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Peyton K.B. — Ondeo/ Nalco Fuel Field Manual
Peyton K.B. — Ondeo/ Nalco Fuel Field Manual

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Название: Ondeo/ Nalco Fuel Field Manual

Автор: Peyton K.B.


Here is all you need to solve practically every fuel problem you might face out in the field!

Concise, comprehensive, and compact, this guide covers the entire range of fuel performance problems encountered during testing, storage, transportation, delivery, and combustion. Using a hands-on, practical approach and actual field examples to demonstrate concepts, leading petroleum industry expert Kim B. Peyton takes you step-by-step through:

* Effective troubleshooting tactics
* Test methods and test results
* The most common sources of fuel problems
* Chemical additive problems
* Safetyand hazard management

A unique roundup chapter draws together hard-to-find information on chemical storage tanks, fuel filters, flowmeters, metals, plastics, and more.

This revised edition contains valuable new material such as:
* Detailed sketches of fuel refining units, fuel pumps, and ASTM testing equipment
* Time-saving charts describing fuel specifications
* Expanded section on testing methods, to include several new tests that can identify and solve fuel performance problems

Invaluable to professionals in every area of the petroleum industry—from refinery engineers to research chemists to technical service personnel and service managers—this resource quickly takes you from problem to resolution, saving you time and money.

If you are looking for a one-stop answer book to all your fuel performance problems—the search ends here.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Химия/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2002

Количество страниц: 408

Добавлена в каталог: 20.04.2009

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
$\beta$-oxidation      146
$\beta$-scission      16
$^{\circ}API$ volume reduction tables      327
15:5 Distillation      31
2-Ethylhexyl nitrate      160
2-Ethylhexyl nitrate, physical properties      161
Acid carryover      73 185 210
Acid formation and fuel sulfur      116
Acid initiated corrosion      210
Acid producing bacteria      106
Active sulfur      119
Additive induced combustion chamber deposits      162
Additives in gasoline      44
Adherent gum      123 143
Admiralty brass      226
Adsorption in fuel demulsification      145
Aged gasoline      95
Air driven pump      235
Air entrainment      152
Air sparging of fuel containing hydrogen sulfide      119
Alkanolamine      11
Alkoxylated compounds      146
Alkyl aromatics      20
Alkyl carbamate compounds      149
Alkyl hydroperoxide      101
Alkyl lead compounds      120
Alkyl naphthalene sulfonic acid      146
Alkyl phenol-formaldehyde compounds      146
Alkylate gasoline      40
Alkylate in acid carryover problems      73
Alkylate in aviation gasoline      47
Alkylate in fuel corrosion      183
Alkylate in gasoline      39
Alkylate, influence on induction time      267
Alkylate, isobutane as feedstock      19
Alkylate, octane number      43
Alkylate, production      22
Alkylate, vapor pressure      43
Alloying elements in steel      222
alternative fuels      271 295
Aluminum, brass      224
Aluminum, cladding      228
Aluminum, engine parts containing      109
Aluminum, properties      226
Ammonia      22 26 223
Ammonia as a bacterial decomposition product      107
Ammonia oxidation to nitrate by bacteria      107
Amoco pumpability test for distillate fuel      192
Amsterdam pour point test      195
Amyl nitrate      160
Anaerobic species      146
Analysis of distillate fuel by mass spectroscopy      62
Anode      153
Anti-static additive in jet fuel      53
Antiknock index      41 46
Antiknock performance of gasoline      39
Antiknock properties of aviation gasoline      48
Antioxidant in fuel detergents      163
Antioxidant in jet fuel      53
Antioxidant, compounds and use      137 142
Antioxidant, effect on existent gum      267
Antioxidant, effect on induction time      267
Antioxidant, problems in use of      168
Antioxidant, testing      175
Applying corrosion inhibitors      158
Architectural bronze      224
Arctic grade diesel fuel oil      58
Aromatic compounds in crude oil      34
Aromatic compounds in fuel stability      207
Aromatic compounds in gasoline      39
Aromatic compounds in JFTOT      215
Aromatic compounds, effect of high concentration      120 125 254
Aromatic compounds, effect on burner fuel properties      65
Aromatic compounds, effect on cetane number      195
Aromatic compounds, effect on gasoline engine knock      128
Aromatic compounds, effect on gasoline sensitivity      43
Aromatic compounds, effect on specific gravity      256
Aromatic compounds, formed during FCC processing      11
Aromatic compounds, formed during reforming      20
Aromatic compounds, KB value of      124
Aromatic content, effect on fuel BTU value      122
Aromatic content, effect on fuel solvency      124
Aromatic fuel components, swelling of elastomeric seals      123
Aromatic hydrocarbons, cetane engine performance      121
Ash content of marine fuels      63
Ash content of residual oils      63
Ash from petroleum products      199
Asphaltenes in marine fuels      63 124
Asphaltenes in visbreaking      10
Asphaltenes, description      35
Asphaltenes, incompatibility problems      124
Asphaltenes, influence on pour point      204
Asphaltenes, influence on sediment      207
Assessing fuel stability, oxygen overpressure      180
ASTM D-1094      50 184
ASTM D-130      181 216
ASTM D-1319      197 207 215
ASTM D-1401      185
ASTM D-1500      177
ASTM D-2274      142 179
ASTM D-2276      74 215
ASTM D-2500      189
ASTM D-2624      200
ASTM D-2699      39
ASTM D-2700      39 48
ASTM D-3120      197
ASTM D-3227      197
ASTM D-3703      199
ASTM D-381      176
ASTM D-3948      186
ASTM D-396      57
ASTM D-4176      187
ASTM D-4539      87 191
ASTM D-4625      179
ASTM D-4814      175 181
ASTM D-482      199
ASTM D-525      175
ASTM D-5304      142 180
ASTM D-5500      47
ASTM D-5598      47
ASTM D-613      99 195
ASTM D-6468      178
ASTM D-664      199
ASTM D-665      183
ASTM D-86 to detect contamination of fuel by lubricating oil      205
ASTM D-86 to detect high molecular weight components      208
ASTM D-86 to detect high viscosity components      205 208
ASTM D-86 to detect low viscosity components      206
ASTM D-86 to help resolve combustion quality problems      265
ASTM D-86 to identify gasoline T-90 limits      135
ASTM D-86 to predict deposit forming tendency      207
ASTM D-86 to predict diesel low temperature problems      191
ASTM D-86 to predict fuel sediment problems      208 265
ASTM D-86 to predict kerosene flame height problems      208
ASTM D-873      199
ASTM D-910      49
ASTM D-975      57
ASTMD-97      188 193 201
Atmospheric distillation      6
Autoignition in cetane engine      195
Autoignition of diesel fuel      96
Autoignition, early ignition      130
Autoignition, effect of cetane improver      99
Autoignition, important factors      260
Auxochromic groups      104
Aviation fuel additives      52
Aviation fuel grades      50
Aviation gasoline, properties      48
Aviation turbine fuel      see “Jet fuel”
Ball-on-cylinder lubricity evaluator      118 125 165
Basic forms of corrosion      156
Biobor JF      53
Biodiesel, blends      304
Biodiesel, cetane number      305
Biodiesel, demulsibility      304
Biodiesel, lubricity      304
Biodiesel, performance properties      304
Biodiesel, raw materials      304
Biogas      282
Biological oxygen demand (BOD)      72
Biomass, anaerobic digestion      281
Biomass, ethanol from      279
Biomass, fermentation      279
Biomass, oil extraction from      285
Biomass, products      278
Biomass, raw materials      278
Biomass, thermal conversion      283
Biomass, use      278
Black smoke      125
Blue smoke      108
Blue water gas      271
BMW      47 163
BOCLE      see “Ball-on-cylinder lubricity evaluator”
Boron, as a fuel contaminant      110
Boundary lubrication      165
Brass, types of      224
Breakpoint of gasoline      175
British admiralty pour point test      194
Bronze, types of      225
BTU ratings per pound      321
Bunker fuel      58 62 67
Burner fuel, properties      65
Butylene oxide      146
C factor      159
Calcium chloride      29
Calcium in crude oil      39
Calcium in engine oil      108
Calcium in sea water      110
Calcium in tank bottom water      143
Calcium salt formation with corrosion inhibitor      74
Calcium salts in unwashed and washed gums      177
Calculated carbon aromaticity index (CCAI) of marine fuels      63
Calculated ignition index (CII) of marine fuels      63
Carbazoles effect on fuel color      104
Carbon deposits      15 131
Carbon dioxide from fuel refining      26
Carbon residue      60 259
Carbon steel      219
Carbon-carbon reactions, formation of soot      128
Carburetor and fuel injector detergents      163
Carburetor icing      82
Catalyst fines, description      108
Catalyst fines, effect on fuel quality and performance      108
Catalyst poisons      18 22
Catalysts in fuel degradation      141 179
Catalysts, alkylation      22 74 209
Catalysts, combustion      161
Catalysts, deactivation by metals      32 38
Catalysts, fines in marine fuel      63 69
Catalysts, hydrocracking      18
Catalysts, hydrotreating      17
Catalysts, reforming      20
Catalysts, sweetening      27
Catalytic hydrocracking      18
Catalytic polymerization      19
Catalytic reforming      20
Caustic in acid removal      74 258
Caustic in emulsification      144
Caustic in fuel sweetening      160
Caustic to improve induction time      268
Caustic to remove existent gum      267
Caustic to remove sulfuric acid      216
Caustic, carryover      74 185 210 215
Caustic, effect on acidic corrosion inhibitor      231
Caustic, effect on copper      223
Caustic, processing of light straight run gasoline      40
Caustic, role in filter plugging      169 216
Caustic, treatment of FCC propane-butane      11
Caustic, use in ASTM D-1094 testing      184
Caustic, use in naphthenic acid removal      215
Caustic, washing, as a refining process      25 27
Centrifuge sludge, due to asphaltene incompatibility      124
Cetane engine reference fuels      101
Cetane improver, compatibility with elastomers      172
Cetane improver, concentration in federal diesel fuel oil      98
Cetane improver, description      160
Cetane improver, effect on carbon number      132
Cetane improver, effect on stability test results      172
Cetane improver, realistic performance      97
Cetane index      59 96 123
Cetane number      58
Cetane number, determination      96
Cetane number, high sulfur/low sulfur difference      57
Cetane number, low      269
Cetane number, reproducibility      99
CFPP      see “Cold filter plugging point”
Chemical oxygen demand      72
Chemical storage tanks      230
Chemistry of demulsifiers and dehazers      146
Chromium engine parts containing      109
Chromium in crude oil      39
Chromium in steel      221
Chromophoric groups      104
Cladosporium resinae      105
Clarified oil      11
Clay filtration of jet fuel      52 214
Clay filtration to remove color bodies      207 269
Clay filtration to remove copper      215
Clay filtration to remove existent gum      267
Clostridia      106
Cloud point improver      87 171 213
Cloud point of petroleum products, test method      189
Cloud point reduction      87
Cloudy or hazy due to low temperature      80
Coal gas      271
Coal gasification above ground process      272
Coal gasification, process diagram      273
Coal gasification, products      272
Coal gasification, reactions      274
Coal gasification, underground process      272
Coal liquefaction, catalysts      275
Coal liquefaction, development      274
Coal liquefaction, during World War II      274
Coal liquefaction, processes      274
Coal liquefaction, products      275
Coal liquefaction, Sasol process      275
Coal, direct liquefaction process, Exxon donor solvent      277
Coal, direct liquefaction process, Fischer — Tropsch      274
Coal, direct liquefaction process, H-coal      276
Coal, direct liquefaction process, Solvent refined coal      277
Coal, gasification process above ground      272
Coal, gasification process, BASF process      273
Coal, gasification process, methanol from      273
Coal, gasification process, product yield      272
Coal, gasification process, reactions      274
Coal, gasification process, schematic      273
Coal, gasification process, Texaco/Koppers — Totzek      273
Coal, gasification process, underground      272
Coal, indirect liquefaction process, Mobil M      276
Coal, properties      271
Coalescence in fuel demulsification      145
Coalescence, electrostatic      29
Cobalt-molybdenum (CoMo)      17
cod      see “Chemical oxygen demand”
Coefficient of expansion      75
Coker gas oil, effect on carbon number      131
Coker gas oil, production      23
Coker gas oil, role in fuel stability      208
Coker gas oil, specific gravity influence      257
Coking in refining      23
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