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Monk J.D., Bonnet R. — Handbook Of Boolean Algebras Vol.3 |
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Constructive 1103
Constructive ordinal 1113
Contessa, M. 1274
Continuity lemma 1172
Continuous chain of BAs 751
Continuous map 1245
Continuum Hypothesis 934 (see also “CH”)
Control Measure Problem 880 954 956
Conway, J. 1077
Copeland, A. 1302
Coproducts 840ff
Cossack, D. 791
Costovici, Gh. 1274
Coulon, J.-L. 1302
Countable BA 717 775ff
Countable linear orders 983
Countable separation property 1237 1262
Countably additive functional 881
Countably completely generated BA 956 959
Countably homogeneous model 1119
Countably prime model 1119
Countably saturated model 1119
Cowen, R. 1312
Cozero set 1248
Cramer, T. 1274
Craven, T. 1274
Crociani, C. 1274 1288
Cub(M) 1076
Cunkle, C. 1302 1308
Cusin, R. 1312
Cut space theorem 1184
Cut spaces, xiv 1167 1184
Cuxart, A. 1302
Czelakowski, J. 1312
D(A) 956ff 967 969 973
Dai, ML 1333
Daigneault, A. 1303
Dashiell, F. 1274
Dassow, J. 1273 1275
Davies, R.O. 904
Dawson, J. 1303 1306
Day, G. 726f 739 1275
de Groot, J. 1279 1286f 1335
De Jonge, E. 1282
Dec. BA 1103
Dec. LO 1103
Decidability of 1063
Decidability of 1001
Decidability of 1034
Decidability of 1050
Decidability of 1021
Decidability of 1001
Decidability of 1021
Decidability of 1010
Decidability of 1009
Decidability of monadic theory of 998
Decidability of monadic theory of 997
Decidability of monadic theory of countable orders 1000
Decidability of monadic theory of finite linear orders 997
Decidability of Th(BA(G)), G a finite group 1050
Decidable BA 1100 1103 1111
Decidable extensions of the theory of BAs 981 983 985
Decidable linear ordering 1103
Decidable model 1131
Dekker, J. 1145 1155 1163 1327
Delgado, V 1303
Deller, H. 1303
Demidovich, E. 1320 1326
Demopoulos, W. 1275
Denis — Papin, M. 1303 1305f
Dense -tree 798
Dense (for a subset of a BA) 956
Dense set in a space 1237 1243
Dense set of models 986
Depth 804
Derivative 781
Derivative of 797
Derived monoid 794
Devlin, K. 739 1329
Diaconescu, R. 1275
Diagram 858 1179
Diamond sequence 1225
Dickerson, C. 1303 1307
Diestel, J. 1275 1297
Dieudonne, J. 1310
Diintsch, I., vi 1276
Dikanova, Z. 1275 1333 1340
Dimov, G. 1303
DiPrisco, C. 1275 1286
Discrete topology 1241
Discriminator term 1040
Discriminator variety 1042 1050
Disjoint refinement property 1046
Disjoint union 1175
Dissanayake, U. 1333 1340
Distinguished automorphism group 983 1050
Distinguished group of automorphisms 1067 1079
Distinguished ideal 1067 1081
Distributive laws 956
Divergent function 1224
Dixmier, J. 977
Dobbertin, H. 717 777 813 815 844 847 875 1187 1193 1275
Dobbertin’s theorem 814 844 858
Doctor, H. 1303
Dolgushev, A. 1320
Domain of a subset of 833
Doob’s martingale theorem 883
Dorfman, I. 1320
Dorninger, D. 1302f
Dow, A. 1260 1267 1276 1287 1333
Downey, R. 1157f 1163
Downward Loewenheim — Skolem theorem 990 1002 1008f
Dowson, H. 1310
Drake, F. 977
Dranishnikov, A. 1333
Drazkovicova, H. 1276 1283f
Drobutun, B. 1163
Duality 1167 1172ff
Duality functors * 1172
Duality theorem 1172
Dubins, L. 1320
Dugundji spaces 743
Dulatova, S. 1081 1095 1312
Dunford, N. 881f 903 950 977 1303
Dwinger, Ph. 1276 1303
Dyadic space 743
Dyadic tree 798
Dye, H. 927 977
Dye’s theorem 927 928
Dzgoev, V. 1131 1151 1163
Dzhabrailova, R. 1302 1303
E-approximating 988
EC subclass 1170
Eda, K. 1276
Efimov, B. 743 750 761f 772 1276 1284 1297 1333f
Egea, M. 1277
Ehrenfeucht games 993
Ehrenfeucht, A. 988f 993 1065
Ehsakia, L. 1277
Eifrig, B. 1320
Eigen, S. 927 977 1319 1320
Elementary class 1170
Elementary equivalence lemma 1172
Elementary isomorphism 1172
Elementary map 1171
Elimination of quantifiers 1111
Ellentuck, E. 1277
Embedding 1237
Embedding lemma 1245
Embedding of sheaves 1045
| Emde Boas van, P. 1303 1306 1327
Endsley, N. 1341
Engelking, R. 743 747 748 750 768 773 1277 1284 1320 1334 1336
Enomoto, S. 1303
Equalizer topology 1042
Equivalent elementary maps 1172
Erdoes, P. 904 977 1227 1230 1277 1329
Ergodic automorphism 928
Ershov — Tarski invariants 1054
Ershov, Y. 1054 1065 1069 1090 1095 1163 1312
Esenin — Volpin, A. 762 773 1334
Essential element 846
Esteva, F. 1303
Evans, E. 1303
Exhaustive submeasure 943 946 954
Existence of projective extensions 764
Existence of uniform Boolean spaces 789
expansion 833
Extensional model 1204
Extremally disconnected space 1237 1239 1253
F-space 1237 1239 1261
Factor measures 1167
Factor of a BA 1187
Fadini, A. 1303
Faires, B. 1277
Faure, R. 1303 1305
Faust, D. 1193 1312
Fedorchuk, V. 1334
Feferman — Vaught sequence 1056
Feferman, S. 990 993 1065 1193
Feiner hierarchy 1134
Feiner, L. 791 1100 1118 1126 1134 1136 1139f 1163 1327
Feiste, U. 1320
Feng, Q. 1277
Ferretta, T. 1277
Fichtenholz, G. 1221
Figura, A. 1329
Filter in a BA viii 1237
Finch, P. 1277
Finitary BA 864
Finite injury priority 1099 1126
Finite language 1177
Finite monadic languages xiv 1167 1185ff
Finite-atomic BA 1120
Finitely additive measure 879
First category 1243
First splitting lemma 1005
Fischer — Servi, G. 1303
Flachsmeyer, J. 1277 1303 1310 1334 1341
Flegg, H. 1303
Fleissner, W. 976 977 1277
Floyd, E. 1341
Fodor’s theorem 1223
Foguel, S. 1310
Forcing 1215
Foreman, M. 1277
Formally r.e. relation 1131
Fort, jr., ML 1304
Fortet, R. 1304
Foster, A. 1304
Fr 750
Fragments 801
Fraisse, R. 989 1065
Franek,„F. 1270 1277 1312 1329
Frankiewicz, R. 1270 1277 1299 1329 1332 1334
Fraser, G. 1277 1278
Frechet sequence of ideals 1105
Free BA 757
Free products of BAs 747 902 923 941
Free products of measure algebras 902
Fremlin, D.H. 717 877 879 881f 884ff 891f 894 901 903f 906 930 933 939 942 955 965 977 980 1278 1320
Freniche, F. 1278
Fric, R. 1324
Friedberg, R. 1155 1163
Frig, R. 1320
Frink, O. 1304
Frolik, Z. 1262 1278 1334
Fubini’s Theorem 886
Ful 5 — valued model 1201
Full subgroup of automorphism group 927
Funayama, N. 1304
Functional analysis 743 1269
Functional language 1177
Gaifman, H. 955 978 1172 1194 1278 1320
Gaina, S. 1341
Galvin, F. 737 1278
Games 989
Gapaillard, J. 1320
Gardiner, G. 1312
Gates, C. 1334
Gavalec, ML 1272 1278
GCH 972 1027
Generalized Baire space 1244
Generalized products 1022
Georgescu, G. 1304 1309
Gerlits, J. 1334
Gillman, L. 1262 1267 1278 1282
Ginsburg, J. 1271 1278 1333 1334
Ginsburg, S. 1278 1281 1330
Gitik, M. 1330
Glasenapp, J. 1279
Glazek, K. 1279
Gleason spaces 1239
Gleason theorem 1255
Gleason, A. 1335
Goernemann, S. 749 773 1279
Goetz, A. 1304
Goldshtein, M. 1320
Goltz, H. — J. 1279 1298 1312
Goncharov, S. 1100 1116 1118 1126 1131 1134 1136 1145ff 1151 1163 1327
Gonshor, H. 1279 1320
Goodstein, R. 1304
Gordon, E. 1330
Grabner, G. 1335
Graded almost disjoint 733
Graetzer, G. 1279 1283 1285f
Graf, S. 939 978 1279 1304 1320 1323
Graves, W. 1310 1320
Greatest point 1180
Greco, G. 1321 1324
Gregory, J. 1279
Grillet, P. 1194
Grossberg, R. 1279
Group 927
Grzegorek, E. 1321
Gubbi, A. 1276 1279
Guichard, D. 1159 1161ff 1279
Gumm, H. 1304 1307
Gus, W. 1279
Gutek, A. 1278 1280 1335
Haase, H. 1321
Hadziev, D. 1280 1341f
Haertig quantifier 1067 1072
Hager, A. 1274 1280
Hagler, J. 1280
Hahn decomposition 881
Hahn — Banach theorem 950
Hailperin, T. v 1304
Haimo, F. 1280 1304
Hajek, O. 1304
Hajek, P. 1280 1298
Hajian, A. 927 978
Hajnal, A. 1277 1231 1278 1280 1329 1330 1335
Hajnal’s free set theorem, xv 1213 1215 1231
Hales, A. 1280
Halikulov, I. 1321f
Halkowska, K. 1274 1280
Hall, P. 951 978
Hall’s marriage theorem 951
Halmos, P.R. 743 745 747 749f 773 816 875 881f 887 903 978 1280 1304 1321
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