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Harris R.J. — A primer of multivariate statistic
Harris R.J. — A primer of multivariate statistic

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Íàçâàíèå: A primer of multivariate statistic

Àâòîð: Harris R.J.


As he was looking over materials for his multivariate course, Harris (U. of New Mexico) realized that the course had outstripped the current edition of his own textbook. He decided to revise it rather than use someone else's because he finds them veering too much toward math avoidance, and not paying enough attention to emergent variables or to structural equation modeling. He has updated the 1997 second edition with new coverage of structural equation modeling and various aspects of it, new demonstrations of the properties of the various techniques, and computer applications integrated into each chapter rather than appended.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ìàòåìàòèêà/Âåðîÿòíîñòü/Ñòàòèñòèêà è ïðèëîæåíèÿ/

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ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: third edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2001

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 609

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 03.06.2005

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Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Sampling, tetrad differences      304
Sampling, units of      155n-156n
Sampling, variances in      211
Sampson, P.F.      409
SAS Institute, Inc.      467
SAS programs, PROC CALIS      433—442
SAS programs, PROC FACTOR      408 422
SAS programs, PROC GLM program      246 250 260—262 297 459
SAS programs, PROC MATRIX program      162—163 181 299—301
SAS programs, PROC REG program      103—105
SAS programs, PROC RSQUARE program      95 103—105
SAS programs, User's Guide, online      478
Saunders, D.R.      362
Scalar formulae      16 71—72 322—325 488—490
Scaling      164 326
Scarr, S.      130 464
Scatter diagram      76
Scheffe contrast procedure      83 213—215 215t 221—222 222t 247 334
Scheffe contrast procedure, Bonferroni approach and      55
Scheffe contrast procedure, for means      213
Scheffe contrast procedure, multivariate extension of      15 22 221 222t 247
Scheffe contrast procedure, properties of      150—156
Scheffe contrast procedure, variability and      195
Scheffe's significance criterion      216 218
Schizophrenia scales, of MMPI      226
Schmidt, F.L.      64
Schnabel, K.U.      480
Schull, W.J.      186 452
Schumacker, R.E.      520
Schuurman, F.J.      239
Scientific Subroutine Package (SSP)      313
Scrambled-word problems      155
Scree analysis      44 341—342 408
screening      1 2 247
Searle, S.R.      479
Self-awareness      44
Selltiz, C.      143
Senders, V.L.      30n
Setwise error rate      215
Shakespeare, W.      55
Shared file system      143
Sheu, C-F.      452
Siegel, S.      30n
Significance tests      1 3 13 269 270—280 314 317.
Significance tests, combined t ratio      102
Significance tests, contrasts of contrasts and      182
Significance tests, factorial approach and      78
Significance tests, for canonical analysis      269 270—280 314 317
Significance tests, for Manova      219—224 222t . 279
Significance tests, for MRA      77t
Significance tests, for Pearson r      31
Significance tests, for principal components      341 342
Significance tests, gcr approach      170 188
Significance tests, illustration of      86—94
Significance tests, of overall null hypothesis      19 20—25 36
Significance tests, robustness of      444
Significance tests, union-intersection approach      12n 14 17 20—21 146 156—158 221 234
Significance tests, univariate      7 155—156 211—212 445t
Significance tests, Wilks' lambda criterion      231 234—237 280
Significance tests, within-subjects effect      See Repeated-measures design
Simon, T.L.      192
simplicity      361 367 372
Simultaneous equations, homogeneous      512—513
Simultaneous equations, linear      485
Simultaneous equations, solving      493—496
Simultaneous test procedures (STPs)      234—238
Singer, J.D.      480
Singh, K.      136
Skellum, J.G.      5—6
Slopes      175
Slopes, derivatives and      482—485
SMC      See Squared multiple correlation
Smith, E.R.      136
Smith, H.      76 77 79
Smith, K.J.C.      0
Social Psychology (Brown)      449
Social status      449
Sociometrics      55
Software      See programs by name
Sorbom, D.      408 467
Spacecraft      121
Spath, H.      480
Spearman rank-order correlations (rho)      444
Spearman rho      445
Spearman, C      30 30n 425 444—445
Sphericity      106
Spiegel, D. K.      115
SPSS package      236 246
SPSS package, CANCORR program      301—304
SPSS package, FACTOR program      325—326 338—340 408 421—433
SPSS package, GLM program, problems with      260—261
SPSS package, MANOVA program      232 236 246 250 256—260 265 289 459 461—464
SPSS package, MATRIX / END MATRIX program block      196 299—301
SPSS package, REGRESSION program      89—90 93 96 101—103 106 138
Square root method      406. See also TDA
Squared deviation      15 19 20 65
Squared errors      66 70.
Squared multiple correlation (SMC), communality and      401—403 405 410 418
Squares, sum of      20—21 77t 84t 213—215 219 228 244—245 248 250 264 557—559
SSP      See Scientific Subroutine Package
Stability, of results      3
Standard deviation, differential      106
Standard deviation, estimate of      8—9 17
Standard deviation, standard error of estimate      29
Standardized measures      293. See also z scores
Stanford — Binet test      58
Stanley, J.C.      59 445
Statistics      See also specific statistics
Statistics as form of social control      1—2 6
Statistics, descriptive      1 3 10—12 14
Statistics, inferential      1 3 6 10—12
Statistics, selection of      148
Statistics, tables and websites for      517
Statistics, techniques      16t 36
Statistics, univariate, recent developments in      6—10
Steele, M.W.      108 453
Steiger, J.H.      5 136 411 450
Step-down analysis      95 103 143
Stepup MRA      95 103 143
Stepwise procedures      95—96 455 404
Stevens's classification      446 449
Stevens, S.S.      30n 59 444—449
Stewart, G.W.      293—294 467
STP      See Simultaneous test procedures
Stress      193
Stressor      193
Structural equations modeling (SEM)      433 464—479
Structural equations modeling (SEM), as combination of path analysis, FA      464
Structural equations modeling (SEM), as general model for mulivariate statistics (not)      472—473
Structural equations modeling (SEM), can't constrain scoring coefficients      472
Structural equations modeling (SEM), constraints, tests of      467
Structural equations modeling (SEM), convergence problems      472
Structural equations modeling (SEM), examples      464—468 468—470 470—471 473—478
Structural equations modeling (SEM), higher order CFA via      473—478
Structural equations modeling (SEM), identification      469
Structural equations modeling (SEM), increment to canonical R      470—471
Structural equations modeling (SEM), inflated alphas for significance tests      467 470
Structural equations modeling (SEM), Lagrange multiplier tests      467
Structural equations modeling (SEM), programs for      478—479. See also PROC CALIS
Structural equations modeling (SEM), reproduced correlation matrix      466
Structural equations modeling (SEM), rotations of solutions indistinguishable      471
Structural equations modeling (SEM), Wald tests      467
Structure, analysis of      318 328 351 356
Structure, factor analysis and      394—443
Structure, Kaiser-normalized      417—418 418t
Structure, matrix for      321
Structure, restrictions on, in CFA      407
Structure, simple      361 416 422 443
Stuart, A.      235
Student's t test      See t distribution; t test
Subbaiah, P.      239
Subjects, defined      100n
Sum of squares      See Squares sum
Summary tables      12n 83
Summation notation      64
Suspicion      226
Symmetric matrices      509
Symmetry of canonical analysis      453
Symmetry, compound      190
Syntax window, in SPSS PC      101—102
t      See t test
t distribution      317. See also t tests
t distribution, $T^2$ and      317
t distribution, Bonferroni adjustment for      213 215—218 469—474
t distribution, computer subroutine for      216
t distribution, critical values      156
t distribution, degrees of freedom in      18 65
t distribution, extremities of      216
t distribution, tables and websites for      156 517
t ratio      See t test
t test      8 11 16t 17—18 163.
t test, $T^2$ analogs for      192
t test, and canonical correlation approach to correlated proportions      278
t test, Bonferroni-adjusted      164 213 215—218
t test, computer subroutine for      216
t test, flatness test      196
t test, for correlated means      196
t test, generalization of      155
t test, normality assumption      188
t test, on discriminant function      22 24 55 546—548
t test, on discriminant scores      316
t test, post hoc t      160
t test, single-sample version of      155
t test, tables for      156
t test, two-sample test      24
t test, unequal-covariance case      187
t test, univariate      11 22 160 210
t test, Welch — Aspin t tests      187 451
Tabachnick, B.G.      190 233 479
Tatsuoka, M.M.      169 235 479
TDA      See Triangular decomposition
Tedeschi, J.      108 453
Television viewing      37—38
Tesser, A.      136
Test(s)      See specific tests
Tetrachoric correlation      30 445—446
Tetrad difference      244 304
Theory construction      3 5—6 48
Thompson, B.      294—296
Thompson, W.O.      153
Thorngate, W.B.      25
Thurstone's criteria for simple structure      361
Thurstone's scaling properties      59 143
Thurstone, L.L.      59 143 361 374 378 311
Time-sharing system      388
Timm, N.H.      116 132 345
Tisak, J.      280 285 287—288 480
Toothaker, L.E.      190
Trace statistics      231—232 257 280 557—559
Trace, of matrix      159
Traits, centrality of      68
Transformations, Arcsin, of proportions      480
Transformations, crossover interactions and      450
Transformations, F ratio and      552
Transformations, linear, invariance of r under      269
Transformations, monotonic      447
Transformations, of data      446—447
Transformations, of factor revelation      372 378—381 562
Transformations, orthogonal      356
Transformations, PCA as      332 352
Transformations, reasonable monotonic      448
Transformations, rotations      See Rotation
Transformations, significance testing and      455
Transformations, standard-score      541
Transformations, to handle nonlinearity      61 453—455
Transpose, of matrix      488 499
Trend contrasts      177—180
Trendafilov, N.T.      422
Triangular decomposition (TDA)      43 405—406 409
Trichotomous coding      32n
Trigonometric solutions      323 360 515
Tryon, R.C.      409 480
Tukey's test      217 239
Tukey, J.W.      1 3 76 217
Turtle, W.A.      113—114
Type I error      2 11n 9 13 19—21 105 210 215 222 233 408
Type I error, Bonferroni approach and      13 216
Type I error, contrasts and      192
Type I error, experimentwise      See Experimentwise error rate
Type I error, F ratio and      189
Type I error, for Manova on retained PCs      348
Type I error, inflation of      480
Type I error, p-values      189
Type I error, per-experiment      533
Type I error, restricted comparison and      238
Type I error, univariate t tests and      210
Type II error      2 160
U statistic      231 234—237 280
U statistic, approximations to      232
U statistic, gcr tests and      232—237
U-shaped distributions      451
Unbiased estimation      75 79 85 111
Unbiased estimation, regression coefficients as      79
Uncorrelated variables      197
Union-intersection principle      12 12n 146 156—158 221 234 238 232
UNIQUE specification in SPSS MANOVA      256
Uniqueness of PCs      332 326—327
Uniqueness of variables      334 403 420 434
Units, of measure      175
Unity weights vs. regression weights      79—80
Univariate analysis      210—215 215t 221 224 248t 252—257
Univariate analysis, design for      11
Univariate analysis, protected      233 244
Univocality of factor score estimates      413—414 413t
Unweighted-means Anova      113—114 545
Usefulness, of variables      83 106—107 110t
Validity of factor-scoring methods      412—415
Van de Geer, J.P.      6 68
Van den Wollenberg, A.L.      35 294
VanZyl, T.      113—114
Variables      245. See also specific type specific
Variables, combined      12 16t 16n 17 22 25 27 35 222—224 247 251 263 267
Variables, communalities of      358 361—363 368 387 397—403
Variables, composite      60 62 109—110
Variables, contribution of      68 69 95 105—110
Variables, deletion method      170
Variables, dichotomous      444—445
Variables, dimensionality of      397
Variables, emergent      472
Variables, factorial complexity / composition of      409 413—415 430
Variables, factors, defined      320—321
Variables, fixed      26
Variables, generating      318 328 330 332—333
Variables, group-membership      318 544
Variables, hierarchical ordering of      327
Variables, independent      See Independent variables
Variables, intercorrelations among      166 300
Variables, interpretations of      360
Variables, latent      See Latent variables
Variables, level(s) of      493—497
Variables, level-membership      113—114
Variables, linear combinations      See Linear combinations
Variables, loadings of      109 320 322 326—327 340—346 355 359
Variables, manifest / observable      464
Variables, manipulated      10 31 39—40
Variables, nonlinear relationships among      399 402 444
Variables, normally distributed      317
Variables, organismic      78
Variables, predictors      See Predictors
Variables, random      26
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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