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Monk J.D., Bonnet R. — Handbook Of Boolean Algebras Vol.3 |
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942 955
891 906
906 928
891 904
viii x 1257ff
-atom 1078
-like dense linear ordering 1077
-atomless 1026
-weakly atomless 1026
-atomic BA 1105
-splitting 1004
-superatomic BA 1105
-tree 798
-system 732 1213 1215 1277ff
957 959 963 967 969 972
941 957 959 961 967 969 972
-minimal 1204
-dense set of reals 1220
-extension 763
-Parovichenko space xv 1239 1257ff
-limit 1250
x 956ff 1237
-complete 1103
-bounded chain condition 942 955f
-complete BA 888 934 940ff 953f 1237
-complete homomorphism 896 899 901 939
-finite measure algebra 891f
-finite measure space 881
-complete 1103
907ff 911f 917 921 923 956 969
1-recursive model 1131
1-recursive w.r.t. R 1132
5-valued model for a language 1199
5-valued reals 1208
5-valued universe 1203
a.e. 881
Abbott, J. 1269
Abelian variety 1050
Abian, A. 1299
Abraham, U. 1269 1292f
Adamek, J. 840 875 1269 1284
Additive functional on a BA 902ff 908 942
Additivity of a family of sets 957 972
Adelfio, S. 1300 1307
Adler, A. 1269
Akmalov, N. 1340
Aleksjuk, V. 1317
Alexandroff, P. 1332 1338
Alexandroff’s theorem 1257
Algebra of Lebesgue measurable sets 935ff
Algebra-ideal pair 764
Algebras of isomorphism types 809
Alieva, N. 1317 1319
Allen, P. 1300f
Almost continuous 887 897
Almost disjoint sets xv 721 1029 1213 1215 1221
Alton, D. 1118 1162 1327f
Amadio, W. 1317
Amalgamation of structures 1046
Amer, ML 1311
Amit, R. 1311 1316
Analytic hierarchy 1102
Anderson, I. 951 976
Anderson, R.D. 1269
Andreoli, G. 1300
Antonovskii, ML 1317 1340ff
Antosik, P. 1317 1326
Approximating family 988
Approximation 990
Araki, H. 1309f
Ardanuy Albajar, R. 1300
Argyros, S. 942 976 1270 1297 1317f 1321
Arhangel’skii, A. 1270 1332 1338
Arhangel’skii’s theorem 1266
Arith. BA 1103
Arith. LO 1103
Arithmetic BAs 1097 1100 1103
Arithmetic subalgebra 1104
Arithmetical hierarchy 1102
Arithmetical linear ordering 1103
Arithmetical relation 1102
Arithmetical variety 1037
Armstrong, T. 1270 1318 1325
Arnold, B. 1300
Ash — Nerode type theorems 1133
Ash, C. 1126 1131f 1162
Atalla, R. 1332
Atherton, C. 1341
atom 1237
Atomic BA 846 918 1099 1106 1111
Atomless BA 918 1106
Atomless measure algebra 910 918
Atomlessly measurable cardinals 877 973ff
Aubert, K.E. 1300
Aumann, G. 1270 1300 1318
Automorphism groups 717
Automorphism groups of measure algebras 879 919 928
Autostable 1140
Axis 993
Ayupov, S. 1341
Azimov, D. 1340f
Baayen, P. 1270 1289
Bacsich, P. 1270 1300 1311
Bade, W. 1309
Baire -algebra 886 899ff 936 940
Baire (X) 1243
Baire category theorem 1237
Baire property 1243
Baker, J. 1270
Balbes, R. 1270
Balcar — Fran k theorem 957
Balcar, B. 1235 1267 1270 1278 1294 1295 1298 1329 1331f 1334 1337 1339
Balcerzyk, S. 1271
Balchandran, V. 1301
Banach algebra 905
Banach space 891 904
Banach — Ulam problem 973
Banach, S. 973 1301 1305 1318
Banaschewski, B. 1301
Bandlov, I. 1271
Bandt, C. 1318
Bankston, B. 1271
Bartoszynski, T. 963 973 976
Barwise, J. 985 990 1065 1076 1095 1172 1193
Base of a space 1242
Bashkirov, A. 1332
Basic lemma on submodels 837
Basically disconnected space 1237
Basile, A. 1311 1341
Baudisch, A. 985 990 1021 1029 1034 1065 1311 1316
Bauer, H. 1301
Baumgartner, J. 724 731 733 736f 739 1271 1284 1293 1329ff
Beazer, R. 1301 1341
Bekkali, ML 1271 1292
Bel, C. 1301
Bell, E.T. 1301
Bell, J. 1193 1271 1309 1310f 1316 1329
Bell, M. 1271 1332
Bemardi, C. 1271
Bemau, S. 1301
Benado, M. 1301
Benda, M. 1311
Benderskii, O. 1318
Bendixson, I. 782 875 1301
Bennet, C. 1311
Benos, A. 1271
Benthem van, J. 1311
| Berberian, S. 881f 903 976
Bergman, G. 1271
Berline, C. 1271
Berman, P. 1311
Beznosikov, F. 1271 1318 1341
Bhaskara Rao, K. 1271 1318
Bhaskara Rao, M. 1271 1318
Bi-pseudo-complement of a subalgebra 1152
Bienko, W. 1271
Binary splitting 988
Biregular ring 1041
Birkhoff, G. 1035 1271 1301
Bischof, A. 1318
Biswas, A. 1318 1325
Blass, A. 1311
Blaszczyk, A. 1272 1332
Bockstein separation property 748
Bockstein, M. 748? 772
Boes, A. 1318
Boffa, M. 1311
Boltjanskii, V. 1272 1340 1341
Bondarev, A. 1272
Bong, U. 1301
Bonnet, R. 1074 1095 1218 1233 1271f 1293
Boole, G. 1301
Boolean hierarchy 805
Boolean pair 983 1055
Boolean power 1079 1201 1208
Boolean product 1035
Boolean space 1248
Boolean truth value 1035
Boolean valued models 981 1197 1199
Booth, D. 1272 1329
Borel set 1241 1243
Bossche van den, G. 1301 1307
Both, N. 1318
Bourbaki, N. 884ff 903 976
Bowran, A. 1301
Brackin, E. 1300f
Brainerd, B. 1301 1306
Branch of a tree 1226
Braunss, G. 1301 1309
Brehm, U. 789 875
Brenner, G. 1272 1288
Brink, C. 1301
Brockway, M. 1302
Brook, C. 1318
Brouwer, L.E.J. 780 875
Broverman, S. 1272 1298 1333 1334
Brown, F. 1311 1315
Bruns, G. 1301f 1308
Buchi, J. 1302
Buerger, H. 1302f 1307
Bukovsky, L. 1272 1329
Bulatovic, J. 1319
Bunyatov, M. 1273 1283 1302f 1310 1317 1319
Burke, M. 880
Burosch, G. 1273 1275 1280
Burris, S. 1034f 1038 1050 1052 1065 1070 1079 1088 1090 1093 1095 1154 1156f 1273 1311 1314 1316
Buszkowski, W. 1273
Butson, A. 1302
CA 956ff
Camion, P. 1273
Canadian tree 734
Canonical index 1102
Cantor discontinuum 780
Cantor space 750 779 1244 1262
Cantor — Bemstein 1167
Cantor — Bendixson height 723
Cantor — Bendixson invariants, ix 781
Cantor — Bendixson rank 1179
Cantor — Bendixson width 723
Cantor — Bernstein type theorem 1169
Cantor, G. 779 782 875
Cantor’s theorem 1105
Caratheodory, C. 879 881 977 1178 1302 1319
Cardinal arithmetic 1213 1215£F
Cardinal function 722 877 879 956 973 1239 1265ff
Cardinal sequence of a BA 717
Cardinality quantifiers 983 987 1021
Cardoso, J. 1273
Carlson, T. 935 977 1319
Carpintero Organero, P. 1273 1302
Carrega, J. 1273
Carroll, J. 1151 1154 1162 1311 1327
Carson, A. 1273
Carvallo, ML 1302
Cech — Pospiisil theorem 1265
Cech, E. 1265
Cellularity of a BA 892 922 956 959 969
ch 725 737 934 981 1074f 1220 1225f
Cha, H.K. 1302
Chajda, I. 1273 1302
Chang, C.C. 985 1065 1162 1273 1302 1311 1313
Character of a homogeneous point 861
Character of a point 749 1237 1265
Characteristics for 991
Charretton, C. 1273 1290
Chawla, L. 1273
Chertanov, G. 1333
Chigogidze, A. 1274
Chilin, V. 1302 1312 1319 1325 1341f
Choksi, J. 879f 887 901 927 940 977 1319f 1326
Choksi’s theorem 940
Chong — Keang, L. 1302 1305
Chrastina, J. 1274
Christensen, D. 1274
Christensen, J. 977 978 1274 1319 1321
Chromik, W. 1274 1280
Chudnovskil, D. 1319
Cichon, J. 965 977 1273f 1290 1319 1329 1331
Cihak, P. 1319
Clay, R. 1302
Climescu, A. 1319
Clopen sets 1241f
Closed martingale theorem 882 932
Closed set 1237
Closed set of ordinals 1222
Closed subset of 1076
Closed unbounded set 1222
Closure of 833
Closure of a set 1242
Coabsolute spaces 1255
Cofinality of a family of sets 957 961 963 966 971
Cohen real 735 935
Cohen, H. 1333
Cohen, R. 1319
Collection property 794
Coloring 997
Comer, S. 1050 1065 1274
Comfort, W.W. 942 955 977 1258 1266 1274 1281 1333 1337
Compact space 1247
Complement of a subalgebra 1152
Complete BA 879 888 941 943 956 981 1237
Complete homomorphism 896 899 907 912 921 923 937 939
Complete measure space 881 883 930 936 937
Complete partial algebra 1048
Complete subalgebra 899 915 917 922 924 926 958
Completely regular space 1245
Completion of a measure space 881
Completion regular Radon measure space 886f 896 940
Condition 995
Conditional expectation 882 907
Congruence relation on a QO system 855
Congruence relation on a relational structure 1069
Congruence-distributive 1037
Congruence-permutable 1037
Connected space 1248
Constant section 1045
Constantinos, G. 1320
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