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Meeker W.Q., Escobar L. — Statistical Methods for Reliability Data |
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Covariance matrix, large-sample approximation 270
Covariance matrix, local estimate 626
Coverage probability 49 228 293
Cox — Snell residuals see “Regression”
Cox, D.R. 22 110 168 300 312 420 443
Cragnolino, G. 489
Croitoru, N. 71
Crow, E.L. 93
Crow, L. 420
Crowder, M.J. 420 444
Crowder, S.V. 340
Cumulative hazard 29 45
Cumulative hazard, nonparametric estimation 67
customer expectations 602
Dale, C.J. 458
DATA see “Examples” “Reliability
Data analysis strategy 21
David, H.A. 149 389
Davidian, M. 340
Davis, D.J. 11 12
Day, N.E. 284
Degradation 317 (see also “ADT”)
Degradation, approximate analysis 336—340
Degradation, comparison with traditional failure time analysis 333—339
Degradation, confidence intervals 332—333
Degradation, data 15 317 642—643
Degradation, destructive measurements 339
Degradation, failure time cdf, estimation of 331
Degradation, failure time cdf, evaluation of 328—330
Degradation, hard failures 328
Degradation, level defining failure 327 565
Degradation, likelihood 326
Degradation, limitations 323
Degradation, linear 319 329 340 478
Degradation, measurement error 323
Degradation, models 317 326 489
Degradation, models, deterministic 318
Degradation, models, differential equations 319—320
Degradation, relationship to failure-time 318
Degradation, shape 319—320
Degradation, soft failures 327
Degradation, software 326
Degradation, sudden failures 324
Degradation, variability, sources of 321—322
Delta method 54 237 242 381 619
Deming, W.E. 16 517
Demonstration test plans 247—250
Density function 28
Derringer, G.C. 529
Design for reliability 602
Design, change for cost-reduction 603
Design, experimental see “Test planning”
Desmond, A.F. 108
Distribution function see “Cdf”
Distribution, Bernstein 339
Distribution, Birnbaum — Saunders (BISA) 105
Distribution, Burr type XII 103 110
Distribution, exponential (EXP) 79
Distribution, extended generalized gamma (EGENG) 101
Distribution, extreme value 93
Distribution, Frechet 102 115
Distribution, gamma 98 256
Distribution, Gaussian see “Normal”
Distribution, generalized F (GENF) 102 118
Distribution, generalized gamma (GENG) 99 118
Distribution, generalized threshold-scale (GETS) 113
Distribution, Gompertz — Makeham (GOMA) 108
Distribution, inverse Gaussian (IGAU) 103
Distribution, largest extreme value (LEV) 86
Distribution, location-scale 78
Distribution, log logistic 89
Distribution, log-location-scale 78
Distribution, logistic 88
Distribution, lognormal (LOGNOR) 82 93
Distribution, lognormal (LOGNOR), three-parameter 111
Distribution, lognormal (LOGNOR), two-parameter 82
Distribution, normal (NOR) 80
Distribution, Pareto 117
Distribution, power 117
Distribution, power, lognormal 118
Distribution, power, maximum-type 87 117 374—376
Distribution, power, minimum-type 86 117 370 374
Distribution, smallest extreme value (SEV) 83
Distribution, Weibull (WEIB) 85
Distribution, Weibull (WEIB), three-parameter 111
Distribution, Weibull (WEIB), two-parameter 85
Distributions, continuous 93 118
Distributions, embedded 112 118
Distributions, mixture, compound 116
Distributions, mixture, finite (discrete) 115 118
Distributions, monotone hazard (IHR, DHR) 118
Distributions, threshold see “Threshold distributions”
Doganaksoy, N. 118 197 395 400 404 420 635 636
Dowling, N.E. 319 471
Drapella, A. 489
Draper, N.R. 15
Drenick, R.F. 408
Drenick’s theorem 408
Dummy variable see “Regression indicator-variables”
D’Esponosa, F. see “Boccaletti G.”
Efron, B. 226 227 228 312 332 333 568
Elandt-Johnson, R.C. 42 67
Empirical models, caution in extrapolation 442 469 489 576
Engelhardt, M. 167 284 312
Enumerative studies 16
Environmental, effects in reliability 17 322
Environmental, stress screening see “ESS”
Epstein, B. 168
Error propagation, statistical see “Delta method”
Escobar, L.A. 118 169 197 241 244 250 251 284 302 306 309 312 340 442 460 529 552 559 561 578 601 625 627 628
Evans, M. 93 118
Evans, R.A. 363 489
Everitt, B.S. 118 284
Examples, -panicle 154 209
Examples, adhesive bond 535
Examples, alloy T7987 130 279 638
Examples, alloy-A see “Fatigue crack-size”
Examples, alloy-C 276
Examples, ball bearing 4 139 256 294
Examples, battery 41 64 633
Examples, battery cells 14
Examples, bearing 203 248
Examples, bearing-cage 193 348 633
Examples, bleed system 144 634
Examples, braking grids, locomotive 404 636
Examples, break pad life 267
Examples, capacitor, glass 447 449 482
Examples, capacitor, tantalum 512 641
Examples, ceramic ball bearings 461
Examples, chain links 68
Examples, chain reliability 373
Examples, circuit pack 7 267 590
Examples, component-A 170
Examples, component-B 196
Examples, computer laboratory 421
Examples, cylinder replacements 400
Examples, device-A 493 637
Examples, device-B power output 564 598
Examples, device-C 529
Examples, device-G 383
Examples, disk drives 171
Examples, earth-moving machine 402
Examples, electromigration 198
Examples, electronic system 70
Examples, error rates, storage disks 340—341 580 643
Examples, fan. diesel generator 8 166 258 277 630
Examples, fatigue crack-size 15 317 639
Examples, fatigue-fracture 260
Examples, heat exchanger tube 8 50 53 62 134 218
Examples, horn 202
| Examples, IC device, new-technology 508 587
Examples, insulating material 167 171
Examples, insulating structure, mylar-polyurethane 479 639
Examples, insulation life 239 241 244
Examples, integrated circuit 4 52 198 262 640
Examples, jet engine turbine disk 374
Examples, laser degradation 324 642
Examples, laser life data 338
Examples, life-limiting component 247
Examples, light bulb life 238
Examples, low-cycle fatigue tests 470
Examples, metal wear 574 580 643
Examples, metallization failure mode 472
Examples, modem reliability 287 372
Examples, printed circuit board 13 487
Examples, program execution time 428 638
Examples, resistors, carbon-film 471 578 631
Examples, shock absorber 59 175 183 214 630
Examples, silicon photodiode 71
Examples, snubber design comparison 452 632
Examples, spacecraft power system 380
Examples, superalloy nickel-based 428 593
Examples, titanium alloy 151
Examples, transistors 285
Examples, transmitter tube, II 147 199
Examples, turbine wheel 12 65 135
Examples, U.S.S. Grampus diesel engine 394 414
Examples, U.S.S. Halfbeak diesel engine 415
Examples, ultrasonic inspection 266
Examples, valve seats, diesel engine 395 635
Expected value 77 (see also “Mean”)
Exponential (EXP) distribution 79
Exponential (EXP) distribution, comparison, confidence interval procedures 164
Exponential (EXP) distribution, correct versus density approximation 166
Exponential (EXP) distribution, inappropriate use 80
Exponential (EXP) distribution, likelihood 157
Exponential (EXP) distribution, mixture of 118 583
Exponential (EXP) distribution, ML estimate for 165
Exponential (EXP) distribution, no failures, analysis with 167
Exponential (EXP) distribution, Poisson processes relationship 80 154 407
Exponential (EXP) distribution, standard error for 0 162
Exponential (EXP) distribution, times between system failures 80 407
Extended generalized gamma (EGENG) distribution 101 284
Extended generalized gamma (EGENG) distribution, compromise between lognormal and Weibull 257
Extended generalized gamma (EGENG) distribution, ML fitting 257
Extrapolation 3 76 442 576
Eyring relationship 473
Eyring relationship, compared with Arrhenius 475
Eyring, H. 473
Failure modes 389 (see also “Multiple causes of failure”)
Failure modes, effect analysis (FMEA) 387
Failure modes, effect criticality analysis (FMECA) 387
Failure rate 29
Falls, L.W. 284
Farewell, V.T. 22 100 118 284
Fatigue failure models 489
Fatigue-limit model 593
Fatigue-limit model, nonconstant standard deviation 595
Fatigue-limit model, random coefficients 601
Fatigue-limit model, S-N curves 595
Faulkenberry, G.D. 312
Fault trees 387 389
Feinberg, A.A. 489
Feingold, H. 415 420
Field reliability data 22
Field tracking 310 383 606
Finite population correction 402
Fisher information matrix 237 240 621 644
Fisher information matrix, computation 250—251
Fisher information matrix, definition 162 237 621
Fisher information matrix, expected 621
Fisher information matrix, exponential distribution 253
Fisher information matrix, function of roundoff, binning, censoring, and truncation 625
Fisher information matrix, LFP model 251
Fisher information matrix, location-scale and log-location-scale distributions 241 250
Fisher information matrix, observed 621 626
Fisher information matrix, regression models 251 436
Fisher information matrix, test planning 625
Fisher information matrix, truncated distributions 251
Fisher, R.A. 168
Fleming, T.R. 67
FMEA 389
Folks, J.L. 103 118 168 284
Frechet distribution 102 115
Friedman, L.B. 169 386
Fukuda, M. 489
Functions of random variables, distribution of 617
Galambos, J. 93 489
Gamma distribution 98
Gamma distribution, comparison between lognormal and Weibull 256
Gamma distribution, ML fitting 256
Gamma function 85
Gamma function, incomplete 99
Gamma function, inverse incomplete 99
Geisser, S. 312 364
Gelfand, A.E. 363 364 586
Gelman, A. 284 363
Generalized gamma (GENG) distribution see “Extended generalized gamma distribution”
Generalized threshold-scale (GETS) distribution 113 118
Gentle, J.E. 93
Gentleman, R. 68
Gerlach, D.L. 485
Gertsbakh, I.B. 22 169 339 386 389
Geyer, C.J. 68
Ghio, E. see “Boccaletti G.”
Giesbrecht, F. 284
Gilbert, R.A. 519
Gill, R.D. 67
Gillen, K.T. 487 489
Giltinan, D.M. 340
Gladstones, S. 473
Gnanadesikan, R. 149 285
Gnedenko, B. 389
Goldschen, D.Y. 512 641
Gompertz — Makeham (GOMA) distribution 85 108
Goodness of fit 127 (see also “Simultaneous confidence bands for F(t)”
Graphical estimation 147
Graves, S. 605
Greenwood, J.A. 408
Greenwood’s formula 55
Griffiths, D.A. 284
Grunkemeier, G.L. 68
Guarantee parameter see “Threshold”
Guess, F.M. 386
Hahn, G.J. 16 22 49 116 130 149 161 192 250 299 312 460 517 519 535 559 601 619
Hakim, E.B. 489
Hall, P. 228
halt 519
Hamada, M. 18 340 364 605 607
Hand, D.J. 118 284
Harrington, D.P. 67
Harter, H.L. 149 489
Hartman, R.L. see “Joyce W.B.”
Hastings, N. 93 118
Hazard, average 30
Hazard, constant 79
Hazard, cumulative 29 45 67
Hazard, estimation of 191
Hazard, function 7 28 77
Hazard, function, decreasing 80 118
Hazard, function, increasing 80 85 118
Hazard, plot 149
Hazard, rate in EITs 30
Herbach, L. 408
Hill, D.A. 251
Hines, L.L. 489 522
Hinkley, D.V. 168
Hirose, H. 284
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