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Mccolm I.J. — Ceramic Hardness |
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Vickers hardness, anisotropy 91—94
Vickers hardness, diamond 10 42
Vickers hardness, diamond, and crack generation 157
Vickers hardness, diamond, in pendulum tester 53
Vickers hardness, equation 10 44
Vickers hardness, errors in 37 41—45
Vickers hardness, indent shape 90
Vickers indentation and grain-boundary energy 199
Vickers indentation and matrix-fiber bonding 200—201
Viscosity of glass 58
Viscosity, effect on pendulum hardness 56
Viscous flow 57
Wallace hardness 46—47
Wear test 28
Wear test and hardness 142
Wear test and lateral cracks 159
Wear test, debris 56—57
Wear test, effect of slider shape 28
Wear test, particle diameter equation 28
Wear test, time scale 139 142
Whiskers 145
Whiskers, hardness, of MgO 265
Whiskers, hardness, of SiC 261
Work hardening 45—46 103 106
Work hardening and anisotropy peaks 111 115—116
Work hardening and diverging slip systems 116
Work hardening and plastic zone anisotropy 111
Work hardening of aluminium 46 262
Work hardening of crystals 72
Work hardening of magnesia 46 265—267
Work hardening of SiC 111
Work hardening, caused by soft slider 266
Work hardening, depth of 45—46 267
Work hardening, equation for 266
Work needed to create indents 48
Work of adhesion 28
Work of elastic recovery of indent 48
Work of indented volume 48
Wurtzite structure of BN 231
Wurtzite structure of Si 248
Wurtzite structure of SiC 211
Wurtzite structure, energy of transition 248
X-ray topography 66
Y-sialon glass, density 229
Y-sialon glass, Knoop hardness 229
Y-sialon glass, Modulus 229
YAG 224
Yield and absolute hardness 72
Young's modulus and bond type 172
Young's modulus and crack depth 155
Young's modulus and cracking 147
Young's modulus and hardness 72
Young's modulus and penetration depth 47 240
Young's modulus and plasticity parameter 241
Young's modulus and residual impression parameter 240
Young's modulus from Knoop indents 180
| Young's modulus of 241 259—261
Young's modulus of 228 241
Young's modulus of 302
Young's modulus of 238
Young's modulus of 226 227 241
Young's modulus of germanium 252
Young's modulus of glass 238
Young's modulus of MgO 241 269
Young's modulus of SiC 214 219 241
Young's modulus of silicon 252
Young's modulus of TiN films 50
Young's modulus of Y-sialon glass 229
Young's modulus of zirconia 241 276
Young's modulus, anisotropy in 281
Young's modulus, hardness ratio 179
Young's modulus, mismatch stress 273
Yttria ( ), grain size KIC relationship 257
Yttria ( ), sintering aid 223
Yttrium ion bombardment 127
Zeta potential 132 137
Zeta potential and environmental softening 137
Zeta potential and hardness of silicon 249
Zeta potential and pendulum hardness of glass 245
Zeta potential and pH 138
Zeta potential, control with 249
Zinc blende structure 80
Zinc blende structure of SiC 211
Zinc blende structure, hardness anisotropy in 76 78
Zinc oxide, ZnO, electron energy bands in 135—137
Zinc oxide, ZnO, hardness, and pH 135
Zinc oxide, ZnO, hardness, and surface charge 135
Zinc oxide, ZnO, hardness, to modulus ratio 179
Zinc oxide, ZnO, hardness, Vickers 137
Zinc silicate, 223
Zirconia, 145 268—279
Zirconia, in , hardness of 261
Zirconia, in , toughness increase 279
Zirconia, , anomolous hardness 271
Zirconia, , densification aid 223
Zirconia, , fracture toughness 276
Zirconia, , hardness and polymorphism 270—272 276
Zirconia, , hardness, effect of pressure 271
Zirconia, , hardness, modulus ratio 179 241
Zirconia, , hardness, porosity equation 278
Zirconia, , hardness, scratch 29
Zirconia, , hardness, Vickers 241 276
Zirconia, , plasticity parameter 241
Zirconia, , structure of 270
Zirconia, , surface energy 271
Zirconia, , transformation methods 272
Zirconia, , Young's modulus 241 276
Zirconium boride ( ) 297
Zirconium boride ( ), hardness anisotropy 108 109
Zirconium boride ( ), slip systems in 109
Zirconium carbide (ZrC), Knoop hardness 303
Zirconium oxide ( ) see "Zirconia"
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