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Doremus R.H. — Glass Science |
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Crystallization 16 19 73
Crystallization and heat flow 90
Crystallization, nucleation of 75
Crystallization, surface 77
Crystallization, theories of 91
Crystallization, velocity 18 90 92
Curtis, H.L. 194 197
Cushman, K. 173 183
Cusumano, J.A. 191 197
Czandema, W.A. 189 196
D'Angelo, K. 22 238
Dalton, R.N. 77 96
Datta, R.K. 14 23
Davidge, R.W. 165 171
Davies, L.B. 44 47
Davis, E.A. 26 44 314 319
Davis, K. 217 237
Davydov, V.Y. 185 196
Day, D.E. 229 239 279 289 300 301 304
Deal, B.E. 144 149
Dean, P. 31 45 308 318
DeBast, J. 118 120
DeBilly, M. 264 287
DeBolt, M.A. 119 120
Deeg, E. 301 304
definitions 1
Dejong, B.H.W.S. 29 45
Delaney, J.R. 231 239
Delayed failure see "Static fatigue"
Delia Mea, G. 224 238
DeLuca, J.P. 19 24
Demskaya, E.L. 315 319
Denney, D.J. 20 24
DeNordwall, H.J. 14 23
density 6
DeRiu, L. 189 196
Devi, A. 193 197
DeWaal, H. 300 304
DeWet, W.J. 246 261
Dezsi, J. 29 45
Dick, E. 163 170
dielectric constant 292
Dielectric loss 291
Dielectric loss, effect of frequency 293
Dielectric loss, measurement 291
Dielectric loss, relation with electrical conductivity 296
Dielectric loss, theories 301
Diffusion, and chemical reaction 135
Diffusion, and electrical conductivity 269
Diffusion, in ion exchange 229
Diffusion, in phase growth 66
Diffusion, inter ionic 232 279
Diffusion, molecular 135
Diffusion, of gases 122 130
Diffusion, theories 145 284
Dilmore, M.F. 222 238
DiMarcello, F.V. 150 169
Dissolution, in melts 8
Dissolution, in water 225 234
Distribution coeficients, between two phases 246
Distribution coeficients, in ion exchange 241 244
Dobos, S. 217 224 237 238
Dole, M. 256 257 261
Domenici, M. 34 46
Donovan, E.P. 113 120
Doody, M. 222 238
Doolittle, A.K. 109 112
Douglas, R W. 10 11 205 213
Douglas, R.W. 10 11 53 54 67 70 71 72 89 97 103 111 198 204 209 211 212 213 214 216 227 229 237 238 274 288 295 298 304 308 311 313 317 318 319
Dran, J.-C. 224 238
Draper, N.R. 179 183
Drexhage, M.G. 14 23 70 72 94 97 106 112
Drury, T. 135 148 198 212
DSC, and crystallization 82
Duffy, J.A. 14 23
Duke, P.J. 298 304
Dulaney, E.N. 168 171
Dumbgen, G. 137 148
Dunken, H.H. 184 195 196 215 216 234 237 239
Dupree, R. 29 45
Duwez, P. 15 23 44 47
Dyre, J.C. 291 303 304
E Glass composition 6
Eagan, R.J. 19 24
Eastal, A.J. 113 119 120
Ebbsjo, I. 30 45
Ebstrop'ev, K.K. 264 279 287 289
Eckersley, M.C. 26 44
Eckert, C.A. 182 183
Ehrmann, P. 264 287
Einstein equation 269
Eisenberg, A. 39 47
Eisenman, G. 243 244 246 247 249 250 260 282 289
el-Bayoumi, O.H. 55 71
El-Shamy, T.M. 227 229 238
Elastic modulus, and crack propagation 167
Elastic modulus, and molecular diffusion 145
Elastic modulus, and strength 162
Elliott, S.R. 10 11 25 26 29 39 44 45 47 285 290 291 303 304
Ellis, R.C. 14 22
Elmer, T.H. 70 72 191 197 228 238
Endo, H. 15 23
Endo, T. 14 22
Engel, J.R. 270 288
Equchi, K. 70 72
Erdogan, F. 168 171
Ernsberger, F.M. 156 158 159 163 169 170 184 195 200 212 232 239 265 282 287 289
Eschbach, H.L. 140 148
Ethridge, E.C. 222 238
Evans, D.L. 31 45
Ewell, R. 109 112
Eyring, H. 106 109 112
Faile, S.P. 14 23 201 212
Fanderlik, J. 306 317
Faraday, M. 3 11 194 197 314 320
Farman, J. 29 45
Farnum, E.G. 267 288
Farooqui, K. 208 214
Fast ion conductors 283
Faulting 163
Fedlman, C. 15 23
Feller, S. 208 214
Ferguson, C. 122 147
Ferrier, R.P. 15 23
Ferris, K.F. 189 197
Ferry, J.D. 109 100 111 112
Feuston, B.P. 30 45
Fiberglass 9
Fictive temperature 118
Field, J.E. 159 170
Filbert, A.M. 215 237
Fincham, C.J.B. 208 214
Findakly, T. 283 289
Fining 209
Finn, A.N. 22 238
Finney, J.L. 44 47
Finnie, I. 150 169
Fire-polishing 156
Firth, E.M. 210 214
Fitzgerald, J.V. 298 304
Flaws, surface, in fracture 165
Flemning, B.A. 228 238
Fletcher, J.P. 35 46
Fliegel, W. 245 261
Flinn, O.R. 245 261
Flood, E.A 191 197
Florinskaya, V.A. 311 318
Fluoride glasses, crystallization 94
Fluoride glasses, reaction with water 218 237
Fluoride glasses, structure 40
| Fluoride glasses, surfaces 218
Fluoride glasses, viscosity 106
Folman, M. 193 197
Fontana, E.J. 19 23 102 111
Fonteneau, G. 237 239
Forry, K.E. 301 304
Fowler, R.H. 126 147
Fracture 150
Fracture and crack length 160
Fracture, flaw theories 160
Fragile glasses 109 115 120
Frank, F.C. 66 71 159 170
Frank, R.C. 123 147
Frank, S. 10 24
Franz, H. 199 212
Frechette, V.D. 157 169
Free volume 109 126
Freed, R.L. 4 47
Freiman, S.W. 158 169
Frenkel, D. 90 97
Frenkel, J. 127 147
Frerichs, R. 14 22
Friebele, E.J. 308 317
Friedman, G.S. 173 183
Frischat, H. 143 149 189 196 224 238 267 273 276 282 283 288 289
Frohnsdorff, G.J.C. 191 197
Fry, D.L. 126 147
Fuhs, W. 39 47
Fukumi, K. 38 46
Fulcher, G.S. 109 112
Fuller, E.R. 181 183
Fulrath, R.M. 128 147 149
Fused salts, ion exchange with 245
Gaffney, R.F. 142 149 210 214
Gagliardi, G. 189 195
Galeener, F.L. 25 38 44 46
Gan Fuxi 14 23
Garcia, R. 95 98 189 195
Garfunkel, H.M. 245 250 258 261 281 282 289
Garino-Canina, V. 198 212 308 317
Garofalini, S.H. 30 45
Garrels, R.M. 249 261
Gases, reaction with glass 198
Gases, solubility in glass 122
Gaskell, P.H. 26 28 29 31 34 44 45 189 195
Gauthier, F.R. 102 111 164 170
Geddes, S. 194 197
Gee, G. 39 47 106 112
Geotti-Bianchini, F. 189 195
Gerber, T. 34 46
Germanate glasses, infrared absorption 310
Germanate glasses, mechanical loss 300
Germanate glasses, molecular diffusion in 139
Germanate glasses, structure 38
Germanate glasses, viscosity 103
Gerth, K. 55 71
Ghezzo, M. 274 288
Ghose, A.C. 120 144
Gibbs, J.W. 61 71 110 112
Gieskes, J.M. 228 238
Gilard, P. 118 120
Giler, G.H. 90 93 97
Gilman, J.J. 162 165 170 182 183 184 195
Gladden, L.F. 26 45
Glass electrodes 252
Glass-ceramics 74
Glasser, F.P. 52 70
Gobin, P. 300 304
Gold particles, diffusion to 140
Gold particles, optical absorption 314
Goldbeck-Wood, G. 93 97
Goldner, R.B. 317 320
Goldschmiodt, V.M. 30 45
Goldstein, M. 110 112 276 288
Golub, H.R. 48 70 167 171
Golubhov, V.V. 53 70
Gonser, Y. 29 45
Gonzolez-Oliver, C.J.R. 77 96
Gottardi, V. 215 237
Gotz, J. 199 212
Goubeau, J. 36 46 311 318
Gough, E. 264 287 295 304
Graczyk, J.F. 32 46
Graham, W.A.G. 43 47
Granick, S. 109 112
Gravina, S.J. 37 46
Greaves, G.N. 28 29 35 45 285 290
Green, R.L. 202 213 296 304
Greenberg, S.A. 228 238
Greene, C.H. 142 143 149 210 212 214
Greenwood, G.W. 66 72
Greer, A.L. 81 195
Greet, R.J. 19 24
Grest, G.S. 109 112
Griffith, A.A. 3 11 155 169
Grimley, D.J. 25 44 46
Griscom, D.L. 308 317
Groleau, R. 217 237
Grosskopf, K. 189 196
Growth rates of, crystals 19 92
Growth rates of, phases 66
Gruer, R.M. 158 169
Grundy, P.J. 44 47
Guggenheim, E.A. 126 147
Guglielmi, M. 189 196
Gupta, P.K. 70 72
Hackle 158
Hagel, W.C. 137 148 264 287
Hagen, J.T. 159 166 170 171
Hair, M.L. 33 46 54 71 185 187 193 196 197 215 237
Hakim, R.M. 278 288 295 304
Hallbrucker, A. 15 23
Haller, W. 54 68 71 72
Halloran, J.W. 137 148
Halogens, on glass surface 193
Hamann, S.D. 276 288
Hambleton, F.H. 187 193 195 197
Hamilton, E.H. 222 238
Hammel, J.J. 48 63 70 71
Hammetter, W.F. 86 97
Han, C.J. 137 148
Han, W.T. 158 169 181 183
Handwerker, C.A. 82 96
Hanna, R. 311 318
Hansen, J.-P. 120 121
Hansen, K.W. 301 305
Harding, F.L. 211 212 214
Haroon, M.A. 210 214
Harrick, N.J. 201 212
Harrington, R.V. 2 4 11
Hartman, J.S. 35 46
Hartwig, C.M. 129 148
Harvey, K.B. 238
Hass, M. 31 45
Haul, R. 137 148
Hauser, C.A. 232 239
Haven ratio 270
Haymet, A.D. 90 97
Hayward, P.J. 279 289
Heaclley, G.L. 231 239
heat capacity 114
Heaton, L. 39 47
Heckman, R.W. 202 213
Heinmann, J. 270 288
Helfferich, F. 232 239 241 244 260 280 289
Helmreich, D. 222 238
Helms, C.T. 137 148 149
Hench, L.L. 219 222 237 238
Hendrickson, J.R. 285 290
Hennig, H.P. 189 196
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