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Scott R.H. — Elementary Meteorology |
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Schmid, on evaporation 101
Schott, on velocities corresponding to degrees of Beaufort's wind scale 160
Schreiber, wind rose for Leipzig 350
Schueck, Capt., on arched squalls 384
Schueck, Capt., on indraft of wind in cyclones 374
Schwabe, sunspot measures 392
Scirocco, the 292
Scottish Meteorological Society, on sea temperatures 319
Sea broeze, the 285
Sea fogs 122
Sea surface temperatures 314
Sea surface temperatures, on coasts of the British Isles 319
Sea surface temperatures, regulated by currents 318
Sea-level, on reduction of barometer readings to 85
Seasonal distribution of rainfall 330
Secondary depressions 380
Secondary rainbow 200
Seorcbby, on solar radiation in the Arctic Seas 57
Setting the barometer 68
Sheet lightning 175
Ships' logs, on treatment of wind observations from 282
Siberia, snow drift in 326
Silver thaw 115
Simoon, the 293 382
Siphon barometers 75
Six's thermometer 25
Sky, appearance of, during thunderstorms 188
Sleet 143
Sling thermometers 36
Smith, Dr. Angus, on importance of temperature to health 17
Smith, Dr. Angus, on impurities in atmosphere 14
Smoke, use of, to ward off hoar frost 117
Snow, amount of 142
Snow, crystals of 142
Snow, evaporation from 96
Snow, indirect influence of, on barometrical pressure 249
Snow, measurement of 141
Snowdrift, in Arctic regions 326
Soft hail 143
Soft place in the monsoon, the 268
Soil, excessive temperature of the 47
Solano, the 293
Solar radiation 51
Solar radiation, excessive, at Davos 56
Solar radiation, excessive, at Leh 56
Solar radiation, excessive, Violle's results 57
Solar system, the 6
Somerville, Mrs., “Physical Geography” 347
South Pole, reduced atmospheric pressure near 252
Southerly “busters” of New Zealand 290
Spirit thermometers 29
Spirit thermometers, construction of, to ensure sensitiveness 31
Spirit thermometers, defects of 30
Spitzbergen, fogs in 122
Sprung, on rainfall of Atlantic 327
Squalls 384
Squalls, arched 384
St. Elmo's fire 178
St. Theodule, Col of, annual range of temperature at 236
Standard barometers 72
Standard pressure for thermometer graduation 22
Stations of first, second, and third orders, definition of 41
Stevenson's thermometer screen 34
Stewart (Balfour), actinometer 52
Stewart (Balfour), on influence of sunspots on weather 393
Stokes, Prof., on the theory of Robinson's anemometer 152
Stokes, Prof., sunshine recorder 59
Storm wave, the 375
Storm wave, warnings 379
Storms, law of 365
Storms, law of temperate zone, their motion 378
Storms, law of temperate zone, their nature 376
Storms, revolving see “Cyclones”
Strachan, R., diurnal range of pressure 92
Strachan, R., rule for reduction of barometer to sea-level 86
Strachey, Gren., distribution of vapor in vertical height 112 329
Stratus cloud 126
Stream currents 295
Sturt, Capt, temperature of soil in New South Wales 47
Subsidiary depressions 380
Subtropical rain region 331
Summer, lightning 175
Summer, rains, regions of 331
Summer, relative length of the, in the two hemispheres 10 231
Summer, temperature, the lowest observed 236
Sun, influence of, on diurnal range of temperature 214
Sun, the heat from, affected by angle of incidence 211
Sun, the heat from, affected by motion of earth 45 211
Suns, mock 203
Sunshine recorder 58
Sunspots, periodicity table of 394
Sunspots, relation of, to weather 363 392
Supan, Prof., proposed new classification of zones 339
Supan, Prof., range laws 341
Supan, Prof., range maps 340
Supernumerary rainbows 200
Symons, on influence of height on rainfall 134
Symons, Rainfall system 135
Sympiezometer 81
Tait, Prof., on the cause of intensity of electrical phenomena in thunderstorms 180
Tait, Prof., on the rolling of thunder 179
Tehuantepec winds 383
Teisserenc de Bort, on relation of isabnormals of temperature to pressure 257
Telegraphy of weather 362
Temperature at high levels 238
Temperature charts, isothermal 223
Temperature from maximum and minimum readings 42
Temperature of the soil, excessive 47
Temperature, affected by state of sky 214
Temperature, annual range of 216
Temperature, deep sea 311
Temperature, deep sea, sea surface, distribution of 314
Temperature, diurnal range of 37
Temperature, influenced by height 213
Temperature, isabnormal 232
Temperature, mean annual 43
Temperature, mean diurnal, determination of 38
Temperature, relation of, to barometrical pressure 257
Teneriffe, annual change of wind on 243
Teneriffe, ascent of Peak by Basil Hall 112
Tension of vapor 110
Terrestrial magnetism, connected with aurora 196
Terrestrial magnetism, relation of, to sunspots 393
Terrestrial radiation 59
Thaw, silver 115
Thaw, silver, the “up-bank” 213 345
Thermal equator, the 224
Thermographs, mechanical 32
Thermographs, photographic 33
Thermographs, records of 37
Thermometer attached to a barometer 70
Thermometer, best liquid for 19
Thermometer, black bulb in vacuo 54
Thermometer, conversion tables for 389
Thermometer, deep sea 310 —
Thermometer, defined 17
Thermometer, different scales 19
Thermometer, displacement of zero in 24
Thermometer, exposure of 33
Thermometer, graduation of 21
Thermometer, history of 18
Thermometer, maximum 26
Thermometer, minimum 29
Thermometer, ordinary, range of 23
Thermometer, requisite accuracy of 23
Thermometer, screens 34
Thermometer, self-registering 25
Thermometer, separation of spirit in 30
Thermometer, setting of 28
Thermometer, Six's 25
| Thermometer, sling (thermometre fronde) 36
Thermometer, verification of 23
Thomson's, Sir W., electrometer 101
Thunder, distance it is heard 170
Thunder, its nature 178
Thunderstorms in Abyssinia 191
Thunderstorms in Arctic. regions 191
Thunderstorms, appearance, of sky during 188
Thunderstorms, diurnal and annual period of 190
Thunderstorms, their effect on atmospheric electricity 172
Thunderstorms, their nature 172 189
Thunderstorms, “cyclonic” 189
Thunderstorms, “heat” 189
Tornadoes, defined 381
Tornadoes, described 381
Torricelli, his vacuum 65
Torricelli, invention of the barometer 63
Toynbee, Capt., on climatic character of winds 300
Toynbee, Capt., on cold water near Equator 301
Toynbee, Capt., on indraft of wind in hurricanes 374
Tracks of hurricanes 370 372
Trade winds explained 214
Trade winds explained, described 261
Trade winds explained, direction of 262
Trade winds explained, Hadley's theory 244
Trade winds explained, limits of 216 262
Trade winds explained, South-east, interruption in 263
Trade winds explained, zone, not rainless 327
Trade, Langhton on 269
Tramontana, the 292
Trevandrum, range of temperature at 215
Tripe, Dr., on globular lightning 176
Tripe, Dr., on ozone observations 198
Typhoons 365
Tyudall, Prof., on action of vapor in cheeking radiation 113
United States, the, weather telegraphy in 302
Upbank thaw, the 213 345
Upper currents of atmosphere near equator 243
Vacuum, Torricelli's 65
Valdivia, rainfall at 326
Vapour tension 110
Vapour, action of, on radiant, heat 113
Vapour, geographical distribution of 111
Vapour, maximum density of 96
Vapour, vert teal distribution of, Kaemtz 111
Vapour, vert teal distribution of, liuaii Hall 112
Vapour, vert teal distribution of, Strachey 112 329
Vapour, vert teal distribution of, v. Lament 112
Vapours and gases, difference between 95
Varenius, on Trade winds 244
Variable winds, the 267
Variation of the compass 148
Veering of wind 361
Vegetation, influence of, on radiation 61
Velocity anemometer, Robinson's 151
Velocity — and pressure of wind, relation between 154
Verification of barometers 85
Verification of thermometers 23
Vernier, for barometers, explained 67
Violle, M., on absorption of heat by atmosphere 57
Volcanoes, ashes from, borne by upper currents 244
Volta, mode of collecting atmospheric electricity 169
Volta, theory of hail 145
von Danckelmann, on rainfall of Indian Ocean 327
von Lamont, J., atmometer 100
von Lamont, J., on distribution of vapor in atmosphere 112
von Oettingen, on wind discussion 165
Wall screen, for thermometers 35
Walmer whirlwind, the 381
Warmest period of the day 47
Warmest period of the year 48
Warnings of storms 379
Water in heating atmosphere 242
Water, effects of, in reducing range of temperature 220 342
Water, fresh, maximum density of 312
Water, proportion of, on earth's surface 11 219
Water, salt, freezing of 311 313
Waterspout produced by a whirlwind 382
Wave, the storm 375
Weather charts 355 356
Weather forecasting 361
Weather galls 200
Weather telegraphy 36
Weather, connection of aurora with 195
Weather, rules for, dependent on cyclones and anti-cyclones 352
Weather, rules for, Dove 3
Weather, rules for, in cyclones and anti-cyclones respectively 358
Weather, rules for, relation of, to sunspots 363 392
Weather, rules for, Schreiber 350
Weighting wind observations from ships' logs 283
Wells, theory of dew 114
Werchojansk, winter temperature of 228 235
West Monsoons of the Line, the 267
Wet bulb thermometer, management of 107
Weyprecht, on connection between aurora and weather 195
Wheatstone, measurement of velocity of lightning 174
Wheel barometer, the 76
Whirlwinds 381
Whirlwinds, Hallsberg 382
Whirlwinds, produce waterspouts 382
Whirlwinds, Walmer 381
White squalls 384
Whitley, N., on sea temperature on British coasts 319
Wijkander, on connection between aurora and magnetism 196
Wijkander, on fogs in Spitsbergen 122
Wild, anemometer 150
Wild, relation of isabnormals of temperature to pressure 257
Wild, temperature charts of Russian empire 222
Wind 148
Wind action of change of level on 288
Wind and current charts (Admiralty) 282 314
Wind galls 200
Wind ganges, pressure, Cator 151
Wind ganges, pressure, Hooke 156
Wind ganges, pressure, Lind 150
Wind ganges, pressure, Osier 150
Wind ganges, pressure, Wild 150
Wind pressure, excessive, at Bidston 156
Wind pressure, excessive, at Calcutta 156
Wind pressure, excessive, at Glasgow 158
Wind pressure, excessive, at Greenwich 158
Wind pressures, force, Beaufort's scale 158
Wind pressures, table of 157
Wind velocity, annual range of, in British Isles 164
Wind velocity, diurnal range of 163
Wind velocity, Robinson 151
Wind, climatic character of, depends'on origin 360
Wind, direction of 148
Wind, discussion 161
Wind, discussion, Coffin 163
Wind, discussion, Wojeikof 163
Wind, north-west, in a depression 190 359
Wind, pressure and velocity, relation between 155 158
Wind, relation of, to barometrical pressure 253 353
Wind, veering and backing of 361
Wind-roses 166
Wind-roses for Leipzig 350
Wind-roses, thermal for northern hemisphere 278 280
Wind-roses, weather 349
Winds at sea, difficulty of discussing 282
Winds, Bora 292 383
Winds, Buran 293
Winds, climatic influence of 278 280 350
Winds, distribution of, in British Isles 276
Winds, general principles of their motion in the temperate zone 275
Winds, Harmattan 293
Winds, hill and valley 288
Winds, Khamsin 293
Winds, land and sea breezes 285
Winds, Laughton on 269
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