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Mccolm I.J. — Ceramic Hardness |
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Corrision of dislocations 68
Corrision of indents 139
Corrision, stress effects 201—206
Corundum 255 see
Covariance 122
Crack, analysis 70—71 149—156 159—161 169
Crack, critical loads 154
Crack, depth and crack parameter 156—158
Crack, depth and fracture toughness 187
Crack, depth and load equation 155
Crack, depth in Ge 163
Crack, development summary 168—169
Crack, direction in 281
Crack, direction in polycrystalline ceramic 199
Crack, direction, equation 199
Crack, geometry factor 181
Crack, growth, estimation 202
Crack, growth, prevention 202
Crack, growth, regions 202
Crack, growth, velocity equation 203
Crack, length and stress corrosion 201
Crack, length and temperature 162
Crack, length in glass 195
Crack, length, load relationship 161
Crack, parameter and indenter half angle 158
Crack, parameter, equation 157—158
Crack, parameter, variables 156—158
Crack, resistance parameter 187
Crack, stable growth 201
Crack, subcritical growth 201
Crack, systems 150—154 159
Crack, tip energies 133
Crack, velocity 133
Cracked indents 146
Cracked indents and dislocations 69
Cracked indents and gas release 133
Cracked indents in 66
Cracked indents in 146
Cracked indents in 219
Cracked indents in MgO 69 267
Creep of carbides 293
Creep of cubic BN 233—234
Creep, activation energy 141 214
Creep, conventional 141
Creep, hardness anisotropy of MgO 142 266
Critical current density 281
Critical current density and flaw length equation 281
Critical flaw size 153 154 192
Critical flaw size in 154
Critical flaw size in 153
Critical flaw size in Ge 154
Critical flaw size in glass 193
Critical flaw size in MgO 153
Critical flaw size in Si 153—154
Critical flaw size in SiC 154—217
Critical load and fracture toughness 174
Critical load and ring cracks 165
Critical load and strength 185
Critical load and toughened glass 196
Critical load for crack formation 147 153 154 192—193
Critical load for crack formation in 154
Critical load for crack formation in 153 197
Critical load for crack formation in 153—154
Critical load for crack formation in Ge 154
Critical load for crack formation in glass 147 154 197
Critical load for crack formation in MgO 153 197
Critical load for crack formation in Si 153 251
Critical load for crack formation in SiC 153 154 217
Critical load for crack formation in WC-Co 153
Critical load for surface flaw generation 196—197
Critical resolved shear stress 88
Critical resolved shear stress and work hardening in MgO 266
Cross slip 70—71
Cubic BN 231
Cubic BN from hexagonal BN 232—233
Cubic BN, hardness 233
Cubic crystals, Knoop hardness 82—83
Cubic crystals, plastic zone model 111
Cubic crystals, scratch hardness anisotropy 106—108
Cubic crystals, Vickers hardness 90—94
Cutting tests 1
Cutting tests and surface charge 138
Cutting tests and work hardening 266
CVD, 231
CVD, 219 228
CVD, , hardness-load relationship 221
CVD, diamond 247
CVD, diamond, hardness 252
CVD, SiC 210
CVD, SiC, deposition temperature and hardness 220
CVD, SiC, etchant 216
CVD, SiC, hardness 219
CVD, SiC, microstructure 216
Cylindrical blunt punch 166
Cylindrical blunt punch, stress field analysis 166
Damping test 25
Damping test, energy of oscillation 51 55
Damping test, equation 25 51
Damping test, process analysis 55
Daniels and Dunn equation 99
Densification, aids in 223
Densification, factor 18
Dental cement 46
Depth of penetration 10
Depth of penetration and load application 35
Depth of penetration of aluminium 46
Depth of penetration, equation of 35—36 239
Depth of penetration, equipment 49
Depth of penetration, model 49 240
Depth of penetration, work of 49
diamond 246
Diamond from beta-graphite 247
Diamond, Berkovich 11 94
Diamond, bonding and structure 246—247
Diamond, CVD films 247
Diamond, hardness anisotropy 76—77 111 116
Diamond, impurities in 76—77
Diamond, Knoop hardness 83 252
Diamond, Knoop hardness, ISE value 130
Diamond, Reciprocal mean effective resolved shear stress curves 102
Diamond, shapes for indenters 38—42 94 97
Diamond, shear modulus-hardness equation 143
Diamond, slip systems 97 116
Diamond, structure of quartz 236
Diamond, types of 76 94
Diamond, Vickers hardness 252
Dilatational strain energy 273
Directional solidifcation of MgO 256—266
Dislocations and donor band level 135—136
Dislocations and hardness 66 81 162
Dislocations and hardness, anisotropy 84 111
Dislocations and surface chemistry 132 134
Dislocations and surface interactions 134
Dislocations around indents 67 113 265
Dislocations, description of 67
Dislocations, edge type 67
Dislocations, interaction and hardness 73 84 125
Dislocations, interaction, analysis 70—71
Dislocations, loop 66—67
Dislocations, observation 66—67 84 99 113
Dislocations, observation in MgO 265
Dislocations, partials 71
Dislocations, pile-up 71 111 125 192
Dislocations, pile-up and cracks 192—193
Dislocations, rosette pattern 27 90 248 265
Dislocations, rosette pattern in GaAs 113 116
Dislocations, rosette pattern in silicon 251
Dislocations, rosette pattern, arm length equation 267
Dislocations, screw type 67
Dislocations, self energy of 88
| Dislocations, slip length 192
Dislocations, slip lines 66 84
Dislocations, slip lines, in GaAs 113
Dislocations, symbols 67—68
Dislocations, theory of 65 125
Dislocations, velocity 116
Dislocations, velocity, equation 267
Dolomite 264
Drilling and hardness 138—139
Dwell time 141
Edge cracks 168
Edge dislocation 67
Effective resolved shear stress and scratch hardness 106—108
Effective resolved shear stress, correlation with Knoop hardness 99
Effective resolved shear stress, equation 99 100 107 110
Effective resolved shear stress, mean 99
Elastic energy balance 61
Elastic material penetration depth 47
Elastic recovery 239—240
Elastic recovery, error in hardness 44
Elastic work in indenting 48
Elastic zone equation 16
Elastic-plastic boundary 148
Elastic-plastic boundary and cracks 148
Elastic-plastic boundary, peak stress 16 18 149
Elastic-plastic materials and indent depth 47—48
Elastic-plastic materials, nature of 49
Elasticity-plasticity parameter, definition 240
Elasticity-plasticity parameter, values of 241
Electrokinetic effect 56
Electrolytic polishing 45—46
Electronic band structure and hardness 125 135—138
Electronic ceramics 209
Emery polishing medium 45—46
Energy band bending 134 136 250
Energy of oscillation 51
Energy of oscillation and pendulum hardness 56
Epitaxy in SiC 212—213
Erosion and lateral cracks 159 189
Erosion of 191
Erosion of sialon 229
Erosion, equation 161 189
Erosion, exponents 190
Erosion, model 189
Erosion, volume of material removed 27 161 189
Errors from cracking 71
Errors from diamond shape 41—42 94
Errors from edge shapes 42
Errors from elastic recovery 44—45
Errors from numerical aperature 43
Errors from rate of loading 37
Errors from surface shape 44
Errors from vibration 38
Errors in matrix-fiber frictional stress 201
ERRS model 99—105 139
Etch pits and load 268
Etch pits in disilicides 90
Etch pits in GaAs 113
Etch pits in MgO 67 265
Etch pits in Si 246 248
Etch pits, arm length equation 267
Etch pits, observation 66—67
Etchant for 256
Etchant for 225
Etchant for BN 232
Etchant for MgO 265
Etchant for Si 251
Etchant for Sialon 225
Etchant for SiC 139 216
Etched indents 67 135
Etched indents in GaAs 113
Etched indents in SiC 139
Etched indents in ZnO 135
Evans and Charles equation 171 173
Evans equation 173
Excitation processes in ceramic decomposition 132
Expanding cavity model 14
Fermi surface in borides 299
Fermi surface in carbides 295
Fermi surface in ZnO 135
Ferrites, anisotropy and slip systems 92
Ferrites, Vickers hardness 92—93
Ferroelectric 287
Fiber stress 201
Fiber-matrix bonding 200—201
Finite element method 19
Finite element method and hardness 19
Fivefold symmetry indenter 97
Flaw geometry and fatigue 206
Flaw size, critical 153
Flaw size, critical, values of 153
Flaw size, maximum 5
Float glass hardness 242
Flow and constraint factor 11
Flow, hardening rate 18
Flow, lines, in glass 193
Fluorite ( ) 76 94—96
Fluorite ( ), Berkovich hardness 94 96
Fluorite ( ), hardness anisotropy 76
Fluorite ( ), Knoop hardness 28
Fluorite ( ), reciprocal mean effective resolved shear stress curves 101—102
Fluorite ( ), Structure of 270
Fracture pattern around indents 127 146 148 159
Fracture toughness and brittleness 5 188
Fracture toughness and crack depth equation 155 163
Fracture toughness and critical flaw size equation 153
Fracture toughness and critical load 177 193
Fracture toughness and critical load, equation 153
Fracture toughness and erosion 189—190
Fracture toughness and erosion, equation 27
Fracture toughness and indent parameters 170—173
Fracture toughness and surface energy 187
Fracture toughness and surface layers 126—127 205—206
Fracture toughness from intended beams 183
Fracture toughness from load variation 173 177 281
Fracture toughness of 127 260—261
Fracture toughness of 231
Fracture toughness of superconductor 290
Fracture toughness of 276
Fracture toughness of 281 284
Fracture toughness of composites 200
Fracture toughness of Ge 252
Fracture toughness of glass 196
Fracture toughness of interfaces 206
Fracture toughness of MgO 269
Fracture toughness of nitrogen glasses 225 229
Fracture toughness of Si 127 252
Fracture toughness, hardness equations 173—178
Fracture toughness, parameter 146 162
Fracture toughness, resistance to flaw generation 154
Fracture toughness, stress equation 200—201
Friction and crack parameter 158
Friction and environment 134
Friction and ring cracks 166
Friction in ceramic fibre composite bonding 200
Friction in scratch hardness 95 106—108
Gallium arsenide, GaAs, Burgers vector in 112
Gallium arsenide, GaAs, crack shape and temperature 163
Gallium arsenide, GaAs, dislocation velocity 112
Gallium arsenide, GaAs, etchants for 113
Gallium arsenide, GaAs, hardness anistropy 77—79 111 116
Gallium arsenide, GaAs, n-type hardness of 79 253
Gallium arsenide, GaAs, p-type hardness of 79 253
Gallium arsenide, GaAs, plastic zone size 111 113
Gallium arsenide, GaAs, rosette arm length 268
Gallium arsenide, GaAs, slip planes in 112—113
Gallium arsenide, GaAs, structure 78 80
Gallium arsenide, GaAs, Vickers hardness 79 111 253
Gallium arsenide, GaAs, Vickers hardness and shear modulus 143
Germanium oxide ( ), glass hardness 242
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