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Mccolm I.J. — Ceramic Hardness |
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Silicon carbide, SiC, coherent twin boundaries 211
Silicon carbide, SiC, constraint terms 109—110
Silicon carbide, SiC, critical flaw size 153
Silicon carbide, SiC, critical load 153
Silicon carbide, SiC, etchant for 139
Silicon carbide, SiC, hardness 214—215 217
Silicon carbide, SiC, hardness, anisotropy 81 85 109—110 139 214
Silicon carbide, SiC, hardness, effect of water on 8
Silicon carbide, SiC, hardness, Knoop 84—86 134 139 214—215 217
Silicon carbide, SiC, ISE 123 130
Silicon carbide, SiC, microstructure 210
Silicon carbide, SiC, plasticity parameter 241
Silicon carbide, SiC, polytypes 211—212
Silicon carbide, SiC, preparations 210
Silicon carbide, SiC, protective layer 236
Silicon carbide, SiC, sintering aids 210
Silicon carbide, SiC, slip systems in 110—111 212 214
Silicon carbide, SiC, surface energy 198
Silicon carbide, SiC, toughness 187
Silicon nitride, 4 170 222
Silicon nitride, , transformation 222
Silicon nitride, , bonding in 221—222
Silicon nitride, , critical flaw size 153
Silicon nitride, , critical load 153
Silicon nitride, , CVD 228
Silicon nitride, , erosion test 191
Silicon nitride, , etchant for 225
Silicon nitride, , gas turbine components 219
Silicon nitride, , hardness, Knoop 221 227—228
Silicon nitride, , hardness, scratch 29 227
Silicon nitride, , ISE value 123 130
Silicon nitride, , manufacture 219
Silicon nitride, , plasticity 219
Silicon nitride, , polymorphs 219 221—223
Silicon oxide, 236—238 see "Silica"
Silicon oxide, , hardness, effect of modifiers on 238
Silicon oxide, , hardness, Knoop 134
Silicon oxide, , hardness, Vickers 238
Silicon oxyntride 224
Silicon, amorphous layer, hardness of 130
Silicon, creep activation energy 141
Silicon, critical flaw size 153
Silicon, electron configuration 210
Silicon, hardness 24 116 130
Silicon, hardness, Knoop 134 129
Silicon, hardness, theoretical 24
Silicon, hardness, Vickers 249
Silicon, indentation creep 234
Silicon, infiltrant in SiC 209
Silicon, ISE of 248
Silicon, plastic deformation mechanism 248
Silicon, plasticity parameter 241
Silicon, reaction with nitrogen 222
Silicon, semiconduction 248
Silicon, strength 24
Silicon, toughness 127
Silicon, transformation energy 248
Silicon, valency bands 248
Silicon, Vickers hardness 249
Silicon, Vickers hardness, and shear modulus 143
Slip line and constraint factor 12
Slip line, field theory 12 66
Slip planes, convergent 117
Slip planes, divergent 116
Slip systems in 255
Slip systems in beryl 88
Slip systems in carbides 305
Slip systems in cubic BN 233
Slip systems in cubic crystals 75—79 97
Slip systems in GaAs 112—115
Slip systems in hexagonal crystals 84
Slip systems in orthorhombic crystals 89
Slip systems in tetragonal crystals 90—91
Slip systems in tungsten bronzes 288
Slip systems under a Knoop indenter 98—99
Slip systems, basal 213
Slip systems, line contours 114
Slip systems, multiple effect 108—111
Slip systems, prismatic 213
Slow crack growth 183
Sodium chloride (NaCl), hardness 80
Sodium chloride (NaCl), hardness, anisotropy 103
Sodium chloride (NaCl), relationship to 228
Sodium peroxide ( ) etchant for SiC 139
Sodium tungsten bronze ( ) 75
Sodium tungsten bronze ( ), hardness, anisotropy 75 77 93 288—289
Sodium tungsten bronze ( ), hardness, composition effect on 77 288—289
Sodium tungsten bronze ( ), hardness, Knoop 82 289
Sodium tungsten bronze ( ), hardness, Vickers 93
Sodium tungsten bronze ( ), indent in 66 289
Sodium- -alumina 181 280—284
Sodium- -alumina, crack generation by electric current 281
Sodium- -alumina, hardness, Knoop anisotropy 81 85
Sodium- -alumina, hardness, load equation 281
Sodium- -alumina, toughness-load equation 281
Solid solution, hardening 125
Solid solution, hardening, of 262—263
Solid solution, hardening, of MgO 269
Solid solution, softening 125 126 262—263
Solid solution, softening and electron concentration 125—126
Solid solution, softening and ion bombardment 127 263
Specific grain-boundary fracture energy 198
Specific surface work 28
Spherical cavity model 175
Spherical indenter 163
Spinel 284—286
Spinel, blocks in 280
Spinel, hardness, Knoop 82
Spinel, hardness, of MgO composite 265—266
Spinel, hardness, Vickers 92 93
Spinel, structure 285
Stabilized zirconia 270
Stacking fault energy in SiC 212
Standard hardness 7
Static indentation tests 3 10—25 34—38
Static indentation tests, Berkovich 94
Static indentation tests, Brinell 3 163
Static indentation tests, Knoop 3 40—42
Static indentation tests, Rockwell 3 163
Static indentation tests, Vickers 3 41—42
Stishovite 237
Stored indentation energy as a crack opener 205
Strain energy release rate 158 167
Strain energy release rate and surface energy 167—168
Strain energy release rate, equation for cone cracks 167—168
Strength and crack size in 185
Strength and density 4
Strength and indentation cracks 181
Strength and modulus 4
Strength and molar mass 4
Strength, degradation predictions 183
Strength, fracture toughness equation 183
Strength, theoretical 4
Stress after ion bombardment 126—127
Stress after load removal 16 131
Stress at radial distance 164
Stress corrosion 181
Stress corrosion, estimation of 203—204
Stress corrosion, susceptibility coefficient 203
Stress corrosion, susceptibility coefficient, for glass 204
Stress intensity factor and grain size 184
Stress intensity factor, coefficient 207
Stress intensity factor, coefficient, of glass 196
Stress intensity factor, inter-relationships 258
Stress intensity factor, microstructural 185
Stress intensity factor, residual 182 185
Stress under a blunt punch 113—114
Stress, contours under sharp indenter 155
Stress, field under indenter 15—19 149—150
Stress, profile below sharp indenter 150
| Superceramics 4 145
Superconductors 289
Surface charge and electronic band structure 135—136
Surface charge and hardness 131 134
Surface charge and hardness of ZnO 135
Surface energy and polymorphs 271
Surface energy and crack depth, equation of 155
Surface energy and pendulum hardness 25 54—55
Surface energy and ring cracks equation 186—187
Surface energy and slip length equation 192
Surface energy and toughening 273
Surface energy of glass 56
Surface energy of SiC 198
Surface energy, determination of 197
Surface energy, equation 198
Surface hardening 45—46
Surface hardening of 262
Surface hardening of 275
Surface hardening of sialon 124
Surface shape and hardness 42—44 45—46 124
Surface toughening 145 195—196
Surface toughening of glass 241
Surface toughening of zirconia 275
Syalon 101 224
Syalon, hardness 229
Tabor relationship 13 238—239
Tantalum nitride (TaN), cubic, hardness 297
Tempered glass 194
Tempered glass, flaws in 196
Tetrahedra, layers of in 221—222
Tetrahedra, layers of in SiC 211
Tetrahedra, sharing in 235—237
Tetrahedra, sharing in 235
Theoretical hardness 20—25 72—73 97—111 123
Theoretical hardness and polymorphs 271
Theoretical hardness of silicon 24
Theoretical hardness, equation 24
Theoretical hardness, model 20
Thermal anisotropy cracking 273
Thermal anisotropy cracking in 256
Thermal crack resistance parameter 187—188
Thermal softening coefficient for borides 305
Thermal stress resistance 187
Thermolysis 133
Thin films, effect on ISE 124—131
Thin films, hardness measurement of 50
Time independent hardness 142—143
Titanium boride, 297
Titanium boride, , composite hardness 217
Titanium boride, , hardness anisotropy 109
Titanium boride, , ISE value 130
Titanium boride, , slip systems 108—109
Titanium carbide (TiC), bonding in 78
Titanium carbide (TiC), hardness, Knoop single crystal 83
Titanium carbide (TiC), hardness, temperature effect 78
Titanium carbide (TiC), hardness, Vickers single crystal 93
Titanium carbide (TiC), toughness 187
Titanium dioxide, 124
Titanium nitride (TiN) 297
Titanium nitride (TiN), hardness of thin film 50
Tolerance factor 287
Topotaxy in transformations 272
Toughness 145
Toughness, mechanisms in 27
Transformation toughening 273
Transition metal carbides, anisotropy in 75
Transition metal nitrides, anisotropy in 75
Trichloroborazine 231
Tridymite 236
Trigonal prisms in borides 298
Tungsten boride, 93
Tungsten bronzes 287
Tungsten carbides, WC, cobalt cutting tools 170 293—294
Tungsten carbides, WC, cobalt cutting tools, binder for BN 233
Tungsten carbides, WC, cobalt cutting tools, critical load 153
Tungsten carbides, WC, cobalt cutting tools, hardness 6 241 302
Tungsten carbides, WC, cobalt cutting tools, Palmqvist cracks in 174—175
Tungsten carbides, WC, cobalt cutting tools, plasticity parameter 241
Tungsten carbides, WC, cobalt cutting tools, toughness 302
Tungsten carbides, WC, cobalt cutting tools, Young's modulus 241
Tungsten carbides, WC, hardness 302
Tungsten carbides, WC, hardness, creep activation energy 141 292
Tungsten carbides, WC, indentors 157—158
Tungsten oxide ( ), hardness anisotropy 77
Tungsten silicide ( ), Knoop hardness 91 303
Tungsten silicide ( ), slip systems in 90
Tungsten silicide ( ), structure of 90
Twin formation and topotaxy 272
Twin formation in silicon 248
Twin formation in zirconia 271
Uranium carbides 292 294
Uranium carbides, hardness 302
Uranium oxide ( ), hardness anisotropy 76
Uranium oxide ( ), toughness 87
Uranium transition metal carbides, hardness of 304
Vanadium boride ( ), Knoop hardness 304
Vanadium carbide, VC, single-crystal hardness 83 93 303
Vanadium carbide, VC, single-crystal hardness, anisotropy 92—93
Vanadium oxide ( ), hardness, anisotropy 89
Vanadium oxide ( ), hardness, Knoop 88
Vanadium oxide ( ), structure of 90
Variance 122
Velocity of load application and hardness errors 37
Velocity of load application, effect 34—38
Velocity of load application, equation of 37
Velocity of load application, values of 37
Vickers hardness and composition 92
Vickers hardness and crack depth 155 157
Vickers hardness and cracking 70—71 155
Vickers hardness and depth of surface removed 124
Vickers hardness and erosion 27
Vickers hardness and grain size 123
Vickers hardness and load 119—124 281
Vickers hardness and load, equation for 281
Vickers hardness and pendulum hardness 55
Vickers hardness and pH 135
Vickers hardness and plasticity parameter 239—240
Vickers hardness and polishing effect 45—46
Vickers hardness and rate of load application 35—38
Vickers hardness and scratch hardness 63
Vickers hardness and shear modulus 143
Vickers hardness and shear modulus, relationship for glass 238
Vickers hardness and surface potential 135
Vickers hardness and wear particle diameter 28
Vickers hardness and yield stress equation 14 239
Vickers hardness and Young's modulus 180 238
Vickers hardness GaAs 79 252
Vickers hardness of 241 259—261
Vickers hardness of 241
Vickers hardness of 226—228 241
Vickers hardness of 241 276 278
Vickers hardness of 281
Vickers hardness of aluminium 46
Vickers hardness of boron 252
Vickers hardness of diamond 252
Vickers hardness of germanium 252
Vickers hardness of glass 238 241
Vickers hardness of graphite 252
Vickers hardness of Mg-sialon glasses 229
Vickers hardness of MgO 241 269
Vickers hardness of perovskites 93
Vickers hardness of sialons 225 229
Vickers hardness of SiC 214 241
Vickers hardness of sicalons 229
Vickers hardness of silicon 252
Vickers hardness of spinels 92—93
Vickers hardness of VC 92—93
Vickers hardness of WC-Co 241
Vickers hardness of yttrium-barium-copper, superconductor 290
Vickers hardness of ZnO 137
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