pointers for 160—163
Exceptions, based on arguments 106—107
Exceptions, callbacks for 165—168
Exceptions, level of 103—106
Exceptions, overflow and underflow 107—108
exceptions, throwing and catching 102
exclamation points (!), alternative tokens for 23
Exclusive-or operators 89
Executable programs 5 30
Execution time measurements 205—212
Explicit instantiation 27
Explicit specializations 24 272
explicit specifier 10
Exponentiation function 133—134
expression templates 262
Expressions 59
Expressions, evaluation order in 65—66
Expressions, lvalue and rvalue 8—9
Expressions, precedence in 60—61 67—68
extern specifier 10
external include guards 110
External iterators 130
external linkage 166
External names, length of 38—40
EXTRACT() function 99
Extraction from doubly-linked lists 99
fabs() function 108
factorial () function 92
false literal 22
Fast Fourier transform (FFT) 129
FIFO (first-in, first out) buffers 214—216
Files, inputting characters from 247—250
Files, removing repeated words from 221—222
Files, source code 5 29
Filter framework 273—275
First-in, first out (FIFO) buffers 214—216
flex_reverse() function 230
Floating-point types, complex numbers from 243—244
Floating-point types, division with 67
Floating-point types, inputting 61—62
Floating-point types, size of 34
for statements 59—60
Formats 13
forward_reverse() function 229
Frameworks for classes 273—275
friend functions 233
from_outside() function 171—173
Front() function 215
fully qualified names 115
function objects 8 140 217
Function objects with apply 255—256
Function objects with transform() 200
Function objects, mem_fun and mem_fun_ref 217—218
Function objects, operator for 131
Function objects, templates for 276—277
Function templates vs. macros 153—154
Function templates, deduced arguments for 25 218 276—277
Function templates, instantiating 26
Function-try-blocks in main() 164—165
FunctionComposition template 276—277
Functions, address-of operator for 159—160
Functions, calendar 92—95
Functions, command-line arguments in 84—85
Functions, declarations for 13—14 83—84
Functions, definitions for 31
Functions, factorial 92
Functions, friend 233
functions, overloading 15 230
Functions, pointers to 34 166
Functions, sorting 86
Functions, templates for see "Function templates"
Functions, variable-length argument lists for 89—90
functors see "Function objects"
Fundamental types, categories of 8
Fundamental types, size of 33—36
Game class 176—177 186—187
Game.C file 186—187
Games see "Reversi/Othello game"
get() function 247
getline() function 122
get_move() function in HumanTextPlayer 176 185
get_move() function in Player 183
get_move() function in Virtual Player 189
get_move() function in VirtualTextPlayer 194
get_own_copy() function 132
get_possible_move() function 179 181
Global objects, construction of 122
Global objects, initialization of 110—111
graphical interfaces 30
Graphs for relationships between types 40—41
Greedy instantiation 26
Gregorian calendar system 94—95 113
guards 110 178—179
Handle classes 249—250
handle_code() function 80—81
handle_cpp_comment() function 80
handle_c_comment() function 80
handle_literal () function 80
hash tables 121
Head nodes for doubly-linked lists 98—99
head() function 99
Headers, including 19—20
Headers, location of 109—110
Heapsort Algorithm 86
Hexadecimal notation for atoi() 74—77
Hexadecimal notation for printable characters 36—37
Hierarchies in class construction 169—174
Histogram class 116—117
Hoare, C.A.R. 86
HumanTextPlayer type 176 184
HumanTextPlayer.C file 184—186
HumanTextPlayer.H file 183—184
Identifiers as tokens 6
Identifiers, characters in 38—40
Implicit conversions in operator overloading 125—127
include guards 110
Increment operations with pointers 161—162
Indentation styles 82
Index class, exponentiation function for 133—134
Indexing, compiler code for 50—51
inheritance 135
init() function 98
Initialization of dates 56—57
Initialization of global objects 110—111
Initialization of pointers 43—44
initialization vs. assignment 9
Initialization, dependencies in 140—141
Initializers, names in 52
inline functions 14—15 233
Input files in compilation 29
Inputting characters from files 247—250
Inputting containers 199—200
Inputting dates 56—57
Inputting encryption in 89
Inputting floating-point numbers 61—62 243—244
Inputting name and value pairs 61—62
Inputting operator overloading for 244—247
Inputting strings 239—241
Inputting words 53—54 87—89
| Insertion in execution time measurements 206 211
Insertion into doubly-linked lists 99
insert_after() function 99
insert_before() function 99
Instacks in stack operations 214—216
Instantiation of templates 26—28 143—146 153
INT class, operator overloading in 127—128
Integers, bases for 251—252
Integers, converting strings to 74—77
Integers, converting to strings 77—78 242
Integers, size of 33
Integers, swapping 46
Integral promotions in overloading 15
Integrated environments 30
interface classes 277
interfaces, graphical 30
Interfaces, restricted 275
internal include guards 110
interpreters 29
intersect() function 138—141
intersector_map() function 140—141
Intrusive lists 146—147
invalid iterators 202—203
in_board() function 184
Io template 271—273
is_last() function 149
is_leapyear() function 93
Iterated instantiation 26—27
Iterator adaptors 234
iterator template 231
Iterator traits 230—232
Iterators for decoupling 227
Iterators, bidirectional 73 224—230
Iterators, external 130
Iterators, invalid 202—203
Iterators, output 124
Iterators, reverse_iterator template 231—234
Iterators, reversing elements in 227—230
Iterators, sorting 224—226
Iterators, standard 98
Iterators, subscript and pointer idioms for 148
iterator_traits template 231—232
itoa() function 77—78
itos() function 242
joining strings 72—73 235—237
Julian calendar system 113
keywords 6
Language implementations 5
Last-in, first out (LIFO) buffers 214
leap years 93—95 113—115
length of names 38—40
Length of strings 68
Letters, displaying 36—37
Letters, pairs of, counting in strings 55
Libraries for anagrams 222—223
Libraries for arrays 198
Libraries for binding arguments 219—221
Libraries for removing repeated words 221—222
Libraries for sorting 218—219
Libraries in compilation 30
Libraries, callbacks with 165—166
Libraries, location of 109—110
Libraries, standard headers for 19—20
Lifetimes of C-strings 132
LIFO (last-in, first out) buffers 214
Line numbers for errors 78—79
link structure 146—147
Linked lists for names 97—101
Linked lists for queues 119
Linked lists, initializers for 52
Linked lists, memory management for 149—153
Linked lists, reversing 99—100
Linked lists, sorting 100—101
Linked lists, templates for 146—153
Linked structures 87—89
LinkList structure 147—149
List class 143—146
Lists for names 97—101
Lists for queues 119
Lists vs. deques 212
Lists, execution measurements of 208—209 211
Lists, initializers for 52
Lists, memory management for 149—153
Lists, reversing 99—100
lists, sorting 100—101 218—219
Lists, templates for 143—153
list_fill() function 208
list_lookup() function 209
list_traverse() function 209
load_first_digit() function 76
Local names, length of 38—40
Logical operations, alternative tokens for 23
Logical operations, bitwise 63
Lookup tests in execution time measurements 206 211
Loops, unrolling 73—74
lose() function 183
LowerCase type 199—200
lowercase, converting to 200
Lvalue expressions 8—9
Macros for accessible destructors 156
Macros in preprocessing 5
macros, defining 90—91
Macros, names for 82
Macros, stringize operator in 171
Macros, vs. function templates 153—154
main() function, exceptions in 164—165
Maintenance for external include guards 110
Maintenance in productivity 109
Maintenance, name styles in 82
make_line_index() function 122—123
Mangle 39
Manipulators for bases 251—252
map facility and maps for median computations 70—72
map facility and maps for multiple dispatch problems 140—141
map facility and maps for name and value pairs 61—62
map facility and maps for strings 122—124
MappedFile structure 249—250
Matches in overloading 15
Maximum munch principle 61
Maximum value of types 37—38
Means, computing 61—62
Measurements for container operations 205—212
Medians, computing 70—72
Member function templates 25—26 199 262
member functions 14—15
memcpy() function 51
Memory for C-strings 132
Memory for class construction 174
Memory for derived classes 137—138
Memory for queues 117
Memory for singly linked lists 149—153
Memory for strings 236—237
mem_fun() functions 217—218
mem_fun_ref() function 217—218
merge_stats() function 71
min member 108
Min-max algorithm 189
Minimum value of types 37—38
minus() function, overflow checking for 107—108
mktime() function 114—115
Models, classes for 113
ModifyIOXState structure 253
Module dependency diagrams 111
Modulus operator for calendar functions 94
Modulus operator for encryption 89
Modulus operator for queues 118
Modulus operator, overloading 128—129
Month class 93
Months, adding to dates 92—95
months, displaying 52—53
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