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Doremus R.H. — Glass Science
Doremus R.H. — Glass Science

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Название: Glass Science

Автор: Doremus R.H.


This edition retains its pedagogical structure but has been extensively revised and updated. Features advances in the field pertaining to the latest developments on fatigue and fracture as well as environmental aspects of some hazardous materials and their effects on glass during long term storage. Contains a new description of the oxidation state of glass and its components based on the phase rule. Includes a new chapter on chemical durability with recent information regarding corrosion of glass and radioactive waste disposal

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: second

Год издания: 1994

Количество страниц: 352

Добавлена в каталог: 02.07.2009

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Abdel Kader, A.      314 320
Abdel Latifa, I.A.      300 304
Abe, Y.      265 287
Abendroth, R.P.      235 239
Abrajano, T.A.      231 239
Acidic or basic oxides      205
Acids, dissolution in      229
Acloque, P.      185 196
Adam, G.      110 112
Adam, J.L.      29 45
Adams, P.B.      193 197
Adams, R.V.      198 212 308 317
Adamson, A.      192 197
Adsorption and potentials of glass electrodes      252
Adsorption, chemical      192
Adsorption, physical      190
Aergerter, M.A.      10 11
Agganval, I.      119 121
Agganval, J.D.      113 120
Agglomeration, in phase separation      68
Agius, B.      137 148
Aglan, M.A.      313 319
Aishe, N.G.      93 97
Akayanayi, H.T.      189 197
Albarino, R.V.      150 169
Alegna, A.      4 26
Alexander, G.B.      228 238
Alkali silicates, compositions      6
Alkali silicates, dielectric loss      296
Alkali silicates, dissolution in water      227
Alkali silicates, electrical conductivity      272
Alkali silicates, ion exchange selectivity      246
Alkali silicates, ionic diffusion in      278
Alkali silicates, mechanical loss      300
Alkali silicates, optical absorption      311
Alkali silicates, phase separation      53 63
Alkali silicates, properties      6
Alkali silicates, structure      33
Alkali silicates, surface structure      185 227
Alkali silicates, viscosities      105 108
Allgaier, R.S.      15 23
Almeida, R.M.      40 47
Alpert, D.      126 147
Alternose, V.O.      140 148
Aluminum oxide and, anionic size      201 250
Aluminum oxide and, chemical durability      228
Aluminum oxide and, in vitreous silica      33
Aluminum oxide and, ion exchange selectivity      251
Aluminum oxide and, optical absorption      307
Aluminum oxide and, water solubility      199
Anderegg, F.O.      156 159
Anderson, O.L.      145 149 284 289
Andreev, N.S.      119 121
Angell, C.A      15 16 23 40 47 104 106 109 111 112 285 289 291 303 304 308 311 312 318
annealing      116
Annealing point      100
Anorthite      17 82
Antic-Fidancer, E.      315 319
Antonini, J.R.      185 193 196
Appen, A.A.      297 304
Araujo, R.J.      317 320
Arbuzov, V.I.      313 315 319
Arita, J.H.      85 96
Armistead, C.G.      187 196
Arnold, G.W.      231 239
Asequawa, H.      40 47
Augis, J.A.      83 96
Avrami, M.      16 24 81 96
Awaza, K.      202 213
Babcock, C.L.      10 11 271 288
Babinec, A.      222 238
Babonneau, A.F.      47
Bach, H.      189 195 219 237
Bacon, F.R.      215 237
Bagdage, W.      311 319
Bagley, B.G.      44 47
Bain, D.      208 214
Bakardjico, J.      222 238
Balijustin, A.A.      247 261
Banba, T.      232 239
Bansal, N.      5 10 11 82 83 84 94 95 96 105 111 113 120 130 148 217 237 279 289 291 303 306 317
Barnes, A.C.      26 44
Barrer, R.M.      122 125 132 147
Barry, T.J.      86 88 89 96
Bartenev, G.M.      101 111
Bartholomew, R.F.      200 212
Barton, J.L.      140 148 202 213 286 290
Bases, dissolution in      230
Bastress, A.W.      203 213
Bates, J.K.      230 231 239
Bates, R G.      253 261
Bates, T.      313 319
Baucke, F.G.K.      219 220 224 237 238 257 261 317 320
Bauer, G.H.      39 47
Beall, G.H.      68 72 72 74 75 81 96
Beals, K.J.      316 320
Beauchamp, E.K.      125 147 227 239
Beckman, K.H.      201 212
Begeal, D.R.      125 147
Bell, R.J.      31 45 308 318
Benneff J.E.      83 96
Bennett, A.J.      309 318
Bergeron, C.G.      19 24
Bermudez, V.M.      187 195
Bernal, J.D.      44 47
Berry, J.P.      168 171
Bestul, A.B.      55 71 113 120
Bever, M.B.      8 10 11
Bhattacharya, G.K.      178 183
Bilby, B.A.      159 170
Bingham, K.      313 319
Biscoe, J.      32 33 45 46
Blackburn, D.H.      54 71
Blau, H.H.      271 288
Block      58 71
Blodgetf, K.B.      203 213
Bockris, J.O.      105 112
Boehm, L.      55 71
Boekenhauer, R.      208 214
Bokov, N.A.      119 121
Boksay, Z.      217 225 228 233 237 238 278 289
Bolchakov, O.J.      140 148
Bondi, A.      43 47 109 112
Bonding      27
Bonding in dissolution in water      228
Bonding in oxidation      204
Bonding, glass strength      162
Books      10
Borate glasses, density      6
Borate glasses, heat capacity      114
Borate glasses, molecular diffusion in      139
Borate glasses, optical absorption      310
Borate glasses, phase separation      53 55
Borate glasses, structure      35
Borate glasses, viscosity      103
Borchardt, G.      224 238
Borisovski, E.S.      310 311 318
Borom, M.P.      278 289
Boron oxide anomaly      37
Borosilicates, chemical durability      227
Borosilicates, compositions      6
Borosilicates, crack propagation      167
Borosilicates, crystallization      79
Borosilicates, diffusion in      140 282
Borosilicates, dissolution in water      227
Borosilicates, ion exchange selectivity      245
Borosilicates, leaching      223
Borosilicates, mechanical loss      300
Borosilicates, molecular solubility      125
Borosilicates, phase separation      54
Borosilicates, properties      6
Borosilicates, static fatigue      173 177
Borosilicates, strength      152 154
Borosilicates, surface adsorption      193
Borosilicates, viscosity      100
Boroxyl groups      36
Borreilli, N.F.      317 320
Bottinga, Y.      19 23
Bottom, A.E.      256 261
Boulon, G.      29 45
Bouquet, G.      217 225 228 237 538
Bourcier, W.L.      231 239
Boyce, R.S.      137 148
Brace, W.F.      168 171
Bradley, C.R.      230 239
Bradley, J.P.      230 231 239
Bradner, T.      217 237
Brady, G.W.      38 46
Brady, P.V.      229 239
Brandt, W.W.      147 149
Brawer, S.      29 45 110 112 116 120 311 318
Bray, P.J.      37 45 46 285 290
Brehardt, G.      189 196
Brehler, B.      41 47
Brennet, P.      229 239
Bresker, R.J.      297 304
Breton, J.C.      300 304
Brinker, C.J.      10 11
Briscoe, J.      32 33 45
Bristow, R.H.      271 288
Brodsky, M.H.      15 23
Brosset, C.      33 46
Brown, D.M.      211 214
Brown, R.B.      126 143 147
Bruce, A.J.      83 84 94 96
Bruckner, R.      33 46 199 212
Bruggraaf, A.J.      282 289
Brund, M.J.D.      256 261
Bubbles, diffusion from      142
Bubbles, diffusion from, in fining      209
Bubbles, diffusion from, in strength studies      157
Buchert, R.C.      39 47
Buck, R.P.      256 261
Bueche, F.      109 112
Buff, H.      3 11
Bunker, B.C.      231 239
Bunting, E.R.      310 318
Burke, J.E.      175 183
Burlitz, R.S.      126 147
Burman, C.      189 196 217 222 224 237 238 240
Burn, I.      135 148
Burnett, D.G.      53 54 70 89 97
Burt, R.      135 148 263 287
Bury, K.V.      178 183
Busby, R.F.      101 111
Busse, L.      119 121
Cable, M.      210 214
Cahn, J.W.      67 68 72 91 97
Cameron, N.M.      150 169
Capella, S.      234 239
Car, R.      30 45
Carbon dioxide, glass surface      231
Carbon dioxide, in fining      210
Carbon dioxide, reaction with, glass      208
Cargill, G.S.      44 47
Cawley, J.D.      137 148
Chain structure      35
Chalcogenide glasses, optical absorption      314
Chalcogenide glasses, structure      3 8
Chandan, H.C.      176 183
Chandra, D.      208 214
Chang, S.S.      113 120
Chao, T.S.      189 197
Chapman, J.D.      33 49 54 71 191 197
Charles, R.J.      53 59 67 68 71 72 176 180 183 275 288 295 304
Chaudhari, P.      32 46
Chaudhri, M.M.      159 170
Chemical durability      215
Chemical durability, crack propagation      181
Chemical durability, testing methods      216
Chemical reactions, on glass surface      192
Chemical reactions, with water      135
Chemisinov, V.P.      310 318
Chemla, M.      270 288
Chen, B.T.K.      310 318
Chenykh, V.J.      286 290
Chieux, P.      26 44
Chlebik, A.      199 212
Christ, C.L.      249 261
Christensen, P.      237 239
Christian, J.W.      56 61 71 84 96
Chuang, T.      181 183
Chung, K.-H.      55 71 237 239
Clare, A.C.      37 46
Clark, D.E.      22 228 238
Clarke, A.R.      210 214
Clearing temperature      52
Clemens, K.      70 72
Clinton, D.      86 97
Coarsening of a phase      66 68
Coenen, M.      114 120 293 304
Cohen, A.J.      310 318
Cohen, M.H.      15 20 23 24 109 112
Collins, J.A.      29 45
Colmenero, J.      26 44
Color and sulfates      203
Color and sulfates, metallic particles      314
Color and sulfates, transition metal ions      313
Comelissen, J.      282 289
Compositions, commercial      6
Computer simulation, of structure      29
Computer simulation, of surfaces      90
Conductivity and diffusion      269
Conductivity in high fields      285
Conductivity, electrical      236
Conductivity, measurement      265
Conductivity, surface      194
Conductivity, water and      265
Congleton, J.      168 171
Consolute temperature      51 53
Conti, F.      256 261
Cook, R.L.      109 112
Cooper, A.E.      8 11
Cooper, A.R.      8
Coordination numbers      31 35 40
Coordination numbers of transition metal ions      313
Copley, G.J.      300 304
Cordaro, J.F.      285 289
Cormia, R.L.      19 23 92 97 103 111
Correlation in diffusion      210
Cotton, F.A.      229 239
Cottrell, A.H.      56 71
Covington, A.K.      256 261
Coyne, D.C.      177 183
Cracks, and energy      165
Cracks, in fracture      165
Cracks, nucleation of      166
Cracks, origins of      167
Cracks, propagation of      167 181
Cracks, revealed with sodium vapor      158
Cracks, stress at      160
Cracks, velocity of      160 167
Cramer, D.      17 24
Crank, J.      130 148 267 288
Cranmer, D.      82 96
Crichton, S.N.      119 120
Crozier, D.      311 318
Crystal morphology      88
Crystal structure      30
Crystallite structure      31
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