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Sidgwick N.V. — The electronic theory of valency
Sidgwick N.V. — The electronic theory of valency

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Название: The electronic theory of valency

Автор: Sidgwick N.V.


This book aims at giving a general account of the principles of valency and molecular constitlltion, founded on tI1e Rutherforcl-Bohr atom. In dev'eloping the theory of valency there are two courses open to the chemist. He may use symbols ,with no definite physical connotation to express the reacti,rity of the atoms in a molecule, and may leave it to the subseqtlent progress of science to discover what realities these symbols represent: or he may adopt the concepts of atomic physics-electrons, nuclei, and orbits-and try to explain the chemical facts in terms of these. But if he takes the latter course, as is done in this book, he must accept the physical conclusions in full, and must not assign to these entities properties which the physicists have found them not to possess: he must not use the terminology of pl1ysics unless he is prepared to recognize its laws. I have endeavoured to conform to this principle, and not to lay mysetf open to the reproach of an eminent physicist, that when chemists talk about electrons they tlSe a different lang'uage from physicists. I have been careful to avoid as far as possible the introduction of any physical llypotllcses wllich are not already sanctioned by those who are best qualified to judge of them.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 1st edition

Год издания: 1929

Количество страниц: 310

Добавлена в каталог: 30.08.2009

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
"Lone pairs"      61
"Natural Angle"      237 239
"Natural Angle" for singly and doubly linked atoms      238
"Natural solubility"      141
"Non-polar" and "polar" liquids      133
"Normal atom" of Bohr, definition of      46
"Polar" and "Non-Polar" liquids      133
$\beta$-Diketones      120 147
$\beta$-Rays and atomic structure      4
Abegg, R., rule of eight      53
Abnormal liquids      133
Absolute valency      182
Acceptor liquids      137
Acceptors      116
Acetates, simple and complex      254 255
Acetic acid, polymerization of      253
Acetylacetonates, hydrated      169
Acetylacetone      120
Acidity and chelation      250
Aggregates, crystalline      186
Alkali metals      258 259
Alkali metals, alkyl derivatives of      154
Alkali metals, magnetic moment of, in vapour      210
Alkaline earth metals      263
Aluminium      266
Aluminium, stereochemistry of      224
Aluminium, structure of atom in compounds      172
Alums, structure of      188
Amine oxides, co-ordinated      71
Amine oxides, optical activity of      220
Amines, as pure donors      138
Amines, basicity of      97
Ammines, stability of      200
Ammonia of crystallization      200
Ammonia, combination with salts      201
Ammonia, compounds with cuprous and silver halides      203
Ammoniates, lattice energy of      202
Ammonium bases, molecular state of      97
Ammonium, ion, hydration of      194
Ammonium, radical      65—68
Ammonium, true dissociation constant of      97
Ampere, theory of magnetism      204
Andrade, E.N., da C.      31 204
Angermann, L.      221
Anions and cations, mutual influence in hydration      196
Anions, hydration of      194
Antimony      278
Antimony, pentachloride, parachor of      130 note
Arc spectra      36
Aronberg, L.      12
Arrhenius, S.      51 55 94
Arsenic      278
Arsenic, 4-covalent, stereochemistry of      225
Arsenic, 6-covalent, stereochemistry of      224
Association, molecular      Chapter VIII 132
Association, molecular, and co-ordination      134
Association, molecular, and conductivity      133
Association, molecular, and dielectric constant      135
Association, molecular, and donor atoms      149
Association, molecular, and ionization      137
Association, molecular, and solubility      138 144
Association, molecular, and the mixture law      136
Association, molecular, and volatility      135
Association, molecular, cryoscopic evidence of      149
Association, molecular, of water      135
Association, molecular, two kinds of      134
Aston, F.W.      102
Atomic and molecular magnetism      Chapter XII 204
Atomic number      7
Atomic number and nuclear atom      Chapter I 1
Atomic number of inert gases (Rydberg)      28
Atomic number, effective      163
Atomic rays, magnetic moment of      208
Atoms, composition of      8
Atoms, core of      63 170 176
Atoms, dimensions of      9
Atoms, table of structures      48—50
Atoms, types of      45
Auric compounds      262
Auwers, K.      134 148
Azimuthal and radial quantum numbers      25 note
Azo-dyes and chelation      235
Back, E.      34
Baeyer, A., Strain theory      99 236
Bain, A.M.      221
Balmer, J.J.      21 36
Barkla, C.G.      6
Baudiscii, O.      215 217
Bauer, E.      211
Becquerel, H.      2
Bennett, G.M.      251 note
Benzyl, sodium      260
Berthoud, A.      130
Beryllium      263
Beryllium, basic acetate      222
Beryllium, ion, hydration of      192
Beryllium, stereochemistry of      221
Beryllium, structure of      38
Berzelius, J.J.      51
Biltz, W., conductivity of fused halides      105 289
Biltz, W., references      93 169 230
Biltz, W., solvation      187 197 201 202
Bischoff, C.A.      220
Bismuth      278
Bismuth, inert pair of electrons in      181 278
Boeseken, J.      222
Bohr, N., "normal atom"      47
Bohr, N., atomic structure and covalency rule      167
Bohr, N., atomic structure, theory of      Chapter II 14
Bohr, N., helium, metastable form of      257
Bohr, N., hydrogen atom, theory of      14
Bohr, N., magneton      207
Bohr, N., periodic table      39
Bohr, N., references      34 40
Bohr, N., theory of atom and periodic classification      Chapter III 25
Boric acid, weakness of      266
Born, M.      202
Borofluorides      68 69
Boron      265
Boron, co-ordination of      67
Boron, halides, abnormal volatility of      245
Boron, hydrides, structure of      103
Boron, maximum covalency      155
Boron, stereochemistry of      222
Boron, structure of      38
Bose, E.      134
Bowen, I.S.      37
Brackett series of hydrogen      21
Bragg, W.H. and W.L.      88 90 92 222
Brazier, S.A.      252
Brewer, F.M.      145 155
Brown, F.S.      135
Bruehl, J.W.      252
Burgess, H.      221
Burrows, G.J.      225
Bury, C.R., association      135
Bury, C.R., atomic structure and the periodic table      29
Cabrera, B.      213
Cadmium      263
Callow, R.K.      147 152
Carbon      270
Carbon, divalent      180
Carbon, stereochemistry of      219
Carbonato-compounds      243
Carbonyl compounds, diamagnetism of      216
Carbonyl group, hydration of      195
Carboxyl group and co-ordination      252
Carnelley, T.      141
Cations and anions, mutual influence in hydration      196
Cations, hydration of      192
Cerium      267
Cerium, hydrate of acetylacetonate      169 note
Chadwick, H.      162
Challenger, F.      225
Chelate compounds and acidity      250
Chelate compounds of azo-dyes      235
Chelate compounds of mordant dyes      234
Chelate compounds of sodium      146
Chelate compounds of thallium      146
Chelate compounds, nature of      119
Chelate rings      Chapter XIV 233
Chelate rings in $\beta$-diketones      147
Chelate rings in ortho-substituted phenols      147
Chelate rings, evidence for      233
Chelate rings, types of      239
Chlorine      292
Chromium      287
Chromium, comparison with sulphur      80
Clarke, S.G.      228
Clinch, J.A.      169
Co-ordinate links      52
Co-ordinate links, conditions of formation      116
Co-ordinate links, definition of      60
Co-ordinate links, dipole character of      71 122
Co-ordinate links, Lewis's mechanism of      59
Co-ordinate links, properties of      121
Co-ordinate links, symbol of      60
Co-ordinate links, weakness of      121
Co-ordination      Chapter VII 109
Co-ordination and association      134
Co-ordination and change of electrovalency      111
Co-ordination and dielectric constant      124
Co-ordination and molecular volume      124
Co-ordination and parachor      127
Co-ordination and the carboxyl group      252
Co-ordination and volatility      123
Co-ordination of hydrofluoric acid      72
Co-ordination of hydrogen      72 117
Co-ordination of ions      69
Co-ordination of water      72
Co-ordination, electronic interpretation of      112
Co-ordination, number, Werner's      109
Co-ordination, Werner's theory of      109
Cobalt      297
Cobalt, 4-covalent, supposed plane symmetry of      230
Colour of rare earth metals      41
Colour of transitional elements      43
Combination principle, Ritz's      20
Complete groups, definition of      171 note
Complex ions, magnetism of      214
Conductivity of associated liquids      133
Conductivity of fused halides      105 289
copper      260
Copper, magnetic moment of, in vapour      210
Copper, stereochemistry of      226
Copper, transitional properties of      42
Core of transitional elements      77 176
Core, atomic      63 170 176
Core, distribution of electrons in      165
Core, fixed, changes of valency with      177
Core, stable forms of      76
Coster, D.      47
Covalency and electrovalency      Chapter VI 83
Covalency and the periodic table      104
Covalency maxima      Chapter IX 152
Covalency maxima and the Bohr theory      167
Covalency maxima in first short period      153
Covalency maxima of boron      155
Covalency maxima of fluorine      153
Covalency maxima of hydrogen      153
Covalency maxima of nitrogen      154
Covalency rule      152
Covalency rule and hydrolysis of halides      156
Covalency rule, apparent exceptions      160
Covalency, actual and possible      161
Covalency, criteria of      84 86
Covalency, isomerism a proof of      86
Covalency, odd      161
Covalency, stereoisomerism a proof of      86
Covalency, transition to electrovalency      92
Covalency, volatility a proof of      87
Covalent links of one electron      102
Covalent links of two electrons      57
Covalent links, Fajans's theory of formation      104 191 202
Crookes, W.      2
Crowther, J.A.      6
Cryoscopic evidence of association      149
Crystal structure and ionization      90 92 106
Crystal structure and ionized lattices      91
Crystal structure and X-rays      90
Crystallization, ammonia of      200
Crystallization, water of      189
Cupric compounds      261
Cuprous salts, conditions of stability of      260
Curie, P.      205 211 212 213
Dalton, J.      1
Darwin, C.G.      9
de Forcrand, R.      187
Debye, P., Theory of strong electrolytes      94 190
Debye, P., X-rays and crystal structure      90
Delepine, M.      223
Dhar, N.      190
Diamagnetism      204 206
Diamagnetism of carbonyl compounds      216
Diamagnetism of simple ions      212
Diamine compounds      243 247
Diazo-compounds, stereochemistry of      221
Dielectric constant and association      135
Dielectric constant and ionization      132
Dielectric constant, effect of co-ordination on      124
Dimensions of atom, electron, and proton      9
Dipole character of co-ordinate link      71 122
Displacement law, electronic      66
Displacement law, radioactive      7
Displacement law, spectroscopic      37
Dissociating solvents      130
Dissociation constants of ammonium bases      97
Divalent carbon      180 272
Donors, definition      116
Donors, donor atoms and association      149
Donors, donor liquids      137
Donors, pure donors      137
Double salts      118
Double water molecules      188 199
Doubly linked atoms, rotation of      99
Drew, H.D.K.      119
Drucker, K.      135
Drude, P.      52 55
Duff, J.C.      251
Dumas, J.B.A.      51
Eddington, A.S.      34
Effective atomic number and paramagnetism      215
Effective atomic number of platinammines      165
Effective atomic number of transitional triads      166
Effective atomic number, definition      163
Effective valency      114 164
Ehrenfest, P.      209
Eight-membered rings      251
Einstein, A.      19 209
Electrolytes, strong, Debye's theory of      94
Electrolytes, weak, condition of      93
Electronic formulae of compounds      64
Electronic increment      164
Electrons, application of, to valency      52
Electrons, charge of      3
Electrons, dimensions of      9
Electrons, displacement law      66
Electrons, groups, subgroups, and grouplets of      31
Electrons, mass of      3
Electrons, negative character of      2
1 2 3 4
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