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Meeker W.Q., Escobar L. — Statistical Methods for Reliability Data
Meeker W.Q., Escobar L. — Statistical Methods for Reliability Data

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Название: Statistical Methods for Reliability Data

Авторы: Meeker W.Q., Escobar L.


Explains computer-based statistical methods for reliability data analysis and test planning for industrial products. Demonstrates how to apply the latest graphical, numerical, and simulation-based methods to a broad range of models found in reliability data analysis, and covers areas such as analyzing degradation data, simulation methods used to complement large-sample asymptotic theory, and data analysis computed with the S-PLUS system. Includes chapter exercises using real data sets. For professionals in product reliability and design, and for graduate students in courses in applied reliability data analysis.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/Вероятность/Статистика и приложения/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1998

Количество страниц: 712

Добавлена в каталог: 05.06.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Hodgson, T.J.      386
Hooper, J.H.      493 578 637
Hosmer, D.W.Jr.      284
Howes, M.J.      489
Hoyland, A.      388 389 420
HPP      407
HPP, relationship to exponential      80 154 407
HPP, test for NHPP alternatives      409—411 420
Hu, J.      606
Hudak, S.J.Jr.      15
Husebye, E.      42
Huyett, M.J.      149 285
Iannino, A.      420
Iles, T.C.      118 197 284
Independent, increments      406
Independent, times between recurrences      408
Inference, basic ideas      48
Influence analysis      460 (see also “Sensitivity analysis”)
Inspection data      see “Censoring interval”
Inspection interval, choosing      10 169
Interaction      449 485—486 514 547
Inverse power relationship      480—484
Inverse-Gaussian (IGAU) distribution      103
Inverse-Gaussian (IGAU) distribution, ML fitting      260
Ireson, W.G.      380
Isham, V.      420
Jacobian      619
Jeng, S.L.      228 627
Jensen, F.      488 521
Jensen, K.L.      559
Johnson, N.L.      42 93 67 117 118
Joyce, W.B.      487
Kalbfleisch, J.D.      22 42 267 271 284 312 460 606
Kalkanis, G.      479 639
Kaplan — Meier estimator      67
Kaplan, E.L.      67
Kececioglu, D.      521
Keiding, N.      67
Kempthorne, O.      168 284
Kennedy, W.J.      93
Kielpinski, T.      558
Kim, T.      521
Kimber, A.C.      420
Klinger, D.J.      380 473 477 486 487 488
Klion, J.      389
Knezevic, J.      339
Koenig, R.H.      320 578
Kolarik, W.J.      458
Kordonsky, Kh, B.      22 339
Kotz, S.      93 117 118
Kozin, F.      15 260 639
Kozlov, B.A.      389
Kulldorff, G.      42 168
Kuo, L.      420 423
Kuo, W.      521
Kushary, D.      302 312
Kutner, M.H.      460
Lagakos, S.W.      42
Lai, T.L.      284
Laidler, K.J.      473
Landers, T.L.      458
Laplace trend test      409
Largest extreme value (LEV) distribution      86
Larntz, K.      559
Lawless, J.F.      4 22 42 67 149 167 168 267 268 271 284 294 312 399 410 420 445 460 606
Le Cam, L.      169
Lee, L.      395 420
Lehmann, E.L.      168 622
Lerch, C.F.      586 601
Levy, S.C.      489
Lewis — Robinson trend test      409
Lewis, E.E.      389
Lewis, P.A.W.      420
Li, G.      68
Lieberman, G.J.      149
Lieblein, J.      4
Life table estimate      64
Likelihood, constant of proportionality      37 39
Likelihood, contribution, general data      40
Likelihood, contribution, interval-censored      37
Likelihood, contribution, left-censored      38
Likelihood, contribution, randomly censored      41
Likelihood, contribution, right-censored      38 174
Likelihood, contribution, total      39
Likelihood, correct      165 169 275 277
Likelihood, curvature      162 237 621
Likelihood, density approximation, inadequacy of      169 277 284
Likelihood, empirical      68
Likelihood, graphical display      158 255
Likelihood, grouped data      42
Likelihood, inference      36 42
Likelihood, location-scale distribution      174
Likelihood, non log-location-scale distributions      255
Likelihood, nonregular models      36 623
Likelihood, poorly behaved      255 265—266 280
Likelihood, profile, function of parameters      182—184
Likelihood, profile, parameters      180—182 265 597
Likelihood, ratio test      185 627
Likelihood, ratios      626
Likelihood, regular models      36 622
Likelihood, regularity conditions      621—623
Likelihood, relationship to sample size      158
Likelihood, specification      36—41
Limited failure population (LEP)      263 271 284
Lindley, D.V.      363
Lindsey, J.K.      168
Lindstrom, M.J.      326
Liou, K.-Y.      see “Joyce W.B.”
Liu, J.P.      578
Liu, S.      118 284
Log likelihood, contribution      157 (see also “Likelihood”)
Log likelihood, large-sample approximation      186
Log likelihood, partial derivatives      197
Log likelihood, quadratic approximation      186 628
Logarithms base      10 82 127
Logistic, distribution      88
Logistic, distribution, likelihood      174
Logistic, transformation      56
Loglogistic distribution      88
Lognormal (LOGNOR) distribution      82
Lognormal (LOGNOR) distribution, comparison with Weibull      176 257 259 269
Lognormal (LOGNOR) distribution, estimation with given $\sigma$      192
Lognormal (LOGNOR) distribution, induced failure time in ADT analysis      573
Lognormal (LOGNOR) distribution, likelihood function      174
Lognormal (LOGNOR) distribution, quantiles ML variance factors      243
Lognormal (LOGNOR) distribution, special case of EGENG      258
Lognormal (LOGNOR) distribution, three-parameter      111 273—274 277 279—283
LSINE      251
Lu, C.J.      340 578 639
Lu, J.C.      578
LuValle, M.J.      13 14 320 460 477 487 489 522 529
Maekawa, K.      340 578
Mains D.E.      14
Maintainability      370
Maki, K.      340 471
Makov, U.E.      118 284
Malcolm, R.C.      15
Mann, N.R.      473 529
Markov model      388—389 578
Martin, J.W.      460
Martz, H.F.      363
Maximum likelihood      see “ML estimation”
McCool, J.I.      461
McDonald, G.C.      380 606
MCF      395—405
MCF, comparison      404—406
MCF, confidence intervals      398
MCF, confidence intervals, adequacy of      402
MCF, NHPP      406
MCF, nonparametric estimate      397
MCF, parametric estimate      414—4 15
McPherson, J.W.      485
Mead, K.E.      487
Mean cumulative function      see “MCF”
Mean time between failures (MTBF)      394 408
Mean time to failure (MTTF)      77
Medlin, C.H.      144 193 310 633 634
Mee, R.      302 312
Meeker, W.Q.      4 6 13 14 16 22 49 67 116 161 169 192 197 228 241 244 251 284 299 302 306 309 312 320 340 442 460 517 519 529 535 552 559 561 578 584 586 590 592 594 597 601 607 625 627 639
Meeter, C.A.      559
Meier, P.      67
Menendez, M.A.      380 488
Menten, T.      605
Mercer, A.D.      489
Military Handbook test statistic      409
Mitchell, J.P.      487
Mixture distributions      115—119 284 583
ML estimation, asymptotic normality      237 625
ML estimation, basic concepts      153—159
ML estimation, covariance matrix, functions of location-scale parameters      242
ML estimation, covariance matrix, log-location-scale distributions      240
ML estimation, covariance matrix, relationship to Fisher information      237
ML estimation, covariance matrix, relationship to log likelihood curvature      237 621
ML estimation, given parameter      192—197
ML estimation, large-sample approximations      237
ML estimation, mixture distributions      284
ML estimation, nonparametric      53
ML estimation, standard error, approximate      237
ML estimation, standard error, estimate of      50 55 166 187 189 193 436—438
ML estimation, theory      168 621 622—628
ML estimation, variance, approximate      236
ML estimation, variance, factors for, complicated censoring      251
ML estimation, variance, factors for, functions of location-scale parameters      242
ML estimation, variance, factors for, hazard      246
ML estimation, variance, factors for, multiple censoring      250
ML estimation, variance, factors for, quantiles      243
ML estimation, zero failures      167 195
Model adequacy      501 604
Moeschberger, M.L.      389
Morgan, B.J.T.      93
Morgan, C.B.      41 633
Morgan, D.V.      489
Morse, P.N.      597 601
Multinomial, cdf      33
Multinomial, failure-time model      32
Multiple causes of failure      35 59 382 523 630 634
Multiple causes of failure, ALT      523 531
Multiple causes of failure, incomplete information      385 525 591
Multiple causes of failure, series model      385
Murray, W.P.      340 578 643
Murthy, D.N.P.      606
Musa, J.D.      420
Nachtsheim, C.J.      460
Nadeau, C.      399 420 606
Nair, V.N.      61 67 149
Nakada, Y.      380 488
Nakamura, T.      118
Nash, F.R.      see “Joyce W.B.”
Nash, J.C.      489
Naylor, J.C.      284 364
Nelson — Aalen estimator, cumulative hazard      67
Nelson — Aalen estimator, relation to hazard plot      149
Nelson — Aalen estimator, theory      67
Nelson, W.      xviii 8 12 22 67 118 149 168 171 193 195 200 241 244 251 284 312 323 339 340 389 395 397 398 399 404 420 429 442 443 452 460 472 473 487 488 519 521 522 523 529 547 548 549 550 558 559 578 593 596 601 625 630 632 635 636 638
Neter, J.      460
Neufelder, A.      420
NHPP      407
NHPP, Bayesian methods      420
NHPP, confidence intervals      416
NHPP, generating pseudorandom realizations      417
NHPP, loglinear model      407
NHPP, ML estimation      412
NHPP, power-model      407
NHPP, prediction      416
Nikulin, M.      460
Nonhomogeneous Poisson process      see “NHPP”
Nonparametric bootstrap      see “Bootstrap nonparametric”
Nonparametric estimation, confidence interval      see “Confidence intervals”
Nonparametric estimation, cumulative hazard      67
Nonparametric estimation, failure probabilities, left truncated      268
Nonparametric estimation, failure probabilities, multiply censored      52 57
Nonparametric estimation, failure probabilities, right truncated      270
Nonparametric estimation, failure probabilities, singly censored      47
Nonrepairable units      19
Normal (NOR) distribution      80 452
Normal (NOR) distribution, applications      81
Normal (NOR) distribution, likelihood function      174
Numerical methods      442
Oakes, D.      110 460
Observational data      267 606
Odeh, R.E.      192
Okumoto, K.      420
Ord, K.J.      619
Ostrouchov, G.      197 627
Owen, A.      68
Owen, D.B.      192
O’Connor, P.D.T.      59 189 630
P-P plot      444
Pantula, S.G.      578
Parallel system, cdf      374
Parallel system, component dependency      375
Parallel system, ML estimation      381
Parallel system, reliability as function of component reliability      375
Parameter, function of explanatory variables      429 (see also “Regression”)
Parameter, guarantee      see “Threshold”
Parameter, location      78
Parameter, scale      78
Parameter, shape      82 85 89 110 136
Parameter, threshold      111
Parameterization      3 77 90 181 285
Pari count      372
Parida, N.      68
Paris-rule      319
Pascual, F.G.      250 594 601
Patel, J.K.      312
Peacock, B.      93 118
Pecht, M.      420
Peck, D.S.      487
Performance degradation      323 325
Petersen, N.E.      521
Peto — Tumbull estimator      65 68
Peto, R.      68
PH model      455—458 460
PH model, applications in reliability      458
PH model, not Weibull baseline      457
PH model, relationship to SAFT      457
PH model, semiparametric      458
PH model, time transformation      456
PH model, Weibull baseline      457
Phadke, M.S.      605
Phillips, M.J.      22 420
Pinheiro, J.C.      326 567
Pitfalls, ALT data analysis      522—528
Pitfalls, life data analysis      22 601
Planning accelerated life test      see “ALT planning”
Planning life tests      see “Test planning”
Planning values      232 535 548
Planning values on probability paper      233
Point process model      394 420
Poisson distribution      195 407
Poisson process      406
Poisson process, homogeneous      see “HPP”
Poisson process, nonhomogeneous      see “NHPP”
Pollino, E.      489
Posterior      see “Bayesian methods”
Prediction intervals, approximate, analytical      312
Prediction intervals, calibration      300 312
Prediction intervals, complete lognormal data      299
Prediction intervals, coverage probability      293
Prediction intervals, exact simulation methods      312
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