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Harris R.J. — A primer of multivariate statistic
Harris R.J. — A primer of multivariate statistic

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Íàçâàíèå: A primer of multivariate statistic

Àâòîð: Harris R.J.


As he was looking over materials for his multivariate course, Harris (U. of New Mexico) realized that the course had outstripped the current edition of his own textbook. He decided to revise it rather than use someone else's because he finds them veering too much toward math avoidance, and not paying enough attention to emergent variables or to structural equation modeling. He has updated the 1997 second edition with new coverage of structural equation modeling and various aspects of it, new demonstrations of the properties of the various techniques, and computer applications integrated into each chapter rather than appended.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ìàòåìàòèêà/Âåðîÿòíîñòü/Ñòàòèñòèêà è ïðèëîæåíèÿ/

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ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: third edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2001

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 609

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 03.06.2005

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Optimization, $T^2$ and      22 177
Optimization, calculus and      50 502—503 541
Optimization, canonical weights and      35 268—269
Optimization, chance factors and      160—161 165
Optimization, criteria for      12 444
Optimization, discriminant function and      253
Optimization, Fratio and      552—553
Optimization, Manova and      22 25 219—220
Optimization, matrix calculus and      502—503 541
Optimization, minres method and      43
Optimization, multiple regression and      48—54
Optimization, of polynomial functions      482—486
Optimization, PCA and      34 319—320
Optimization, with constraints      485—486
Ordinal scale      444—449
Organismic variables      76
Origin, change of      175
Orthogonality      320 324—327 333—334 353t 355 373 378—381
Orthogonality, correlation and      320 327 378—381
Orthogonality, of PCs      320 324—327 333 351 378—381
Orthogonality, rotations and      334 378—381 408
Orthogonality, transformations and      356
Ottaway, S.A.      217
Outcome variables / measures      11—12 15 16t 21—22 25 27—28 31—32 35 38—40 55 215t 248t.
Outcome variables / measures, competitive outcomes      210
Outcome variables / measures, games and      215t 248t
Outcome variables / measures, linearly related      165—170
Outcome variables / measures, outcomes-allocation condition      111 156 162 177
Outcome variables / measures, vector of      24 25 27
Outcome-allocation conditions      162 177 179 181
Outliers      78 121—122
Outliers, elimination of      121—122
Outliers, robustness and      121—122
Overall, J.E.      115 235 479
Overlap, of variables      153
p values, p as indication of Pr (successful exact replication)      4
p values, p/2 as upper bound on Pr (reject $H_0$ in wrong direction)      2
p values, vs. confidence intervals      2
Packages      See specific programs techniques
Pain      256
Papageorgis, D.      243
Parallelism      174—175 177 181 185 189 207 224—225 227—228 252.
Parallelism, hypothesis of      174 224—225
Parallelism, test for      177—180 145 224 252
Parameters, irrelevant      72—74 542
Parametric statistics      25n
Paranoia      226
Parkinson, A.      227
Partitioned-U procedure      234—237 278 304
Partitioned-U procedure, robustness of      232
Partitioning      214 234—237 328 333—334 339
Partitioning, additive      80
Partitioning, lambda analysis and      234—237 418
Partitioning, of matrices      503—506
Partitioning, partitioned-U procedure      234—237 278 304
Partitioning, path analysis / SEM and      478
Partitioning, summary table for      67
PASCAL computer language      390
Pass-fail scale      446
Path analysis      34—35 122—136 149—154 480
Path analysis, coefficients, estimating and testing      126—128
Path analysis, condition 9, 9', and 10 tests of validity      126 438
Path analysis, decomposition of correlations via      128—129
Path analysis, examples of      130—135 464—468
Path analysis, identity of models differing only in direction of an arrow      34—35
Path analysis, path diagrams      34—35 131 134
Path analysis, preconditions for validity of      124—125
Path analysis, recursive models      34 122
Path analysis, references      136 479
Path analysis, terminology      123—124
Pattern coefficients      397 409 415
Pattern matrix      321 330 340 378
Paulus, D.      136
Payoffs, in games      80 336—338
PCA      See Principal component analysis
Peakedness      See Kurtosis
Pearson product-moment correlation, r      13 16t 28—32 35 45 61 63 68 268 444—447.
Pearson product-moment correlation, r, alternatives to      445—447
Pearson product-moment correlation, r, canonical correlation      268
Pearson product-moment correlation, r, critical values for      30 446t
Pearson product-moment correlation, r, heuristic survey of      14—45 16t
Pearson product-moment correlation, r, maximum      317
Pearson product-moment correlation, r, robustness of      445
Pearson product-moment correlation, r, two-sample t      549—550
Personality traits      68
PFA      See Principal factor analysis
Phi coeficient      30 444 445
Phobic controls      256
Pieper, S.      430
Piliai, K.C.S.      25 232 257 280
Pillai test      232 280 557—559
Polynomials, extrema of      482—486
Polynomials, models for      336
Polynomials, roots of      509
Polynomials, uncorrelated      409
Pooled estimate      18
Population, covariance of      78
Population, means      211 213 215 217 220—222 231 243 255 262
Population, normal      212
Population, prediction equation      45
Population, regression equations for      59—77
Population, roots      235—237 260
Population, variance of      148
Post hoc tests      105 213—215 155
Postmultiplication      105
Pothoff, R.F.      455
Power law      59
Pratt, J.W.      75
Predictors      4 10—11 13 16t 32—34 37 39 55 58 536—538
Predictors, best choice of      108
Predictors, curve-fitting and      78
Predictors, effect-coded      106
Predictors, in MRA      536—538
Predictors, linear combinations of      551
Predictors, overlap among      147
Predictors, RSQUARE      0
Predictors, subsets of      96. See also PROC
Prentice-Dunn, S.      44
Press, S.J.      3 479
Price, J.M.      40
Price, R.B.      122
Principal component analysis (PCA)      16t 40—42 122 169 285 318—393.
Principal component analysis (PCA), canned programs for      325—326 338—340
Principal component analysis (PCA), communalities and      566
Principal component analysis (PCA), reproducibility property      329 369
Principal component analysis (PCA), scalar formulae for      322—325
Principal component analysis (PCA), vs. factor analysis      40 318—320 326 416—421
Principal component(s)      40—41 46 169 318—393 560—562.
Principal factor analysis (PFA)      43 44
Principal factor analysis (PFA), communalities in      400
Principal factor analysis (PFA), equivalence to PCA in equal-communalities case      417
Principal factor analysis (PFA), PCA and      404 416—419 424
Principal factor analysis, additional unique properties (AUPs)      326—327
Principal factor analysis, as preliminary to other analyses      334—338 344—348
Principal factor analysis, computational convenience of      334—335 345—346 371
Principal factor analysis, correlation-based      325 352 354—355
Principal factor analysis, covariance-based      352—354
Principal factor analysis, definition of      319—327 381
Principal factor analysis, eigenvalues and      320 383
Principal factor analysis, interpretation of      327—334 341—344 348—351 354 360 368 372—378
Principal factor analysis, latent variables and      318 334—335 348 355—359
Principal factor analysis, linear dependence and      335—338
Principal factor analysis, orthogonality of      333 562
Principal factor analysis, principal, not principle components      319
Principal factor analysis, rotation of      336 343 356—381 365t 367t 369t
Principal factor analysis, significance tests for      351—355
Principal factor analysis, uses of      333—351
Principal, not principle components      319
Prisoner's Dilemma game      248 262 282—284 297 299 308 336
Prizes, division of      157t
PROC CALIS      433—442
PROC FACTOR program      315
PROC GLM program      183 188 297 459
PROC MATRIX program      162—163 181 299—301
PROC RSQUARE program      76
Profile analysis      173—182 229—231 449—450
Profile analysis, Anova and      175
Profile analysis, inappropriate      209
Profile analysis, multiple      229—231
Profile analysis, repeated-measure      188—189 189t
Profile analysis, simple      224
Programs for critical values      532
Programs for discriminant analysis      182—184
Programs for factor analysis      325—326 338—340 421—442
Programs for Manova      232 246 250 256 257—262
Programs for matrix operations      342 487—513
Programs for multiple regression      76 77 80 89—90 93 95—105
Programs for PCA      325—326 338—340
Programs, canned      See Canned programs
Programs, computer      See also program by name
Programs, interpretive problems      51—52
Programs, Pearson r and      445
Programs, PFA with      310
Programs, point-and-click operation of      102—103 259—260 326 339 422—423
Programs, supplementary computations needed      259
Programs, syntax window, use of      101—102 325 329 421—422
Programs, test problems      313
Proof, definition of      54 57
Pruzek, R.M.      410 417 459
Pugh, R.C.      148
Quade, D.      8
Quartimax procedures      361—366 364t 365t
R      See Pearson r
R-derived matrix      325 352 354—355
Rabinowitz, S.N.      410 417
Randomness      1 3 11
Randomness, random number generator      327
Randomness, sampling and      210 451
Randomness, statistical control and      10—11
Rank, characteristic roots and      508
Rank, communality and      302—304
Rank, of matrix      71—72
Rank, rank-order correlations      30 444
Rao's F approximation      252
Rao, C.R.      252
Rating scale responses, and pairwise preference      5
Raw scores      32 272 489
Rawlings, R.R.      116
Recording system      36
Redundancy      36 281 293—295
Redundancy, as averaged multiple Rs      294
Redundancy, coefficients of      281 293—295
Regression analysis      See also Multiple
Regression analysis, bivariate      15 28—31
Regression analysis, coefficients of      See Regression coefficients
Regression analysis, computer programs for      96—105
Regression analysis, equations for      29 32
Regression analysis, multiple correlation and      16t 31—34
Regression analysis, raw score      185
Regression analysis, raw score, REGRESSION program      76 78 315
Regression analysis, regression variates      69
Regression analysis, stepwise      116
Regression coefficients      58
Regression coefficients, confidence intervals around      80
Regression coefficients, correlation-based formulae      81
Regression coefficients, for z scores      279
Regression coefficients, linear combinations of      80
Regression coefficients, significance tests of      80
Regression coefficients, unbiased estimators of      85
Regression coefficients, vector of      106
Reising, J.      239
Reliability      280. See also Error
Reliability, as upper bound on communality      401
Reliability, coefficient of      239
Reliability, computer program for      411
Reliability, estimates of      443 401
Reliability, theory of      420
Religion      275
Repeated battery analysis      252—253 256 284—288 419
Repeated battery analysis, Canona      284—288
Repeated measures design      22—23 27 252—257
Repeated measures design, $T^2$ and      188—189
Repeated measures design, conservative tests of overall $H_0$      190
Repeated measures design, F tests for      192
Repeated measures design, Manova and      252—257
Repeated measures design, univariate approach to, inappropriateness of      252
Replication of Deutsch study      See Prisoner's Dilemma
Reproduced correlation matrix      466 470 477
Research process      1 3
Residuals      235 403
Residuals, correlation between      280
Residuals, matrix of      510
Residuals, random      62
Response profile      24 45 47
Response vectors      155 159 161 173 177 201
Ridge regression      122
Robustness of $T^2$      188
Robustness of gcr test      232 237—238 452
Robustness of multiple regression analysis      68—69
Robustness of multivariate tests      452—453
Robustness of significance tests      444 452
Robustness of Student's t test      188
Robustness, of Wilks'lambda      232
Robustness, sample size needed for      63—65 188
Robustness, simplified coefficients and      237—238
Robustness, under violation of assumptions      445—453
Robustness, unequal-n exception to      450
Rogan, J.C.      190 252
Rogers, R.W.      44
Roll, S.      23 33
Roots      See Eigenvalues
Rosenberg, S.      5
Rotation, basic formulae for      358—360
Rotation, by graphical methods      358 360 362 382
Rotation, criteria for      360—366
Rotation, least-squares method      365
Rotation, oblique      300 409 425
Rotation, of canonical variates      281 288—290
Rotation, of loadings      564—565
Rotation, of principal components      327 336 343 356—381 365t 367t 369t
Rotation, of reference frame      43 358—360
Rotation, of scoring-coefficient matrix      415—416
Rotation, orthoblique      424
Rotation, quartimax rotation      269—274 364t 365t 361—365
Rotation, uncorrelated-components vs. orthogonal-profiles      327 378—381
Rotation, varimax criterion for      362
Rounding error      See Error roundoff
Row operations      496—501
Row vector      488
Roy's root criterion      558 559.
Roy's test      415. See also Greatest characteristic root
Roy's union-intersection principle      7 96 156—158 221 234 238 232
Roy, S.N.      156 221 280 450 455
Rozeboom, W.W.      122
Ryan, T.A.      170
Safety engineering      87
Sahai, H.      153
Salkind, N.J.      0
Sample size, criteria for fraction of expected difference significant (FEDS) procedure      6 7—9
Sample size, criteria for fraction of expected difference significant (FEDS) procedure, “Magic fraction”      9
Sample size, criteria for minimally important difference significant (MIDS) criterion      6 7—9
Sample sizes      See Robustness sample
Sampling, central limit theorem      18 211
Sampling, cluster sampling      452
Sampling, covariance and      51 261—262
Sampling, population parameters and      59—77 210—211
Sampling, principal component analysis and      334 336
Sampling, sample means      15 18 20 29 49 155—156 210
Sampling, small samples      165 179 186
Sampling, space      57
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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