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Doremus R.H. — Glass Science |
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Mechanical loss, and hydrogen ions 299
Mechanical loss, effect of, composition 300
Mechanical loss, frequency and temperature 298
Mechanical loss, intermediate peak 299
Mechanical loss, measurement 297
Mechanical loss, theories 301
Mecholsky, J.J. 158 169
Mehrotra, Y. 189 196 217 237
Meier Zu Kocker, H. 208 214
Meiling, G.S. 19 24 105 111
Melting 5
Mercer, R.A. 86 97
Merzbacher, C.J. 35 46
Messier, D.R. 213
Metallic glasses 44
Metallic particles, in nucleation of crystals 77
Metallic particles, optical absorption 314
Meyer, H. 39 46
Michal, E.J. 204 213
Micus, G. 19 24
Mieller, E. 189 196
Mikesell, S.L. 9
Mikkelson, J.C. 137 138 148
Milberg 33 34 46 310 318
Miller, A.A. 106 112
Miller, P.D. 232 239
Miller, R.A. 301 305 311 318
Miller, R.P. 86 91
Milnes, G.C. 264 287
Mitchell, S.A. 187 196
Mixed-Alkali effect, in electrical conductivity 279
Mixed-Alkali effect, in mechanical loss 299
Miyaji, F. 38 46
Moak, D. 232 239
Mohr, R.K. 101 111
Mohyddin, J. 298 304
Moiseev, V.V. 245 261
Montez, B. 35 46
Montrose, L.J. 101 111
Moore, D.T. 252 262 316 320
Moore, H. 313 319
Moorjami, K. 15 23
Morain, M. 140 148 202 213
Morelock, C.R. 93 97
Morey, G.W. 2 11 100 111 215 237 263 287
Morgan, A.M. 191 197
Moriya, Y. 53 71
Morngstar, O. 30 45
Morphology, of crystals 88
Morphology, of separated phases 67
Morrow, B.A. 193 197
Mortuza, M.G. 29 45
Mott, N.F. 168 171 314 319
Mould, R.E. 153 183 156 169 174 183
Moulson, A. 198 212
Moulson, J. 135 148 230 239
Moynihan, C.T. 55 71 94 97 113 119 120 121 237 239 302 305
Mozzi, R.L. 28 46 30 36 45
Mukherjee, S.P. 85 87
Muller, J.S. 314 320
Muller, R.L. 285 289
Mulli, R. 252 262
Murahami, T. 224 232 239
Murphy, D. 217 237 240
Murthy, M.K. 310 318
Myhra, S. 189 196
Mysen, B.O. 46
Nakajima, H. 68 72
Nakayama, G.S. 125 147
Nakayama, J. 165 171
Napolitano, A. 54 71 103 111
Narayanaswamy model 119
Narayanaswamy, O.S. 118 120
Nardy-Szabo, J. 162 170
Nath, P. 313 319
Naudin, F. 66 68 72
Navias, L. 296 304
Neely, J.E. 163 170
Neilson, G.F. 68 72 81 96
Nelson, G.G. 42 47
Nemer, L.N. 143 149
Nernst — Einstein equation see "Einstein equation"
Nernst — Planck equations 232
Neumann, K. 19 24
Newhouse, M.A. 316 320
Ngai, K.L. 116 120 298 303 304 305
Nicolsky, B.P. 246 250 261
Niekerk, M. 246 261
Niklasson, G.A. 303 305
Nitrogen, reaction with glass 207
Nofz, M. 29 34 45 46
Nordberg, M.E. 48 70 191 197 228 238
North, P. 204 213
Norton, F.J. 125 137 138 139 147 148 203 213
Notz, N. 256 261
Nowich, A.S. 15 23 44 47
Nuclear magnetic resonance 35 38 41
Nucleating agents, impurity particles 77
Nucleating agents, in crystallization 85
Nucleating agents, in phase separation 55
Nucleating agents, mechanisms 86
Nucleating agents, metal particles 77
Nucleating agents, oxides 86
Nucleation in glass formation 17
Nucleation in glass formation in crystallization 75
Nucleation in glass formation in crystallization by phase separation 86
Nucleation in glass formation in crystallization, mechanisms 77
Nucleation in glass formation in phase separation 60
Nucleation in glass formation, measurements 64 78
Nucleation in glass formation, theory 57 75
Nucleation in glass formation, transient 62
O'Connor, T.L. 228 238
O'Keefe, J.G. 29 37 46 49
O'Reilly, E.P. 309 318
Oakley, D.R. 300 304
Obukhov-Denisov, V.V. 310 318
Oel, H.J. 143 149 158 169 264 287
Ohlberg, S.M. 33 46 48 70 167 171
Ohta, H. 229 239
optical spectra 186 307
Ordway, F. 31 45
Organic liquids 20 44
Organic liquids, viscosity 108
Organic polymers 42
Organic polymers, crystallization of 93
Osteryoung, J.G. 271 288
Osteryoung, R.A. 270 288
Otto, W.H. 156 169
Owen, A.E. 263 264 274 287 288 291 295 303 304
Owen, G.D.T. 39 47
Oxidation state, in fining 211
Oxidation state, of glass 203
Oxidation state, of ions 202
Oxtoby, D.W. 90 97
Oxycarbide glass 41
Oxygen, diffusion 135 137
Oxygen, reaction with, glass 137 202
Oxygen, reaction with, glass surface 193
Paccagnella, A. 224 238
Padden, F.J. 89 97
Page, N.C. 316 320
Palik, E.D. 306 317
Panhorst, W. 87 97
Papanikolau, E. 286 290
Park, M.J. 29 37 45 47
Parke, S. 313 319
Parker, J.M. 26 44
Parkiale, V.E. 29 45
Parks, G.A. 103 111
Parks, G.S. 115 120
| Parrinello, M. 30 45
Parsons, J.L. 167 171 310 318
Parsons, J.M. 33 46
Pask, J.A. 19 24
Patano, C.G. 189 196
Paul, A. 204 205 213 229 235 239 313 319
Pavelchek, E.K. 153 155 169 170 173 180 183
Pearce, M.L. 208 213 214
Pechenkina, R.S. 311 318
Pederson, L.R. 189 197
Peglar, R.J. 193 197
Perera, G. 216 218 228 237 238
Peri, J.B. 192 197
Perkins, W.G. 123 147
Permeation of gases in glass, effect of, composition 139
Permeation of gases in glass, effect of, measurement 130
Petch, N.J. 168 171
Peter, K.W. 159 163 170
Peters, C.R. 33 34 46
Peterson, G.L. 37 46
Pethica, B.A. 187 196
Petit, J.-C. 224 238
Pettifer, R.F. 29 45
Phase diagrams 50
Phase rule 202
Phase separation 48
Phase separation, free energy 57
Phase separation, nucleation of 60
Phase separation, relation to valence 52
Phase separation, theories 56 67
Philipp, H.R. 307 308 318 319
Phillips, J.C. 31 45
Phosphate glasses, electrical conduction in 265
Phosphate glasses, mechanical loss 301
Phosphate glasses, structure 37
Phosphate glasses, ultra-violet absorption 310
Phosphate glasses, viscosity 103
Pietroneco, L. 265 288
Pike, R.G. 194 197
Pincus, A.G. 58 71
Plastic deformation 163
Platts, D.R. 212 214
Plazek, D.J. 19 24
Plesset, M.S. 232 239 280 289
Plodinec, M.J. 235 239
Plumat, E. 55 71
Plummer, W.A. 19 23 102 111
Polishing 194
Polk, D.E. 44 47
Poncon, V. 29 45
Porai-Koshits, E.A. 31 45 48 53 70
Portier, J. 14 23
Poszner, T. 252 262 316 320
Potential of glass electrode, and adsorption 260
Potential of glass electrode, and ion, exchange equilibrium 252
Potential of glass electrode, measurement 253 256
Potential of glass electrode, theories 254
Poulain, M. 22 24 84 96
Powell, R.E. 106 112
Pozza, F. 34 46
Pradel, A. 285 290
Preston, E. 208 213
Prince, D.L. 25 44
Prins, J.A. 2 11
Priqueler, M. 198 212
Processing 5
Prochazka, S. 41 47
Proctor, B.A. 150 156 169 175 183
Proctor, J.P. 311 318
Purdy, G.R. 85 96
Pyrex glass see "Borosilicates"
Pyrex glass, composition 6
Radioactive waste disposal 224 236
Rajaram, M. 213
Ramana, M.V. 315 319
Ramasubramanin, N. 190 197
Ramaswamy, R.V. 283 289
Ramsay, M.W. 282 289 307 317
Rana, M.A. 217 237
Randall, J.R. 202 213
Random network 24
Raoux, D. 28 45
Rare earth ions 315
Rasheed, F. 315 319
Rauch, F. 189 196
Ravaine, D. 285 289
Rawson, H. 14 22 58 71
Ray, C.S. 83 96
Reaction layers 231 235
Reau, J.-M. 14 23
Rechnitz, G.A. 256 261
Refractive index 6 306
Regular solution model 54
Regular solution model and ion exchange selectivity 249
Reilly, M.G. 309 318
Rekhson, S.M. 101 111 119 120 121
Relaxation 116
Renlund, G.M. 41 42 43 47
Reugh, J.D. 115 120
Reyes, J.M. 296 304
Rice, R.W. 158 169
Richardson 208 214
Richet, P. 19 23
Richter, H. 168 171
Richter, T. 189 196 244 238
Richter-Mendou, J. 189 196
Rigo, S. 137 148 149
Rindone, G.E. 77 96 300 304
Rino, J.P. 30 45
Risbud, S.H. 35 42 46 47
Ritter, J.E. 176 177 183
Riviere, J.C. 189 196
Robbins, C.R. 51 70
Roberts, G.J. 135 148 198 212
Roberts, J.P. 135 148 198 199 212 230 239
Robinson, M. 94 97
Robinson, P.L. 14 23
Rochet, R. 137 148 149
Roesler, F.C. 159 169
Rogers, P.S. 85 96 97
Rogers, W.A. 126 131 147
Rogogine, J.V. 229 238
Rotger, H. 298 304
Roth, L.M. 309 318
Rothman, S.J. 276 288
Rothmund, V. 244 250 260
Rowell, M.H. 245 261
Roy, D.M. 14 23 201 212
Roy, R. 22 24 52 70
Ruckenstein, E. 18 24
Rudow, H. 210 214
Ruffa, A.E. 309 318
Russel, C. 270 288
Rutherford backscattering 218
Ryder, R.J. 8 212 214 300 305
Sadler, D.M. 93 97
Sager, M. 296 304
Sakaguchi, F. 40 47
Sakaino, T. 53 71
Sakka, S. 10 11 38 46 162 170
Saloma, R. 82 96
Salomau, R. 17 24
Salsbury, R.L. 150 169
Sandhage, K.H. 8 11
Sano, N. 208 213
Sarjeant, P.T. 22 24
Sarkar, A. 53 71
Sato, T. 14 22
Sawai, I. 85 96
Sayre, E.J. 14 23
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