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Scott R.H. — Elementary Meteorology |
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Abich, Prof., on hailstones 143
Absolute humidity 110
Absorption of sun's heat by atmosphere 57 211
Abyssinia, thunderstorms in 191
Actinometer, Balfour Stewart's 52
Actinometer, Hersebel's 52
Adams (W.G.), on rot urn shock of lighting 182
Admiralty, the, wind and current charts 282 314
Agulhas current, the 308
Air in tube of barometers 82
Air in tube of barometers, detection of 83
Air motion in cyclones 366 369 374
Air motion in depressions and anticyclones 357
Air, atmospheric, effects of change of level on 288
Aitken, on fogs 120
Alaska, contrast of climates in 306
Alnwick, lanes cut in the woods by a storm at 155
Alps, observations of radiation in the 57
Altitude correction for barometers 85 391
America, climate of the south point of 343
America, South, rainfall of 328
Andes, rainfall of the 328
Andries, on causes of low pressure near South Polo 251
Anemometer, Cator's 151
Anemometer, difficulty about satisfactory exposure of 153
Anemometer, Hooke's 150
Anemometer, Lind's 150
Anemometer, Osier's 150
Anemometer, Robinson's 151
Anemometer, theory of Robinson's 152
Anemometer, Wild's 150
Aneroid, defects of the 80
Aneroid, the 79
Animals, distribution of 339 342
Annual range of pressure 93
Annual range of temperature 216 339
Annual range of thunderstorms 191
Annual range of wind velocity in British Isles 164
Anomaly, the thermic 232
Antarctic regions, low pressure over the 251
Antarctic regions, ocean currents in the 298 309
Anthelia 203
Anti-cyclones explained 356
Anti-cyclones explained, air motion in 357
Anti-cyclones explained, contrasted with depressions 357
Anti-cyclones explained, slight motion of 361
Anti-trados explained 245 204
Anti-trados explained, Laughton on 274
Antisana, pressure at, in winter and summer 241
Apjohn, formula for dry and wet bulb hygrometer 108
Arabs, the, their knowledge of monsoons 266
Arago, on globular lightning 175
Arctic current in Pacific 306
Arctic current in Polar regions 309
Arctic current, the American 298
Arctic regions, snow drift in 327
Arctic regions, solar radiation in 57
Arctic regions, thunderstorms in 191
Aristotle, on monsoons 266
Armagh, annual period of wind velocity at 164
Ascending currents, action of, in producing rain 138 288
Ascension, annual range at 218
Ascension, diurnal range of temperature at 216
Ascension, rainfall at 321
Ashes from volcanoes borne by upper currents 243
Asia, Central, annual range of pressure in 93 259
Astronomy, contrasted with meteorology 1
Atlantic Ocean, currents of the 299
Atlantic Ocean, limits of trade winds in 246
Atlantic Ocean, motion of air over the 352
Atlantic Ocean, rainfall of the 327
Atlantic Ocean, the central, annual range of pressure over 93
Atmometer, v. Lamont's 100
Atmometry, Sehmid on 101
Atmosphere see “Air”
Atmosphere, circulation of, explained 240
Atmosphere, constitution of 13
Atmosphere, height of 12
Atmosphere, overflow of, near equator 242
Atmosphere, variations in constitution 15
Attached thermometer in barometers 70
August, on hygrometry 108
Aurora in southern hemisphere 195
Aurora, at low levels 193
Aurora, colour of 192 193
Aurora, description of 191
Aurora, geographical distribution of 194
Aurora, height of 193
Aurora, noise of 192
Aurora, relation of, to magnetism 196
Aurora, relation of, to weather 195
Aurora, the dark segment 192
Aurora, the “corona” 192
Autumn rains, regions of the 332
Backergunge cyclone 376
Backing of wind, the 361
Baer, v., on contrast of climates on the coasts of Alaska 306
Baikal Lake, effect of, on temperature 225 228 229
Bain-gauges, Beckley's 132
Bain-gauges, diameter of 132
Bain-gauges, exposure of 133
Bain-gauges, Glaisher's 131
Bain-gauges, Howard's 131
Bain-gauges, The “Snowdon” 132
Balloon ascents, Glaisher's 12 66
Bange of pressure, annual 93
Bange of pressure, diurnal 89
Bange of pressure, Herschel on 90
Bange of temperature, annual 45
Bange of temperature, diurnal 37 214
Bange of temperature, laws of 341
Bange of temperature, maps of, Keith Johnston 339
Bange of temperature, maps of, Supan 340
Barker, Lady, on winds of New Zealand 290
Barnaoul, annual range of pressure at 93
Barnaoul, annual range of temperature at 218
Barnaoul, diurnal range of temperature at 216
Barograph, Brooke's 77
Barograph, King's 78
Barograph, Redier's 77
Barograph, Ronald's 77
Barometer corrections, altitude (reduction to sea level) 85 391
Barometer corrections, annual range of 93
Barometer corrections, Buehan on 91
Barometer corrections, capacity 73 84
Barometer corrections, capillarity 84
Barometer corrections, diurnal range of 88
Barometer corrections, Eaton on 90
Barometer corrections, index error 84
Barometer corrections, temperature (reduction to ) 85 391
Barometer, air in tube of 82
Barometer, attached thermometer 70
Barometer, best material for scale 66
Barometer, boiling of 82
Barometer, defects of 82
Barometer, graduation of the 67
Barometer, invention of the 63
Barometer, management of 71
Barometer, mode of setting 68
Barometer, Pascal 65
Barometer, pipette 83
Barometer, reasons for its rise or fall 248
Barometer, Torricelli 63
Barometer, verification of 74
Barometer, vernier 67
Barometers, aneroid 79
Barometers, Kew pattern 73
Barometers, marine 74
Barometers, metallic 80
Barometers, Portin's 72
| Barometers, siphon 75
Barometers, standard 72
Barometers, wheel 76
Barometrical pressure, on causes which produce changes in 248
Barometrical pressure, regions of reduced 250
Barometrical pressure, relation of to isabnormals of temperature 257
Barometrical pressure, relation of, to wind 253 353
Batavia, rainfall of 323
Bearings of wind, true and compass 148
Beaufort's wind scale 158
Beaufort's wind scale, velocities corresponding to 159
Beckley, automatic rain gauge 132
Behring's Strait, checks course of currents 298 318
Bidston Observatory, exceptional pressure of wind at 156
Binnie, on evaporation at Nagpoor 99
Black bulb thermometer in vacuo 53
Black bulb thermometer in vacuo, its use 55
Blanford, on land and sea breezes 286
Blanford, on monsoons 264
Blanford, on the soft place in the monsoon 268
Boiling of barometers 82
Boiling point of water 21
Boiling point of water, its use in hypsometry 21
Boothia Pelix, diurnal range of pressure in 89
Boothia Pelix, diurnal range of temperature 216
Bora, the 292 383
Bossekop, aurora at 192
Bourdon's metallic barometer 80
Bourke, Commander E.G., on cold currents of Atlantic 303
Brazil, current, the 305
Brazil, daily thunderstorms in, (Caldcleugh) 130 147 191
Breezes, Blanford on 286
Breezes, land and sea 285
Brewster, Sir D., on poles of cold 234
British Isles, distribution of winds in 276
British Isles, sea temperature on the coasts of 319
British Isles, the, annual Yariation of wind velocity in 164
British Isles, weather telegraphy in 362
Brooke's barograph 77
Brussels, laws of atmospheric electricity at 171
Buchan, A., isobaric charts 238
Buchan, A., isothermal charts 222
Buchan, A., on diurnal range of barometer 91
Buchan, A., on predicting hoar frost 117
Buitenzorg, rainfall of 323
Buran, the 293
Buys Ballot's law 255 353
Calcutta, annual range of temperature at 218
Calcutta, diurnal range of pressure at 89
Caldcleugh, thunderstorms in Brazil 130 147 191
Calm centre in cyclones 373
Campbell's sunshine recorder 58
Capacity correction of barometers 73 84
Cape of Good Hope, observed temperature of soil at 47
Cape of Good Hope, winds near the 284
Capillarity correction of barometers 84
Carbonic acid, amount of, in atmosphere 15
Cator's anemometer 151
Celsius (Centigrade) thermometer scale 19
Cherraponjee, rain of 325
Chronoisothermal diagram for Greenwich 48
Chronoisothermal diagram for Greenwich, explained 390
Circulation of atmosphere explained 240
Cirrocumulus cloud 126
Cirrostratus cloud 125
Cirrus cloud 124
Cirrus cloud, Hildebrandsson 125
Cirrus cloud, its motion, Ley 125
Cistern of barometer 72
Clavering, on St. Elmo's fire. 178
Climate, chief conditions which affect 344 346
Climate, insular and continental 344
Climate, on change of, with height above sea 333 345 346
Cloud, amount of 129
Cloud, annual and diurnal period of 129
Cloud, classification of 124
Cloud, colors of 205
Cloud, composition of 123
Cloud, levels at which they float 123
Cloud, motion of 129
Clouston, Dr., on distribution of winds in the Orkneys 277
Coffin, on relation of wind to pressure 255
Coffin, winds of globe 163
Cold currents under warm water 303
Cold currents under warm water on west coast of Africa 304
Cold wall of Gulf stream, the 300
Cold, compared with heat 235
Cold, greatest obtained 235
Coldest period of the day 47
Coldest period of the year 48
Colding, on course of Gulf stream 299
Collin, on evaporation in France 102
Colouring of clouds 205
Como Lake, diurnal period of cloud on 130
Comozants 178
Compass bearings, correction of 148
Components of wind velocity 165
Conductors (lightning), Conference on 186
Conductors (lightning), Dr. Mann on 186
Conductors (lightning), erection of 185
Conductors (lightning), invention of 167 183
Conductors (lightning), material of 185
Conductors (lightning), principle of 183
Conductors (lightning), rules for 186
Continental climate 344
Continuity, equation of, applied to currents 297
Conversion tables for thermometer scales 20 389
Corona of the aurora explained 192
Coronae explained 202
Corposants 178
Corrections for altitude 85 391
Corrections for capillarity 84
Corrections for deducing mean temperature from various observations 38
Corrections for gravity 392
Corrections for index error 84
Corrections for temperature 85 391
Corrections of barometers, for capacity 73 84
Corrections of wind obs. from ships' logs 284
Coxwell and Glaisher, balloon ascent 12 66
Croll, on ocean currents 221
Croll, on the Gulf stream 301
Cumberland Lakes, rainfall of the 330
Cumulostiatus cloud 127
Cumulus cloud 127
Current in Polar Regions 309
Current of South Pacific 307
Current of Southern Ocean 298 309
Current, Humboldt's 299 307 344
Current, the Agulhas 308
Current, the American arctic 298
Current, the equatorial 296 298 305 307
Current, the Gulf stream 221 297 299 301 302
Current, the Kuro Siwo 221 296 306
Currents ocean, drift 295
Currents ocean, Rennell on 295
Currents ocean, stream 295
Currents ocean, their influence on sea temperature 318
Currents, atmospheric, ascending and descending, their action on precipitation 138
Currents, equatorial and polar 276
Currents, upper, their existence proved 243
Cyclones denned 365
Cyclones denned, calm centre in 373
Cyclones denned, fall of barometer in 368
Cyclones denned, handling of ships in 371
Cyclones denned, indraft of air in 366 369 374
Cyclones denned, localities of 367
Cyclones denned, motion of 370 372 379
Cyclones denned, position of greatest danger in 370
Cyclones denned, seasonal distribution of 368
Cyclones denned, segments of 370
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