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Doremus R.H. — Glass Science |
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Schaeffer, H.A. 264 287
Scherer, G. 10 11 70 72 100 115 116 118 120
Scherrer, S. 189 196 224 238
Schiffner, V. 87 97
Schiller, H. 286 290
Schnatter, K.H. 189 196 219 238
Schnatterly, S.E. 308 318
Schnaus, V.E. 113 120
Scholze, H. 10 11 198 199 200 212 217 222 237 307 238 317 297 304 307 317
Schonhorn, H. 150 169
Schramm, C.M. 29 45
Schreiter, G. 252 262
Schrieber, H.D. 205 213
Schroeder, J. 119 121
Schuhmann, R. 204 213
Schultz, M.M. 246 261
Schulze, F. 3 11
Schulze, G. 242 266
Schwabe, K. 256 261
Schwartz, M. 264 287
Scott, W.D. 19 24
Scott, W.E. 14 29
Sealing 240
Sears, G.W. 91 93 97
Sedden, E. 271 288
Selectivity, and anionic size 246
Selectivity, in ion exchange 247
Selectivity, sequences 248
Selectivity, theories 249
Selenium, structure of 39
Service, T.E. 176 183
Seward, T.P. 68 72
Sewell, P.A. 191 197
Shackelford, J.F. 123 128 129 147
Shand, E.B. 158 169
Shardin, H. 168 171
Sharma, S.K. 105 111
Shartsis, L. 55 71 184 196
Shaw, R.R. 53 70
Shelby, J.E. 122 123 125 126 129 133 135 139 147 148 200 212 301 304
Shermer, H.F. 55 71
Sherriff, B.L. 35 46
Shess, M.S. 200 212
Shimada, M. 14 22
Shore, A.C. 19 24
Shultz, G. 266 288
Shute, C.J. 176 183
Shvaiko-Shvaikovskaya, T.P. 10 11 105 111 130 148
Siderov, J.A. 310 318
Sigel, G.H. 307 309 317
Sigety, E.A. 313 319
Sih, G.S. 168 171
Silica, vitreous, bond angles in 32
Silica, vitreous, chemical adsorption 192
Silica, vitreous, compositions 7
Silica, vitreous, crack propagation 167
Silica, vitreous, crystallization 18
Silica, vitreous, dielectric loss 295
Silica, vitreous, diffusion in 276
Silica, vitreous, dissolution in, melts 8
Silica, vitreous, dissolution in, water 227
Silica, vitreous, electrical conductivity 275
Silica, vitreous, gas solubility in 122
Silica, vitreous, ion exchange selectivity 245
Silica, vitreous, ionic diffusion in 274 276
Silica, vitreous, manufacturers 7
Silica, vitreous, molecular diffusion in 132 134
Silica, vitreous, optical adsorption 307 310
Silica, vitreous, physical adsorption 190
Silica, vitreous, reaction with hydrogen 201
Silica, vitreous, solubility of water in 229
Silica, vitreous, static fatigue 175 177
Silica, vitreous, strength 156
Silica, vitreous, structure 27 30
Silica, vitreous, surface structure 185
Silica, vitreous, viscosity 103
Silica, vitreous, water in 135
Silicon, oxidation of 144
Simmons, C.J. 237 239
Simmons, J.H. 53 54 70 71 74 81 91 96 97 101 111 237 239
Simon, J. 308 317
Sinclair, R.N. 25 37 44 46
Sitter, H. 237 239
Sivertsen, J.M. 297 304
Size, anionic, and exchange selectivity 250
Size, ionic and diffusion 282
Size, molecular and diffusion 132 146
Skinner, S. 184 196
Slavyanskii, V.T. 210 214
Slyozov, V.V. 66 72
Smekal, A. 159 170
Smets, B.M.J. 219 224 237 238
Smith, G.L. 94 98
Smith, H. 179 183
Smith, H.L. 310 318
Soda-Lime glass, composition 6
Soda-Lime glass, crack propagation 167
Soda-Lime glass, density 6
Soda-Lime glass, dielectric loss 296
Soda-Lime glass, electrical conductivity 278
Soda-Lime glass, ion exchange selectivity 245
Soda-Lime glass, ionic diffusion in 274
Soda-Lime glass, mechanical loss 299
Soda-Lime glass, molecular diffusion in 141
Soda-Lime glass, phase separation in 49 55
Soda-Lime glass, properties 6
Soda-Lime glass, static fatigue 177
Soda-Lime glass, strength 154
Soda-Lime glass, viscosity 100 105
Softening point 100
Sol-gel forming 9
Solubility, carbon dioxide 208
Solubility, hydrogen 124
Solubility, of gas molecules 122
Solubility, of glass in water 229
Solubility, theories 126
Solubility, water 135
Sommer, E. 158 169
Sotter, W.A. 158 169
Soules, T.F. 27 29 30 44 45 101 111
Souquet, J.L. 265 283 288
Southwick, R.D. 156 169 174 183
Sovolev, N.N. 310 311 318
Spaght, M.E. 103 111
Sperry, L.L. 167 171
Spherulites 88
Spinodal decomposition 67
Spinosa, E.D. 228 238
Srinivasan, G. 54 71
Stanworth, J.E. 21 24
Static fatigue 172
Static fatigue and surface treatment 176
Static fatigue, experimental results 174 177
Static fatigue, statistics of 177
Static fatigue, theories 180
Stavely, L.A.K. 14 23
Steinberg, U. 29 45
Steinike, Y. 189 196
Steinkamp, W.E. 300 304
Stephenson, G.B. 68 72
Stern, K. 245 246 261
Stevels, J.M. 265 287 291 295 303 304 308 318
Stevens, S.B. 315 319
Stevenson, C.M. 230 239
Stewart, A.M. 189 196
Stillinger, F. 115 120
Stock, A. 14 22
Stoesser, R. 29 45
Stokes — Einstein equation 67 273
Stolen, R.H. 311 319
| Stone, F.G.A. 43 47
Stoneham, A.M. 144 149
Stookey, S.D. 74 77 96 200 212 314 320
Streltsina, M.V. 10 11 54 71 105 111 130 148
Strength 154
Strength, distribution of 151
Strength, testing of 150
Strength, theoretical 162
Stress, accelerated reactions 182
Stress, and ionic diffusion 271
Stress, and molecular diffusion 132
Stress, at crack tips 161 181
Stress, relaxation 116
Stress-intensity factors 161
Strnad, Z. 208 213
Stroud, J.S. 77 96 315 319
Stuart, D.A. 145 149 284 289
Stub, S. 189 196
Studt, P.L. 128 147
Su, G.J. 19 24 114 120 310 311 318
Subramanian, R.S. 144 149
Sucov, E.W. 137 148
Sugarman, B. 169
Sulfur dioxide, in fining 211
Sulfur dioxide, reaction with glass 209
Sulfur, structure of 39
Summer, D.J. 37 46
Sun, H.W. 14 23
Sun, K.H. 21 23 24
Surface conductivity 194
Surface energy 184
Surface energy and strength 165
Surface experimental techniques 189
Surface structure 185
Suscavage, M.J. 55 71
Suschke, H.D. 256 261
Suzuki, J. 163 170
Suzuki, Y. 229 239
Swain, M.V. 159 170 171
Swalin, R.A. 204 213
Swartz, E.L. 212 214
Swets, D.E. 123 147
Swift, H.R. 88 97
Symmers, C. 169
Tadros, J.F. 258 259 262
Tagliavore, A.P. 35 46
Takahasi, T. 270 288
Takamori, T. 69 72
Takayangi, M. 19 24
Tallant, D.R. 231 239
Tammann, G. 3 11 14 22 109 112
Tanaka, H. 29 45 70 72
Tanguy, B. 14 23
Tappin, G. 165 171
Tarrant, J.D. 31 45
Tarrio, C. 308 318
Taylor, E.W. 163 170
Taylor, H.E. 291 303
Taylor, N.W. 182 183
Taylor, P.G. 314 319
Tegetmeier, F. 3 11
Testardi, L.R. 162 170
Thermal expansion 114
Thiel, K. 14 23
Thirsty glass 44 190
Tholen, M.G.W. 224 238
Thomas, M.B. 150 169
Thomas, W.F. 153 156 169
Thurston, R.N. 162 170
Tippet, E.J. 271 288
TIT curves 17
Titov, A.P. 53 70
Tobolsky, A.V. 39 47
Tochon, J. 282 289
Todoroki, S. 315 319
Tolmacheva, T.A. 246 261
Tomlinson, J.W. 105 112
Tomozawa, M. 10 12 50 52 59 68 69 70 71 72 158 169 181 183 200 212 234 239 265 270 285 288 289 290 291 305 293 303 304 305
Tong, H.C. 182 183
Tonooka, K. 315 319
Topping, J.A. 264 287 296 304
Torza, S. 150 169
Totesh, A.S. 54 71
Tran, D.C. 113 120
Transition metal ions, coordination numbers 313
Transition metal ions, glass-forming tendency 14
Transition metal ions, optical absorption 313
Transition metal ions, oxidation state 204
Transition, electrical conductivity 272 278
Transition, glass 113
Trnovcova, V. 264 287
Tronev, L. 283 289
Tsong, J.S.T. 232 239
Tsuei, C.C. 15 23
Tsukihashi, F. 208 213
Tucker, J. 119 120
Tuller, H.L. 265 283 288
Tumbull, D. 15 16 19 20 23 24 44 47 61 68 71 72 92 93 97 109 112
Turkalo, A.M. 32 46 48 70 78 96 175 183
Turkdogan, E.T. 208 214
Turner, G.L. 231 239
Turner, J.A. 313 319
Turner, N.H. 313 319
Turner, W.E.S. 48 70 208 210 213 214 271 288
Turner, W.H. 313 319
Tuttle, O.F. 14 23
Tweer, H. 54 71 109 112
Tyler, A.J. 187 196
Uhlmann, D.R. 10 12 16 17 18 19 22 23 24 53 68 70 72 75 81 82 91 94 97 101 104 105 106 111 112 114 120 278 288 295 304 306 308 317
Umes, S. 33 46
Underwood, S.M. 71 97
Ur, H. 14 23
Urbain, G. 19 23 102 111
Uses of glass 4
Valkenburg, A.V. 310 318
Van Amerongen, C. 295 304
Van Caugh, L. 147 149
Van Hook, A. 19 24
Van Megan, W. 93 97
Van Ommen 274 276 288
Van Reenan, T.J. 246 261
Vander Sande, J.B. 44 47
Vardar, O. 150 169
Vargeime, V.V. 313 319
Varner, J.R. 158 169
Vashista, P. 30 45
Vaughn, L. 300 304
Vazirani, H.N. 150 169
Veltri, R.D. 274 288
Venderovitch, A.M. 286 290
Vergano, P.J. 19 23
Vermeer, J. 286 290
Verrall, D.J. 26 45
Videau, J.J. 14 23
Virgo, P. 105 111
viscosity 99
Viscosity, definition 99
Viscosity, measurement 101
Viscosity, theories 109
Vogel, H. 109 112
Vogel, W. 50 53 55 70 71 97 306 317
Volger, J. 295 304
Volmer, M. 19 24
Vostrov, G.A. 140 148
Vuilland, G.E. 15 23
Vycor glass 44 48 190
Wagman, D.D. 204 213
Wagner, C. 66 72 136 148
Wagstaff, F.E. 18 23 54 70 71 92 97
Wakasugi, T. 208 213
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