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Monk J.D., Bonnet R. — Handbook Of Boolean Algebras Vol.3 |
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Recursive BA 981 1097 1099 1100 1103 1269
Recursive equivalence type 1145
Recursive isomorphisms of recursive BAs 1097
Recursive linear ordering 1103
Recursive model 1131
Recursive ordinal 1112
Recursive subalgebra 1104
Recursive system of notation 1113
Recursively categorical, llOOf 1140
Recursively enumerable BA 1103
Recursively enumerable linear ordering 1103
Recursively equivalent 1145
Recursively isomorphic 1099
Recursively isomorphic theories 1191
Recursively Noetherian 1130
Recursively related system of notation 1113
Reduced representation 852
Reduced sum of ranks 1181
refinement 730 794
Refinement monoid 811 1187
Refinement property 794 811
Reflexive rank 1179
Regressive function 1223
Regular embedding 1237
Regular open set 1241f
Regular space 1245
Regular subalgebra 958
Reichbach, ML 791 876 1291 1338
Reiter, H. 1188
Rema, P. 1342
Remmel, J.B. 981 1097 1100 1105f 1108 1126 1129 1134 1136 1139f 1145ff 1164 1291 1327f
Renyi, A. 1325
Repeats in 1176
Repetitive 1176
Representation sequence 728
Residually small discriminator varieties, xiii 983 985 1034
Residually small variety 1047
Ressayre, J. — P. 1313 1315
RET 1145
retract 745
Retracts of free BAs 743
Reznikoff, I. 1291
Rice, H. 1160 1165
Rice, N. 1308
Richter, M. 1283 1291 1325
Riechan, B. 1325
Rieger, L. 1291
Right separated space 725
Rigid BA 769
Ristea, T. 1315
Rivkind, Y. 1325
RO(X) 1242ff
Robert, F. 1291
Roberts, J. 949 953 954
Robinson, R.M. 1096 1165 1170 1194
Robinson’s nonperiodic tilings 1170
Rogers, H. 1100 1102 1112f 1134 1165
Roitman, J. 717 719 733ff 737 740 1285 1291
Rokhlin, V. 928 979
Root of a tree 1226
Rosenstein, J. 1291
Rotkovich, G. 1291
Rotman, B. 1291
Rousseau, G. 1315
Royden, H. 979 1178 1194
Rubin, J. 1308
Rubin, M. 888 927 1055 1096 1156 1159 1162 1165 1269 1271 1275 1285 1291ff
Rubstein, B. 1341f
Rudeanu, S. 1302 1308 1311 1315
Rudin, M.E. 725 740 1335 1338
Rudin, W. 1292
Rueff, M. 1305 1308
Rum, J. 988 1003 1065 1179 1194
Ruzsa, I. 1315
Ryll — Nardzewski, C. 1292 1314f
S spaces 725
S. — B. property 810
Sabalski, B. 1342
Sabbagh, G. 1316
Sachs, D. 1161 1165 1292
Sack, I. 1308
Saidallev, Z. 1342
Samboan, G. 1325
Sampathkumarachar, E. 1292
Sanerib, R. 1292
Sanin, N. 1292
Sankappanavar, H. 1034f 1038 1065 1070 1093 1095 1154 1162 1311 1316
Sapounakis, A. 1325
Sarymsakov, H. 1325
Sarymsakov, T. 1319 1321 1325 1340ff
SAT 4) 956ff
Satisfies 1200
Savel’ev, L. 1292 1324f 1342
Scattered space 722 782 1237
Schachermayer, W. 1292
Schein, B. 1281 1292
Schlechta, K. 1269
Schlipf, J. 1172 1193
Schmid, J. 1292
Schmidt, J. 1302 1308
Schnare, P. 1335
Schroeder — Bernstein property 810 815 845
Schroeder, E. 1292 1308
Schwartz, J.T. 881ff 903 950 977 980
Scognamiglio, G. 1292
Scott sentences 994
Scott, D. 980 1292 1308 1313
Second order theory of BAs 1071
Second splitting lemma 1005
Second-order logic 985 1067
Seese, D. 1065 1078 1096 1311 1316
Seever, G. 1325
Self-supporting set 884 895 937
Selmer, E. 1288 1292
Semadeni, Z. 1325
Semantic embedding 1069
Semenova, V. 1342
Semi-finite measure algebra 891 892 907 940 970
Semi-finite measure space 881
Semi-open mapping 1237
Semiring of types 111
Semisimple algebra 1088
Sentations 1097
Sentence algebra 1167ff 1170
Sentilles, C. 1320
Sentilles, D. 1310 1325
Separable measure algebra 959
Separated rank 1179
Separates points and closed sets 1245
Separation axioms 1239 1245ff
Sequence attached to 759
Sequence quantifier 983 987
Servi, M. 1308
Shapiro, L. 1292 1338
Shapirovskii, B. 1292
Shchepin, E. 717 743f 755ff 763 766 773 1339
Sheaf 1035ff
Shelah, S. 736ff 935 980 993 1066 1217 1233 1269ff 1292f 1311 1316 1326 1329 1339
Sherman, S. 1326
Shi, N. 1329
Shipovskii, A. 1326
Shirohov, M. 1293
Shoenfield’s absoluteness theorem 955
Shortt, R. 1293
Shrejder, Yu. 1326
Shum-ish, N. 1293
Shvarts, T. 1308
Si — Kaddour, H. 1272 1293
Sierpinski, W. 721 740 784 789 875 1074 1096 1218 1221 1233 1306 1308 1331
Sifakis, J. 1308
| Sik, F. 1308
Sikorski, R. 980 1293 1308 1315f 1323 1326f 1339
Sikorski’s extension criterion 765
Simha, R. 1319 1326
Simon, P. 727f 730 740 1235 1267 1270 1294 1329 1331f 1339
Simons, R. 1169 1185 1192 1195 1316
Simple ideal 1157
Simple QO system 855 860
Simple r.e. set 1153
Simple subalgebra 1154
Simply semantically embedded 1069
Skeleton 743 752
Slepuhin, I. 1294
Slomson, A. 1193 1311 1316
Smith, E. 1294
Snigirev, I. 1316
Soare, R. 1140 1151 1165
Sobolska, L. 1294
Sokolnicki, K. 1289 1294
Sokolowski, K. 1294
Solovay, R.M. 974 976 980 1224 1286 1288 1294ff
Soundararajan, T. 1337 1339
Souslin algebra 956
Souslin tree 1226
Space of countable ordinals 780
Spacek, A. 1316
Sparse refinement 730
Special elements of a monoid 827
Special extension 828
Special monoid 827
Special normal representation sequences 728
Specker, E. 1295
Spector, C. 1113
Spectrum of an algebra 1042
Split 730
Split pre-sBA 730
Splitting 988 990f
Splitting of a space 1003
Splitting property 794
Stable measure 800
Stabler, E.R. 1308
Standard product measure algebra 908 973
Standard representation 759
Standard sequence for a projective BA 743
Staples, J. 1295
Stationary logic 1067 1076
Stationary set 1215 1222fF
Stavi, J. 1295 1316
Stefani, S. 1308
Stepanek, P. 927 1270 1292 1295 1331
Steprans, J. 1295
Stern, J. 963 979
Stone duality 1241
Stone, A.H. 936 1286 1295
Stone, M.H., v 935 1289 1295 1303 1308 1339
Stone’s theorem 1172
Stralka, A. 1339
Strict hierarchy property 817
Strictly incomparable ranks 1179
Strictly increasing ranks 1179
Strictly positive functional 942
Strictly positive submeasure 943ff
Stromberg, K. 881f 903 978
Strong lifting 937
Strongly constructive 1103
Strongly independent 1221
Structure diagrams 1169
Structured by a diagram 858
Sturm, T. 1295
Subdirect product 1035
Subdirectly irreducible 1035
Submeasure 942
Submeasure on a BA 942ff
Submodel of a monoid 832
Subsheaf 1045
subspace 1241
Successor type 1027
Sudkamp, T. 1295
Super-recursive -atomic BA 1114
Superatomic 1118
Superatomic BA 717 719ff 782 1099f 1118 1237
Support of 819
Surma, S. 1308 1316
Swamy, B. 1287 1295
Swartz, C. 1317 1326
Switching term 1041
System of notation for ordinals 1112
Szabo, M. 1308
Szentmiklossy, Z. 725 731ff 1336 1339
Szmielew, W. 1169 1195
Szymariski, A. 1271 1276 1295 1336 1339f
t-equivalent 988
Taiclin, M.A. 1095 1163
Taimanov, A.D. 1095 1163
Takahashi, J. 1331
Takamatsu, T. 1295 1308
Takano, M. 1316
Takeuchi, K. 1295
Takeuti, G. 1210 1296 1310
Talagrand, M. 880 934 980 1244 1326
Talamo, R. 1296 1339
Tall, F. 1284 1296 1333 1339
Tanaka, H. 1114
Tarashchenskij, ML 1320 1326
Tarski, A. 721 723 740 810 876 978 980 1054 1069 1096 1111 1169f 1183 1187 1195 1221 1277 1281ff 1288 1294 1296 1308 1316 1321 1326
Tarski’s cube problem 815
Taylor, A. 1329 1331
Telgarski, R. 727 840 842 876 1292 1296 1340
Tennenbaum, S. 1295f
Terziler, M. 1308
Theodorescu, R. 1325f
Theory 1170
Theory of a binary relation 1170
Theory of a unary function 1169
Theory of algebraically-closed fields 1169
Theory of BAs 1169
Theory of equivalence relations 1169
Theory of linear orders 1169
Theory of real-closed fields 1169
Thin sBA 733
Thin thick BAs 719
Thin very tall sBA 733
Thin-tall BA 717 719 725ff
Third splitting lemma 1006
Tietze’s theorem 1247
Tightness of a point 1265
Tions 1097
Tiuryn, J. 1296
Tiwary, A. 1309
Tkachenko, M. 1340
Tkachuk, V. 1296 1340
Todorcevic, S. 740 880 942 980 1296 1331 1340
Toffalori, C. 1316
Tomita, M. 1309
Topological BAs 865 947
Topological logic 988
Topological product 1245
Topological space 1241
Topological sum 1245
topology 743
Topology of a measurable algebra 958
Topology of a measure algebra 898
Tops0e, F. 880 955 980
Torsion element 870
Totally disconnected space 1248
Totally finite measure algebra 891 895 898
Totally finite measure space 881 970
Touraille, A. 1313 1316
Trace map 794
Traczyk, T. 1286 1294 1296 1309
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