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Vandevoorde D. — C++ Solutions: Companion to the C++ Programming Language
Vandevoorde D. — C++ Solutions: Companion to the C++ Programming Language

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Название: C++ Solutions: Companion to the C++ Programming Language

Автор: Vandevoorde D.


C++ Solutions, provides insightful, logical, and easy-to-follow solutions to selected exercises found in The C++ Programming Language, Third Edition, by Bjarne Stroustrup. The exercises are explained in detail and are extensively annotated with cross-references to Stroustrup's book.
Developers acquire a thorough understanding of ANSI/ISO C++ by working through examples. Vandevoorde solves a broad subset of illustrative and realistic exercises to facilitate this process. He also includes hints to help programmers find their own solutions, and additional exercises to provide deeper insights into modern software design.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1998

Количество страниц: 292

Добавлена в каталог: 16.11.2009

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Months, tables for      48—49
Move validation in Reversi/Othello game      179—180
move() function      180—181
multimaps      62
Multiple dispatch problem      138—140
Multiplication operator, overloading      127—129
multiply() function, overflow checking for      107—108
Multisets      70—72
Musser, David      86
name collisions      97
name() function      137
Names      6—7
Names for headers      20
Names in initializers      52
Names in overloading      15
Names, doubly-linked lists for      97—101
Names, elaborated      10
Names, inputting      61—62
Names, length of      38—40
Names, StringLists for      101—102
Names, styles in      82
Namespaces      20—22 97
Namespaces, definitions for      32
Namespaces, support for      198—199
Namespaces, unnamed      100
Namespaces, using-declarations for      115
Name_and_Address class      244—247
NDEBUG symbol      180
Nested class templates      25
new operator for concatenated strings      72
new operator for memory allocation      138
new_char_vec() function      137—138
new_Tnode() function      88
next() function      98
next_char() function      75—76
next_day() function      94
next_Monday() function      95
next_month() function      94
Next_permutation() function      222—223
next_year() function      93
Nodes for doubly-linked lists      98—99
Non-type template parameters      25 166
Nonintrusive lists      146
Nonmodifiable lvalues      9
Nonportable code      65
Nonvirtual base classes      173—174
not keyword, alternative tokens for      23
NTBS (null-terminated byte strings) for String class      131—132
NTBS (null-terminated byte strings) vs. C++ strings      235—237
NTBS (null-terminated byte strings), counting pairs of letters in      55
Number bases, output manipulators for      251—252
Number signs (#) in macros      171
Numerics, accumulate() for      257
Numerics, apply() for      255—256
Numerics, operator overloading for arrays      258—265
numeric_limits template      37 64
o notation      205—212
object files      30
object-oriented design      113
Objects      7—8
Objects, initialization of      9 110—111
objects, proxy      249—250
Objects, types for      7—8 29
Octal notation for atoi()      74—77
One Definition Rule (ODR)      26
Operation measurements      205—212
Operator overloading      125—127
Operator overloading for arbitrary precision      129
Operator overloading for arrays      258—265
Operator overloading for C-string representations      131—132
Operator overloading for exponentiation function      133—134
Operator overloading for external iterators      130
Operator overloading for input and output      244—247
Operator overloading for square brackets operator      247—250
Operator overloading for substring operator      131
Operator overloading in INT class      127—128
Operator overloading in RINT class      128—129
Operator precedence      12 16—18 60—61 67—68
Optimization in execution measurements      207
Optimization with pointer and indexing iteration      50—51
or keyword, alternative tokens for      23
Order of expression evaluation      12 60—61 65—68
Organization, physical      109
ostream_iterators      53 198—199
Othello game      see "Reversi/Othello game"
output iterators      124
Output manipulators      251—252
Outputting bitwise logical operations table      63
Outputting complex numbers      243—244
Outputting containers      197—201
Outputting dates      56—57
Outputting months      52—53
Outputting operator overloading for      244—247
Outputting printable characters      36—37
Outputting words from linked structures      87—89
output_to() function      117
Outstacks in stack operations      214—216
Overflow with queues      117
Overflow, checking for      107—108
Overflow, default actions for      67
Overlapping shapes, intersect function for      138—141
Overloading function templates      154
overloading functions      15 230
pair template      61—62
Pairs of letters, counting in strings      55
Pairs, name and value      61—62
Parameters in overloading      15
Parameters in templates      24—25 166
parameters vs. arguments      13 see
Parentheses () for functions      13
Parentheses () for macro parameters      91
Parentheses () for operator precedence      16 60—61 67—68
Parentheses (), overloading      131
Partial template specializations      158 272—273
Partition algorithm      218—219
Performance of strings      237
Performance, operation measurements for      205—212
Physical organization      109
Pivot elements      100
Placement-new syntax      138
Play method      187
Player type      176
Player.H file      183
Players for Reversi/Othello game, computer      188—194
Players for Reversi/Othello game, human      183—186
Plus sign operator (+) for strings      236
Plus sign operator (+), overloading for arrays      258—265
plus() function, overflow checking for      107—108
Pointer idiom for iterators      148—149
Pointer-to-function calls      166
Pointers for function templates      154
Pointers in for statements      59—60
Pointers in function arguments      83—84
Pointers to functions      34 166
Pointers, arrays of      12
Pointers, compiler code for      50—51
Pointers, declarations of      10—11 43—44
Pointers, restrictions on      44—45
Pointers, size of      34
Pointers, smart      160—163
Pointers, typedef for      45
Polymorphism, run-time      135
Polymorphism, typeid operator with      171
Pop stack operations      214—216
Portability and character values      36
Portability, nonportable code examples      65
Postfix operators with pointers      161
Postfix operators, precedence of      12
Power function      133—134
precedence of operators      12 16—18 60—61 67—68
Precision, class for      129
Prefix operators with pointers      161
Preprocessing      5 65
prev() function      98
Primary templates      273
print() function      91—92
Printable characters, displaying      36—37
print_color() function in HumanTextPlayer.C      185
print_color() function in VirtualTextPlayer.C      194
print_setstats() function      71
print_stats() function      61 71—72
Private inheritance      135
process_data() function      200—201
Productivity      109
Promotions in overloading      15
Proxy objects      249—250
Ptr structure      160—163
ptrdiff_t type      132 259
Ptr_to_T class      160—163
Push_back() function      203 237—238
qsort() function for arrays      86
qsort() function, callbacks with      166
qualified names      7 115
qualifiers      7 11 13
Queried instantiation      26
queue template      117
Queues, class for      117—120
Queues, stacks for      214—216
Quicksort algorithm for arrays      86
Quicksort algorithm for bidirectional iterators      224—226
Quicksort algorithm for doubly-linked lists      100—101
Random numbers in execution measurements      206
Random reference sequences      206
random-access iterators      233
Range template      275—276
Ranges of types      37—38
Ranges, templates for      275—276
readints() function      252—253
readitems() function      257
read_string() functions      239—241
record() function      116—117
Recursive function templates      154
Recursive macros      91
reduce_intarray function      84
References as objects      8
References in function arguments      84
References, declarations for      11
Reinterpreting variables      64
Relative execution time      206
Remainder-after-division operator for calendar functions      94
Remainder-after-division operator for encryption      89
Remainder-after-division operator for queues      118
Remainder-after-division operator, overloading      128—129
Removing repeated words from files      221—222
Removing repeated words from streams      273—275
Reserved names      6
Resource acquisition is initialization technique      157—158
restrict qualifier      69
Restricted interfaces      275
Reusable classes      116
rev() function      73
reverse() function for bidirectional iterators      73 227—229
reverse() function for lists      99—100
Reversed vector sequences      198
reverse_iterator template      231—234
Reversi.C file      187—188
Reversi/Othello game      175
Reversi/Othello game, board for      176—183 195
Reversi/Othello game, computer player in      188—194
Reversi/Othello game, Game class for      186—187
Reversi/Othello game, human player for      183—186
Reversi/Othello game, rules of      175
Reversing bidirectional iterator elements      73 227—230
Reversing characters in strings      73
Reversing doubly-linked lists      99—100
Revolutionary Calendar      114
RINT class      128—129
RTTI (run-time type information)      169—174
Run-time polymorphism      135
Rvalue expressions      8—9
Scope for declarations      7
Scope for function templates      153
Scope for symbols      121
Scope-resolution operator (::)      7
Scores in Reversi/Othello game      177
seekg() function      247—249
select_player() function      188
sequence points      66
setbase manipulator      252
Sets for word lists      212—214
Sets, execution measurements of      209 211
Sets, sorting in      53
set_default() function      115
set_fill() function      209
set_lookup() function      209
set_terminate() function      165
set_traverse() function      209
Shape class      138—141
shownobase manipulator      252
Side effects at sequence points      66
Side effects from constructors and destructors      121—122
Side effects from macros      91
SimpleArray structure      258—259
simplification      227
Simulations in Reversi/Othello game      188—189
Singly linked lists, memory management for      149—153
Singly linked lists, templates for      146—153
Sink iterator      230—231
Size of strings and arrays      47
Size of types      32—36 64
sizeof operator      32—36 64
skip_move() function in HumanTextPlayer      185
skip_move() function in Player      183
skip_move() function in VirtualTextPlayer      194
smart pointers      160—163
sort template      86
sort() function for bidirectional iterators      224—226
sort() function, callbacks with      165—166
Sorting bidirectional iterators      224—226
Sorting containers      199—200
Sorting doubly-linked lists      100—101
Sorting with qsort()      86
Sorting words      53—54
Sorting, standard algorithms for      218—219
source files      5 29
Specializations      24 158 272—273
Specifiers for functions      14
Specifiers in declarations      10
sprintf() function      78
Square brackets ([]) for arrays      12
Square brackets ([]), overloading      247—250
Square class      138—141
ssort() function      86
Stacks for queues      214—216
Standard headers      19—20
Standard iterators      98
Standard libraries for anagrams      222—223
Standard libraries for arrays      198
Standard libraries for binding arguments      219—221
Standard libraries for removing repeated words      221—222
Standard libraries for sorting      218—219
Standard libraries in compilation      30
Standard libraries, callbacks with      165—166
Standard libraries, location of      109—110
Standard libraries, standard headers for      19—20
stat structure      61
statements      59
Static storage duration      164
STC class      157—158
std namespace      20
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