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Scott R.H. — Elementary Meteorology |
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Cyclones denned, waves caused by 375
Cyclonic system see “Depression”
D'abbadie, on thunderstorms in Abyssinia 191
Dalton's law of mixed gases not true for atmosphere 112
Dampier, on land and sea breezes 285
Dampier, on rain at Gorgonia 138
Daniell's hygrometer 103
Dark segment of the aurora 192
Davos, solar radiation at 56
Day, length of, in various latitudes 8
de la Rue, comparison of lightning with electric spark 180
de la Rue, on colour of aurora 193
Deep sea temperatures 310
Density of sea water (supposed) 313
Density, maximum, of fresh water 312
Depressions explained 354
Depressions explained, ail motion in 357 368
Depressions explained, contrasted with anticyclones 357
Depressions explained, motion of 361 378 380
Depressions explained, passage of, described 358
Depressions explained, phenomena on opposite sides of 359
Depressions explained, subsidiary or secondary 378
Deviation of winds owing to earth's rotation 245
Dew, annual amount of 119
Dew, excessive in tropical climates 118
Dew, explanation of 118
Dew, Wells' theory of 114
Dewpoint 103 115
Dines, hygrometer 104
Dines, on annual amount of dew 119
Dines, on influence of height on rainfall 134
Dines, on rainfall at Cobham 334
Dines, on rainfall in London 332
Distribution of land and water on the globe 11
Distribution of land and water on the globe, its effect on temperature 219
Distribution of plants and animals 338 342
Diurnal range of cloud 129
Diurnal range of pressure 88
Diurnal range of pressure at Calcutta 89
Diurnal range of pressure at Greenwich 89
Diurnal range of pressure at Nertschinsk 89
Diurnal range of pressure in Boothia Felix 89
Diurnal range of pressure in British Isles 91
Diurnal range of rainfall 147
Diurnal range of temperature 37
Diurnal range of temperature at Greenwich 40
Diurnal range of temperature, dependent on amount of sunshine 214
Diurnal range of thunderstorms 190
Diurnal range of wind velocity 163
Doldrums, rain of the 325
Dorpat, discussion of wind velocity at 100
Dove, calculation of dry air pressure 90 113
Dove, cause of Monsoons 205
Dove, cause of Trade wind 244
Dove, change of direction of winds 254
Dove, isabnormal charts of temperature 232
Dove, isothermal charts 222
Dove, law of gyration 360
Dove, on equatorial and polar currents 270
Dove, on West Monsoons of the Line 207
Dove, relative temperature of two hemispheres 230
Dove, theory of hail formation 146
Dove, weather rules 349
Drainage, influence of, on the effects of rainfall 136
Drift current 295
Dry air pressure 90 313
Dry and wet bulb thermometers 107
Dryness of air, its effect on radiation 57 62
Dublin, annual range of evaporation at 102
Dublin, annual range of temperature at 102
Earth in relation to terrestrial radiation 60
Earth, condition of its surface in relation to solar radiation 46
Earth, effect of motion on solar action 45 211
Earth, motion of, in its orbit 8
Earth, orbit of 7
Earth, rotation of 8
Earth, the form of 6
Eaton (H.S.), on diurnal range of the barometer 00
Ecliptic, inclination of the 8
Electric potential, defined 170
Electricity, atmospheric 107
Electricity, changes of, during thunderstorm 172
Electricity, laws of, at Brussesl 171
Electrometer, Thomson 160
Electroscopes 168
Equation of continuity 207
Equator, diurnal range of temperature at 210
Equator, the thermal 22
Equatorial current, atmospheric 270
Equatorial current, ocean 299 305 307
Erman, Adolf, on relation of wind to pressure 251
Europe, rain probability of 336
Evans, Sir F., on currents of Southern Ocean 298
evaporation 95
Evaporation compared with rainfall 102
Evaporation from various crops 90
Evaporation in Dublin 102
Evaporation in France 102
Evaporation in India 99
Evaporation in London 102
Evaporation, difficulty of observing 97
Evaporation, effect of 97
Evaporation, in various latitudes (Haughton) 101
Evaporation, measurement of 100
Evaporation, Schmid on 101
Everett, on mirage 206
Exposure, influence of, on terrestrial radiation 59
Extraordinary rainbows 201
Fahrenheit's thermometer 19
Ferrel, on relation of wind to pressure 255
Firescreens, glass, action of 53
FiteKoy, Admiral, on weather, of globe 303
Fitzgerald, M., on globular lightning 170
Five clay means for temperature 43
Floats, fishing, Norwegian, found in Labrador 309
Floods, connected with drainage 130
Foeha, in Greenland 289
Foeha, the explanation of 289
Fog in Spitzbergen 122
Fog, Aitken's theory 120
Fog, composition of 119
Fog, density of, in Newfoundland 120
Fog, entry of, in journals 129
Fog, formation of 120
Fog, sea 122
Fogbows (fog-Gators) 201
Forecasting, its difficulty 301
Forests, influence of, on water supply 130
Forked lightning 173
Forties, the roaring 204
Fortin's barometer 72
Fraction of saturation 110
France, evaporation in 102
Franklin, invention of lightning conductors 167 183
Franklin, proof of nature of lightning 167
Freezing of fresh lakes 312
Freezing of salt water 311
Frequency of winds from various points 276—281
Gales, straight-line, so-called, explained 377
Galileo, observation of height of water in a pump 63
Gas explosion, extraordinary effects of a 156
Gases and vapours, differences between 95
Gay-Lussac's pipette 83
Gilbert, Dr., evaporation from various crops 99
Glaisher, Jas., balloon ascent 12 66
Glaisher, Jas., factors 109
Glaisher, Jas., hygrometric tables 109
Glaisher, Jas., on terrestrial radiation 61
Glaisher, Jas., on wind pressure 158
Glaisher, Jas., rain gauge 131
| Glaisher, Jas., winds at Greenwich 277
Glasgow, excessive wind pressure at 158
Glazed frost 115
Glazed frost, its effects in France 1879 116
Globular lightning 175
Glories 203
Godefroy, on glazed frost 116
Gradients, barometrical, explained 353
Graduation of barometers 67
Graduation of thermometers 21
Grass, its influence on terrestrial radiation 60
Gravity, correction of barometer readings for 392
Greaves, C., on evaporation 102
Greenland, climate 342
Greenland, Foehn in 289
Greenwich, annual range of temperature at 218
Greenwich, chronoisothermal diagram for 48
Greenwich, distribution of winds at 276
Greenwich, diurnal range of pressure at 89
Greenwich, diurnal range of temperature at 40 216
Greenwich, excessive wind-pressure at 158
Guinea current, the 303
Gulf-stream in Polar Regions 309
Gulf-stream on the coasts of Europe 302
Gulf-stream, its course 299
Gulf-stream, its influence, Croll 301
Gulf-stream, its influence, Haughton 301
Gulf-stream, the 221 297 318
Gulf-weed, the 303
Gyration, the law of 360
Hadley, theory of Trade winds 244
Hail, connected with thunderstorms 190
Hail, insurance 146
Hail, soft 143
Hail, true 143
Hailstones 143
Hailstones, Abich on 143
Hailstones, Delcros on 144
Hailstones, Dove's theory 146
Hailstones, formation of 145
Hailstones, Volta's theory 145
Hair hygrometer 105
Hall, Basil, ascent of the Peak of Teneriffe 112
Hallsberg, whirlwind at 382
Halos, explanation of 203
Halos, relation of, to weather 205
Hammerfest harbour 221
Hann, on hill and valley winds 288
Hann, on influence of mountains on rainfall 328
Hann, on prevalent winds and thermal windroses 280
Hann, on rainless regions on land 328
Hann, on relative temperature of the two hemispheres 231
Hann, on seasonal rainfall of Europe 333
Hann, on the causes of rain 138 139
Hann, on the effect of height on temperature 236
Hann, on the “Bora” 383
Hann, on zone of maximum rainfall 329
Harmattan, the 293
Haughton, Dr., the sun compared with the earth as a source of heat 51
Haughton, on effect of rainfall on climate 140
Haughton, on evaporation in various latitudes 101
Haughton, on influence of Gulf-stream 301
Haughton, on motion of currents 297
Haughton, on the Kuro Siwo 306
Heat by conditions of surface 46
Heat, amount of, received by each hemisphere 10
Heat, amounts conveyed to atmosphere by land and water respectively 212
Heat, effect of, on pressure 239
Heat, excessive, compared with excessive cold 235
Heat, greatest observed 47 23
Heat, solar, affected by motions of earth 45 211
Heat, sources of 50
Heat, variation of, in the daily and annual period 47
Height, influence of, on rainfall 131
Height, influence of, on temperature 213 236
Hemispheres, comparison of temperatures 223 231
Hemispheres, difference of heat received by each 10
Hersehel, actinometer 52
Hersehel, black-bulb thermometer 53
Hersehel, on change of climate with height 338
Hersehel, on diurnal range of barometer 90
Hersehel, on radiation logs 121
Hersehel, on terrestrial radiation 59
Hersehel, Physical Geography 317
Hersehel, temperature of soil at Cape of Good Hope 47
Hildebrandsson, on cirrus clouds 125
Hill and valley winds 288
Hill, on zone of maximum rainfall in Himalayas 329
Himalayas, zone of maximum rainfall in 329
Hoarfrost 115 117
Hoarfrost, how to foretell 117
Hook's anemometer 150
Horse latitudes, the 150
Hours of observation for temperature 41
Howard's classification of clouds 121
Howard's classification of rain-gauge 131
Humboldt, current 299 307 344
Humboldt, isothermal lines 222
Humboldt, on density of sea-water 313
Humboldt, on excessive dew in South America 118
Humidity, absolute 110
Humidity, relative 110
Hurricanes see “Cyclones”
Hutton, hygrometry 107
Hygrometers, Darnell's 103
Hygrometers, Dines's 101
Hygrometers, direct 103
Hygrometers, indirect 105
Hygrometers, indirect, dry and wet 107
Hygrometers, indirect, hair (Saussure's) 105
Hygrometers, indirect, Hutton's (Leslie's) 107
Hygrometers, indirect, Mason's 107
Hygrometers, Regnault's 104
Hygrometry 103
Hygrometry, Apjohn's formula 108
Hygrometry, August 108
Hygrometry, Glaisher's tables 109
Hypsometry 21
Ice clouds 123
Ice, effect of, in reducing range of temperature 220
Ice, evaporation from 96
Ice, formation of, by radiation 61
Index error of barometers 84
India Ocean, rainfall of the 327
India, formation of ice by radiation in 61
Indraft in cyclones 366 369 374
Insular climate 344
Insurance against hail 146
Isabnormal charts 232
Isabnormal charts, their relation to those of distribution of pressure 257
Isobaric charts 238
Isobaric charts, explained 256
Isobars 256 3
Isothermal charts 222
Isothermal lines, their courses traced 224—230
Italy, local names of winds in 293
Jamaica, land and sea breeze at 286
James, Sir H., on relation between pressure and velocity of wind 154
Japanese seas, the currents of the 306
Johnston (A. Keith, jun.), Range Maps 339
Kaemtz, vertical distribution of vapor in atmosphere 111
Kerguelen, force of wind at 253
Kew barometer 73
Kew Observatory, atmosphoric electricity during thunderstorm at 172
Kew Observatory, certificates for barometers 85
Kew Observatory, certificates for thermometers 23
Khamsin, the 293
King's barograph 78
Koenigswinter, whirlwind at 382
Koeppen, on climatic character of winds 360
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