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Scott R.H. — Elementary Meteorology |
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Koeppen, rain probability for Europe 336
Koeppen, rainfall of the Atlantic 327
Kuro Siwo, the, of the Pacific 221 297 306 318
Labrador, Norwegian floats found in 309
Lambert's formula for wind discussions 161
Land and sea breezes 285
Land and sea breezes, Blanford on 286
Land and sea breezes, Laugh-ton on 286
Land and water, effect of distribution on temperature 219 220
Land and water, relative proportion of, on globe 11
Lanes cut by storms in woods 155
Latent heat, effect of, on temperature 97 117 220
Latitudes, the “horse” 268
Laughton, on land and sea breezes 286
Laughton, on the existence of a sargasso sea in the Pacific 306
Laughton, on the horse latitudes 268
Laughton, on the winds of the globe 269
Law of gyration 360
Law of storms 365
Law, Buys Ballot's 255 353
Lawps, Sir J.B., on evaporation from various crops 99
Leaves, fallen, action of, in checking evaporation 99
Leh, extreme solar radiation at 56
Leipzig, discussion of windroses for, Schreiber 350
Leslie's hygrometer 107
Levanter 293
Ley, on cirrus clouds 125
Liais, estimate of height of atmosphere 13
Lightning conductors, action of 183
Lightning conductors, Conference on 186
Lightning conductors, erection of 185
Lightning conductors, invention of 167 183
Lightning conductors, material of 185
Lightning conductors, principle of 183
Lightning conductors, rules for 186
Lightning, comparison of, with electric spark 173 180
Lightning, effects of 181
Lightning, globular 175
Lightning, motion of 174
Lightning, return shock of 181
Lightning, sheet 175
Lightning, zigzag 173
Lind's anemometer 150
Liverpool, annual period of wind velocity at 164
London, annual range of pressure for 93
London, evaporation in 102
London, rain probability for 334
London, rainfall of 332
Looming 207
Loomis, distribution of aurora 194
Loomis, distribution of rain 322
Lottin, on aurora at Bossekop 192
Lunar rainbows 202
Lustra, for calculation of means 44
Lyell, Sir C., proportion of laid and water on globe 11 220
Lying-to in cyclones 371
Mackerel sky, the 126
Magnetic storms 196
Magnetism, terrestrial, connection of, with aurora 196
Magnetism, terrestrial, connection of, with sun-spots 392
Mahabuleshwur, rainfall of 321
Maiden Island, rainfall at 325
Mann, Dr., on lightning conductors 186
Marco Polo, on monsoons 248
Mare's tail clouds 124
Marine barometer 74
Mason's hygrometer 107
Mauritius hurricanes 367 369
Maury, on rainfall in Trade wind zone 327
Maximum density of vapour 96
Maximum thermometers, hours for observing 42
Maximum thermometers, Negretti's 27
Maximum thermometers, Phillips' 27
Maximum thermometers, Six's 25
Mean sea level 85
Mean temperature, annual 44
Mean temperature, determination of diurnal 38
Mean temperature, five day 43
Mean temperature, monthly 43
Meldrum, on connection between sunspots and weather 393
Meldrum, on indraft of wind in cyclones 369 375
Meldrum, on Mauritius cyclones 369
Meteorology contrasted with astronomy 1
Meteorology contrasted with astronomy, cosmical 4
Meteorology contrasted with astronomy, different lines of study of 3
Minimum thermometers, Casella's 29
Minimum thermometers, grass 61
Minimum thermometers, hours for observing 42
Minimum thermometers, Rutherford's 29
Minimum thermometers, Six's 25
Mirage 206
Mist, composition of 119 122
Mistral, the 292 383
Mock suns, &c. 203
Mohn, Prof., isothermal charrs 222
Mohn, Prof., on causes of barometrical oscillations 248
Mohn, Prof., on classification of thunderstorms 189
Mohn, Prof., on distribution of vapour tension 111
Mohn, Prof., on sea temperature 314
Monsoons the soft place in the 268
Monsoons the West of the Line 266
Monsoons, Aristotle on 266
Monsoons, Blanford on 265
Monsoons, Dove on 265
Monsoons, explained 247 265
Monsoons, the Arab writers on 266
Mont Blanc, observations of solar radiation on 57
Moon, heat from the 51
Moon, mock 203
Motion of clouds 129
Mountains, effect of, on rainfall 328
Mountains, effect of, on temperature 236 338
Mueller, Hugo, comparison of lightning with the electric spark 180
Mueller, Hugo, comparison of lightning with the electric spark on colour of aurora 193
Nagpook, evaporation at 99
Negretti's maximum thermometer 27
Nertschinsk, diurnal range of pressure at 89
New Haven (Conn.), annual range of temperature at 45
New South Wales, temperature of soil observed in 47
New Zealand winds of 289
Newfoundland, banks of, fogs on 120
Nimbus cloud 128
Noah's ark in the sky 125 359
Noise of the aurora 192
Nordonskiold, on snowdrift in Siberia 326
Nortes, the 294 383
North-west wind, in cyclonic systems 190 359 376
North-westers, of New Zealand 289
Northumberland Sound, summer temperature of 236
Norwegian fishing floats found in Labrador 309
Optical phenomena 199
Orbit of the earth 7
Orkneys, the, annual period of wind velocity in 164
Osier's anemometer 150
Oxygen in atmosphere, variations in amount of 15
Ozone, difficulty of observing 197
Ozone, Dr. Tripe on 198
Ozone, its discovery 196
Ozone, its nature 197
Pacific ocean, limits of trade winds in 246
Pacific ocean, rainless regions in 325
Pallium, a form of cloud 126
Pamperos 294 383
Papagayo winds 383
Parhelia and paraselense 203
Parmenides, division of earth into zones 5 338
Parry, Sir E., currents of Polar Regions 309
Pascal, proof of the principle of the barometer 65
Peruvian current, the 299
Phillips' maximum thermometer 27
| Physical geography, works on 347
Piddington, law of storms 365
Piddington, on indraft of air in cyclones 366
Pike's Peak, summer temperature at 237
Pike's Peak, winter and summer pressures at 241
Pipette, Gay-Lussac's 83
Pitlekaj, snowdrift at 326
Planets, laws of motion of 7
Planets, the classification of 6
Plants, distribution of 338 342
Pocky cloud, the 128
Poey, M., on clouds 126
Polar currents 276
Poles of cold (Brewster) 234
Potential, in electricity, denned 170
Precipitation, its various forms 114 119
Pressure, affected by heat 239
Pressure, annual range of 93
Pressure, atmospheric 63
Pressure, Bachan 91
Pressure, causes of excessive 249
Pressure, distribution of 256
Pressure, diurnal range of 88
Pressure, Dove 90
Pressure, Eaton 90
Pressure, explanation of defective, at South Pole 251
Pressure, influence of vapor on 92
Pressure, its average amount 64
Pressure, reasons for increase or decrease 249
Pressure, regions of defective 250 257
Pressure, relation of, to isabnormals of temperature 257
Pressure, relation of, to wind 253 353
Pressure, Simmonds 92
Pressure, Strachan 92
Pressure, wind and velocity, relation between 154
Pressure, wind, measurement of, Cator 151
Pressure, wind, measurement of, excessive at Bidston 156
Pressure, wind, measurement of, excessive at Calcutta 156
Pressure, wind, measurement of, Hooke 150
Pressure, wind, measurement of, Lind 150
Pressure, wind, measurement of, Osier 150
Pressure, wind, measurement of, Wild 150
Primary rainbow 200
Probability of rain 334
Probability of rain in British Isles 334
Probability of rain in Europe 336
Psychrometer (dry and wet bulb thermometer), the 107
Pump, action of the 64
Pumping of barometers 75
Punos winds 291
Purga, the 294
Quetelet, discussion of atmospheric electricity at Brussels 171
Radiation fogs 121
Radiation, solar 51
Radiation, solar, affected by angle of incidence 211
Radiation, solar, affected by vapor 113 212
Radiation, solar, observation of 55
Radiation, terrestrial 59
Radiation, terrestrial, affected by vapor 113 212
Radiation, terrestrial, affected by vegetation 60 212
Radiation, terrestrial, Glaisher on 61
Radiation, terrestrial, observation of 60
Radii of the Earth, the 6
Rain-probability defied 334
Rain-probability defied different for different amounts 335
Rain-probability defied for Cob-ham 334
Rain-probability defied for London 334
Rain-probability defied for Valencia 334
Rain-probability defied of Europe 336
Rainbow 199
Rainbow in connection with weather 201
Rainbow, explanation of 200
Rainbow, extraordinary 201
Rainbow, lunar 202
Rainbow, primary 200
Rainbow, secondary 200
Rainbow, supernumerary 200
Rainfall at Ascension 321
Rainfall at Batavia 323
Rainfall at Buitenzorg 323
Rainfall at Cherraponjee 325
Rainfall at Mahabuleshwur 321
Rainfall at Maiden Island 325
Rainfall at Santiago 326
Rainfall at Valdivia 326
Rainfall in British Isles 332
Rainfall in Europe 333
Rainfall in London 332
Rainfall, average amount in United Kingdom 137
Rainfall, causes of 137—139
Rainfall, compared with evaporation 102
Rainfall, distribution of 321
Rainfall, diurnal period of 147
Rainfall, effects of, in heating air 140
Rainfall, influence of cultivation on its effects 136
Rainfall, influence of height above ground on 133
Rainfall, influence of mountains on 328
Rainfall, instances of excessive falls 135 137
Rainfall, its amount over large areas 135
Rainfall, seasonal distribution of 330
Rainfall, storage of 135
Rainless regions at sea 328
Rainless regions, on land 326 328
Rarefaction over Central Asia in summer 93 259
Reaumur's thermometer scale 20
Redfield, law of storms 365
Redfield, on indraft in cyclones 366
Redier's barograph 77
Reduction of barometers to 85
Reduction of barometers to sea-level 85
Reduction of barometers to sea-level, simple rule for 86
Reduction of barometers to sea-level, theoretical difficulty of 87
Regnault's hygrometer 104
Reid, law of storms 365
Relative humidity 110
Rennel, on currents 295
Renou, on history of thermometer 17
Rensselaer harbour, temperature of 236
Resolution of wind velocities, the 165
Resultant winds, deceptive 163—165
Richmann, Prof., death of 168
Roaring Forties, the 264
Robinson, Dr., anemometer 151
Robinson, Dr., on influence of height on rainfall 135
Roiling of thunder explained 1 8
Ronald's barograph 77
Ross, Sir J.C., force of wind at Kerguelen 253
Ross, Sir J.C., on deep sea temperatures 313
Ross, Sir J.C., on defective pressure near South Pole 252
Rosser, diagrams of storms 371
Rotation of the earth, its influence on motion of air 245
Rotation of the earth, its influence on temperature 8 211
Rundell,on winds at Liverpool 162
Russian Empire, Wild's temperature charts for 222
Rutherford's thermometer 29
Rutherford's thermometer, defects of 30
Sabine, on aurora at low levels 193
Sabine, on relation of sunspots to magnetism 392
Sabine, on St. Elmo's fire 178
Sabine, on the Guinea current 303
Sandwick Manse (Orkneys), annual period of wind velocity at 164
Santiago (Chili), rainfall of 326
Sargasso Sea in Pacific 306
Sargasso Sea in South Atlantic 305
Sargasso Sea, the 302
Saturation, fraction of 110
Saussure, hygrometer 105
Scale, Beaufort's, for wind force 158
Scales of barometers, best material for 66
Scales of thermometers, different 19
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