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Hendrik Wade Bode — Network Analysis and Feedback Amplifier Design
Hendrik Wade Bode — Network Analysis and Feedback Amplifier Design

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Название: Network Analysis and Feedback Amplifier Design

Автор: Hendrik Wade Bode


This book was originally written as an informal mimeographed text for one of the so-called " Out-of-Hour " courses at Bell Telephone Laboratories. The bulk of the material was prepared in 1938 and 1939 and was given in course form to my colleagues there in the winters of 1939—40 and 1940-41. During the war, however, the text has also been supplied as a reference work to a considerable number of other laboratories engaged in war research. The demand for the text on this basis was unexpectedly heavy and quickly exhausted the original supply of mimeographed copies. It has consequently been decided to make the text more widely available through regular channels of publication.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: Twelfth printing

Год издания: 1975

Количество страниц: 577

Добавлена в каталог: 06.08.2009

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
$W_0$      see “Computation of $W_0$
$\alpha$ and $\beta$ loops in a feedback circuit      158
$\beta$ circuit      35 44—45 56 385
$\beta$ equalization      283 391
$\beta$ loss      457 462 477 486 511
$\mu$ and $\beta$ circuits      31—40
$\mu$ circuit      see “Forward circuit also
$\mu\beta$      32—33 47
$\mu\beta$ characteristic      32—33 512—513 see
$\mu\beta$ effect or error      33
$\mu\beta$ loop      32—42
A and B prescribed in different frequency ranges      328—331
Absolute level of attenuation      287
Absolute level of gain, around a feedback loop      475 493
Absolute level of gain, in an interstage network of four terminals      431—440
Absolute level of gain, in an interstage network of two terminals      408 415—420
Absolute level of resistance      287
Absolutely stable amplifier      see “Stability”
Absolutely stable amplifier, change from unstable to      288—290
Active circuit, impedance      66—71
Active circuit, mesh equations for an      6—7
Active circuit, nodal equations for an      13—15
Active circuit, Thevenin’s theorem in an      76—78
Active element      246—248
Active element, effect of introduction upon location of zeros      117
Active impedances, combinations of      191—195
Active impedances, construction of      170 185 189—191 246—248
Active impedances, relation of feedback to      66—71
Active structures, physical      134
Active transfer impedance, representation      244—248
Active transmission characteristic      see “External gain characteristic”
Admittances, driving-point      15 24
Admittances, mutual      11
Admittances, self-      11
Admittances, transfer      15 24
Admittances, zeros and poles of      24—25
Adpedance      15
Affel, H.A.      499
All-pass phase correcting structures      236—242 247
All-pass phase correcting structures, addition of, to a transfer impedance      239
All-pass phase correcting structures, definition of      239
All-pass phase correcting structures, design parameters of      241—242
All-pass phase correcting structures, properties of      239—242
All-pass phase correcting structures, simple and anti-resonant types of      237
Alternative cut-off characteristics      471—476
Alternative forms of equalizing structures      270—272
Amplification      1 6—7
Amplification, representation by equivalent plate generator      1
Amplifier      7 31—32 35—37 45 48
Amplifier as a repeater      499
Amplifier with a double feed back path      499—502
Amplifier with band-pass transmission characteristics      502—509
Amplifier, absolutely stable      162—164 288 453
Amplifier, available feedback in band-pass      479 485
Amplifier, conditionally stable      162—164 289 452
Amplifier, design, applications of phase area, law in      288—291
Amplifier, design, single loop      see “Single loop amplifiers”
Amplifier, feedback      see “Feedback amplifier” also “Type
Amplifier, forward circuit      53
Amplifier, frequency transformations in design of      208 210—211
Amplifier, gain      32—33
Amplifier, impedance      37—38 73
Amplifier, lower cut-off characteristics for      509—517
Amplifier, non-feedback      52
Amplifier, phase and gain margins      479 497
Amplifier, regenerative      53
Amplifier, regulating broad band      509—529
Amplifier, stage      see “Interstage network”
Analysis methods, mesh and nodal      13—17
Analytic conditions on network characteristics      278—280
Analytic functions      27—28
Analytic functions, Cauchy’s theory of      137—151
Antenna coupling circuit for radio transmitter      360
Anti-resonant networks      see “Resonant or anti-resonant networks”
Approximation of actual characteristics by straight lines      337—339
Arc-discharge      186
Arithmetic frequency scale, relation between phase and attenuation characteristics on      318—319
Armstrong frequency modulation receiver      490
Asymptote of feedback loop characteristic      see “Asymptotic characteristic”
Asymptotic characteristic      458—461 471 493 495—496
Asymptotic contributions of tubes and circuits to      476—477
Asymptotic crossover frequency, $f_a$      465
Asymptotic frequency, effective      484—485
Asymptotic limitation on maximum available feedback      461—468
Asymptotic loss of the loop      495—496
Asymptotic path in feedback circuit      463—464 496
Asymptotic slope      459—460 474 475 478 485 496 513 518
Asymptotic zero gain intercept      460
Attenuation      28 233 236
Attenuation characteristic for given phase      320—322
Attenuation integral theorem      280—283
Attenuation reduction      226—236
Attenuation units      287
Attenuation, complementary      249
Attenuation-phase charts      337
Automatic compensation for phase      310
Available characteristic, definition      105
Average dissipation, Q, in coils and condensers      219—223
Balancing network      500
Band width, conservation of      211—214 361 363 382 454 485
Band-pass equivalent      375 see
Band-pass equivalent, dissipation distribution      507
Band-pass equivalent, transmission characteristics      502—509
Barnes, J.L.      13
Bartlett, A.C.      268
Bierens de Haan, D.      314
Bilateral $\beta$-circuit      60
Bilateral elements      10 47 54 71—73 78 134
Bilinear transformations      223
Black, H.S.      31
Blackman, R.B.      66 378
Blackwell, O.B.      378
Blocking condenser      404 492 510—511 513
Blocking-grid leak combinations      513
Bocher, M.      110
Bode, H.W.      208 326 374 376 392 451 517
Boghosian, W.H.      430 489
Boundary values of a function, relation of values in the interior to      147
Branch equations, for a passive circuit      1—4
Bridge circuits      243 271
Bridge-type feedback      464
Bridge-type network      56
Bridge-type network, reference feedback as a balanced      61 83—85 88—90
Bridged-T equalizer, design formulae      272—275
Broad-band amplifier, regulating      see “Regulating broad-band amplifier”
Brune network      233 235 247 250 253 259
Brune network, analytic inverse of      198
Brune network, to represent lattice branch impedance      254
Brune, O.      171
Brune’s method of developing a general passive impedance      171 182—185 190
Burrows, C.R.      482 489
Bush, V.      300
Calculus of residues      144—147
Campbell, G.A.      19 231 266 271
Capacity potentiometer      401 459 495 505
Capacity, interstage      177
Capacity, lumped      1
Capacity, parasitic      see “Parasitic capacity”
Capacity, path at infinite frequency      177 459
Capacity, reciprocal, or stiffness      2
Capacity, resistance combinations in cathode leads      510—513
Carson, J.R.      19 222 300
Cathode      1 6 14
Cathode, biasing      510—513
Cathode, directly heated      35
Cathode, feedback circuit      39—41 45
Cathode, type feedback, general      86 361
Cathode, type feedback, in coaxial repeaters      388
Cathode, volume performance and external gain relations in      400
Cauchy integral      145
Cauchy’s Theorem      142 276 278 280
Chaffee, J.G.      489
Charge, electrical      2
Charge, law of conservation of      3
Charts 1—6, characteristics of four-element interstages      445—450
Charts I—XIV, computation methods for semi-infinite constant slope characteristics of      341—344
Charts I—XIV, illustrative applications of      344—345
Charts I—XIV, imaginary component of complex function      346—359
Charts I—XIV, summary of      339—341
Charts I—XIV, use of      372 377 380 395 423
Choice between mesh and nodal analysis      15—17
Choice of coefficients in impedance expressions      206—208
Choke coils      404 510
Circuit determinant      48—49
Circuit loss, $A_t$      477—480 496 see
Circuits, $\beta$-      31—34 37—38 40 45—46
Circuits, $\mu$-      7 31—33 35 37 39—40 45—46
Circuits, active      1 51 66 134 170 244
Circuits, amplifying      see “Amplifier”
Circuits, bridge-type      243
Circuits, feedback      see “Feedback amplifier” also “Type
Circuits, input and output      see “Input and output circuits”
Circuits, ladder or series-shunt type      243
Circuits, passive      1—4 51
Circular impedance loci      223 382
Coaxial line      305 309—312
Coaxial system, design of repeater      360 see
Coaxial system, external gain and volume performance      388—392
Coefficient, coupling      5
Combination of active impedances      191—195
Combination of low-pass and high-pass characteristics      509
Comparison amplifier      35
Compensation theorem      80
Complementary equalizer characteristics      249—250 264
Complementary impedance characteristics      199—200
Complex branch impedance      223
Complex frequency      18 137 223
Complex frequency, driving-force      18
Complex frequency, physical validity of      28—30
Complex frequency, plane      22—24 29
Complex frequency, response measurement      29
Complex integration vs real      138—139
Composite equalizer structures      250—260
Computation of $W_0$      78—79 88—91
Computation of $W_0$ for amplifier with local feedback      95—97
Computation of local feedback and sensitivity      98—99
Computation of phase for prescribed attenuation      337—345
Computation of transmission from plate to grid      91—95
Condenser      see “Capacity”
Conditional and unconditional stability      162—164
Conductance reduction      see “Resistance reduction”
Conformal variation of network characteristic      224
Conjugacy      38 106 115 172
Conservation of band width      211—214 361 363 382 454 485
Constant impedance devices      224
Constant loop gain area condition      456
Constant resistance equalizers      283—285
Constant resistance filters      255
Constant resistance, image impedance      229
Constant resistance, representation of a general transfer impedance      227—235
Constant-k high-pass or low-pass filter      207
Constituents of general impedances      246—248
Construction of a general transfer impedance      230—235
Contour integrals in limiting cases      139—141
Contour integration in the complex plane      138—139
Contour integration of the logarithmic derivative      147—151
Contour integration path      143 278—280 296
Contour integration path, relation between integral and      141—144
Contour integration, formulae for network functions      277—280 291—302 305—307
Contour integration, general      137—169
Contour integration, interstage network design      377
Contour integration, relations in input and output network design      377 380—381
Contour integration, two theorems from function theory      167—169
Conversion circuit, FM to AM      490
CR product      511—513
Critical frequency      218
Critical frequency, displacement by parasitic dissipation      244
Critical point      154 158 452 475—476
Current      22
Current branch      3
Current condition, nodal      2 4
Current equilibrium      1 11
Current generator      12 14 189
Current in-phase and quadrature components      19
Current instantaneous      8
Current mesh      3 6
Current nodal      7
Cut-off characteristics, alternative      471—476
Cut-off characteristics, loop      see “Loop”
Cut-off characteristics, Q and element value limitations on      507
Cut-off characteristics, variable      see “Regulating broad-band amplifier”
Cut-off rate      471
Darlington, S.      171 203 217 229 370
Decade, definition      315
Decibels      33
Decino, A.      489
Decomposition of general transfer characteristic      251
Degeneration in a general feedback circuit      285—286
Delay distortion      310
Design formulae for bridged-T equalizers      272—275
Design methods for feedback structures      104—105 see
Determinants      24
Dickson, L.E.      110
Dietzold, R.L.      489
Differential mesh equations      109—110
Direct transmission      53 56—57 60—61 82
Discontinuity in one component of $\theta$ or its derivative      339
Dissipation in filter design      217
Dissipation in filter design, Taylor’s series expansion      219
Dissipation, energy function      127 171
Dissipation, parasitic      216
Dissipation, parasitic, formulae for effects of      220—222
Dissipation, parasitic, in distortionless media      222—223
Distortion generator      79—80
Distortion generator, reduction of effects of, by feedback      45 79—80
Distortionless media      222
Double feedback path      499—502
Driving-point functions      226—228 231—232 236 263
Driving-point functions, constituents of general      246—248
Driving-point immittance      196 226 244—248
Driving-point immittance functions, representation of general      188—195
Driving-point impedance      8—9 223 244—248
Driving-point impedance as a function of a single element      9—10
Driving-point impedance, physical representation of      170—195
Duality between impedance and admittance analysis      13 196 227
Dynatron      186
Effective asymptotic frequency      484 485
Effective band width of feedback amplifier      453 458 470—471
Effects of parasitic dissipation      216—222
Electrical engineering staff of M.I.T.      31
Element values, range of      503
Elementary equalizer structures      251—253
Elementary theory of feedback circuits      31—35
Energy functions in a passive network      125—128
Energy functions in a passive network, dissipative      127
Energy functions in a passive network, positive definite      128 134
Energy functions in a passive network, relation to impedance and power to      127—132
Energy functions in a passive network, relation to stability      132—134
Energy functions in a passive network, stored      127
Envelope feedback for radio frequency transmitter      479—480 493—498
Equalizer      83 238—239 245 518
Equalizer design      249—275
Equalizer design, alternative forms of      270—272
Equalizer design, bridged-T      271—275
Equalizer design, parameters      265—266
Equalizer in $\beta$-circuit      492—493 518
Equalizer with parasitic capacity      283—285
Equalizer, the line      391 518
Equilibrium, current      11
Equilibrium, voltage      10
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